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Everything posted by RedSea
Obama would have lost Partly because he is playing mr. nice guy. But thanks to the economy; which McCain knows little about, he is winning. He is now up double digits in the latest gallup polls.
Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab Shiikh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur Ilaahay raali ha ka ahaadee. Khamiis, October 09, 2008(HOL): Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab Shiikh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu shirkiisa jaraa’id uga jawaabay eedeymo badan oo loo jeediyay Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab. Ugu horeyn waxaa uu ka hadlay xayiraad ay ku soo rogeen Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho iyo in ay Dadka cuna-qabateeyeen, wuxuuna sheegay in ay wararkaas yihiin kuwo aan sax ahayn, wuxuuna caddeeyay in garoonka la furi karo marka laga wada hadlo. “Xirnaashaha Garoonka ma ahan Qur’aan soo degay, waana la furi karaa haddii laga wada hadlo oo ay Bulshada sidaas isla gartaan”ayuuyiri Abuu Mansuur oo intaas ku sii daray in sababta ay Garoonka u xireen ay tahay iyadoo garoonka uu noqday meel ay Ciidamo degan yihiin, isla markaana ay hub kala soo degaan. “Garoonka markiisii horeba Mujaahidiinta ayaa furay, kadibna cadaw ayaa qabsaday, haddana haddii laga wada hadlo waa la furi karaa”ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab oo waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay in furitaanka garoonka ay ku xireen lacag la siiyo. “Wararkaas waxba kama jiraan, in aan lacag weydiisanno iska daaye, waxaaba jira Shirkado yiri lacag ayaan idin siineynaa, kuwaasi oo aan ka diidnay”ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray Abuu Mansuur oo caddeeyay in aysan ahayn dad isbaaro dhiganaya, “suurtagal ma ahan in aan sidaas u dhaqanno, waayo annaga ayaaba isbaarada la dagaallanna”ayuuna mar kale yiri. Waxaa kale oo uu ka hadlay eedeyn kale oo loo jeediyay oo ahayd in ay u hanjabeen Odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ......., wuxuuna sheegay in hanjabaaddaas aysan iyagu ka imaanin, suurtagalna aysan ka ahayn, “Odayaasha .....waa Waalidiinta Mujaahidiinta, mana suurtowdo in loo hanjabo, waxaaba la socotaan in taageerada ay u muujiyeen halganka iyo jihaadka socda loo xiray, dhibaatana loogu geystay”ayuu yiri Abuu Mansuur. Abuu Mansuur oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu sheegay in ay jiraan Dad ku qaraabta magaca Al-Shabaab oo dhibaato u geysta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, “Shacabka Soomaaliyed waxaan u caddeyneynaa in dadka falalkaas geysanaya aysan ka mid ah Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab, waxaana wadnaa tallaabooyin aan ka qaadeyno”ayuu yiri Abuu Mansuur oo caddeeyay in ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen dad falalkaas ku lug lahaa, kuwaasi oo ay maanta maxkamadeynayaan. “Shalay ayaa ugu dambeysay waxaan soo qabannay Dad fidno-wadayaal ahaa oo Magaca Al-Shabaab dhibaato ku geystay, kuwaasi oo geystay falal isugu jira dil iyo dhac. Dadkaas maanta ayaa maxkamad la soo taagayaa, laguna qaadayaa wixii ay shareecada Islaamka ka qabto arrintooda”ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab. Ugu dambeyntiina, Abuu Mansuur waxaa uu ka hadlay Hay’ado Samafal oo la sheegay in ay xayiraad gaar ah ku soo rogeen, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan dhamaan hay’adaha ku soo rogin, balse waxa ay shaqada ka joojiyeen ay yihiin Hay’adaha Care iyo IMC, “Hay’adaha kale wixii qaab samafal ah u shaqeynaya howshooda waa wadan karaan, laakin labadaas hay’adood ee aan shaqada ka joojinnay ma howlgeli karaan, maalin gaar ah ayaana rabaa in aan arrintooda ka hadlo”ayuu yiri Shiikh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis). Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
Not cool. This might be their youtube vidoe: Youth trip back home.
Adam waa rageedii! :cool:
Kala japkii ururkii biliiliqada ee la magac baxay Al-shabab
RedSea replied to dhulQarnayn's topic in Politics
'dairy of mad woman'. poster, Japkii??? stop butchering the language. -
Alshabaab is our movement. It's a somali movement, it's Muslim movement and it's justly organizations striving daily to combat the aggression of those who have long sought to suppress the somalis for good and establish complete dominance over us all. They are the last line of defense and hope for us all. Regardless of whether you are a somalilander, Plander, Galbeedi, Djabuuti. The sad reality is, if Ethiopia succeeds god forbid, in implementing their evil designs onto somalis in Southern Somalia, they will feel the confidence to do as they will everywhere else. That is precisely why every somalis should not dismiss this as 'non of their concern'. It's our concern and it's our obligation. My fellow somalilanders know something about what is like to face an overwhelming enemy who is hellbent in destroying anything in its path. The SNM would have never been as successful as it has nor would have defeated Siyad Bare's forces without the people joining its ranks, contributing both money and blood; and for those in the diaspora contributing both their PR skills as well as their money. We need to understand that Alshabaab serves even bigger purpose, it's a movement found on Islamic idealogy that serves no qabiil interest. Therefore we shall support it, all of us. On this particluar thread, I am addressing somalilanders and how they could help. 1. Alshabaab is a movement based on Islamic idealogy; fighting against a foreign Christian aggressor (Ethiopia) and internal Munaafiqeen and worlord enterprise Tigray Funded Government). 2. By denouncing the positions of Dahir Rayaale Kahin and embracing the hardships of the fellow somalis in the south will be a testimont to the fact that somalilanders of being true somalis who neither enjoy nor support the enemy of the somali people. There is immense opposition in Somaliland to what the Ethiopians and the internal enemy is doing in the south; they shall openly demonstratrate it. 3. Thus far Somalilanders have extended a helping hand to scores of somalis displaced from the on-going conflicts in the south. Though unrecognised many somalilanders have found a way to accomadate more and more somalis than any other region outside of refugees camps in Afgoye even more so than Puntland state, close proximity to the conflict areas. What is needed is for Somalilanders to Set up more relieve efforts to help more families and victims. They must demonstrate in the streets of Hargeysa, Burco, Borama, Berbera, Ceerigaabo in support for the struggle in Southern Somalia and against The Tigray agression as well as the warlord Abdullahi Yusuf. 4. They must not block anyone who is willing to join Alshabaab and other movement to fight the Agressors and their internal puppets. 5. They must condemn the words of Dahir Rayaale Kahin, Faysal Cali Warabe for their indirect relations with the Tigray regime. And welcome the words of somalilanders like Sh. Saylici (current chair of Kismayo), Sh. Mukhtar Abuzubeir, commander of Alshabaab, Gen. Mohamed Ghalib, duputy of the ICU and the hundreds of fighters from Burco and Hargeysa participating in the Jihad and dying there. 6. Somalilanders known for their hardwork, dedication, their true identity of being poineers, wealth of bussinesses, experience, and brains, and bravery shall help and contribute even more from preventing the Christian Tigray invaders from applying their designs and imposing their evil plans onto somalis. They shall not be bystanders like many somalis who we have found to being the ulimate hypocrites of our time. Those who have been the loudest of the somalis when it came to the 'interest' of somalis, but yet have turned out instead to being the most insane, careless, and luck of reasoning to foresee their country being taken over and even support openly the killing of their fellow countrymen, the infiltration of their country by outside forces.. I am speaking even cyber persona like Gen. Duke,, and his friends here. :rolleyes: If the somalilanders accomplish those points or many in similar, they shall find themselves amongst those scripted on the honorary pages on the history books. I am sure many somalilanders have already fullfilled their obligation to stand up with their brothers/sisters. And I am very confident the rest will jump on the bandwagon, and help moblize, and add last pieces to this movement to help deliver the last death blow to the enemy. Many agree the enemy is getting weaker, and more desperate. And the movement is getting stronger and gaining support due to the fact that many somalis on all corners have just woken to the reality of their country being suppressed that is. Insha Allah we shall succeed. Death to qabiil.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Apparently it didn’t do it for you! Yet your premise is so SNM like adeer. Jabbuuti always praises SL people and the stability they achieved. We all do. Its objection to the notion of a northern secession however has not changed. Sorry duqa remind me what the point of this is again. As to Geele, and to you as well mr. xiinfaniin. Thanks but no thanks.
Originally posted by LayZie G.: My favourite separatist aka Red dare speak of me in that kind manner, I am blushing as we speak. Why be so kind to me, when you know I was never kind to you? I guess a fellow separatist will know of your type of kindness eh? Why be kind? Well, it could be that you're a girl, and so is my mom by the way. Though I feel this towards most of the pple of all ages, colors, backgrounds, I always seem to have soft spot specially for girls(like yourself) even when I think they are way out of touch with everything that goes on. Oh boy layzie and her newly found body of Dhulqarnayn. Wagareey aduunyada, what a couple!
^One paragraph is all one needs. This was speech for Djabuuti not for somaliland. Therefore by praising somaliland in a passage within his speech to his citizens just about does it.
Yusuf IndaCade attacks Sharif Ahmed? complete failure
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
iska hadalku mafiicna yaa dhaha. Waa laba nin oo isku mabda' laakin inay xishood iyo restraint muujiyaan weeyaan. -
LZG is a great girl runtii. She does that little back flip once a year. She'll be back. Dhulka, don't mislead the girl. She aint dead like some here, she is alive and well. She needs little soul searching.
Thanks but no thanks jabuuti.
Originally posted by Alfa: LayZie G, yac! see weeye eedo, qof kale haa balse LG lagama filayn in aay sida ka fiirsasho la aana wax u qorto. You neva know what to expect from LZG. She flips and flops faster anyone I have seen in long time.
Originally posted by Cara: ^Actually, it's been a great success. So far no men have commented on here war baa kuu laaban saaxib.
Ma adiga ayey wax kaa xadeen maxaad tuug ugu sheegaysaa? Markabkan ay qabsadeen cunto walaa dawooyin mawadin ee wuxu waday hub iyo rasaas. These guys are the last line of defense. For decades foreigners felt confortable in the somali coastline doing all sorts of things. I am glad finally they have met their match. Get rich boys!
Abdillahi Yussuf oo Qaylo-dhaan iyo Cabasho u diray Melles Zanawi kadib markii Hogaanka Kooxda Emgathi Mudane Abdillahi Yussuf oo iminka muddo go'doon ku ahaa Xaraunta Madaxtooyada ee Muqdisho ayaa waxa soo wajahay cabsi iyo jaahwareer siyaasiya oo la sheegay in uu gaadhsiiyey heer uu yidhaahdo waan Is-casilayaa. Oday Abdillahi iyo Maamulkiisa oo ah mid ay garbaha hayaan Ciidamo Shisheeye ayaa u muuqda iminka mid ay ka caga-jiidayaan ciidamadii Ethiopia ee sida toos ka ah u difaaci jiray, Arintanina waxa ay soo baxday kadib markii Generalka Itoobiya u qaabilsan isku duba-ridka Sirdoonka iyo Siyaasada...General Gabre Dila oo la sheegay in looga yeedhay dalkiisa, taas oo ku timi dacwad cusub uu ka gudbiyey Abdillahi Yussuf. Dacwadan ayaa salka ku haysa kadib markii dhawr jeer weeraro dhinacyo badan ah ama dhawr jaho ah lagu soo qaaday Madaxtooyada, isla-markaana aanay ka helin ciidamada Madaxtooyadu wax gurmad ah ciidamada Itoobiya iyada oo la sheegay in uu dhegaha-ka-fureystay General Gabre codsiyo dhawr ah oo kaga yimi saraakiisha Madaxtooyada si ay gurmad uga helaan ciidamada Itoobiya ee xerooyinka ku leh Muqdisho. Abdillahi ayaa la sheegay in uu isugu yeedhay Gabre iyo saraakiil kale si ay u sababeeyaan ama u sharxaan gurmada la'aanta iyada oo aan la ogayn wixii ka soo baxay kulankaa. Warar duul-duul ah ayaa sheegaaya in General Gabre looga yeedhay Addisababa, lamana yaqaan in la bedeli doono iyo in kale. General Gabre ayaa ah nin wakhti dheer ka soo shaqaynaayey Somalia isaga oo la-odhan karo waa nin haya xukunka dhabta ee Somalia. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Major General Yohannes G.Meskel Tesfa Mariam oo ah taliye kale oo ay qaraabo ama xigto hoose yihiin marwada R/wasaaraha Itoobiya Azeb Mesfin uu haatan isku hayo jagadiisi iyo tii General Gabre. Wararka hoos ahaan ugu soo burqanaaya Madaxtooyada ayaa sheegaaya in uu Abdillah telephono badan ku qarqiyey R/wasaaraha Itoobiya isaga oo u sheeg in uu is casilayo, haddii aan ciidanka Ethiopia ee ku sugan Muqdishu aano Damaanad qaadin Difaaca Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee ku go'doonsanyahay. Mudane Abdillahi ayaa markasta ku cawda in Maleeshiyada uu kale yimi Puntland ay yihiin qaar aan Tayo lahayn oo aan difaaci karayn ama sugi karayn Amaankiisa. By: Osman Abdillahi Sool......Freelance Journalist. sooldhuub@hotmail.com
???? I don't get it.
not everyone gets it easy you know @ Cynical.
lool..MMA malah qatar iska dhig ayuu is yidhi kolkaas ayuu is qal qaloociyey. Masha Allah though.
robbing other people aint good. But in this case, I say they have full right to rob anyone who uses the somali coast in a way that is either harmful or non beneficial to the somalis. Get rich boys!
Kala japkii ururkii biliiliqada ee la magac baxay Al-shabab
RedSea replied to dhulQarnayn's topic in Politics
^not the funny. Creativity aint one of your stronger spots among other things. -
Soler?? lool are you implying that mr. Quelah has internet connection from corn field and browses here?
there was this fundraising for fight against cancer on three network tvs (CBS, ABC and NBC). They were talking about how cancer claims 600,000 thousands lives each year. I still can't believe that. I was terrified that I almost fell like packing and leaving this unhealthy society. I would be safer in Xamar.
^Amin.."Nimaan shaqaysan shaah macabo".
I dont' know about Huruud but qasil does work and works really good. It was used as soup during the times of the Prophet SCW. It bubbles if you use like a sponge. Men can also try it.