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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Excuse the typo, garow can be many things, like sareen / qamaadi, hadhuudh. Wheat / grains cooked simply in water. Traditionally the bride and groom would be given hadhuudh (small round grains- sorry don't know the english name) mixed and cooked with hail milk, subag and a bit of sugar (yumm) or just xawaash (yukk). As for colours, there are so many possibilities.. I think red is nice for a bride with gold but it really depends on the actual fabric, shop arround with a few good friends...
  2. MsMoon, It's so personal sis, does dressing up twice appeal to you? It never did for me, so I didn't go that route but I've seen sisters rock two dresses nicely. It tends to work better with tradional dress weddings. I never wore guntiino myself too but have seen a lot of beutiful brides in them. I'd go for a tailored 'guntiino dress' so you're secure.. Are you planning to have a cake as well? Or going proper tradional with garaw and caano?
  3. ^That's impressive, Masha Allah. I know people who've done similar projects, I guess it needs money and determination. Don't knock small contributions, though. Everyone starts somewhere. Waar Marx-ow, Illahay baan ku daarshee magacan qalafsan iska dhig. Alpha blondy ku lahaa. Innaa Lillaah.
  4. There's steady improvment in the education sector but health care is incredibly poor which is a worry when one has young children. I can't be the spark there, I don't have the capacity but I agree it's important to be part of the solution rather than complain and put your feet up. There's amazing development in all the other sectors, telecommunication in particular which is due to the contribution of home grown professionals as well as those from the diaspora and I know there are a lot of projects in the works as I type this. Insha Allah khayr..
  5. Riyaalaa la saarnaa. Bal maad Silaanyo dacayadeesid intaad islaamaha af lagaadonaysaan? Ma gadaal baad ka jeclaatay duqa? LOL@the last video. Xidigaha ayuu tirinayaa, wallee. The song is not bad though..
  6. Allah yaa Hargaisa kuugu yimaadoo indhaha faraha kaa galiya.. Na dhig, yarow!
  7. My link with home is stronger than ever and I now have regular interaction with my lovely family in SL and a strong desire to spend some time with them. I do see myself visiting for longer periods. As for investment, my family have always been qurbawis and investing in the home land continously for as long as long as I could remember, so that's not new for me, even if you don't make financial gains, your investments (homes, business) tend always benefit your family in some way. I want my children to grow up Somali as my father wanted us to grow up Somali and that means regular visits home. However, SL does lack a lot of facilities, so I won't out right move there for now but Insha Allah, meel dhulka hooyo dhaanta majirto.
  8. Originally posted by Oz: ^^^ Why are they distant to each other? For me hits the jack spot. LOL. Dee waa Marwo Xariir ah iyo geesi miigan, yacni waa ilbax. Deeqa Holland sounds good, hadaa iigu horeysa. I so need to get back on somalioz out of loop by a few years it seems....
  9. I love by Fiska and AK. Such talent! Somali music is definitly on the come back. :cool:
  10. Nin rag'ah dheh! Masha Allah. Calanyahow Ha Dhicin Ha Dheeliyin Weligaa Dhisnow... Ameen.
  11. I find the whole 30 being new 20 puzzling? What is wrong with 30, what's special about 20? A 30 year old is smart, sophistated, wise, independent (in so many ways) and knows what she wants and in most cases as beautiful a 20 year old. I don't see the need to market it a the new 20. I find this spin just as offensive as the insults from these stuck in the ninteen kala guur faaraxs. It's 2010, sare la idiin gawrac yeh...
  12. Originally posted by Aaliyyah: quraanka yaa diidaya..when he pays up he can include copy of a quran I would love that very will bless the money LMAO, Aaliyah. Caadi matihid, wallahi. MsMoons, Waa runta, you should have input but as Juxa said prepare for battle and make sure that you have a short absolutely must have list and let your family and his fight out the rest. A wedding is very much a family event- honestlty the best weddings are the relaxed, understated family affairs.. Coming back to your questions, I suggest a luxurious tailor made guntino or sedex qayd.
  13. Don't worry yourself, my sweet M. You're family already have a plan of their own for your wedding, just go and ask.
  14. ^I agree one should have high expectations and challenging children and expose them to different and meaningful learning experiences. However, unrealistic expectations can lead to dire consequences, so make sure there's a balance and you truly understand your child's limits and strengths and build on those. Learning should be child centered rather than mums crazy dreams centered, LOL. I know everyone loves to have a gifted child but there’s really nothing wrong when a child has some learning difficulties. My heart breaks when I see parents visible frustrations at their special needs child, perhaps it’s they who need to reassess their narrow views. Only then can they help their children overcome their difficulties, academic abilities are only a small part of the whole person.. p.s Waxay chinesekan aad inanta ladaba socotaa, I'm sure wiil Somali ah oo intelligent ah wey heli kartaa, see camal yaray.. LOL
  15. Xiin, Yaa adiga danbiga ku saaray? Malaha wixii Somaali laga sheegaba in ay adiga ku khusaysaad u malaynaysaa? "This is not who we are. We are decent people,'' said Abdul Ahmed, yes but the criminals happen to be Somali, illahay Amarkii. Maxaa loo qarinayaa? In ay dadku ogaadaan camal xumantooda miyaanay aheen? Meel walba ee aduunka la joogo jinsiyada qofka danbiga sameeyay ayaa la sheegaa. Maxay kuu gubaysaa haduu Somali noqdo? Why is their identity more important than danbiga ay galeen-- which is far more harmful to the Somali community? The news reports are not about you and every Somali, it's about those criminals, ma garatay. Hiilis inaad gashid looma baahna, inaad dadka warka soo gudbiyayna afka kaga boodidna waa laga roonyahay. If this was in my city I would want to know who they are and I would want to know how they operate, sidaan caruurtayda uga illaashado. Aniguna kuma jiro dadka community-ga iyo dad aan masuul ka ahayn ciyaalkan waashay danbiga saara. Waalidkoodi haduu basar bari waayay, dee Illahoda iyo dawlada ayay leeyihiin--adigu waxaad u cago budhlanaysidba waan fahmi la'ahay.
  16. Togdheer oo qudha mahaa, meelo badan ayay abaartu dhibaato badan u keenta. Biyuhuna roob uun kuma yimaadaan, dhulku biyo wuu leeyahay ee waxa loo baahan yahay in ceelal la qodo siday dhibaatadu u yaraato dadkuna ka beero samaystaan. Insha Allah khayr. JB, Is there an organisation which does research on droughts and the areas most effected?
  17. Still logged on? Waa meelshidan baan maqlay markaa bal adigu ka war keen and I meant 'doqon' in the most indearing way, walaalo.
  18. ^haa doqonyahow, bari horaad Mars ku baashaali leheed if you used some of that wasted intellect.
  19. May Allah have mercy on those cursed with the likes of superficial Xiin and AbdulLateef who in light of this very ugly situation see that a name needs more protection than the community's children. This is the tragedy off kii lagu seexday ee khuurada iska qabsaday.
  20. These children had a head start with a special giftedness from Allah SWT, lets not fool ourselves into thinking that every child is capable of this level of academic success. Very few in this world are gifted. Their parents did well in ensuring that their learning wasn't ruined by structured education. I'm so excited for their future, Masha Allah. I pray Allah protects them and blesses them with the wisedom to serve his deen, Insha Allah.
  21. Gabdho, tell me a girl can never have too many dresses, right?
  22. Canada was 'abusing' them? They've been seeking visa reciprocity for a while now, I guess they just needed someone to p*ss them off into action.
  23. Canadian troops were forced to pull out of Camp Mirage last week in retaliation for the federal government’s refusal to allow UAE carriers Emirates and Etihad Airways to land more often at Canadian airports. I'm glad this has happened, even if the motivation was commercial, the end result has khayr in it. Good on ya, UAE.
  24. Sayid, Free will and qadr are justly balanced hence why as a Muslim parent, I am accountable for how I raise my children and I'm rewarded for or punished for my effort or lack of it. Sadly a lot of people underestimate the level of influence they can have on their children's lives and all those things that supposedly compete with your power and influence, parents are also in a position to change that situation. El Punto, Well said. It's all about keeping them positively busy..
  25. I feel I am as entitled to praise when they succeed and do well as I am blame worthy when they fail. It comes with the job of being a child's guardian... "Take care! Each of you is a shepherd and each of you shall be asked concerning his flock; a leader is a shepherd of his people, and he shall be asked concerning his flock; and a man is a shepherd of the people of his house, and he shall be asked concerning his flock; and a woman is a shepherd of the house of her husband and over their children, and she shall be asked concerning them.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]