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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. salamu calaykum, This is straight forward question. And the answers I am looking for have to be at least one paragraph long in which you use examples, religious or scientific quotes to back up your sentiments. Thanks, salamu calaykum.
  2. Nayruus makes me laugh. He is a good man. indeed.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer they do not manufacture AK's in Somalia. thus were one gets weapons is not important. The truth is simple, you act big start a war and then loose. The TFG uses diplomacy, and wins, the clowns use secessionists and fake religious declerations and loose. Sorry I am having hard time understanding you. The TFG has never been in contact with diplomacy. If they had any of that sort they would have dealt with its people rather than foreign powers who are bent to using them. So far that is the only thing you gotten foreign usage of TFG thugs, however the somali people at large have different agenda, which is how to get rid of them and their helpers for once and for all. You better believe that somali people will not lose a war, specially a war for their survival and for the revival of their country free of thugs like AY, Mo dheere, Qaybdiid. Just let me note however it takes. EThiopians are EThiopians, they will leave voluntarily or will be forced out, however those thugs like AY, Qaybdiid, Mo dheere will stay to face the knife. You better believe it.
  4. Two more were killed on the new year's day: I gues not much of celebration there for daba dhilifs. Tough luck. They shouldn't have been there in the first place. Iskahorimaad barqannimadii maanta ka dhacay Isgoyska Howlwadaag ee magaalada Muqdisho ee ah waddada 1aad ee suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday labo ka mid ah askarta isgoyskaas ku sugan. Dhimashada Labadaa askari ayaa waxay ka dambeysay kadib markii ciidamada dowladda ee Isgoyskaasi ku sugan iyo kooxaha hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda siyaasadda dowladda KMG Soomaaliya uu iska horimaad halkaasi ku dhex maray. Sidoo kale waxaa is rasaaseyntaasi ku geeriyooday hal qof oo rayid ah, mid kalena waa uu ku dhaawacmay, waxaana la ogeyn khasaaraha gaaray kooxaha weerarka ku qaaday ciidamada. Daqiiqadihii uu iska horimaadku socday ayaa waxa uu saameyn ku yeeshay howlihii ganacsiga ee nawaaxiga Isgoyska Howlwadaag iyo isu socodka Gaadiidka, kuwaasoo dib si aayar aayar ah howlahoodii u bilaabay markii uu si iskiis ah u hakaday iska horimaadku.
  5. No one is hiding on this side. It's evident who cried help to the international community when the ICU forces were on the out skirts of Baydhabo. It's well known to anyone who is crying help for more AU forces and UN 'peacekeeping forces' though Ethiopians are still there. The weak, the unable to fight his own fights is well known. It's clearly not the men whose bravery even attracted U.S AC gunships. A coward and a weak would have never been fought that hard against.
  6. War Deg Deg Ah: Dagaal Culus oo Cadaado ku dhexmaraya Ciiidamada Maxaakiimta iyo kuwa dowlada Somali Warkii 03-Jan-2008 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal Abaara 10:15Am saacada Somalia ayaa waxaa dagaal aad ukulul ka bilowday magaalada Cadaado ee gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Somalia dagaalkaas oo udhexeeya Ciidamada Nidaamkii Mogadishu mudada yar ka talin jiray ee midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga Somalia iyo kuwa dowlada federaalka .. Ciidamada dowlada Somalia ayaa weerar saaka ku qaaday ciidamo taabacsan Maxaakiimta islaamiga Somalia kuwaas oo beryahanba isku ururusanayey gobolada dhexe gaar ahaan magaalada Cadaado, dagaalka oo ka bilowday bartamaha magaalada Cadaado ayaa markii danbe u siqay dhanka iyo deegaanka galinsoor .. Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in bilowgii dagaalka laga awood roonaaday ciidamada dowlada balse markii danbe gurmad farabadan oo soo gaadhay dhanka dowlada ayaa usuura geliyey inay dagaalka sii wadaan ,dagaalka ayaa hada ka socda meesha lagu magacaabo bali-higis oo masaafo yar u jirta magaalada cadaado. halkaas oo ay usoo gurteen ciidamada dowlada federaalku.. Dagaalka ayaa wali sacda lamana oga ilaa hada khasaaraha uu sababay dagaalkaasi , waa markii ugu horaysay ee dagaal noocaan oo kale ah ay ciidamada maxaakiimta islaamiga Somalia ay kala horyimaadaan ciidamada dowlada tan iyo markii looga awood roonaaday dagaaladii K/Somalia ku dhexmaray maxaakiimta iyo dowlada Federaalka oo ay taageerayaan xoogaga Ethiopia.. Afnugaal News Disk They were on the brink of being over run, and only reinforcements enabled them to continue..
  7. Nawaaxiga Suuqa Bakaaraha oo lagu dilay askari Itoobiyaan ah iyo 2 ka mid ah ciidamada dowladda Embagathi ------------------------------------------------- Here they are getting thrashed. Welcome to Muqdisho. (Nawaaxiga Suuqa Bakaaraha oo lagu dilay askari Itoobiyaan ah iyo 2 ka mid ah ciidamada dowladda Embagathi) hadhwanaag 2008-01-03 (Hadhwanaagnews) Mugadisho-(HWN)- Kadib markii subaxnimadii hore ee saakay ay waddada 30-ka ee ku dhow Suuqa Bakaaraha soo galeen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah kuna soo faafeen xaafado kulaala suuqa Bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ciidamadaasi waxa iska horimaad uu dhex maray iyaga iyo kooxaha joogitaanka ciidamadaas ee Soomaaliya ka soo horjeeda. Warku wuxuu sheegayaa in Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iska horimaadkaas looga dilay hal askari mid kalena looga dhaawacay, waxayna muddo kadib dib ugu laabteen fariisinkii ay ka soo bexeen ee Garoonka Cayaaraha ee Stadium Muqdisho. Dhinaca kale ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Embagathi ee Soomaaliya iyo kooxo hubeysan ayaa barqanimadii maanta waxa ay ku dagaalameen waddooyinka 1-aad iyo 2aad ee suuqa bakaaraha, waxaana iska horimaadkaas ku geeriyooday 2-askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Dagaalka oo ka bilowday xaafadda Geed Jacayl ee ku dhow waddada 2aad ee Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa ku soo faafay waddooyinka 1aad iyo 2aad ee suuqa Bakaaraha ku dhow. Dagaallada ka dhaca waddooyinka 1aad iyo 2aad ee suuqa Bakaaraha ee dhex mara ciidamada dowladda iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ayaa noqday kuwo mar walba soo laalbaata oo joogto ah, kuwaasoo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba sababa, isla markaana hakad geliyay goobaha ganacsiga ee ku dhow dhow iyo isku socdaka gaadiidka iyo dadka, mana la oga waxa ay ciidamadu ka qabtaan waddooyinkaas.
  8. Even more crazy: The news says it was written by mr. Ahmed Gubadle. "Written by Darwiish SSC - Ahmed H Aden Gubadle Sunday, 23 December 2007" And later it's he who says it was fake new: Written by Darwiish SSC - Ahmed H Aden Gubadle Sunday, 23 December 2007 War been abuurad ah oo soo gaadhay saaka webka Ayaan dhamaan, maamulka Puntland iyo Umada reer SSC iyo mudane Col. Dayr Abdi Iska Toos. Waxaan arintaas sidegdeg oo gaar ah uga raali gelinaynaa Col: Dayr Abdi Iska toos. oo haatan ku hawlan jahaadka difaaca cariga SSC kuna jira raaca hore ee dagaalka.
  9. Originally posted by B_Analyst: i also head by chance; Bush wuxuu dhahay: Somalia is
  10. Jimcaale, I don't think I can bring peace to anywhere today. I am worrying about my cheeseburger here.
  11. Originally posted by Goonle: All this yapping will end when the puntland troops get to the outskirts of burao, and we have the entire city relocate to hargaisa or awdal or whatever you call it. Again not a smart move by the cousins up north, i hope civilians in burao are packing the bustos for the long trip to hargaisa. fellows seem to have mastered the art of flip floping. You were just supporting Somaliland and xaabsade yesterday and dissing Puntland, today it's vise versa. That is why folks like you won't get to anywhere. Maalinba meel ayaad lajirtaa just like your uncle Xaabsade.
  12. Originally posted by Intel: Red i have a feeling, if Yeey was reerka Suldaanka'd be a huge devotee Allahu Aclam. Ask him that though.
  13. yeah happy fake birthday.
  14. This is the year I will be rich. I just have a feeling.
  15. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Kuwan waa cadaw kalkaal ilaahay umadda soomaaliyeed ka dhaliyay. Warkooda qiimo ma maleh. ninkii raba in uu arko somali oo midawday haday tahay wadan ama ay tahay mabda' ha iska celiyo cadowga gudaha iyo ka dibadaba (internal and external enemies).
  16. Layzie, It's the truth. A man who supports the oppression and displacement of a million Plus aint pro somali republic to me. :confused: Nayruus, cut the crap. You can't fool anyone but yourself. Go tell kids out there(am sure most of them would find it amusing as well) how one can say 'oh somalia, my land, my beautiful countr' and then cheer literally those killing his own people. It makes no sense man.
  17. Okay it's not, well on some occastion yes. but let us take look. Nayruus approves the invasion of Somalia. Thus approves of Ethiopia's presence in Somalia. Suldaanka-opposes Ethiopia' military presence in Somalia( remember this man should not be 'caring' about somalia). Nayruus-opposes every somaliland. Good or bad. He believes the people are bunch of crackheads and good for nothing. Suldaanka on the other hand does respect puntland on most of the time except when they get on his way. So you be the judge?
  18. ^Oh trust me, much much closer than Nayruus.
  19. Originally posted by -: Meesha wax yaala majiro ee nabad halagu wada noolaado. And the Good people of SSC should rid themselves the likes of Xaabsade and establish their own ministate till the day a proper Somali government is born. That is totally up to them. If every somali in every region is supporting his not so good guy, why can't the people of SSC? Xaabsade may not be prophet but he has the approval of his folks. So is cali sandulle and so Ahmed Qaybe, and so is Adan Ade. They chose to side Puntland yesterday and part from it and join Somaliland today. Respect people's wishes.
  20. Nayruus, In all fairness if one was to observe on who most likely seems to be supporter of better status for somalis. Then it's clearly not YOU. I personally don't see how one may chit chat being for the good of somalis when he himself support everything against the good of the people. The Ethiopians are killing somali people, raping them willingly. The TFG which you support and its militia are even worst at times then the Ethiopian troops. They are commiting all sorts of crimes against the civilians in Xamar. You are suprisingly for that. And even more suprisingly you have the guts to come in here and preach to us about the somali republic? What somali republic, the one you have sold out and approved it being subject to ethiopian occupation. what world do you live in? Suldaanka is closer to everything somalinimo. Firstly he supports the peaceful region of Somaliland. And is against the Ethiopian invasion of Southern Somalia. You are against both. You are against the peace in Somaliland and are for Muqdisho's being opressed. Please don't preach to us about anything. Noo goo baanu ku nidhi waryaa. :rolleyes:
  21. waan idin salamay akhyaarta sharafta leh.
  22. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Long Live Sheikh Sharif. Indeed :cool: Cadawgii hajabo. I aint honoring traiotors up in here, so I'll go with the doctor and the sheikh.
  23. would you look at this. Don't be so shocked, cuz he sold out his nation, don't be suprised if he sold you out any moment. It's what traitors do!
  24. That guy in the white shirt in the pic seems man of Allah.