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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ehehee. somaliland seems to becoming exceptable to some oo markii hore ka xanaaqi jiray ma is tidhi?
  2. You two above are making something out of nothing.
  3. I think this guy is probably the one that got shot today.
  4. MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ended his GOP presidential race and endorsed rival Sen. John McCain of Arizona on Wednesday. Ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, with wife Judith, speaks of his campaign in the past tense in Orlando. And sources say California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger might endorse McCain on Thursday. "This is a man who is prepared to be president," Giuliani said of his "old friend." Giuliani said McCain gives the Republican Party the best chance to hold onto the presidency. "I am very proud to endorse my friend and fellow Republican -- a hero -- John McCain," Giuliani said at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley California, two hours before the Republican presidential candidates were to face each other in their final debate before the Super Tuesday contests next week. Meanwhile, two Republican sources told CNN that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is in discussions about endorsing McCain. -------------------------^^^ The Governator might endorse him as well. This is huge.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: I also like the secessionist now pasting TFG press releases, wonders never stop. If anything you should thank me sxb . Because I think no one deserves to be swarmed upon as you have.
  6. RedSea


    Originally posted by J.Lee: What is your favorite color and why? What is your favorite animal and why? How would you feel if you were given everything you ever wanted? and finally how would you feel if you were trapped in a room with no doors, no windows and no light? B.T.W Aren't Sam Cooke's A Change is Gonna' Come and Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit classics? 1. My favorite color is white. Because Allah loves white. 2. Horses. I love their history, their fierceness on any field. Whether it might be the battle field or racing field. It always dominated. Dalmar use to have a beautiful horse to do his adventures. 'Faraskagay bulaalow, bulaale siciidow, waan in duulnaayo, daruuraha ka cawaynaa.....kuwaaa'. you get the point. 3. Happy. Thank God. Perhaps get the feeling that I may not deserve all of that. 4. I'd feel depressed if I were trapped in room with no windows, doors, or light.
  7. They should be, because by they should have realized the source of the problem is what they actually think is a nation's government.
  8. TFG's press release. Wararka Maanta- Arbaco, Jan 30, 2008 Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo ka hadashay Ciidamo Itoobiyaan iyo Soomaali ah oo ka baxay Fariisimo ay Muqdisho ku lahaayeen Arbaco, January 30, 2008(HOL): Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Muuse Nuur Amiin oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday sababta Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya looga saaray fariisimo ay ku sugnaayeen oo Muqdisho ku yaala. Wasiirka waxaa uu sheegay in sababta Ciidamadaas looga saaray xeryihii ay ku jireen ay tahay sida uu u yiri u daneynta bulshada, si ay dadka u helaan xoriyad ay ku socdaan, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in Ciidamadaas la geynayo xeryo gaar ah oo uusan xusin halka ay ku yaaliin. “Sida aad la socoteen Ciidamada waxay deganaayeen meelo magaalada dhexdeeda ah oo ay dad deganaayeen, marka waxaa lagama maarmaan noqotay in dadka culeyska laga qaado”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Muuse Nuur Amiin oo shacabkana dhankiisa ugu baaqay in ay Nabadgelyada kala shaqeeyaan Dowladda, isla markaana ay sheegaan dadka nabadeglyo-darrada wada. Wasiirka oo wax laga weydiiyay goorta ay Ciidamada ku harsan gudaha magaalada ay ka bixi doonaan waxaa uu sheegay in Ciidamadaas laga maarmi doono marka nabadgelyada la sugo. “Ciidamada sida lagu yaqiinay waxay howlgeli doonaan marka ay yimaadaan wax weyn inta ka horeysana waxaa howsha nabadgelyada sugi doona Ciidamada Booliska, mana jiri doono culeys dambe oo ay Dadka ku qabi doonaan Ciidamada degan xeryaha ku yaala magaalada gudaheeda”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha oo intaas ku daray in la furi doono guud ahaan Waddooyinka Muqdisho. Hadalka Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay iyo xalay ay Ciidamo Soomaali iyo Itoobiyaan isugu jira ay ka baxeen fariisimo ay ku lahaayeen Magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan Degmada Hodan, inkastoo ay jiraan Ciidamo weli ku sugan xeryo ku yaala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
  9. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: War Baddacase, intee ka dhacday? Midoo aa mooro St. Paul la dhahaayo kugu xareysatay aa maqlee, oo caawa lagu soo fasaxay. Waaba socon la'dahay xataa, gees gees aa u socotaa. waan fiicnahay sxb. Laakin way igu fiicnaan lahayd xabad saas camal ah meeshan qabow xun ayaa ka jira hada. ps. awalba kuusow sowmaad iibixin?
  10. Originally posted by Cadaan: I guess with a shirt like that, she must be going to investigate Naaso Hablood.
  11. This is going to be one interesting decision year for America. Hillary is one tough nut. However she does get emotional during the debates and start throwing nonsensical accusations against Obama. She is some how pre programmed as though this is how you run a campaign. Obviously it's not good idea to start attacking your fellow political affliates in the hopes that she win some voters. Most people actually find that unwomanly and quite a turn off. On the other hand, Obama is too nice and some voters may interpret that as a weakness or him being soft. The same label that huanted down John Kerry in '04 precisely the 'girly man' comment by Governator of California. Overall he is got the right messege and the right ideas. But will he survive against the nusty attacks coming from the Clintons? we await to see. Onto the Republican side, as the article stated, the current front runner, John Mccain knows little or nothing about the economy which is by far 1 of two most important issues if not the most important. He also got it wrong as to how to approach the war in Iraq. His stances are that U.S stays there as long as neccesary, even if it has to take forever, as he stated with the '100 year' remark. I don't think that is gonna work out well with most Americans as they have had enough with this Iraq war mess. Mitt Romney, with him being a mormon causing a little disadvantage scores points in any discussion about the economy since his main expertise is economy(former CEO of numerous co. with remarkable record). By the way that Rudy Guliani guy made crucial mistakes. He is off the table. So we have a female. Black guy. A mormon. crazy southern avengelical. Ailing old man in Mccain. And whole lot more. We shall see.
  12. I always wanted MMA to be more assertive and you are complaining that he is deleting stuff. "hadi aan aamusno, xoolihii ayaa dhimanaya Ilaahow". "hadii aan hadalnana waa af salax kudhagayagii". _by Cigal Shidaad. MMA meesha dhan wixii anad ka helin tir tir. Your the man.
  13. All it took for Hamdi Ali, a biology pre-med student, to get accepted into the Yale School of Medicine is attend class and do her homework. "I take notes in class," she said, "but I never go back to them." She was in the process of applying to the University of Toledo Medical Center when she discovered that Yale had accepted her application. After that, she never finished the UTMC application process. "I have no study skills whatsoever," Hamdi said. "I can help somebody else study, but I can't focus [on my own]." Hamdi will be 19 when she graduates college in May 2009, taking her only three years to complete her college degree, not including the post-secondary classes she took at The Ohio State University. Hamdi moved to Toledo two and a half years ago and attended Rogers High School for her senior year before coming to UT. Hamdi said she attended UT as an undergraduate despite being accepted to OSU, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and Kent State University. "I was young and didn't want to leave the family," she said, since she was 16 at the time. Hamdi said she's wanted to be a doctor since the sixth grade, and she loves children. "I helped raise my two youngest siblings," she said. "I want to be a pediatrician in the Doctors Without Borders program and try to reach disadvantaged children in foreign countries," she said, adding she wants to help her home country of Somaliland/Somalia as well as other places, including South America. While Hamdi pushes herself to get straight As, her parents worry that she pushes herself too hard. "They usually tell me to take it easy," Hamdi said of her parents. "They always tell me to not stress myself to the point of not able to sleep at night." Hamdi moved to America with her family in 1998 from Somaliland, a small country north of Somalia run in practice as an independent country. It is not recognized by any country or international institution. Somaliland, which is slightly smaller than Arkansas, gained de facto independence from Somalia in 1991. Hamdi's mother, Fardawsa, explained why the family left Somaliland as her daughter translated it. The economy in the country was on a downward slope due to the aftermath of war, Fardawsa said. Though Fardawsa said the high school education everyone in Somaliland receives is just as good as a college education in the United States, the decision to move had a lot to do with status. "It's a matter of recognition," Fardawsa Ali Ubaxle said. Hamdi is one of 12 children, 10 of them born in Somaliland, and seven of which are still living at home. The family reached the decision to move to America by "trusting God and making sure we gave [the children] resources so they have a good education," Farduws said. "With an American degree, you can have more opportunities," Hamdi said. Especially if it comes from Yale. Ahmad ------------------------------------------------ Where to go Hamdi.
  14. The pressure is on no doubt even if this news turns out to be false.
  15. Duke, I thought mr. Che was proud puntlander?!
  16. Marc, Do you actually have organziation to tackle the issue you speak of, or are you simply preaching behind the camera. If there is none, then I don't see the effectiveness of youtube vidoe sxb.
  17. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Is Red Sea looking for a Biology 101 lesson? no walal. That I know thank you very much. Back in High School. My health class teacher use to have like 3 posters fully colored with the slightest details of men and and women's body parts. She use to walk in front of us and say he' here is where that happens this.
  18. I mean as far as rights, duties. *this was an attempt to educate some here, but no seems to be trying here*.
  19. ^Well those polls aren't reliable. Basically those polls are random. They make phoen calls to people's homes and they sort of survey them on whom they support. So we can't really rely on those unless we see the exit polls which are the ones that count. Besides, they accused of him of changing positions. Let us examine. Barack Obama: Voted AGAIST the ivasion of Iraq. But voted to funding the troops there. In their opinion, they think that is bystander. He voted the initial invasion, but to fund it means to make sure the U.S troops have what they need to continue the work there. Those are two different things. No man would vote agains the funding of his troops when they need him. The mistake is to send there in the first place and that is where Hillary Clinton comes in, she voted FOR the invasion of Iraq and now she pointing fingers. She also speaks of her experience in the oval office with her husband. Sure she has more experience. But the fact that she was lured into voting for Iraqi invasion shows she is not that strong of individual under pressure. Popular Presidents like Ronald Reagan didn't have much of experience, he basically studied. On the republican side, I'd say Mitt Romney is the best candidate. that Mccain guy is delivering the same old messege from Bush. I will fight the 'terrorist'. the U.S' economy is struggling, there are foreclosure and all sorts of problem, he doesn't talk about that. His main theme is 'I will catch Osama Bin Laden' followed by applauses and roars. These people never learned. That is how Bush won his second term. and still he hasn't caught anything.
  20. Obama has not gone after anyone as of yet. His messege is saying let us unite and work together rather than pointing the fingers. That is fresh wave of leadership if you ask me. If Hillary is elected, be sure to expect same old bi partisan in the last 7 years. Tit for tat. Barack wants to work with republicans and Independents alike to solve the problems facing america. In addition, under pressure Hillary and her husban Bill started attacking obama and were frustrated momentarily after seeing the poll showing slight edge for Obama. We can say they broke down under pressure. However Obama after losing last night, delivered the same messege as he did when he won in the Iowa caucus. what now? He has huge endorsements in Nevada, so he is expected to win there. Plus 50% of the voters in South Carolina are blacks who mostly vote democrats. He also has an edge there. If he can win these two states right off the bat, it will put alot of pressure on the Clinton campaign.As result we should expect alot tearing up
  21. He has huge endorsment waiting for him in Navada. The next state in contention which S. Carolina is 50% African Americans who mostly vote democrat. So look for him to wind up winning both states. But I am still amazed at level of stup1dity from some Americans. A poll which was taken indicated that some of them voters changed their minds in the last minute. We can all speculate it had alot to do with Hillary crying. Damn what a stup1d people.
  22. Hall of fame: Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Igal(for saving Somaliland from itself). Sheekh Shariif Ahmed(Ilahay haka raali noqdo) and Al shabaab youth for standing up to the enemy and fought til last man standing. Hall of Shame : George Bush, Melez Zenawi, Abdullahi Yusuf, Gheedi, Col. Qaybdiid, Qanyare. and all the warlords and thugs that terrorized the somali civilians in Xamar and else where.
  23. Ina lilaahi wa Inaa Ilayhi raajicuun. Calool xanuun badanaa. You want real Somali President. It's not going to be easy as 1 2 3. Somali organizided, funded, participated with no foreigners and former warlords is what is needed. location: Beledwayne, Hiiraan. Delegation from Puntland. Delegation from Jubooyinka. Delegations from banadir. Delegation from Bay and Bakool. Top Somali shiekhs and respectable elders must be there, there is no time for them to stand on the side lines. They must all be present. A good representation of Somali people must be told to participate in an election right there and then. The results of their choice must be respected. Some sacrifices have to be made even if you don't agree with the results, its' the only way forward.
  24. Dadka ka faa'ideystay deeqdan ayaa kala ah :- 1) Kaxshiiqaal 500 qoys 2) Xerooyinka Ceelasha biyaha 1000 qoys 3) Dayniile 835 qoys Total 2335 qoys. Lacagaha lagu iibiyay deeqdan raashinka ah waxaa ku tabarucay :- 1) Shirkadda Xawaaladda Dahabshiil $ 15,000 2) Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed Aarhus Denmark $ 5,000 3) Shirakadda Diyaaradaha Jubba Airways $ 3,500 4) Sirkadda Xawaaladda Qaran Express $ 3,000 5) Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed Begen -Norway $1,000 6) Sirkadda Xawaaladda Amal Bank $ 1,000 pictures.