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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^Few simple questions for you. What is our tradition (the way we dress)? if we have one, does it clash with our faith? If you answer yes to those questions and it does indeed clash with our religion then shouldn't we be taken with what our faith teaches us. What is the importance of tradition, if it's doesn't go hand n hand with our faith. BTW, mr.Nurdin Farah did insult the Hijab, that was huge mistake of his, he should repent to his lord and denounce his statements. Maalinta ay in yar oo publicity ah ay helaan, ayey daba cirka ujeediyaan, waa yaab.
  2. Alamagan, Horn, and Axmed Guray, get over yourselves. I don't see MMA breaking any rules. But maybe he breakes 'your' rules which obviously can't be taken serious of, because none of you three above stand for something positive. You can never be MMA's caliber both being an intellect or being a rational speaking mind. So don't be crying foul when you are told to obey the rules and regulations of the site. bilaa calaykum.
  3. oh uff calayk, double post.
  4. ^Okay now, cut the crap dude, how old are YOU? Besides, you said you will ask one question, then went on to ask two?? lool..
  5. ^JC, buddy the man is error, he has NO point whatsoever. While being very superb author and creative mind, he still lacks the least amount of knowledge of Islam. Which makes him still an ignorant creature among many.
  6. No one hates the average layman, do you, cuz I don't. Islam teaches me not to, why should I? Who said such anyways? mise waxaad rabtaa in aad topic aad badesho. Anigu marabo in aan kusii dhex jiro topic kan sidiisaba , laakin ka jawaab Puntland waa qabiil entity soomaha?
  7. Is Puntland clan based entity, the answer is yes. Anyone dares to say, it's not? Duke, says no. The reasons he provided were that PLand had three different leaders all from THREE DIFFERENT CLANS. He said Yusuf, Hashi, and currently Cadde Muse, are from different qabiils. Maybe I am missing here, are they not all from ONE qabiil, never mind with sub clans? Until now we dont' have one from Sool or Sanaag to lead Pland since Pland claims those regions. That was the point of the discussion. Besides, another point that Duke is trying to sell here is that, 'We southerners' are 'cool' with each other. So if we stay realistic, its' not so. A one from Muqdisho hates Abdullahi Yusuf more than anyone from Somaliland, you dont' believe me well than goo around and ask why? MKA Yonis, reason with the man, I think his somali is very good if you ask me, given that he spent more than 20 years away from home. Credit should be given where its due. simple as that.
  8. RedSea

    ii sheekee

    ^ Waan gartay, inkastoo ninka aan arkay aanu ubaahnayn in uu guryo udhaco. ladies would voluntarily dance into your hands with that look. . Hadii aan ka rogo, oo hadana aan saaro. Waatan shekadaydii. Kalgacayl 8 (7 1/2 to be exact) jir kugu galay, jacayl mala odhan karaa? Markii dagaaladii dalka kasocday ay bilaabmeen taarikhdu markay ahayd 1988 ayaa aniga iyo reerkayagu ka bara kacnay Hargyesa oo kacnay xagaas iyo dhulka loo yaqaan somali galbeed. Waxaan degnay tuulo (remote town) oo ku taal gobolkaa galbeed. Tuulada magaceeda hadaan idiin sheeko waxay ahayd Daroor. Hadal iyo dhamaan, anagoo halkii ku suga ayaan waxaan ka bilaabay dugsi Quraan ah. Dugsigaas isaga ah ayaan waxaa dhigan jiray dad sidayada soo baro kacay dagaalada dalka kasocday awgeed. Isla meeshii anagoo degan, waxna aan ka barto, ayaa maalin maalmaha ka mid ah ay indhahaygu kudhaceen gabadh aad uqurux badan (love is first sight ma maqashay). Markaas inantii markii aan saas umiliilicsaday ayey qurux deedii, habkeedii iyo hanaankeedii iqaaday. Halkii ayaan niyada gashaday in sikastaba ha ahaatee aanan siidayn gabadhaas iyada ah. Subax subaxii maalin dugsiyeedkii ka mid ah, ayaan gabadhii ku arkay iyadoo gees taagan oo Quran akhrisanaysa, markaas ayaan ka ag dhawaaday. markii aan ku dhawaaday, ayey waxay dareentay shaqadha kabahayga ka baxaysay, markaas ayey isoo eegtay. Markay saa isoo jaleecday ayaan waxaan ku idhi 'salamu calaykum'. Salantii sidii caadada ahayd ayey iiga qaaday oo '*****aykum masalam'. Halkii ayaan inantii kuwaraystay. Waxaan usheegay magacaygay, keeda ayey iisheegtay, mana ilawsani magaceeda. Wuxuu ahaa Nimco (Magaceeda iyo quruxdu Allah ku nimcaystay wuu uqalmayey). Arimo iska caadi ah ayaan iska waraysanay. Waxaanan isku afgaranay in aan bacda dugsi darsiga isla raacano oo wax isla barano. Maalinba maalinta kadanbaysa kalgacayl aan uqabay kor ayuu usii kacayey. Qurux ay leedahay oo kaliya ma aysan ahayn, waxaa udheeraa, edebta iyo dabeecadeeda wanaagsan. Halkii anagoo meel fiican arintu noo marayso oo iyana dareen soo galayo, ayaa lakala guuray oo lagu noqday, Hargeysa. Sanadku waa 1994 dagaal labaad ayaa hadana qarxay. Aniga iyo Nimco markale ma is arki doonaa? Way sii socon sheekadu Insha Allah.
  9. RedSea

    ii sheekee

    Jawaabtu waa maya, bal hada (ii sheekee). Ana mid ayaan kuu hayaa. Cinwaankeedu yahay. Kalgacayl kugu galay 8 jir, jacayl ma noqon karaa?
  10. RedSea

    ii sheekee

    Assalamu calaykum, Sheeko mahaysaa cajiib badan, qosol badan, mucjiso leh, adiga kugu dhacday amaba qof kale ku dhacday, runa ah, been ah, mid aad book ka akhriday, maqashay, amaba se aad samaysay adigu? Hadii aad haysid intaa iyo inkale , fadlan soo ban dhig. Assalamu calaykum.
  11. ^waryaa, who said you don't speak somali, you are fluent sxb. It's not a compliment. Pucca, I gues you must show some respect to me then, or else I will karbash you with my belt next time aad afka igu soo taagtid. BTW, what the heck is your gender, I am always confused with what you are? I was conviced you are a she.
  12. Duke, well unless you choose to blind yourself, the majority of Somalis in Southern Somalia feel the TFG is in insult to them by being foreign puppet regime, therefore, how blinded can we get to present it as though it's a government. Forget Somaliland, they have no support mostly outside of some states in Pland.
  13. Xoogsade, inadeer. Most of us feel the same you do. I feel your pain. You must display patience my brother, Insha Allah tacalaa, Allah will reward our patience which we continue to display in this time of difficulty in our home land. All things come to pass. As Allah said, 'Inamacal cusri Yusraa'. Those who support the TFG are corrupt individuals who lack the least amount of damiir. Their minds aren't functioning properly. they include all Qabiils. Once again, May Allah help our people Insha Allah.
  14. ^I completely agree. Duke, Yusuf, Hashi, and Cadde, all are from ONE clan. It's like saying Igal, Tuur, and Silanyo.
  15. ^Mid qadhaadh ma jiro ayaan umalayn anigu. Waayo naftu waxay ke heshaa waxii danbi ah. Waxyaabaha qaar masheegin hada. lool
  16. ^You are a baby, you think like 29 year old though. Good for you. Serenity, do you look or ARE 30? I would never guesed that you were anywhere near that age, I thought you were around 23-24.
  17. To be honest, I would rather buy white doll then black one. I mean it's alot cuter. A doll looks better and brighter by being white. However, I don't think that applies much in real life, there the choice is who is more attractive. For me, I always find our Xalimo sisters more attractive than any other race. Go figure.....
  18. ^watch yourself son, don't offend the Xalimos in here.
  19. I will be going about my business as usual, nothing will change for me. Come ask me this same thing on Ciid day. fidhiidhii ka dheh hada.
  20. hahahaaahha, well close, but you know that wasn't woqooyi accent. close enough though.
  21. ^looooooooooooooool. You little rascal baan ku dhahaaa. Are you jelous of Ibtisam, she and her family had the guts to go back, do you? Did you know that I might merry Ibtisam. There goes the dude who wanted to come to Europe. Waa cirka utuurn. ibtisam, don't listen to these chips ku naax ciyaal baraf, go on with your trip, and remember we will all be there.
  22. JB, how is NP desperate? ...or are you intermixing anger and desperation?
  23. RedSea


    ^I agree. Waa Khuraafad, waa bidco socoto, it has no place in our religion. Shayaadiin marqaantay iga dheh, haatan waxbaad aamanaysaan bay isleeyihin.
  24. Khalaf, this is unusual of you saaxib, What has gotten to you? all three tribes that populate Kismayo all belong into one greater tribe. Nina meesha xaq umaleh. Nin walba intaa gurigiisa agtiisa ah ayuu ka mas'uul yahay. Ilaahay baa dhulka iska leh sxb. Jimcaalow, inaabti, adigu shicib ayaad tahay, waxba kaama galin waxa maanta taagan ee siyaasiyiinta udhexeeya, adigu jagadaadii soo doono, cidi kuu diidi mayso. Dulmi ma jiro meesha, adaa iska leh inta Ilaahay kasokaysa.