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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Oh trust me I live in Minnesota. I know few from Mudug who support the resistance and those mostly happen to be folks like Xiin (Educated or religious) and then there are those who support the TFG, because of the old man regardless of he has done, and those are seemingly the majority.
  2. ^Xiinfaniin, He is a leader sxb, but not the leader of any resistance on the ground today sxb. Since his word hasn't been heard it is a prove that he has no real time power to change most things. The resitance itself is too divided. One is fighting, another is abroad signing papers with the enemey. 1 voice is needed. Brofessor Geeljire, Abti, Al shabaab were the ultimate military wing of the ICU. They were the ones who fought the hardest back in 2006, they are the ones who still stand in the face of the enemy and have not backed off. If anyone is looking for ceasefire then they need to consult with them? Sheekh Shariif and Dahir Aweys must find a away to unite this movement. If they act alone, then nothing will proceed forward.
  3. Originally posted by Baashi: I can't help but agree with General Duke on this one. The conflict of interest is difficult one to explain away. That is because you and Duke are on the same boat. It's an obvious one sxb.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: First of all you are confusing yourself saxib. You say Somaliland has a diplomatic relations with Ethiopia, how can it when Ethiopia does not recognize Somaliland, has no embassay in Somaliland? Then you say Ethiopia is using another region as a launching pad. However does Ethiopia not have a military presence in Berbera. For over 6 years has the junta in Hargaysa not been given ONLF activists to Ethiopia some even born in the North West, where have you been all this time “Mujahid” ? Wrong. Ethiopia doesn't have base in Berbera.I'd like a proof of where you got that idea. True. Somaliland has handed over ONLF members over to Ethiopia, but where do regular somalilanders stand in that is important here. I think it's sickening to do such thing, and that is why I many others have said it's terrible move by the current somaliland adminstration . I havne't gone silent about that. Not only do we believe it's wrong, but we support the ONLF struggle. If they win, and Ethiopia loses that battle, we wouldnt' have anything to loose because remember Somaliland doesn't rely on Ethiopia, unlike the entity you support. Look at your avatar, “support the MAQWAMA” that means support the bombings, killings, maimings in the south. Why not start a “muqawama” in Berbera take out the Ethiopian targets, or execute other actions against collaborator Riyaale, kill his police, and bomb Hargaysa market full of people? For their collaboration with Ethiopia by giving your fellow Muslims to them? Why are you inciting violence in the south, who’s civilians want as much as any other region of Somalia? Is it not clannish for you to make excuses for Riyaale and condemn Yusuf and his regime to execution? Now Mujahid answer the questions. Adeer Hargeysa is run by its people. The markets, the police, and everyone is a somali land owners. In Muqdisho and the Muqawama which not only I, but majority of somalis support is an act against the invasion. Isn't it wonderful how you compare Hargeysa not occupied city by foreign forces to Muqdisho which has been reduced to rubbles and almost all of its citizens forced out by invading forces. Your reasoning is an absulate idiocy. Somaliland is not occupied and southern somalia is. ps. WE are comparing an occupied territory to non occupied territory? how desperate are we getting here Dukey?
  5. ^ninyow Xiinfaniin waa saaxibkay waana nin macquul ah. I would never say or hold responsible for what Abdullahi Yusuf or Pland has done thus far. Never.
  6. I am tired of people holding other responsible for what others do. so Rayaale or some Somaliland adminstraton did something so what. Only hold responsible those who supported it. I am not holding Che or Xiin responsible for what Pland adminstrations or decents have done in Southern somalia am I? ps. Yeah Che, mr. castro said that himself.
  7. SCORE!!! Saaxib, let us face it you have no idea what you are talking about. YOu are completely lost in this. Faysal made a comment a while back, a catchy one indeed. But his remarks regarding Djabuuti were right on the money. I bet that is far fetched connection you were trying to make eh. lately one can't think, can't say a thing unless Ethiopia is involved in his thought process. Small fact: Djabuuti turned back most of the somalilanders who fled to their country in late 80s while they were excepted in Ethiopia.
  8. ^well the problem is sh. Shariif or sh. Dahir Aweys have had no physical contacts with the Al shabaab fighters. So if the good sheekh wants to act as the leader in this, he needs to communicate directly with Al shabaab fighers and work out a deal with them FIRST, get their consent to represent them. They good sheekh has been out of the country for long, so is DAhir Aweys, whilst the Al shabaab military leaders such as the martyr sh. Ceyrow May Allah bless his soul, Sh. Mukhtar roobow Mansuur, and others have been on the forefront of this fight. NOw it's only fair to have their say in this as well since they have been handling most of 'dirty work' here.
  9. ^Saaxib, Just admit it way kaa kala daadatay. Waxaad ku hadashana mahaysid ee maad iska laablaabatid. Because the statement by Faysal regarding Djabuuti was right on the money. Anabaa kuleh, Djabuuti has nothing I mean nothing to offer to Somaliland's quest for recognition. pss. YOu said the oppositions, not UCID. Oppositions is an inclusive term sxb.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer you can attack me all day, as you know it does not work on me saxib. The secessionists have no real sound foundation and all of you are proving it. You are pro Ethiopia and yet hate Ethiopia, you are now pro Islam but glorify the colonial period. Your myth is based on how you was mistreated by the Barre regime and yet your top ministers and leader were amongst his low paid but dedicated minions. You are confused, for all your talk, you have gained not an ounce not even a road map to recognition. All of them different issues. Somaliland has diplomatic relations with eThiopia, they treat them as neighbors whom they have trade with their goods with since Somaliland is unrecognised state. Pland had relations with Ethiopia diplomatically prior to Somalia invasion. Somaliland still has diplomatic relations with Ethiopia, unlike your home state, which has gone step further and actually became real ethiopia' launching pad where they attack southern somalia from. YOu have also helped them by fighting along side them. Any of which is not comparable to what somaliland has done. Colonial era is colonia era. Egal and the many others wouldn't have spent their lives trying to get rid of them. We have succeed in 1960. Maybe you confused when one address the history books and you think it's way of glorifying the British rule. It was terrible times but I think better than late 80s ONLF is a freedom group in their own right. Somalilanders as I feel don't have anything against them. The only time I have seen Somaliland and them at odds is when they started burning those trucks in the Hawd. Other than that, we are cool with them. and we hope that they succeed in their quest for liberation. Now, Duke, Everyone all long knows this is complete act of desperation from you that you can't take our heat. So I dare you to come and state the truth and say what Ethiopia is doing in Muqdisho is wrong, what they are doing in Somali galbeed is wrong. Offcourse am speaking of Ethiopia's militarily not diplomatically involvement. I dare you.
  11. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ Dude, I mean Duke, take a chill pill atheer. Don't make this into yet another mud-slinging topic. Ayoub, I don't know what I want Somalilanders to do. May be stop blaming all Somalis for what Siyaad Barre did. And may be work in getting Somaliland (the area) to be a leader of Somalia again and forget this secession. And may be, just may be, stick around and help us get rid of Ethiopia and the collaborators. I can only dream, right? Nonesense, no one blames all somalis ninyow. If that was the case, your uncle wouldn't be sitting in hargeysa today. So who the hell are we kidding here.
  12. Castro, Between the TFG/Ethiopians vs. The Al shabaab/the People, most of somali folks with exception of few from Mudug and Bosaaso are with the Somali people. They feel their pain and suffering and would like to see them liberated from the external enemies such as Ethiopia and their lacky's the TFG. Anyone who is a Muslim let alone somali should feel for the somalis in Southern Somalia. Secondly, Somaliland is a weak state both unrecognised and poor. They had dimplomatic relations with ethiopia before the somalia' invasion. Howver that is in no way compared to what other somalis specifically from Puntland have done. YOu may ask any southerner in here and ask them how they feel about somaliland. They will tell you they have nothing but love for them. They understand despite somaliland's relations with EThiopia, they haven't contributed to Somalia' problem. Those desperate comparison can only be heard from Planders who are guilty of letting EThiopia into the country. They want someone else to point out when their support for Ethiopians are exposed. When it comes to who supports Ethiopia around here, its' evident it's most likely puntlanders than somalilanders. Baashi, Yes I hope Al shabaab wins and liberates somalia from the ethiopia/TFG. They are better for the somali people in general and would make better entity to deal and sit down with anyday.
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: Bal aan idin kala dhex galee, I think Xiin is trying to say how come Mr Siilaanyo doesn't condemn when Riyale visits Ethiopia. Just like Djabouti, Ethiopia doesn't recognize Somaliland as a country! with all due respect to Xiinfaniin, I think he is losing it either ogaan ama isyeel yeel.
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Adeer I see Waraabe in you! That's the bigger story here Saaxib your art of reasoning has been missing as of late. You asked me whether I agreed with him regarding his comments about Djabuuti having nothing to offer to Somaliland as far as politics go. And I said Yes. I don't see how that has any relations with Ethiopia and what not. Once again, as my thread stated, you believe the notion that 'seccesionist make not speak on behalf of somalia' doesnt' suprise me adeer.
  15. Loool..MMA, Actually it's ok without the jacket assuming its' hot there. Lander, Do u know him?
  16. LOL..Have some patience old man. Ninyow shall we argue about every non issue thing around here. All this fuzz cuz Faysal Cali Warabe stated the obivious that Djabuuti has little to offer to Somaliland. Who can disagree with that?
  17. ^^^Xiin, dialogue is only a term sxb. A Real dialogue is needed which the International community is gonna take part needs to act as serious mediater and must be willing to lay down strick guidelines for both parties concern without giving advange one over the other or without showing any sign of hesistant to address the issues of human rights violations. Its' only neccasary to clean up the wounds for the healing to begin. It's only reasonable enough to state that to make any sort of agreement possible both sides must be willing to make bold moves and changes to their stances. Al shabaab sure needs to change some of their idealogies, however I don't see how we can expect them to do so when the other side hasn't shown any willingness or commitment to peace with exception of coming to the table with the same old argument that Ethiopia is a legit ally without recognising the fact Ethiopia has no legal rights to be there in the first place.
  18. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: quote: Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^The irony in this is folks who are complaining about Riyaale's Jabbuuti trip were clapping for his summon to Addis! Total lie. What did Siilaanyo say about Ethiopia's invovlement in Somalia? go ahead tell us ninyow. Lie? Actually Siilaanyo along with other so-called ‘opposition’ groups went to Addis to see Zenawi…what they said to each other…we can only speculate! Adeer you are only harming your credibility if you assert that Ethiopia has no relationship with Siilaanyo & Waraabe! Granted that there is no deliverables required from them since they are not part of the current leadership but to suggest that they would’ve performed quite differently in the current political environment is just tororog…. EDIT: I forgot to ask you. Do you see eye to eye with Waraabe's characterization of Riyaale's trip to Jabbuuti? I don't think anyone said Somaliland has no relations with Ethiopia. But given that we are speaking about individuals' such as Siilaanyo he differs much from both Rayaale and Faysal. Siilaanyo himself stated that he will not except to being Ethiopia's puppet, and compared the autoricities in Muqdisho to those that took place in Hargeysa in late 80s. Besides, don't act as though you have inside scoop of things, neither you nor I know exactly how Siilaanyo would have ran somaliland had he been elected. ps. Djabtuuti are our fellow somalis and neighbors to the west. We share everything with exception of politics. They oppose the existance of Somaliland therefore Faysal Cali Waraabe has a point in stating that since Djabuuti hasn't shown any desire to recognise Somaliland then it's therefore not neccesary to make trips that will not bear any fruits to benefit somaliland. That is stricly his point and yes I do agree with him on that.
  19. Originally posted by Caamir: The best objective, rationally calculated observation I have seen on the net in a long time. I almost share with you on this great observation. I know some of us here are chuckling in agreement but would otherwise choose to feign ignorance. You are lost as always ninyow. What makes no sense to most seems to be wonderfully scripted with you. Hmm you are the ultimate cheerleader.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^What he said was true, Hargaysa is different from Galkacyu in what way? Its absolute nonsence and Samatar is nonsence. Galkacayo is ok place, but please dont' compare to Hargeysa. Tanag u. :cool:
  21. I am hearing another somali was stabbed to death. If this is true, then somalis are doomed community. ps. I don't think it's qabiil motivated.