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Everything posted by RedSea
Djabuuti shir at the end makes the TFG a legitimate somali government. Bogus!
Oday somaali ah ayaa waxa uu fiirsanayey warka. Kolkaas ayaa waxaa warkii kasoo galay Barack Obama asagoo kahadlaya 'abortionka'. Odaygii xooga Af ingriiska muu aqoon, sidaas awgeed muufahmin wuxu Obama kuhadlay. Dad meeshii fadhiya ayuu wuxu weydiiyey: Odaygii: Waar yadhaheen Obama maxuu yidhi? Dadkii: Adeer wuxuu kahadley wax layidha 'abortion' Odaygii: Abortion muxuu yahay. dadkii: Waa marka ay dumarku ilmo aysan rabin ay uurkiisa qaadan kabacdina ay iska soo tuuraan. Odaygii: Oo muxuu ka yidhi taas? Dadkii: wuu taagersanyahay. Oo wuxuu yidhi qofka dumarka ah markay uur aysan rabin qaado xaq ay uleedahay in ay iska soo tuurto. Odaygii intuu kacay ayuu yidhi iga wala kan Obama ah Abdullahi Yusuf ayaa dhaama.
^^SOL ma bill ayaad ka bixisaa eedo?
Ceerigabo is where my dad was born ninyow. Bad mans up there. Igu soo orod maaha.
^adeer qabiil aduu muhiim kuu yahay. Sidaad sheegtay qabiil aan kufaano kama dhalanba anigu. So chilax... ps. I hate coffeee. Thanks 4 offer anywayz. pss. Dun bros maxaad kadhex qabataa. No wonder inaad caffeine kadheregtay inaad SOL ku dhaacsatid. Allow duq hyper hanagu dirin.
looooooooooooool....adeer it has nothing to do with qabiil. Awdal hal reer ayaa dega. Within that rer there are pro and cons of Somaliland. those who are pro somaliland are the majority. ps. Qabiil isn't allowed in this joint.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Red $ea: Is this about me refering you as the 'few' and insignificant in Somaliland. You think Castro's clan is few and insignificant, eh? I think I am extracting too much from your childish mind. Let me try one more thing. Waryee qolodee tahay? No one talked about qabiil sxb. We don't use in Somaliland anymore. It's more about Pro Somaliland awdalites vs. pro somalia awdalites. he is a minority in that regard. ps. My qabiil is the least numerous in Somaliland and much insignificant if u think it's important to me.
^^looool... Just like that. If you are able to sustain your support for Puntland even when you know they are the dearest xabashi lovers, then why blame red sea for backing his home region?
^loool...adeer you have no backbone whatsoever. Puntland and somaliland are in no way comparable. Puntland =TFG.
Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ You've become a child-abuser in your old age. Is this about me refering you as the 'few' and insignificant in Somaliland.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Yet I am enjoying it. Hardcore secessionist like you hardly deserve a serious debate. The simple chitchat and the small talk I had with you produced tangible results. 1- Your support for alshabaab is temporary and contingent up on in which region they fight 2- Despite SL’s cozy relationship with Ethiopia and its active participation in selling out the other mujaahideen, the ONLF mujaahideen, you made sure that you will oppose alshabaaab if they ever try to destabilize your secessionist entity 3- Yet you will support them if alshabaab carry out military operations in PL . That, yaa Redka, is what my little chitchat succeeded to extract from your confused mind, and I am sure it’s due to my age. Adeer you don't want to hear the truth that is why you are mad as heck. Puntland is the TFG, and the TFG is Puntland. Whether they need men or money Puntland, the home of TFG's main man has been there for them. Yet you hail as the land of faithful people. -Cade Muse was present in Baydhabo to take part in war planing to take over Southern Somalia along with Ethiopians. -He commited his own troops to fight alongside Ethiopians. -He provided temporary bases for Ethiopians before they embarked on their mission to take over Xamar. -He provided the Ethiopians a route to infiltrate the resistance from the back, in th battle of bandiiradley. As a result Puntland lost alot of men in that battle. It was the first time in my life I have heard of women weeping in the streets of galkacayo and Addis Ababa for the same reason, that they have lost their men to Islamic fighters. :confused: The land of the faithful men indeed.
Friday, July 11, 2008 | Home FAALLO:- MAANTA IYO LAASQORAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faallo:- Faalladan waxaan maanta ku yara eegaynaan xaalka ay haatan marayso xiisada Xasaradeed ee ka taagan Degmada Laasqoray ee ah xudunta Gobolka Sanaag, ma jecli inaan aan cid si cad farta ugu fiiqo ma doonayo inaan dad si gaar ah farta ugu mudo e, waxa ujeedkaygu yahay inaan sheego waxaan ogahay iyo xaalku meesha uu marayo. Waxaan dhamaanteen wada ogsoonahay in Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ay soo galeen laba Isbuuc ka hor gudaha Laasqoray iyaga oo ay hur boodayaan kuwa u dhashay Gobolka, arinkaasi markuu dhacay ayaa Puntland waxa sheegtay dhankeeda inay ciidamo xoogle u soo dirayso Gudaha Laasqoray si looga difaaco Somaliland. Maxaa wakhtigan kalifay Puntland Maamulka Puntland oo inta badan sheega inuu Gobolka Sanaag hoos yimaado ayaa marka ay maqalaan dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan waxay ciidamo iyana soo dhoobaan jiidaha hore ee Sanaag........ waxaynu wada ogsoonahay in gacnta Puntland ay ka baxday magaalada Laas-caanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool taasi oo ay 10-Oct-2007- la wareegeen ciidamada Somaliland. Akhristaw maxay tahay muhiimada Puntland ay sida aadka ugu tafa xaydanayso difaaca Laasqoray oo ah Degmo iyaga oo meel mar hore iska dhigay soo celinta Laas-caanood oo ah xarunta Gobol. Somalida ayaa ku maah maahda [Meel aan rabay Roob maygu Iryay] Puntland ayaa walba doonaysay inay wax yar uun oo fursad ah ku helaan sidii ay qoobka u galin lahaayeen Gudaha Sanaag, Maxaa keenay in wakhtigan ciidamadii Puntland ee joogay jiidaha Laas-caanood loo soo raro Laasqora?????. Maxaa la Gudboon dadka Reer Sanaag. Dadka reer Sanaag oo lagu yaqaan inay ka shaqeeyaan Nabad iyo wada noolaanshaha ayaa waxa looga fadhiyaa inay iska difaacaan wax kasta oo u keeni karaya dhibaato inay ka shaqeeyaan xasiloonida inay gacanta ku dhigaan kuwa doonaya inay maja xaabiyaan Hanaanka Nabadeed ee Sanaag ku caan baxaday. Muxuu Salka ku hayaa Loolanka Puntland iyo Sl ee Sanaag Waxaynu wada ogsoonahay in dhawaanahanba Gobolka Sanaag laga waday xusul duub loogu jiray in Gobolka lagu soo kordhiyo mashaariic hormar ah oo ay ugu wayn tahay dhisida Dekeda Laasqoray,Maamulada hareeraha ka xiga Gobolka Sanaag ayaan inaba raali ka ahayn in la hir galiyo hanaanka lagu doonayo in Boodhka dib looga jafo Dekeda Laasqoray kuwaasi oo doonaya inay qas iyo fooda ka Abuuraan Sanaag si ay u wiiqaan dadaalka ay wadaan Hay"addaha Deeqaha bixiya iyo dadka Deegaanka qaarkood. Door Intii leg bay Isimada Sanaag ka qaadan karaan Hormarka Gobolka Duqayda Gobolka Sanaag ayaa inta baadan waxay xusul duub ugu jireen sidii loo hormarin lahaa Gobolka Sanaag iyaga oo kulamo goono gooni ah ku yeeshay Magaalada Badhan, waxa wafti ay isla garteen u direen Goobta Afduubku ka dhacay kuwaasi oo la faray inay la xaajoodaan Afduubayaashaasi oo ay ka dhaadhicyaan in si nabad ah ay ku sii dayaan dadkaasi Afduubka ay u haystaan. Maxaa la Gudboon Qurba Joogta Gobolka Sanaag Somalida ayaa horay ugu maah maahday [ Dhiciska inta birta loo soo siduu dhintaa] qurba joogta waxa looga fadhiyaa wax qabad muuqa oo ay ku soo kordhiyaan Gobolka inay sameeyaan wada tashoyo dheeraad ah oo ay ka taliyaan Ayaaha danbe ee Gobolkooda, inaga oo wada ogsoon in Gobolka Sanaga uu maanta u baahan yahay wax qabad buuxa in lagu soo kordhiyo adeegyada Caafimaadka iyo waxbarshada oo ah Udub dhexaadka nolosha. Waxaan Idiin Rajaynaynaa Guul iyo Barwaaqo Wixii Talo ah Noogu soo dira Email:- Feyte37@hotmail.com Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Your cover is blown yaa short-termer! Dodge as much as you like. I can still apprehend your broken logic! And the good thing is that it is not only xiin who sees the apparent contradiction in your stance! Adeer you have gone from reasonable pro resistance man to emotion-ridden grampy old man who questions everything that moves. This whole chit chat with you and thread hijacking of yours is getting quite redicolous, pointless and boring. am out. Brofessor geeljire, Adeer you are boring us once again. Just make sure you support Alshabaab or you'll find yourself butt naked along with the other fake neutralists in here when Somalia is liberated. To accept the Djabuuti accord, you are accepting TFG as legit government. Just have that in mind.
^Xidigo, Ciil baa ku haya. Naqaska iska gur horta. markaasna waxaad samaysaa intaad shaydaanka iska naarto. Somaliland hanoolaato dhawr jeerhoos udheh. Yeah that is it.
^^^Adeer stop feeding us lies. The simple objective of the Alshabab, for now at least, is to fight Ethiopia until they fully withdraw from somalia, and the TFG backs away from its claim of being somali government' that is the sole reason. and Xiinfaniin, adeer I refuse to accept fallacy that you think Alshabaab will invade somaliland. You are somewhat playing scaretactics with me so that I can retract my support for Alshabaab. They are the backbone of the liberation, without them Ethiopia would have gone ahead with its evil designs in Somalia. They are an obstacle course to that. I, as somali and Muslim appriciate that and appluad them for that. What you want is have Alshabaab give up their struggle to reclaim their land, accept the TFG as the legetimate government of somalia, accept defeat and humiliation. So before you preach to me about Alshabaab's future policies towards somaliland. Just make sure that Alshabaab can count on your support. It's really funny you preach to me about a movement which you have retracted your support from.
Castro, You and Xidogo are among 'the few'. Markaa you are not that important.
w/laykum masalam walal, Somaliland in diinta lagu xukamaa waa wax aan soo dhawaynayo laakin yaa ku xukumaya weeye su'aashu?
^Paragon. The comment you made yesterday was by far one of the funniest. And I mean in a good way. lool
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: [QB] Ceyrow Jr. Looks more than confused. All your subtlity couldn't mask your wicked thinking. Where does Islamic ideology allow opposing Ethiopi's evil, when it at the same time permits you to have relationship with Ethiopia [i don't care in what form] ? IS is not that when your fellow muslim brother [not mention somali brother] is attcked, you should come to his defence. You want to sleep with the enemy and point fingers at the same time? Ma waxaasaad kolna qori isugu raraysay kolna u qaylyaysay. You disappoint me. Bal niicdan aan dhamaanayo dadow arka. Your thought process=If one is pro Somaliland (being from there even)= Pro Ethiopia automatically. Now that is wicked if any. Now let me make it clear for one last time. I am not from Muqdiso, nor qoraxay nor ocadenia nor buntland. I am from Somaliland, that is where I was born, rasied. Basically, my past, present, and future i hope to be. I am a Kulmiye party supporter and I hope that Siilaanyo becomes the President of Somaliland in the future Insha Allah. Al shabaab on the other hand is the one I hoped to take over Southern Somalia and bring peace as they have in the past. I don't recognize them as my government nor do I wish to say that they will be Somaliland's government. Because they will not rule Somaliland. But will replace the TFG which is the supposedly government of Somalia. The connection between Ethiopia and Somaliland's seccesion. Somaliland's case for seccesion is based on the wishes of the people which they overwhelmingly voted 97% in favor of. The case for seccesion is based on the wants of the majority of the people, not Ethiopia's as you want us to believe here. Therefore the question that begs to be asked is, what is this so call connection that you keep making up between my support for somaliland, which is my home, born and bred vs. the current adminstration's policies towards Ethiopia. I am not in support for one bid of the current adminstrations' policies both external and internal. The seccesionism which I, however, support is not a policy but a hallmark and the foundation which Somaliland was established on therefore since you can't prove that Ethiopia took part from the begining in particular, the Burco conference, where somaliland was declared then you have no clear or valid argument to make that silly connection, that Ethiopia created Somaliland,thus one who supports somaliland is clearly supporting Ethiopia. Ps. Dadka reer Somaliland waxay rabaan dawlad reer Somaliland ah. Dadka reer Muqdisho iyo koonfur badideed waxa ubaahan yihiin dad nabad, kala danbayn, iyo xukun fiican keena. Waana Maxaakimta Islamiga. Both ways, the wishes of the people is what I support(ed).
Xiinfaniin, waad caytamaysaa. Laakin waxba anigu kuma oranaayo. Alshabaab waxaan ku taageersanay waa waxay somali oo idil ay ku taageertay oo ah dagaalka ay kula jiraan cadowga Abisiniya. Anigu ma oran Galkacayo ha kataliyaan, mana oran haqabsadaan dhulkale. Ee meeshii ay cadowgu kasoo galayaan dalka ayaan idhi dhexda ha u istaageen. hadii ay tahay bandiiradley iyo meelaha kale. Anigu cidina kama qarsoonaa inaan reer Somaliland ahay, oo tageersanahay qadyada gooni isu taaga Ilaa intuu Ilahay faraj kafuuraayo. Midina waa wax aan ahay (somalilander) midina waa waxaan opinion iyo fikrad aan kadhiibto. markaad soo kala saartidi labadaas ayaad raga wax kasheegi kartaa. Inta kahoraysa fair iyo xaq maaha inaad kaa fadhiyi weeyno.
Starlet, I didnt' take those pix, but that is Borama. The capital of Awdal. You can't even recognise ur own city. How could you even claim Awdal?
Miskiinka masaajid buu kusii socday. Ilahay hakuu naxariisto.