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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. It was so inspiring to see schools in almost every corner, Masha Allah.
  2. Eh? Will the REAL Khayr please stand up?
  3. Juxa.. LOL. Heedhe, caano geel iyo foox-ba waa laguu keeni, laakin JB wuxuu hayo waa in machino lagu baadhaa marka hore. Muqumad iwl.. are illegal here. Tehehehe.
  4. Will he be doing any shows. Time, Date and places.. yeah?
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: ma aniga ?? ,, Adiga, you, yes! LOL
  6. “All that stands between a person and kufr is his not praying.” The Prophet (SAW). Tell the brother to check his salah though because as you said it seems as though he is missing out on some of it's benefits. Insha Allah, May Allah give him the strength to witstand his weaknesses. You should encourage him do do good, not put him off.
  7. Bravo Adna. Noolow Eedo! p.s Sawirada hagaaji, badawyahow. Mar walba waa in laguu sheego.
  8. LOL^ Caawa waad soo cabaysatay, I see.
  9. Define childhood.. That being said, Islam and Muslims don't measure themselves through YOUR moral compass, sweetheart. Get over yourself already!
  10. 2010, Insha Allah will be the year I make hajj or Umrah in Ramadan. Learn to cook like hooyo. LOL@ Stoic. We've got something in common. It's more about being sensible and acting my age for me though..
  11. Your CV is supposed to tell the employer how your skills and education qualify you for the post. Personally, I've a very Islamic last name and wear hijab, so can't keep my faith a secret and I don't usually have a problem landing a job. There were a few occasions where someone pointed to my hijab as to say will you wear that to work? :rolleyes:
  12. I agree but that applies to ALL women not just Somalis. What's with the obsession of Somalifying every issue horta? It's like we're from a different planet. Seriously, there are high / low maintanence women in every culture. CL lay off the married women or me KK, Juxa and Malika aa isugu kaa qaban. *shakes her man dacas at CL* LOL
  13. LOL@ this thread. I'm thinking dagaal wayn baa Togdheer ka dhacay idin waad abtirsanaysaan. Buus ya'll!
  14. Originally posted by Dabshid: I am totally against spoon feeding some of the Somali migrants rely on, It kills their creativity, No wonder why nomands in Gulf are very hardworking. You'll notice a difference in family units too. So much respect, kala danbayn and nidaam in Gulf families. Masha Allah. I guess those who are milking it in the welfare states have under estimated the barakah in earning your own bread.
  15. Out of curiosity, what would you "manly" men have him do? If this is true, isn't it sweet irony that she beat him with his golf club. LOL.
  16. Oh come on Paragon, not add to the bashing of this family, laakin bahasha weynu maalnaa siduu awoowgeen nooga dhintay. LOL. BTW.. wasn't there a similar story about a white family not long ago? I guess the system is a bit messed up in that it makes freeloading super easy and supporting your family difficult.
  17. ^Why is that sad? It's the best way to go. M'A. Sounds interesting..
  18. Originally posted by poiuyt: Please write it in English as I have a hard time understanding and reading Somali. This is going to be a major obstacle for even a two day visit. Fix it!
  19. Thanks, Salma. If it's generating debate than it's worth seeing. Will check it over the weekend. I'A.
  20. @white girl flow. :eek: Some of those mothers lack imagination. What's wrong with cane rows, braids, twists and good ol afro- their kids would still look cute. I don't think hair texture is the issue here, it's the rubbish that's in peoples heads. Soft doesn't necessarily mean good / healthy, especially when you have to put chemicals on your head and take your hair out of their natural state. How long can one keep that up for? The hair will eventually rebel and / walk out.
  21. Blessed

    Today I....

    I’m caught between caught between writing reports all day (boring, hence my trolling across the forum) or having fun with the girls.. Need to find a job I can forget about once I leave the building. any ideas, SOLers?