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^I'd be too if I was from Qaloocan? Besides, hada Hargaisaa la isku wada shubay even went to a few newbie initiation session when I was there. Ngonge, Oo waa tee? Aan ku diree.
^Is that so, your boy Tuujiye is letting you down with his public mourning for the Burcawi love. LOL. NG, Sweet!
Che, I was responding to Tuujiye, he spoke of Muqdisho. I've a brother and sister with xamari accent so I know that it isn't even about clans.
I said rejection based on tribal arrogance was xaraam.
LOL, Mz Alpha.. you've a very skewed view of motherhood. Adding to what was already said, working doesn't necessarily have to be about money, some of women crave the mental challenge and actually have something valuable to offer society. I switch between being a SAHM and working mum depending on my families needs and I don't think I'm a better mother because I do one / the other. And in either case, my husband doesn't sit around waiting for me to do every thing.. not all men are retards who only think about their rights, some know their responsibilities too.
Tuujiye, So you can call a whole group of people uneducated and not be qabiilist but Ibts is one for not wanting to be with a Southerner? Hmmm! Perhaps, Ibts doesn't like southern shukaansi? Not many northern girls can stomach the 'abaay macaan qoradxu aday kaa nuurtaa' and many of my xamari girls are adamant thet can handle the 'naa waad is ku dhacaysaa'.. It all starts with the shukaansi, ya know. NG and Paragon, Kafaah sounds like nonsense in the Somali diaspora context where your all refugees, mahaa? Many other scholars such Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Taymmiya Ibn Masood oppose it too. Anyway, those who feel superior might benefit from this.. this
Considering that livestock is our biggest export this is really worrying for Somalis. Somaliland: a way of life lost Written by: Oxfam Saleban Yussuf Noor from Ununley village in Burcao, Somaliland. REUTERS/Oxfam handout This blog was written by Jane Barrett, a press officer for Somalia, Niger and Burundi with Oxfam Novib, the Dutch part of the Oxfam confederation. She recently went on a field trip to Somaliland. When the villagers of Ununley in Burcao gather to meet us, providing an occasion to drink tea and chew khaat, there is a distinct majority of elderly and women. Indeed, many men from this pastoralist community have gone with their sheep and goats to search for water. The latest information, a village elder tells us, is that it has rained by the Ethiopian border. It will be busy, as many herders have heard the same. Having missed several seasonal rains, the herders have to go further and further in search of water and vegetation for their animals. Along the way, many livestock will be lost to the drought. Saleban Yussuf Noor is 75. He is one of the eldest in the village and was one of its founding members at age ten. In his younger years, his family was wealthy. "When I was young, my family was most generous. I ran a tea shop and to feed people I slaughtered my goats," he said. Then, the village was growing. Saleban himself owned 500 sheep and goats. Now his family of 11 own just 30. In the last ten years, changing weather patterns have endangered the pastoralist way of life that has existed for centuries in Somalia. The last four years the drought has intensified, with the most recent summer the worst. "Every place they [the herders] go they lose some [cattle]." Saleban is very concerned about what the future holds for the younger generation of the village: "The young people who are supposed to continue to build the village are leaving to places such as Lybia, the Sahara and Europe to find work and build a family. "This changing weather is very bad. The people living here used to be wealthy, now they are very poor." He doesn't quite know how to deal with the impact it has had on himself and his village. "We are proud. We used to live lavishly, we don't know how to help, it sounds like begging," Saleban said. Saleban's grandson has been sitting nearby throughout our conversation, drawing patterns in the sand. I ask him what he wants to be when he grows up. "Teacher" he says shyly. Then I ask his friends who are sitting around us, "Teacher", "Doctor", "Teacher", "Teacher", "Big man who can work in the factory." Not one of them wants to be a herder like their fathers. That prospect is too bleak. Source
LOL. Ibts. T.H talk? If you were from ends they'd call you what they call my hooyo and the other lady.. Some of you are obsessed with Burco, waad ku tusbaxaysaan doontaan goor dhow saad u socotaan.
Haahaha. Somalis crack me up, walaahi. Berina we will be debating if we are carab or Afrikaan. Nasab my dusty foot! Ng, Which scholars, what's their argument?
That's a stretch Mr.P. I don't think you can use Prophetic a hadith to justify a purely arrogant stance. That hadith itself hints that nasab isn't a good / valid choice and many others speak of tribal arrogance. Distancing yourself from another Muslim because you feel somewhat purer / nobler and the degradation and vilification people from minority groups are subjected (reread the story) or even other large clans can never be Islamicly justified. Wanting to keep the geel in the family or sticking to what you know and feel safe with is a whole different matter and is really upto the individual concerned.
Ng, Runta sheeg, you mean an ilkyarfishboy. It spreads fitnah. It's perfectly legitimate to refuse someone on the grounds of cultural / language differences but to say 'adeer your a fine lad but we can't have you mucking up our pure blood' doesn't fall under the nasab, wealth, beauty and deen hadith.
^Cousin in the qabiil sense, anyone from the main clan is one of us sort of thing. Johhny, LOL. Some would fear the crazy, violent Burcawi connection more than the minority stigma. And regardless of his qabiil Ng, is blessed, yeah?!
You misunderstood me, Che. I meant the extended family tend to be less involved with a couple once an individual marries out of the desired qabils league / Somalis. If you marry a cousin, they're all over your house and your business. Bring nin/naag shisheeye into the picture, waa lagaa gaabsan hadaan lagaa goosan completely. I wouldn't have a problem with that. In fact, I prefer that to the 'aan is dhex walaaqano' nonsense.
I've found the good thing about marrying minority or none Somalis is that people interfere with you less. I'd allow my girls, just to rid them of Somaali faduulis. Anyways, this is xaraam mahaa? It's deen before dhaqan in my home!
^I do and I'm an ayeeyo. What's the worry? Juxa, The real flower looks so much better than those flowers btw.. I've been meaning to send in a complaint bout that!
Juxa, don't bother dear. They're all Americans. LOL
Hahaha. Juxa, I thought I'd follow you to get a sneak peak at Rudy too. Just as I imagined. I kid!
Faheema, mee mahaynee, mee. Ka maarmi karnee mee? Someone find it before CL kills NNC. Juxa, Off course, dear. Laaakin kan ay C&H sheegayso waa waali wadnaha gaadhay.
Ladies, where is the love?
I've read the following article on Jamhuuriya last week. Reer Burco doing it for themselves. Masha Allah! p.s Do people actually believe the dacaayad about reer Burco? I've seen more qawdhans in Hargaisa. LOL. Burco Waxay Noqon Doontaa Mustaqbalka Gobolki Warashadaha,xoolaha iyo Beeraha"Wasiirka Beeraha Soml THURSDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2009 Burco(Togdhnews)-wasiirka beeraha Somalilan Md:Aadan Cilmi Dhoola yare,ayaa sheegay in magaalada Burco ay mustaqbalaka noqondoonto goobtii Warshadaha,Xoolaha iyo Beeraha, waxaana wasiirku sidaa ka sheegay kulan balaadhan oo uu Beeralayda Togdheer lagu gudoonsiinayay deeq raashin ah oo wasaarada Beeruhu ugu deeqday. Wasiirku waxa uu intaa ku daray,in aduunka dalwaliba ku tashaday, inay la soo baxaan raashinka quutal daruuriga ah,maanta rashinkan laydin siinayo waxaa soo saaratay beerlay idinla mida oo heerkaas gaadhay,idinkana waxaan idiin rajeynaya inaad heerkan gaadhi doontaan balse loo baahan yahay inaad cawska aad beerataan ku badashaan raashin, wasiirku wuxuu inta ku daray in gobolka togdheer ka nasiib badan yahay goboladda kale oo dadkiisu dadaalayaan, waana gobolka ugu warshadaha badan , ugu biyaha badan xoola badan wuxuuna tilmaamay in shanta sano ee soo socda noqon doono, gobolka warshadaha, xoolaha iyo beeraha, "waxaas oo dhan waxaan u gaadhney nabada aan ku naalooneynoee aynu haysano".
LOOOL. Blue.. The taxi never turning up is closer to the truth.. LOL. Berbera is amazing, the bit near the coast is breath taking. The rest of the city seems a little deserted but then there's so much potential. :cool:
Canadian Goverment digs more dirt on Sucaad
Blessed replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
I think you missed the part about the sister, Geeljire. The story makes sense now. Yah! -
Didn't know anyone with a Jan 1st b-day till today. A relative just a had a baby girl, what a to start the year. Bless the Jan 1st crew..
To be fair, kuwii hore waxay haysteen dad hogaamiya oo tooba bara. Yaguba markay fanka ku cusbaayeen dad bey heesahooda qaadi jireen oo ay ku soo bixi jireen, markaasay abwaanadii heeso cusub u dhiibi jireen. Hada waxaa lumay xidhiidhkii abwaanada iyo fanaaniinta cusub. Teeda kale imika fanku wuu is badaly, baigii hore ceeb ayaa loo arki jiray oo dad passionate u ah ayuun baa gali jiray, waxaanay ahayd dariiq dadweynaha loo maro oo afkaarta ama rayiga siyaasada oo aan la cadayn karayn loogu gudbiyo dad waynaha. Imika fanaanimadii ayaa noqotay wax lagu doonto magac iyo faan oo mid kasta oo raba inay habluhu daba cararaanba microphonka awuu qabsan. Codkana dee waa la allaabeeya, markaa rag fanaan wada noqay. Kuwa cusub waxaa ku jira qaar wanwanaagsa oo ay ka mid yihiin, Abdi Fanah, Shay Mireh or alternative K'naan -Maalin dhaweyd wuxuu lahaa, Hadrawi ayaa hees cusub oo Somaali ah u qoray.
^What complete and utter tosh! Poster, are you still in your teens? Awkward shyness is pretty common with teens and has a lot to do with self confidnce. Insha Allah, we all grow out of it. TBH, I don't see what's to fear when it comes men. They're so fickle and straight forward. Women on the other hand....