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Everything posted by RedSea
(Qiso Dhab Ah: Jaallayaal Jacaylku Hilib Ma Gooyaa? ) (Hadhwanaagnews) Muqdisho(HWN):- Wiil ka ganacsan jiray xoolaha la qalo islamarkaana ahaa, hilible oo dagana xafadda Howlwadaag ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la sheegay gabadh uu jeclaa oo mar walba hilib ka iibsan jirtay, uu si fiican u dhaqaaleyn jiray, isagoo siin jiray hilib ka badan qiimaha ay iibsato, iyo sidoo kale hilib baruur ah oo nadiif ah. Ninkaas oo magaciisa la yidhaahdo Cali Gurey, gabadha uu jeclaadayna Malyuun Cabdi ayaa hooyada dhashay gabadhaas waxay mar walba aragtaa gabadheeda oo marka laba kun oo hilib quraacda loo dirto wadda hilib quraac, qado ilaa cashada ku filin oo wada jiidh ah, iyadoo hooyadaas marka ay gabdhaheeda kale adeega u dirto ay u keenaan inta xaqa ay u leeyihiin ee caadiga ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee mar dambe oo ay hooyadu u kuurgashay arrintaas ayay ogaatay in ninka hiliblaha ah uu gabadheeda jecel yahay, waxayna gabadheeda ku tidhi “Ninka haddii uu ku jecel yahay ha ku soo doonto ee hilib aan xaqeena ahayn ha inooga soo qaadin". Kadibna waxa dhacday In Gabadhii ay ruunta u sheegto haddu jacel yahay uu ka soo doonto reerkooda, sidaas daradeedna ay isku guursadeen imikana waxay is-ku dhaleen 5-carrur ah. Hassan YeeY Hadhwanaagnews/Office Koonfur Africa Emil;- yeey18@hotmail.com ------------------------------- Waa sheeko fiican.
A historic meeting for Somaliland Oil Industry in London
RedSea replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by LayZie G.: ^go Dukey, its your birthday, hahaha. Brother Red, I promised myself that I was going to take it easy on you but you are such an easy target that sometimes it can not be helped. You have a tendency to shoot yourself in the mouth with statement like "alshabaab did not loot, rape or kill innocent people", in that instant, what do you have me do? I know this is going to come as a surprise but please in the name of Dukey explain to me how you believe that shabaabs are saints and infact you have evidence that supports your qashin of a claim? In the name of Duke? :confused: Eedo fall back marka hore and don't get ahead of yourself. Alshabaab hardly needs anyone to come to its defense as they are about to pull off what many have thought couldnt have been done. Ethiopia is on the brink of cutting and running out of Somalia. The TFG stooges are all in disarray, the Somali people from Galgaduud, Hiiraan, all the way to Raas kombonay are behind their boys, the Shabaab youth. The few western wannabes (Like LZ) are insignifant. They are hoping to see somalis become another Muslim liberal state. Have no fear though, Alshabaab doesnt kill but it sure does whip the butts of anyone who steps out of the boundaries of decency . -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^You dont speak for Somali's only the secessionist group. Anyhow stop the pretences you dont care about Al Shabaab you just love their destruction. I believe I can speak for rer Muqdisho if I want to as well. If a dude from the plains of Mudug can have his go, why not a dude from the hills of Hargeisa? Sheekada raqiiska ah awoow meel lafadhiiso. :cool: ps. Mr. Puntland have no fear, cuz a person who fears another human has sickness in his heart. That is a word of assurance from Sheekh ibn Uthamein. :cool: -
lool@the ecceptance speech. How moving!
A historic meeting for Somaliland Oil Industry in London
RedSea replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
^That is just not the way to respond Emperor. Nin fiican ayaad tahay laakin caqliga ha iska qaadin. -
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Blame the right hand, or was it the left hand, as Baddacas expertly puts it? :Dwhat! I said that?
Subxana Malikal Qudduus!
KK loool..am entertaining our gals in here. nothing serious am not this sweet in real person. As for the teacher of the thread. It seems one post he is being informative and the next tme he comes back to reply he be flirting with the girls. Caashaq iyo cashar meel mawada marin karaan. lool
^kayar kadaa. He doesn't have that much room upstairs to process that much all at once. Madax xanuun ha ku rudin.
Gudaha ayaa la iskugu yimid, and gues who is in Xamar and who is in Tripoli today? loool
Bossaso: Candidates Gen Ilkajiir Pro Muxiyadiin join forces: PICS
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The body guard look like they're malnurished. maskaakin Ilaahay faraj ha idiin furo. -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^ So what if I am Somalilander. I am not a member of Alshabab but I sure take them over the TFG anyday much like many somalis make the same preference. So what are you implying? -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Fact is Alshabaab is a somali movement. Just get that in your head and take a hike. -
I very much doubt that you can argue and refute the truth. The truth is not what you make it or wish it would be. But as always you can pretend to be on the moral high ground. you were wrong on your short-lived dream caravan, you will be wrong on this one.So why don't you just state it. It's easier to say things as they are and not act as verbal wit sometimes.
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Koora Tuunshe, Which defeats the argument that Alshabaab= 1 clan. -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
As I said Duke, I dont have anything to do with USC (that was clan based movement). However the Alshabaab group has more of your clan members than mind. So stop this idiotic link between UIC/alshabab to USC of the past. -
^The game has changed. You have been convinced that yesterday. Laakin wali weak argument ayaad ku jirtaa. Sheekadu way is badashay. Ina Yey ma dhaheen TFG way dhacday, Ethiopiana may dhahdeen Ciidamadayada ayaan somalia kala baxaynaa iyagoo canaan ujeedinayaa A/Y. Markaan the whole game has taken 180 degree turn.
Originally posted by Bella*Princesa: lol oo kalay, marka hoore yaa ku rabo? :eek: orad wax isku fal istubid yahow tuurta lee, and I wouldn't consider a Toshiba laptop a 'wife' kkkkk inabti ka yar dabci laakin you are right yaa raabo isaga markaad wiilyar oo sportiga ciyaara aad helaysid yancii anaa iska wada.
lool.. They are demanding $25 Mil. For the Saudi Tanker too.
lool.. Nebuary is January.
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
NG, Juje and I are not arguing for the same thing. He is arguing for the USC(a movement I do not support nor have anything to do with). Just so you know mr. dhag cas. Duke, 1st: that war in SL in its early yrs was internal scuffle for leadership between the waring clans (Much like Puntlands' friction between Cade Muse vs. Yey in '01). Tuur lost, and Igal won. Gues which was pro Somaliwayne? . At the end Somaliland' case of seccesion won. I bet you didnt' know iska hadlow. 2nd. there were no outside intervention i.e Ethiopia, Unisom etc.. 3rd. In comparison The TFG was never a government elected by the people for the people. It has always been run by warlords such as your uncle ina YeY. It's also an entity that has seeked the 'help' of foreign forces to hunt down on its own people (though I may have no luck there since you think reer banadir are your enemy). in addition, the TFG is not based on clan, but rather based on corrupt inviduals from all various clans(if you think the cause of my oppostion to them stems from clan), who are not interested in rebuilding somalia, but of the same people that have been terrorizing the population since the civil war. They don't have the support of the bulk of the somali people primarily in the South, hint why it hasn't worked Alshabaab has control over most of the South. I am sorry that you have wasted so much time trying to draw what little they have achieved, but soon you will come in contact with reality that the TFG has been nothing but bunch of crooks made a legit government of Somalia by the international community. And now the international community which has been fostering it in those four years have backdown including the military pawns of Ethiopia. So now we shall see what really the old colonel is made off in defending his entity in what little manliness he has left. ps. good luck. -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^I thought so. So much bla bla and so little to defend it. adeer let us face it, the TFG you have had held so much faith in has been dealt with long and the main leg i.e ethios, that it has been limbing on is about to leave it stranded for justice to prosecute them. You can cry all you want about USC, Hargeysa, but who is going to safe A/Y is what I want to discuss? -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke, Do you think I care of who you defeated, or who you might have chased around or perhaps the other way around? sxb..you are addressing the wrong guy about insignificant past. But let us get to the present: The TFG needed the escort of the ethiopian army to get to Muqisho and safeguard them there from the Somali fighters. 2d: It's understandible A/y said he won't be needing anymore of a help from Ethiopia, simply because he just anounced that his TFG has collapsed. There is no government he says. Those were his words. 3rd. We all know you can't defend jack, so the only way to safe A/Y from this onslaught is not by hiding him in Puntland; that would attract the hungary Alshabaabs, but rather have him get exiled into of them countries where he feels most safe. Ps. Alshabab is no USC, they dont' kill, loot, rape innocent people. The TFG is present day gang militia. Good riddance.