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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. No said you were 45, Haatu. Not that it matters, SOLs age obsession cracks me up. It's just numbers!! LOL. Che.. si buu u xiiqsanyahay. And being a woman-- that's a compliment, kido!
  2. Che, That thread shayaatiin baa ka buuxay. In aan ku noqdoba marabi. Acuudu Billaah. Haatu, Dhaliyarada cuslaataan kugu tirinayay. Ciyaal qurbo think they're something special, runtii. Cagaha dhulka dhigta or bugger off. Somali race will go on with it's good, bad and ugliness..
  3. You can just disassociate yourselves, you qurbo kids are useless anyway..
  4. Laa Illaha IllaAllah! Umadani Quraan saar bay u baahantahay.
  5. Tawakali 3ala Allah, Aaliyah. Ehelkuba caruuraha way xumeeyaan... Tawakali 3ala Allah..! Don't compare yourself to a mother just yet.. Hawl maad arag..
  6. ^LOL. It's just because you don't live in a society with a maid culture. Hadaad Somalia and Arabaha tagtid waad yara dabci lahayd. Originally posted by Qandalawi: Don't get one, it will make you too lazy and too arrogant. Plus you need to do some manual house work to keep you active and healthy. Myth, myth, myth. Maids help out, they don't take over-- usually! Adoo shaqaale haystana waad sadaqaysan kartaa, qalbi ka faqiir hanagu noqon dee..
  7. I can't watch the video but the related reading is disturbing enough, so sad his older sister is part of the mess too-- certainly failure on part of parents. Raise your kids on handouts, they'll always look for easy money.. Allow u-Sahal dadkeena, halkay dantu ku jirto waa in la eegaa.
  8. Who cares how it looks, haday shaqadu kaa badatay aanay kuu gaadhay, delegate. Laaakin, adigu don't get one, you sound a bit bakhayl. Going rate differs from place to place la soco.
  9. What's two million, intuu Sacaadiin ka halay baa ka badan eh. Silaanyo anba ma ku mudaharaada i haysaa. Dadkii buu nagu diray dee daarona noo muu dhisin. LOL.
  10. Indeed, Ibts. Long live Burco, shar gudban, shaydaan xijaaban. Baryahan reer SOL Burco ayay ku af baranayaan, waa nala dul dhigtay si fiican. Bool Shidh!! Waa in aynu bisinka qabsana kii wagar-ka ahaana boodhka ka jafnaa. :mad:
  11. Hahahahaha. Oo kaalaya sowta shirkada dhan walba laga soo duqeeyay? Fanaanad la dilayo ilaa jaziirado ay eebiyeen, oohadana waa al shabaab. Ya Saalaam! Xoog badanaa!! Qadhaadh buu dhiigi la shiilmay dadkan, walee iyo bileee dhiigoodu cirkuu lalayaa. LOL.
  12. Blessed


    Cantarbaqash? I found this on related-- Beautifully sad..
  13. In that case, lose Jessica Alba, pronto.
  14. I do. Station-ka maku sii gaadhsiiyaa? *puts plastic bag on passenger seat* Kanbaa ah daadax! :cool:
  15. LOL@ Jessica Alba wrap. You really are in self destructive mode, young lad.
  16. Middle Eastern is a stretch you can ONLY get Somali meat in Super Markets in Oman but that's a good article. I hope other Gulf states start selling again.. There's definitely an export opportunity there. Australian meat stinks!
  17. Gosh, you guys have seriously lame jokes. :rolleyes: Bal dacaayada soo barta.
  18. Have you considered blogging your novel. I've been following this girl and now she's getting published. You'd get better feedback when we have a chapter to work with and you might get some much needed publicity too. .. Just a thought, eh. Good luck ne'way. I've got me cash ready for your novel, Insha Allah.
  19. Blessed

    I got burnt.

    I think the best thing to do is to hold your head up move on, even if your heart lags a little behid, it'll catch up in the end. ) In the mean time get with girls and have a laugh. I think scheming and planning only prolongs the situation and you're also giving them more energy than they're worth. p.s when you're wronged you'll somehow end up having the last say and because Faarax's always come back. It's hilarious!
  20. I need to stop listening to this Uur Hooyo or I'll make myself depressed..
  21. Baroortu tii orgiga ka wayn, methinks. Her family are a joke if waxa la leeyahay ay ku dahwaaqeen. May Allah have mercy on the sweet little souls who passed on and those who live. The further they are from this monster of a woman (sick or not) the better...
  22. Salaams ladies.. Tailoring is the best bet if you've got the time-- even in the land of modest clothes, it's still hard to get the perfect skirt. Anyway, I think there are a few hijabi friendly websites beside that is.. Nothing wrong with flowery, just wear a basic colour top. I've noticed they have the same stock in the ME and online-- a few modest dresses and skirts.
  23. I've ordered my copy back in June for the long summer. Long summer done and I'm still waiting! Amazon sucks. Who read it, what's your view?