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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Thanks for the great article ms. Sadia. It's a very informative, pin point accurate and great read to remind us all to not forget those who have harmed somalia in the worst way possible.
  2. Ciidamada Xukuumada Ethiopia Oo Dad Shacab ah Ku Laayey Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha Warkii 28-Dec-2007 iyo Qormadii: yaasiin faytin Deegaanka suuqa xoolaha ee magaalada muqdisho oo dhowaanahaba ay aafeeyeen dagaalo xoogan oo u dhexeeya ciidamada ethiopoanka iyo kuwa dowlada oo isku garab ah iyo xoogaga kasoo horjeeda ayaa shalay waxaa ka dhacay dagaalo ku dhufoo ka dhaqaaq ah islamrkaana ciidamada ethiopianka oo isku faafiyey halkaasi ayaa saaka waxaa halkaasi lagu arkay meydadka dad rayid ah oo ay xasuuqeen ciidamada ethiopianka ah . Meydadkan oo gaaraya ilaa iyo 3-qofood oo rayid ah ayaa la sheegay inay ciidamada ethiopianka oo shalay galab gaabkii oo isku faafiyey deegaanka degmada huriwaa ay dilalkan gaysteen ,sida uu saxaafada u xaqiijiyey mid kamida goob joogayaal ku go,doonsanaa deegaankaasi oo magaciisa codsaday inaan la shaacin . Sidoo kale dad shacab ah oo lagu qiyaasay ilaa 200-oo qofood ayaa xalay ku go,doomay guryahoodii kadib markii ay ciidamada xukuumada ethiopia ay kala xireen xaafadaha deegaanka degmada huriwaa taasoo ay dadka qaarkiis u hoyadeen geedaha hoostooda islamrkaana ay qaarkood kala go,doomeen hooyooyin iyo caruurtoodii . Dhinaca kaler Xaalada suuqa xoolaha ee degmada huriwaa ayaa saaka kusoo laabatay kadib markii ay ciidamada etjiopia iyo kuwa dowladu iskaga bexeen halkaasi . Ciidamada Xukumada Ethiopia ee ku sugan magaalada caasimada ah ee muqdisho ayaa badanaaba gaysta xasuuq iyo dilal kala duwan kadib marka ay xoogaga kasoo horjeeda ay dagaalo kala hor yimaadaan islamrkaana ka aargoosta dadka rayidka ah ee aan waxba galabsan . yaasiin faytin *********** Hadii aan loo aarin miyaa loo ooyi?? Reminder: Never forget never forgive.
  3. Sunday, December 23, 2007 Approximately three months ago, Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), pressured out Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi. Surprisingly, this political re-arrangement of deckchairs generated much noisy headlines. Meanwhile the real story—the great unfolding humanitarian disaster--continued unnoticed. For the Somali people, the Ethiopian invasion of December of 2006 could not have started at a worse time. Defeating the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and propping up the TFG; this was Ethiopia's immediate rationale for violating Somalia. The larger goal? Forging a partnership between Washington and Addis Ababa in order to execute "war on terror"… A year later, this mission has not been accomplished. Instead, the "war on terror" has become the terror of war being visited on the Somali people. Admittedly a handful of Somalis have benefited from the invasion, specifically the dozens of warlords previously driven out of Mogadishu by the UIC. These warlords, the instigators of Somalia's current civil conflict, were reinstalled in their fiefdoms riding on the backs of Ethiopia's invading tanks. As a result, the reviled check points and road blocks used to bully cash out of unarmed civilians were reintroduced in Southern Somalia, particularly Mogadishu. To keep the invasion and Africa's worst humanitarian catastrophe going, heavy and modern weapons, including airplanes were used. One was a U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship that attacked and killed Somali villagers and countless livestock in the hunt for three foreign men suspected for the bombing of 1998 American embassies in Africa, who yet remain at large. Among those caught in the chaos were visiting Somalis from the Diaspora. In the period between June and December 2006, Somali technocrats returned to their native country to partake the rebuilding in the six month period of peace and stability that was established under the rule of the UIC. The Diaspora arrived with the intention to give back to the land and the people they left behind and contribute to rebuilding their lives. Unfortunately, an extraordinary rendition programs were the gratitude they received; in that, the TFG, Kenya, Ethiopia and US all being implicated. Young men as young as 12 years of age were taken out of their homes in the dead of the night, blindfolded and taken into unknown destinations. Fleeing refugees of mostly women and children did meet a similar fate. Unfortunately, these refugees had no where to escape, as Kenya decided to close its borders and deny them entry. This paved the way to the current nightmare scenario: 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs,) mostly children and women, without any provision or protection from the UN or other humanitarian agencies or NGOs. In order to create a safe haven for the displaced refugees, the international community must demand the neighboring countries to open their borders. It is all too often that the casualties of war are those that are unmentioned. The innocent men, women and children, caught in the middle, left with no way out. The UN's High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, said border security measures should not impair the ability of deserving Somali civilians to enter Kenya to seek safety and protection as refugees. The neighboring Nations have humanitarian responsibility to safeguard these refugees. On October 30, 2007, 40 international NGOs have released a joint statement ominously warning against a gathering cloud of humanitarian catastrophe in Somalia urging the international community to respond to this man-made calamity as the Ethiopian forces and militias loyal to the (TFG) callously prevent the delivery, and bluntly stating that "there is an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in South Central Somalia". Meanwhile, Ethiopian forces continue their shelling of Mogadishu neighborhoods and killing, according to Elman Human Rights group, 7000 civilians mostly women, children, and elderly between January and November of 2007. "In Shell-Shocked, Human Rights Watch's August 2007 report of our investigation of the March-April hostilities, we documented many of the most serious patterns of abuse by Ethiopian troops, such as indiscriminate attacks on civilians, summary executions and repeated targeting of hospitals," wrote Tom Malinowski, Washington Advocacy Director for Human Rights Watch, in an open letter to Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. However, the international media by and large remain morally selective in what they show to the world. Somali caricaturist, Amin Amir (,) depicts this morally selectivity on his December 12, 2007 cartoon. The powerful imagery shows a representative of the international media zooming his camera on a severely malnourished child standing in the middle of a killing field where many bodies are on the ground and Ethiopian fighter jets are flying overhead and dropping missiles. The child retorts: I don't need your coverage; it is these atrocities – pointing to the dead-- that you need to be telling the world. The current Somali nightmare was exacerbated by the systematic assassination of Somali independent media groups who are not pro TFG and the Ethiopian occupation. And the silence of the international community on this matter is deeply disturbing and sadly deafening. This year alone, eight Somali journalists were killed- their crimes being to have simply dared reporting the reality on the grounds of Mogadishu. The TFG & Ethiopian forces are terrorizing Somali reporters creating an uncomfortable environment of terror and coercion. According to the United Nations Children's Fund, one-quarter of the refugees around Afgooye are younger than age of five. Sick children and pregnant women often are turned away at checkpoints, and trucks carrying food and other humanitarian aid are routinely charged $500 each for passing through. "Things are now getting absolutely worse," said Christian Balslev-Olesen, the UNICEF representative for Somalia. "There is a dirtiness to this war. Children are a real target." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadia Ali Aden is a mother, writer, and voice for justice and equality who lives in Virginia. Sadia can be reached at :
  4. [Meydadka Afar Ruux oo saaka laga helay Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha oo shalay ilaa xalay gelinkii hore ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah Jimco, December 28, 2007(HOL): MeydadkaAfar ruux oo rayid ah ayaa waxaa saaka laga helay Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha ee Degmada Huriwaa, halkaasi oo shalay ilaa xalay gelinkii dambe ay ku sugnaayeen. Afarta meyd ee saaka laga helay deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha ayaa la sheegay in ay shalay toogteen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka xili lagu weeraray deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha, iyadoo Afartaas ruuxna ay ahaayeen Dad degan Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha iyo Deegaannada u dhow, waxaana xusid mudan in meydadkaas ay ka muuqdeen rasaas iyo beynaad lagu dilay. Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ayaa la sheegay in ay xalay gelinkii dambe ay isaga baxeen Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha iyagoo dib ugu laabtay Xarunta Warshaddii Baastada iyo Xeradii Maslax oo ay markii hore ka soo baxeen, iyadoo saaka ay deegaankaas ay si tartiib ah ugu soo noqonayeen dad shalay halkaas ka cararay. Dhanka kalena, Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan Xeradii Maslax ayaa waxay xireen Wadada isku xirta Muqdisho iyo Balcad, iyadoo taasina ay keentay in ay istaageen gaadiidkii rakaabka ahaa ee isaga kala gooshi jiray Muqdisho iyo Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe iyo weliba gaadiidkii caanaha keeni jiray. Xirnaashaha Wadadaas ayaa waxay saameyn ku yeelatay dadka Muqdisho, gaar ahaan kuwo ku tiirsanaa Caanaha laga keeno Deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe oo ay Degmada Balcad ka mid tahay, waxaana shalay iyo maanta la arkayaa Hooyooyin badan oo ka cabanaya caano la’aan la soo deristay Caruurtooda. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo maanta oo kale sanadkii hore soo galay magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo taangiyo wata ayaa todobaad kasta marka la gaaro maalinta Khamiista ah waxay yimaadaan Deegaanka Suuqa Xoolaha, waxayna dadka deegaankaas sheegeen in sababta ay halkaas u yimaadaan ay tahay iyagoo doonaya in ay gudubsadaan sahay uga imaaneysa qaar ka mid ah talisyada kale ee ay ku leeyihiin magaalada Muqdisho. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia
  5. TFG isn't a government. Puntland was some what a state government, but it's done. History. So what is this that Duke keeps yapping about. Somaliland has outlasted your beloved Pland state and the TFG never really existed beyond the paper.
  6. Duke, You are not good siyaasi. You know keep your 'love' for the oday secret and make it seem you support the 'whole government' and not him alone.
  7. J11 you are funny at times. How bout Burco: 'naw burcaba hadalkeeda daa' halkaa waxaad moodaa inay cadceedu ka timaadaba. Naw dee waakaa weather kii caawa. Dee habeen wanagsan.
  8. ^Somalia isn't occupied. Duke, You do know that Somalia is a country which has international borders correct? You do realize that a country like Ethiopia cannot simply send in military personal to another country without the consent of 1. AU 2. EU 3. UN 4. most importantly, the somali people. Ethiopia had none of that, so it's invasion. If not what else is it? peace keeping mission, oh pleasse!
  9. Ladies and gents say hello to your President, Hon. Abdullahi 'Beerlaawe' Yusuf.
  10. Ethiopian defects from the occupiers and embraces Islam. :cool: hadhwanaag 2007-12-26 (Hadhwanaagnews) Muqdisho-(HWN)-Askari ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta isku soo dhiibay kooxo ka tirsan xooggaga la dagaalama ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee Soomaaliya ku sugan iyo kuwa dowladda Embagathi ee Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho. Askarigan maanta isa dhiibay ayaa la sheegay in loo qabtay Ashahaadateynka kadib markii kooxo afka Itoobiya yaqaana ay hadal la yeesheen. Askarigan oo gacan furan lagu soo dhaweeyay ayaa qori uu watay ku wareejiyey kooxda uu u soo dhiibay, waxaana laga soo qaaday sawiro isagoo dharkii laga bedelay, isla markaana la keenay guri ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa loo ballanqaaday in la geynayo meel alla iyo meeshii uu dablado, haddii uu Muqdisho iska sii joogayana uu six or ah ugu noolaanaayo isagoo aan waxba loo dhibeynin. Askarigan ayaa la sheegay inuu ka tirsanaa ciidamada ku xareysan garoonka cayaaraha Muqdisho ee Stadium Muqdisho uuna ahaa sida laga soo xigtay ninka saadka ciidamadaasi u qaabilsanaa. Lama sheegin qaabka ay ugu sahlanaatay inuu askarigan isu soo dhiibo kooxdan iyo cidda is qaabilsiisay isaga iyo kooxda uu isu soo dhiibay, waxaase laga yaabaa in dad deris la ah xeryaha ciidamada Itoobiyaanku degan yihiin gaar ahaan xeradii uu ku sugnaa uu xiriir la sameeyay ayna u fududeeyeen arrinka goosashada.
  11. hadhwanaag 2007-12-27 (Hadhwanaagnews) Mugadisho-(HWN)-Ilaa 3-askari oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa inta la ogyahay ku qudh baxday dagaal maanta ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kooxaha Soomaalida ee hubeysan ku dhex maray xaafadda Suuqa Xoolaha degmada Yaaqshid ee magaalada Muqdisho. The hunt for the occupiers contues. The messege of the somali people is loud and clear. Leave my country or face round the clock attacks from every direction and every avenue. :cool:
  12. Somalia: Insurgents Attack Three Mogadishu Locations, One Killed Garowe Online (Garowe) 27 December 2007 Posted to the web 27 December 2007 Somali fighters waging war against the country's interim government and its foreign backers attacked three government positions on Thursday, residents said. In Mogadishu's notorious Bakara market, insurgents engaged government soldiers in face-to-face armed combat using rifles and grenades. The fighting started along a road leading into Bakara but gradually spread into the market, with civilians fleeing in all directions. One civilian was killed and four others wounded in the crossfire, witnesses said. Government troops In north Mogadishu, Ethiopian troops were ambushed after they attempted to conduct search operations near the livestock market. The fighting spread into surrounding areas of Huriwa district, with the Ethiopian army using heavy firepower to quell the resistance. Witnesses reported that there were a number of wounded people, but no casualty details emerged from the fighting in Huriwa. In a separate incident, an Ethiopian military convoy hit a roadside bomb but it was not immediately clear whether soldiers were hurt in the explosion. Somalia's resistance groups, including Islamists and clan warriors, have vowed to continue their hit-and-run attacks until Ethiopian troops withdraw from Somali soil. The Ethiopian army is accused of committing war crimes against Mogadishu's civilian population by indiscriminately shelling and firing into civilian areas. Hey Duke, Where is the taming you speak of. I think it's all clear now that the resistance will not stop until either Ethiopia leaves voluntarily or cuts and runs loose. You cannot tame anyone. Its' been 1 year since, and all that 'international backing' still can't even get your uncle a a good night sleep. The young boys from Puntland are being killed along with their xabashi masters. So ask yourself was it worth it for them to die along with Xabashis like cochroaches?
  13. Dagaalo Faraha Laysula Tegey Oo Xalay Ka Dhacay Caasimada Muqdisho. Warkii 27-Dec-2007 iyo Qormadii: faytin yare Dagaalo laysu adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa xalay ka dhacay gagaarka isgoyska aadan cadde ,iyo weliba deegaanada ku xeeran dagaaladaas oo u dhaxeeyay ciidamada dawlada KMG ah ee Somalia iyo kuwa kazoo horjeeda. Dagaaladan oo u dhexeeyey ciidamada dowlada KMG ah iyo weliba kooxaha diidan joogitaanka ciidamada shisheeye iyo weliba siyaasada xukuumada dawlada KMG ah ayaa gaystay khasaare nafeed iyo weliba dhaawacyo dad rayid ah . Cabdi xuseen oo kamide dadka ku nool xaafada dagfaalku saameeyey ayaa saxaafada uga waramay inay arkeen dhimashada hal askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada dowlada KMG ah oo yaala wadada bartamaheeda oo ah halka dagaalku ka dhacay ma jiraan warar kale oo tibaaxaya inay jiraan khasaare intaas kasii badan . Sidoo kale dagaalada soo noq noqonaya ee u dhexeeya xoogaga diidan siyaasada dowlada iyo joogitaanka ciidamada shisheeye iyo weliba ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa Ethiopia ayaa sababay barkaca boqolaal qoys taasoo aad ka dheehaynayo caasimada muqdisho mid u muuqata mid kasii daraysa . yaasiin faytin **** Vital experience indeed. dead TFG thug.
  14. RedSea

    Today I....

    Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote: I and Jew girl were the only ones working that day. So heck we did deserved everything we got . It's not like I was given the money for no work at all. Really? The whole package, everything? Maxaa la isku reebay taloow. I hope the workplace had closed-circuit cameras inside, balaayo aa dhacdee. Dang it MMA . My comments did actually kinda sound explicit. Oh who would of that.
  15. I had to type all that to get nothing back from him. What a waste of my time on someone who can't even defend of what he/she preaches. Jesus son of Mary, calayhi salam.
  16. If that was the case, the international community would raving 'progress' however it's not. It's actually much different than that. Time is up for the TFG and its backers.
  17. I like how you avoid the real issue at steak. Somaliland has managed to unite AFTER those bloody and cosly battles. They have chosen to rally behind Igal and still voted him in as their President. Pretty incredible thing isn't it? Now for Puntland and how it has failed to function as hoped. The state of Maakhirland was declared because they had enough with you folks. The folks in Sool had enough thus Xaabsade switched sides just to kick Cadde muse militia out of Las Anod. Somaliland not only managed to unite all of its clans but has even won support from those you considered 'reer Puntland' which is funny. It's like you coming to Burco to win support from Burcawis. You can never pull that off. Faan faan aside, Puntland needs to be saved TODAY. Their are human smugglin going on, kidnapping of journalists etc... It's choatic.
  18. You are jelous that you are unable to do what Somaliland has done. You can't even save Puntland from itself. Somaliland is holding multi clans together and are co existing peacefully. In Puntland you have 1 clan( 1 sub clan kinda) and yet they can't get along. One of which just recently declared Maakhirland. ps. I challenge Puntland to change hands peacefully without violence and I challenge them to appoint someone from Arab S. clan. That is what Somaliland has done.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: The Ethiopians, Ugandan's and others are giving our boys a firts hand lessons in warfare. How about those who have died. Costly lesson if you ask me.
  20. The term 'tamed' was being used by you and others way back. To this day, I don't see how Muqdisho is tamed since hundreds of xabashis are being killed, while the daba-dhilifs are given bloody nose everywhere they go. They can't even get out of villa somalia without being targeted and harrassed by the Al shabaab. Surely, Xamar is a ghost town right now, majority of its residents have fled. There is no progress made in your side. Even those who supported you like Ethiopia are getting desperate as Melez said his troops were isolated in Muqdisho. Only time will tell. Your main concern should be: 'How to save Puntland'?
  21. You don't see me protest against any qabiil, so why are you? I think it shows who really is suffering from such complex that you mentioned.
  22. This article doesnt even compare to the one which is replying to. The author oo qoray waxba iskuma hayo. The original article kicked butt big time.
  23. They chased you out of Sool. It's only matter of time before the Ethiopians and those hiding behind them are chased out of Xamar. 'No place to go no where to hide'. Tougher kulahaa...what a dreamer!
  24. keep those lil creeps in a monkey cage. They should have no access to the phone or the even be allowed to peek through the window.