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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Originally posted by Allamagan: ^In terms of developments, yes, I agree, this region is way better off than the past, however, what I dont agree with you is that when you said that you forgot the past and moved on, in fact in that context you still stuck in the past and did not even move about an inch! remember because of the past was/is your core reasoning behind as to why you guys want to secede, right? It's Important to remind the People of Somaliland the dark history lest they forget. It's totally different case for you to glamorize 21 years of ruthless regime every year on this date when the country still burns from the aftermath of that ruthless regime. I wouldn't be even bringing it up let alone celebrating something that I know led to the decimation of the hopes of Somalis for generations to come.
  2. Originally posted by Allamagan: ^Ma dear friend Redsea, honestly speaking if people's mind frozen long ago and if people need to move on then it is certainly you people (the secessionists) who need to move on and stop moaning about sidaana berri innala yeelay iwm therefore waanu goosanay. WE speak of the Past in different context than you do. We do it to make a political case as to why it's not plausible Somalia functions as single state anymore. But when it comes to forgetting the past, We have indeed moved ahead and made head waves.
  3. Originally posted by MZanzi: Duke dadka aan gadaal kabartay adaa kugu jeclahay So cheesy..
  4. It's like their mind has frozen in Kacaan years. The inability to move forward has direct link to not letting go the past. MOVE ON. Moonlight: the kacaan built nothing. It was all foreign aid projects. The main highway was built by the Chinese. The Berbera port was built by the Russians. The Bosaso port was built by the Italians. Maanta hadii Soomaaliya dawlad ka dhalato aduunku waa ula diyaar in ay wax uqabtaan. As for the cities like Mogadishu; it's all private properties and business that beautify it. If anything the Kacaan destroyed blooming nation into lowest dungeons for generation to come.
  5. Originally posted by The Zack: ^ . mar horaa iigu danbeesay of warcraft was the bomb! Aga! There is a playstation in Qarbitahar? :eek:
  6. There are certain things you don't tamper with. But will see what this new PM has in stored.
  7. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: 20 years old Captain Mike - I have witness on SOL and good authority at that - that my grandfathers use take camels as form of 'baad' from your grandfathers during the daylight - and there was nothing they could do about it - what do you say to that??? bootoda naga daa dee. you're joking right. Isna maanta Tuuloyinkaagii oo iska camiran ayuu iska qaatay. What says you about that, Macalin
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: We know what JB is playing at, bu the only Somali's who push for division are the minority fascits in NW Somalia who have been deluding themselves these past tw decades. Calm down buddy. I have never seen you more upset. Didn't think mere PM post in every changing paper govt meant so much to Puntland.
  9. The title of the thread mentions "greatest military leaders" not the largest empires right. It's two different things. I think there are so many to choose from and you can't go wrong on most of them. But based on what I know and my close comparison side by side on individual level of leadership, tactics, armies led and the strenght of enemies faced. Some might say the empires faced by Khalid ibn waleed Muslim army were not at strong at the time. Well if you look at all conquers they all one or another face armies that were broken. However It's what Khalid bin waleed had in his disposal to defeat these two empire, Persian and Byzantian at once using mere ill equiped force with scarce resources. Generals like Alexander despite his impressives achievements came to power into an empire that already had great army and resources at its disposal. Nevertheless Alexander was capable and great military mind but not anything like the guys I am about to mention. Khalid bin Waleed no doubt about it. Unlike some of the conquers mentioned here; he actually stood in the forefront and fought. He was master tactician who defeated enemies swiftly despite being outnumbered greatly.He was never defeated in battle both as Christian and a great Muslim warrior. He is head and shoulders above anyone else. Followed by Hannibal Barca, the North African. The first rebel leader in history. He fought the whole roman Empire for 15 yrs and smashed them in their first few encounters. Famed by the use of elephants in his battles. Offcourse in history classes the students are taught biases and half truths and mere exaggerated history as such most of them would choose premodonas. For quickness and time frame achieved to conquere great distances I would have to say Temujin aka Ghengis Khan. In the Mongol culture horse riding skill was national past time as such his horsemen were inmoveable objects in battles they cut through anything in its path like hot knife in butter. For facing Odds: I would say Khalid bin Waleed and Alexander the boy wonder who thought he conquered the known world. for brutality and instilling fear in his enemies heart would be Timur ling the Muslim descent of Mongol tribes. He was absulate brutal ruler who ruled with iron fist.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: Any update on this assassination attempt on Cawil? What are you some of kind crime scene investigator? Why are you so interested in this murder case. What is your true intention in this duke. Hopefully you're not trying to score any cheap political points from this. That would be very low even for your standards.
  11. Where is the Ethiopian support? I think Ahlul Sunna wal Xabash acted alone this time and got bulldozed.
  12. Fear your lord mr. Poster. You're promoting fitna by posting pics of semi nude young girls to a public forum. may Allah save Burco from the path of destruction. Amin.
  13. This is as exciting as the news gets. When rabshad is refered to as Dagaal, then you know something good is happening there. Yeah it's that peaceful in Somaliland.
  14. Originally posted by Taleexi: Che... I wanted to list chronological complaints about it but until the gullible masses take punitive actions against any entity that doesn't serve their interests well, including DSH... I will be an observer. Are there any solid evidence in which you have based your critism towards Dahabshiil. I mean we all get why you oppose Somaliland as someone from Teleex; nin xanaaqsan ayaad tahow aaminsan in dhul laga hayysto. Laakin what is the source of your views regarding Dahabshiil?
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: [QB] That is the problem when your get your news about Hargeisa from Kismaayo..... That is the bottomline Warkii Hargeysa brought to you by Kismaayo News.
  16. Saaxibkaa Zack la tali uun baa Igu jirtay ee wax Hallee is ma lahayn. Hadii aad xumaan u aragtay intaa Raali ayaad iska ahaan, sxb.
  17. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Be nice to Mr.Somalia-he could be poking your sister. What happened to your class, Che? Is that how low we have sunk these days. Don't let the boys get to ya!
  18. People's bitterness and jealousy has no end. Dahabshiil is a company with good business model. Imitating their business philosophy into political one would be great. At the end of the day; Dahabshiil and the government are both ours. Arimihiina ka tashada, Aduunkana dhinac ka raaca!