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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Originally posted by Cara.: quote:Originally posted by cynical lady: I beg your pardon? Care to elaborate as to how you’ve managed to insert feminism on that sentence? Come on CL, why don't you just admit that feminists are responsible for all the tragedies and calamities of the 20th and 21st centuries! Hitler? Feminist. The nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagazaki? Feminists. Pol Pot? He ran a 5K marathon to support breast cancer research. Twice. Osama bin Laden? A passionate believer that men and women should be equal before the law. Dick Cheney? Cannot get enough of Girl Scout cookies. The Haiti earthquake? Plate Tectonics just shows you how unstable Mother Earth is, she should learn to settle down and find a man. Obviously "global warming" is really just hot flashes from early menopause. Can you say "biological clock is ticking away"? LMAO. Thanks, Cara.
  2. LOOOOL Riyaale waa doqon. Dadkii oo ku kacsan ayuu sheeko xariir usii dhisayaa. No one really cares about the unity / recognition rhetoric, anymore. Reer Somaliland are pissed off with the manner in which UDUB runs country d no smear campaign will cloud that reality. UDUB needs to stop treating people like adhi.
  3. Okay, putting this to the test right this minute. I'm shattered after a long week but can't go to sleep because my guests seem to be stuck at the airport... If I stare at the door, they should just appear in..... 1. 2. 3... p.s this sounds like common sense, spiced up / over rated.
  4. Ciil badanaa!!!!!!!! and a few more !!!!!!!! for effect! :mad: :mad:
  5. LOL^. You can get the sanduuq full with a 100USD.
  6. Maybe, but 20K is good money in Africa. I'd personally go for the adventure and experience. Work doesn't always have to be about getting rich.
  7. There's a Somali Job fair now? Wow! Waad duusheen.
  8. SOL should have a jobs section. This sounds like a great opportunity. I don't know any accountants- pass it on. Islamic Relief An international humanitarian organisation with operations in over thirty countries worldwide requires a: Finance Manager – Somaliland/Kenya Salary: £20,024 Location: Nairobi (60%) Somaliland (40%) Contract: 1 year fixed term Ref: FMSK/ARIPD/0110 Requirements: We are currently recruiting for Finance Manager; the post holder will be responsible for maintaining systems and controls to ensure the efficiency, integrity and transparency of the field offices in accordance with the guidelines provided by Islamic Relief Head Quarters and internationally accepted accounting standards. She/he will ensure an effective system is established for accounting documentation and reports keeping together with providing Head Quarters complete, accurate and timely financial reports in required formats. The person is also responsible for the management of field and sub-offices funds and cash handling. The successful candidate will be a qualified Accountant (ACCA/ACA/CIMA/CCAB) or equivalent internationally recognized accounting qualification with excellent communication skills in terms of presenting financial matter to non-financial managers. He/she will have a high degree of computer literacy and proficiency in accounting software preferably Quickbooks. Fluency in English (written and spoken) however knowledge in foreign language is desirable. She/he will have the ability to adapt to new situations and to work independently along with a disposition of a team player. Applicants should be sympathetic to the principles of Islamic Relief. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted Islamic Relief is an equal opportunities employer Closing Date: 02 February 2010 For further details, please contact
  9. Blessed


    Letter from Haiti. From Ya Ikhwani! We are in need of your assistance. Our country has been hit by an act of nature that has left our people with countless deaths, homeless, without water, food, blood and medication. All of our hospitals have crumbled, we have piles of people in the streets dead. Some people have had to have their limbs removed without aesthetics. Makeshift hospitals are being made with tents but there are not enough doctors or medication for the amount of injured. The smell of dead bodies has risen in the entire city, the people have become desperate of the situation. Workers remove one of the hundreds of bodies left in front of Port-au-Prince's General Hospital, to be placed in a common grave. UN Photo/Logan Abassi There are still people who are under the rumble and cannot be reached. My brother Didier Ambroise is missing and we have not been able to find him. My Uncle Roblain Legagneur and my cousin Namu Corvington and his wife died buried under their house. Brother Ibrahim Abdoul Salam’s house was destroyed and his cousin died. Also brother Abou Bakr’s house was crumbled and his sister died. Many brothers and sisters are unaccounted for. We do not know if they are alive or dead. May Allah give ease to them in whatever state they may be. Amin. Houses have been destroyed, stores, buildings, it is a complete nightmare. A children hospital was destroyed and thousands of children have died. All the masjids are still standing and the brothers and sisters are using them as shelters for those in need. The little available is being shared. Unfortunately all the churches have been destroyed and over 100 priest have died. There are wails in every corner of the city. It’s just a real living nightmare. They’ve had to do massive burials and have started to do massive cremations and more bodies are being discovered. We ask you please for your du’as to Allah, subhanahu wa ta ala, to alleviate us from this tragedy. And if you can help us in any way, with food, water, medication or whatever it may be. Please, please, please do so. May Allah keep you all under His shade and move your hearts to extend your hands to your brothers and sisters and our people who are in need. Barak’Allah fikum! Ma’asalaama!
  10. Waad kaftamaysaa. Right? What's interesting here, is the news itself. AUN, marxuumka.
  11. No offence intended but she sounds like she's on the wrong side of 30--maybe pushing 40. That's not the issue but by then most of the decent guys would've got snatched up. I also sense a lot of bias here, how comes the only problem those beautiful, sophisticated, successful raaliyo gems have is their choice in men? Greedy men.. Mid lagaray, labo may be.. a room full. Digaarka u sheeg!
  12. Thanks for posting the link for me, Sayid. Very interesting!
  13. Hi Ailamos, Somalia did have a secular phase. That too was a corrupt dictatorship. Perhaps, it's just a Somali problem. The Muslim world thrived under the guided Khilafah - early Islamic State. I think the problems faced by the Muslim world today is a lack of understanding of Islam and sincerity towards the faith and it's application. What do think of the secular western states that get involved in personal religious matters? Welcome to SOL.
  14. Is this from a blog? I'd love to read the rest.
  15. LOOOOOOOL@ fat nose! I want to see. PM and I won't share, promise. So they aired her little interview. LOOOOL.
  16. Maybe it's that shiny forehead of ours. I don't I'd notice none Somalis that much. Ibts, what were you doing on C4? We've a lil celeb in my family, on ICKids every Sat. My claim to fame.
  17. Innaa Lillaah! All this cuqdad waa cajeeb. Hadii lagu khilaafo waa personal attack, miyaa? I've said what I needed to say on the topic, so ka rabaas, huuno!
  18. ^In the post I quoted you started off with 'it has nothing to do with Islam, now you agree it's a sunnah and not fard. The sunnah is Islamic, not Arabic culture. I don't know why you went of on a tagnet re jilbaba, that's not what is under debate in this thread. We're discussing the orgines of the Islamic niqaab which is here on this verse - note it only specifically addresses the Mothers of the Believers (RA). And when ye ask (the Prophet's wives) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Qur'an 33:53 This is the root of the Islamic niqaab not Arabic culture as you initially claimed. p.s your intelligence and my xidid sababtaad ula soo booday ii sheeg? Does it determine our views on niqaab? :confused: :confused:
  19. Yes, please. Lets keep our eyes on the prize!! Without dwelling too much and on whom I've addressed can you please comment on the points I've raised with regards to the niqaab in Islam. p.s I haven't insulted or got personal with Tuujiye, isku dirka jooji.
  20. ^Err. did I come across as angry? I've asked a question and I actually think that he raised a very important point. My questions to him are also directed at you and the Muslims who share your views - so please, indulge. Not covering the basics is the reason that you guys keep going in circles. Frankly, I think it's a waste of time to debate religious freedoms, laws, culture etcs when you haven't established the place of niqaab in Islam.
  21. Errr. so if I was to drop my maxis for a bikini, khimaar for an afro wig, Yusuf Islam for the Beatles and started praising colonial powers over - I'll become an intellectual? Oki doke! Tuujiye Niqabkana carabta..they are both dhaqan and have nothing to do with Islam.. Qur'aanka Jalbaab ayaa lugu sheegay which means covering your self.. But even a woman takes the extra steps and covers her self more, is more imaan between her and allah... Please provide proof from Quran and Sunnah that niqaab has nothing to do with Islam!. I'm personally of the opinion that while, it isn't fard / obligation, it is a sunnah. When a Islamic action doesn't fall under the fard category, it's not automatically taken out of realm of worship or Islam. If such an action was approved, recommended by the Prophet (saw) and widely practiced by the sahaaba, it becomes a sunnah. The niqaab is a sunnah as much as qiyaam is a sunnah. The niqaab was for starters prescribed in the Quran for the Mothers of the Believers (RA) and many of the sahaabiyaat of the Prophet (SAW) wore it, there's substantial proof from authentic ahadith to support this point. But before we get into the hadiths, there is no denying that it has roots in the Quran, for the Mother of the Believers (RA) at least. How do you reach the conclusion that it has nothing to do with Islam? Add to that the fact that the motivation for wearing it stems from a higher level of Iman and a desire to get closer to Allah, as you yourself have acknowledged. This makes it everything to do with Islam. The image below is what the Arabs refer to as Burqa that is exclusive to the Bedouin Arabic culture which has nothing to do with Islam but is rather celebration of the Bedouin way of life. It's design is inspired by the features of the falcon. This is also not the niqaab worn by Muslimahs across the Muslim world and the subject of much abuse.
  22. ^LoooL. p.s Waa caadi hadaad suurootid. Awalba sowta la idiku xaman jiray.
  23. Ha is isku halayn, As-North waa Red Sea oo miidhan. Pragmatism? Is that what it is? I shall start parading my tuulos then, might find me a few more relatives. Yur@Paragon. Bal waa ku kaasee la dakee.
  24. Hana bidhaansan baa lagaa yidhi! Besides, Ibts would rather eat cake.
  25. Paragon, Daka laga hadlayaa Somaali maha? Waxba mahaa, dookhaaga la ciyaar oo illahay hakuu barakeeyo. Nice song btw. but I thought gobanimada uu sheegayo is about upbringing and nothing to do with chance. Touche, Che. It isn't and that is the attraction. You'd be interested to know that your beloved Al Shabaab plays a major role in the upward migration too. Meh! Ibts. knows the deal. Sowta Burco ku faanta.