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Everything posted by RedSea
Inaalilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun. Allah yarahma. 8 of them graduates, there goes the brains.
Originally posted by Cige: quote: Recolate is a very "pad" term for what Xabashis did with the TFG in Muqdisho! OK, Your plan was TFG to stay Baidoa until 2009! or what? Secondly: is UIC the one who attacked Baidoa or TFG attacked Mogadishu? Adeer Baydhabo isn't a country of its own. Its' city within the territories of Somalia. Ethiopia invaded that city, was planning to attack Muqdisho and other parts of somalia way before ICU even showed up. Baydhabo and Muqdisho are both cites within somalia, Ethiopia had no bussiness in being either of them.
Fahiye is big time qablist. the rest of the list looks good.
Originally posted by Kaara-Dille: SL is pro Ethiopia, dinnes and sleeps on the same bed with Melez Zenawi, Period. "somaali baan ahay" backdoor, laba wajiile aan sheegenay weeeye. Saaxib your lot have been exposed. Reall somalis are MMA and his likes. I think he wants you to drop the flag.
^Ninyow you make no sense whatsoever with all due respect. There are folks from Xamar itself who support the invasion, there are folks based in Baydhabo who support the invasion, there are folks from Beledwayne who support the invasion, there are folks from Galkacayo who support this invasion. All of which comes down to simple minded, corrupt, without an ounce of muslinimo iyo bina'aadnimo in 'em. Now does that mean, they are in contradiction with other s who oppose. Come'on I know you are better than this, stop this nonsense. Besides, if you are not talking about the average man on the street, then who are you reffering to; Rayaale Kahin, Ahmed Yasin? just who??
^^^ :confused: try again.. Adeer this is about TODAY. SNM, Riyaale visit to Ethiopia have nothing to do with one's opinion regarding Ethiopia's full blown invasion of Somalia? Your whole argument is reduced to 'some'. Offcourse there are 'some' everywhere. However let us stick to concrete example of one saying in these boards that Ethiopia is right to march to Muqdisho.
See when you dismiss my points you will only be sticking to your previous nonsensical argument. I said, not all 'seccesionist' view Ethiopia as an ally in this war. Nor do our policy makers back home all agree to Ethiopia's involvment in Somalia. Now what part of that don't you get? I preassume you to be from Somali galbeed (correct me if I am wrong). Now how many sides is there to somali galbeed policies. Aren't there some who considerate Ethiopia as the 'federal government' and accuse the ONLF freedom fighters as 'sepertist' group? Does that as a citizen of that region prevent you from speaking the truth and calling the wrong doers for what they are. Ps. You didnt' answer my question. Name 1 somalilander here who is pro Ethiopia's invasion in Somalia?
^stop the warmongering waryaa. peaceaction, lool@killing other somalis. Yet another pro invasionist backdoor hypocrit. That way>>>>>>>>>>
Originally posted by NGONGE: Maybe it is just me but this wailing and protest at some throwaway comment from your opponent in a discussion, is truly laughable. Looks like he (whoever he/she is) succeeded in throwing you off course and into this cul-de-sac of an argument. Does the fact you fell for such an obvious ruse signify anything? looool..he really has. The whole point of thread: Is somalilander ommited from joining the argument concerning somalia? That was the whole point of thread, contradiction iyo waxaan loo joogin buu hoosta nagala soo galay.
Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: ^^Well, saxiib, I know the particular thread in question, in which these complaints arose. And it was SL supporters that resorted to accusing Xiin of cheering for his "uncle", when they couldn't refute his argument for a a negotiated compromise. Mr Ceyrow( the cyber) is one such individual who resorted to such a weak argument, thus the irony of this thread! I understand what say well; nothing should stop another Somali from airing the concerns and stopping their brothers. That is fully taken on board. No doubt there are plenty of Somalilanders( if we use such a term to describe people) WHO contributed to the Halgan down South. Yet still there are gross contradictions, and those that want to ignore those coNTRadictions, essentially want to have it the best of both ways! That is,those that hail the historical brotherly cooperation(in several areas)between SL and Ethios, but throw out moral sentiments of, " your uncle is an Ethiopian Puppet". I don't see a great difference between such people and TFG supporters! Waa hadi runta la isku sheego! Broffessor, Name 1 somalilander who is pro Ethiopian invasion in this corner? I accused Xiin faniin for his ill argument and the way he was making excuses of legitimizing the TFG and making it seem a legit entity that deserves a chance after all of this. I wasn't the only by the way.
Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: It's not indeed impossible for an individual from any region in Somalia to sympathise with cause of group X. But I Would have thought that: Groups advocating return of the "Caliphate" and groups advocating for a state based on colonial borders are contradictory positions? A group advocating partioning a Muslim country based on Western Borders(colonial legacy) and groups that seek to destroy all these borders hold somewhat contradictory, no? Promoting democracy, Secularism and whatnot, is grossly in contradiction to groups that promote, " Allah's law",etc,? A group that wants a healthy/brotherly relationship( including arresting poor SOmalis and leasing ports to their interogators) with neighbours(Ethiopia) and groups that are opposed to all things Ethiopian inside Somalia( which seccesionist believe is a different country)! These not contradcitory positions? Groups wanting all foreign troops out Muslims land and a group who's leader and elites call for Uncle Sam to set up bases to fight " terrorism", not contradictory positions? There are plenty more contradictions...which I could have listed! So it's a not case of seccesionists not being able to speak about Somalia. Since, to me, seccesionist doesn't mean a clan/ specific regions. I know there are plenty of Northerners who don't hold this ideology. Seccesonism is an ideology(summarised by some of the points I made above), saxiib, one which is grossly opposed to the folks struggling South of SOmalia! Unless one believes Alshabaab and the likes are fighting to rejoin the commonwealth-phate! Ninyow what are you on? The things you have listed concern the Somaliland authority, specifically udub party. As I said before not all somalilanders hold the view of Udub party, and udub supporters aren't the only somalilanders. Kulmiye believes what is going on in Xamar is down right wrong and compared it to what happened In the North back in the late 80s. Kulmiye opposes: Ethiopia's invasion. Handing over innocent folks from somali galbeed to Ethiopia. Udub: Has supported the invasion. and turns over innocent civilians over to Ethiopia. So let me ask you is that a contradiction in your book or simply different versions of policies? Kala saar policies of current regime vs. policies of the oppostion.
loooooooooooooool@abtigiis and tolka. Funny man ninyow shaydaan baad tahay.
"The Prince" by Machevelli(A manual to gaining power)
"Qalijisadii dharka ayaa iga halowday. Talow dharka maxaan ku qalajiyaa" Northerner's response " miyaad Dabada ku qalijisid". loooooooooooooooooooool....
^^^Rageedii. Just go to Salaxley saaxib and stay few months. Their are people oo afsomaliga loo daayey.
I have a broader presepctive of things. It's call Islamnimo. It's what makes me support anyone who is a Muslim and trying to defend their community from raw eating pigs sxb.
Udub congradualted on Ethiopia' march to Muqdisho, while Kulmiye and Ucid made the comparison of Muqdisho's human suffering to Hargeys's in '88. Siilaanyo said: "anagu Ethiopian kayeeli mayno in aan dabo dhilif onoqono' I am pro Kulmiye for the sake of that, that I hope one day Insha Allah someone like Silanyo or Dr. gaboose can change the course of Somaliland and turn it into moral country that doesn't congradualate those who are commiting mass killing in somalia, but rather critizes it like Kulmiye party did. Somaliland isn't all about Udub, and Udub supporters aren't the only somalilanders people. ps. NG, the new commander of Al shabaab is from Burco. His name is sheekh Mukhtar AZuhr. He is close to sheekh Cali warsame from burco. They are untouchable in Burco. :cool:
"They say somalis are one, same religion, language, culture, color..etc". "They say Hargeysa is our city, means to us what Galkcayo or Gorowe, Muqdisho means to us" Okay if that is the case, then how come whenever a fellow from Somaliland tries to discuss or give an ojective opinion about the current issue regarding somalia he/she labeled and told to stick to somaliland. They say: "you are somalilander and you wish not to see somalia stable again" (This coming from folks who are in approve of mass killing in Xamar) Irony! "you are pro seccesionist, what part of this discussion is your concern". This again is a double standard, once refering as one of their own, and on the other hand distancing me from Somalia's affairs. "We the TFG supporters, and Al shabaab supporters are pro unity, therefore we have more in common than you do with either of us"..... They utter those comments and many others like it when they are presented and cornered with the truth. They have no other way to reason or deal with one from Hargeysa, Oodwayne Or Burco exposing their double standard. They can't quite decipher how on earth one who calls for the dismemberment of somalia finds a way to have a common ground with one who is against such move? Though logically speaking one would understand that one doesn't have to have a conflicting political stances with anotehr in order to condemn what is humanly wrong! I think they know full well, but have nothing else to turn to, so they present these cheap comments above and othhrrs like it just so they can hold on to their naked lies which they spread here to convince the misinformed. Their lies which were that they are proud pats and hardcore unionist have been exposed to the unaware. Their level of hypcricy and backdoor stabbing has been put out there for us all to see. I think it's time these people are told to not speak on behalf of Somalia and to drop the flag. Who do they think they are fooling? Surely many of us have realized that decades ago, but all the remaining good somalis have realized this vicious circle of hypocrits who preach to us about somalinimo on one hand while somehow finding a way to be for the invasion of their country as legit one. Mr/ms. Lander said this which drew a critism from the backstabbers: " You should warn your fellow SOLers about your desire to have the people of Somalia subjugated to the government of Mbegathi and its cowardly wanna-be dictator, who will surely go down as the most treacherous Somali of all-time. I wear my colours on my sleeves, unlike some I don’t have to hide my views behind pretentious well-wishing and ‘peaceniking’ for I know there can never be peace without freedom " This quote above is a truth teller, one needs not to be from specific region to make, because simply it's the truth and truth has no boundaries. However as usual he told to stay off. Kashafa, who is pro unity, pro the armed struggle, and against the xaraam entity that is the TFG in compliment to Lander. "Respect. Even tho we may never see eye-to-eye on the issue of union vs secession, I have more respect for you and your likes than the loudest of the loudmouth'ed Somali'weynist, the cadres of dhabodhilifs and their sympathizers, with all of their double-dealing, backdoor scheming, and wholesale treason of the Somali people" Respect. Now do you have to have a similar political principles or be from certain region to see the truth? I think not.... Out,
Baashi, The restless seccesionist kid is cheering on for the Alshabaab movement. they are men of honor and I beleive that Somaliland wouldn't have any problems at all in working out something with them. If you think I am lost in translation, then think again. Somaliland has more in common with the opposition in Southern Somalia, then they have with the xaraam entity that you are legimizing over us. The TFG which you hold high hopes on has lost any chance to stay as somalia' national government, and nothing can save it from being ousted from the country. When that day comes, Somaliland and the liberators of Southern Somalia will have no problem in reaching out to each other. Besides the sons of Somaliland are in this fight, not on your side, but rather on teh side of the liberators. That you shall keep in mind old man. In addition, the TFG doesn't reaffirm the territorial integrity of Somalia, what are you on here? If they were surely they wouldnt' have invited you know who to the country to commit mass killings on the citizens of the country. Save us the empty rhetorics old man. You are loosing it, and any chance of seeing Abdullahi Yusuf rule in Somalia has zero chance of happening. Inta ay joogtana xabad laga dayn maayo, markay tagtana xabad ayaa lagala daba tagayaa ilaa mid mid loosoo qabto oo qoorta loo dheereyo. Taasi wa cadaalada, miyaad ooyi maalintaas, mise waa dilaaci? Xaqu marnaba been masheego.
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Red-I don't usually share Xiin's optimism, I do however feel he means well. I know that's departure from my usual stance, but take bird-eye view of things in Somalia, and the world in general, and you will realize everything we do as Somalis regardless of your political affiliation is self-defeating. We need radical change in our thinking. Obviously everything we did so far isn't working. I see your point. I think I am willing and even the Sheekh himself as the leader of the movement is and has always been willing to put nothing before the interests of the somali people. The points mention in this article by both brothers Sophist and Castro and the most reasonable and would bring about a change of direction rather quickly. Folks like I and others debate and we thing this isn't the best way to bring about peace in somalia, nor do we think this will result in anything, not that we are against peace. Who would be for war, when peace is on the table< i tell you no one would. These the points mention again: 1. Drop the terror label. 2. Come to a middle ground. 3. Speed the process of UN forces deployment. 4. Address all the gross human rights violations commited and hold Ethiopia, TFG etc.. accountable. So far all those points have been overlooked. Al shabaab is label as the terror movement, while the TFG and the EThiopians are the legit parties concern. This is only the reality which is been ignored by both Xiin Faniin and Baashi. We already see that the Djabtuuti agreement hasn't had any effect. So what went wrong. Well the points above weren't addressed, that is what went wrong.
Duke, watch these vidoes: take over of diinsoor people are so happy to see them and TFG thugs are no where to be seen.
Not you sxb. You are on my side dee...
Puntland oo xoolo ugu deeqdey Ciidanka Jabuuti ee Jiida Hore
RedSea replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
^loool...he already did. He invited me to bosaaso. -
As usual changing the topic when it's not going their way.
Castro, Some are wise enough to see that and some aren't. Xiin faniin has been good sport mostly, but lately he seems to have been pursuaded that the other side not the TFG is refusing 'peace'. Duke, What do you mean a single city? They are in the neighborhoods of Xamar, killing and chasing around the TFG thugs. They have taken control of more than 40 cities and villages and military bases on daily basis including balidoogle, Jawhar, Bacaadley, Buulo burde but as always you are in denial. On the flip side, the TFG with all that internation backing hasn't been able to once again put together so form of militia in its defense, or at least cleanse teh city from insurgents but as usual is in life support. Tell the last time that the TFG's lackies won a single battle alone without their masters, how bout never!! You call them a government yet they can't even defend themselves from few Al shabaab fighters who lightly armed. Again, you are missing the point. The Alshabaab=ICU. In case you might forget, gave all they had to the residents of Muqdisho and much of southern somalia: kicking out the warlords and bringing back peace to Xamar before the invasion of allied evil forces came. Its' the invaders that brought destruction, death and forced people out of their homes. It's the tfg thugs many from Mudug who are hiding behind the Ethiopian arsenal and secretly taking revenge on what they percieved as an enemy clan. Now isnt' that truth without being sugar coated?