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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Bashiir, marka hore Salaan. Waa maxay bililiqadu? LOL. Blessed is not just a nick dee and I don't think anyone can fill my shoes. Shariif-na sidaan uga walaacay ma malaynaysid. So disapointed in him, I am. Aaliyah, that should be an option like in other social networking sites.. I've tried giving up so many times too but no success.
  3. Blessed


    Hey ladies, we still got the option of nasheeds and spoken word, it doesn't have to be a mute world does it? Good going Aaliyah, it takes tiny steps, hon.. Xx
  4. wyre;682745 wrote: That's how i deleted my account permanently That group has 74,257 members. LOL. I don't have a problem with FB but how do I delete my SOL account? Balo!!
  5. My 'rage' stems from no false beleive, ya Abtigiis. Edeb darroda aad meesha la timi iyo abaal xumadaada ayaan la yaabay. Waxa ka sii daran laakin qof leh i caafi hadana sii dhuryamaya?! Blessed kaama baqaysee, sidi nin oday ah ula dhaqan bay istidhi. Adna waxaad keentay inaad igu daba dhuumatid ood raga islaameed iskaayo hor keentid. Rage yaa isla gaadhay ba? Bal orod oo isla hadal.. *goes in search of her wagar*
  6. Saudi meel la tago as a Somali refugee mahaa. Dadkaasu are better off in peaceful Somali towns. XajiXunjif, Somaliland yaa ka celiyay, maxaana looga celinayaa?
  7. Ngonge Knew I could count on you. Fariid. Abtigiis, bad baad gashay ee iska saar by talking to my people..
  8. You sound so much like that Afroqueen 'girl' .
  9. Abtigiis;682548 wrote: Haye Blessed! Haye. You will not be victmized for the crimes of this rascal Ayoub. Sug!sug! Did you say thank you BOTH?! That is unfair. Now that you mention it, it is unfair. Adiga dhirbaaxo ayaad mudantahay runtii, ee waanka xishooday in aan qof hawl intaa le'eeg galay mahad la'aan diro. Intaay goori goor tahay ina kala socodsii..
  10. Abtigiis, isqabo ninyahow. . I don't want to be part of your little feud. *sigh*. Thank you both for the lyrics though. Ngonge, you fell for his trap it's obvious he's talking about the hills because the next word describes the exact location. Abwaanadii hore wey muuq dheeraayeen.
  11. You're a good writer, Abtigiis. Perhaps, if you expand the themes of your stories, Xiin might be a kinder critic. However, not everyone will like your writings, it's just how the story goes. Ayoub, I love the song in you signature.. do you have the full lyrics on ya.
  12. NGONGE;682351 wrote: The rascal stole this poem and claimed it as his own. I replied with the following (though I would not have dared had I knew the origins of his poem): He still would not come clean and posted the following (stolen again) poem: The Burco blood was starting to boil and though my good sense was telling me not to reply, I could not help myself and said: He came back with another that he claims is his own: I decided to quit this sham of a duel and leave him to it. But he would not let it rest and came up with the following: That Burco blood started to bubble within me and I had to reply regardless of the mockery it may cause later. But I had enough sense to do it in private: But he would not let go and said: The Burco blood was overflowing by now (eesh hada "naagtii ganbada" ya naas?). So, I sought some (minor must I add) help and replied with the following: He has not returned with any stuff since, but I think that has more to do with a google search failure than anything else. Now you know the whole story. Give a fair verdict please. LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL. Haven't read anything this funny for a looong time. Thank you, thank you..
  13. Which one is your Eedo, Somalina? Sisters are niiice too, Masha Allah. I remember malkhabada iyo timaha dhinacyada laga soo saari jiray. I used to think that was the hottest thing.. LOL
  14. Bilan, slow down walaal. I didn't say you were part of any war. It seemed to me inaad dadka kala gurtay in your comment that's all and I don't think that was neccessary. Does it really matter cidii badnayd, waa dad xaq darro lagu dilay. I agree, we need compassion and to make duco. Illahay ha u naxariisto kuligoodba. Duke, No one is putting the blame on individuals. Dawlada marka la soo qaado dadka u doodaya iyaga ayay jirtaa laakin Somaali oo dhan way ogtahay in aany dawladaasu Somaalida khayr ula iman. Some might choose to forgive but no one will forget. I don't see why that would be a problem. Peace begins with truth...
  15. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Astaqfirrulah. LOL.
  16. You can do it Somali. Dig deep, ayeeyo, dig deep.
  17. Well said@ Malika, but clearly you're sentiment is not shared by others on this forum. Some are insisting, even though they weren't alive at that time that their maqaaxi version is truth and those men were criminals deserving of death. Some like Bilan have compartalised the dead of the 1988-89 war into us and them, this mentality continues to this day in Muqdisho and some think Aabo Siyaad was a nabad doon, surely we don't see eye to eye. That however, is really beside the point. People can have their own opinions and decide where their loyalties end and I accept that one would associate more with the tragedy if their own relatives are involved. What is unacceptable however, is being dictated to -- being told how and whome you should mourn. Mr.Somalia It's obvious you prefer the 'waxa la yidhi version' aad ka maqashay maakhaayadaha Maraykan, so I don't see the point in arguing about this with you. I'll only be wasting my time. Ka rabaas. Ducaysane, Horta, why must you defend Barre at every mention of his name? Isqor billaa liis. Adna iska dhaqaaq.
  18. Mr.Somalia I care not for recognition, borders and such but in that article familiar names stand out. It's offesive that you mock the pain of others, belittle the death of their relatives... This is bigger than the st*pid daily word battles you guys have on here. Those men had relatives and we never want their unjust killing to be forgotton. Congratulations for not having bad memories of the war and the struggles which lead to it, now p*ss off with your insensitive remarks..... May Allah have mercy on the dead.
  19. Blessed


    I used to be like you Aaliyah, fartaan taagoba hees baa ii wehel ahayd. I haven't given up completely but I seldom listen to Music now. I once heard a story about will isaga oo Music dhagaysanaya gaadhigu la qablimay, markay dadku arkeen in ay nolosho ka baxayso ayay ku yidhaahdeen ashahaado. Laakin wuu kari waayay oo hesstii uu dhagaysanayay ayuu ku soo celceliyay. Hada inaan baabuurka music ku dhagaystoba waan ka baqaa, warka ama nasheedo islamiya ayaan gashadaa. Laakin meel kasta noloshu way kaaga go'ayasaa markaa waan in ayu ku dadaalono khayrka marwalba, Insha Allah. Thankfully aroosyo iyo parties ma aado, my only problem is song recommendations online... Music effects my cibaadah directly aniga maalmaha aan heeso dhagaysto salaadaan ka raaga, khushuucdu baa'ba'. Waa wax lala jihaado runtii... Illahay hainoo wada sahlo, walaalo. p.s Ka waran hadaynu labadeenu iskaashano. Bil walba waan ku intaaxmi ana adigu i intixaan. LOL. Hadaan adoo leh 'this song is so heart breaking leh, dhegtaan kuu jiidayaa.. LOL.
  20. Admin, Google adverts are all over the place, bal habee walaal. I've even had one appear in my reply before I've posted.
  21. Keep your eye on here - it's always updated with new jobs. I know a few people who went back and got jobs through cold calling and good old waasta. I think JB will be the best person for information here.. Good luck, sis. I'm spending the summer in SL and looking for volunteer opportunities otherwise I'll be bored out of my mind after two weeks.
  22. Aaliyah, fahan koo qudha maaha muhiim dadkan wax qorayaa wa in ay sheekada akhristaha u qurxiyaan. Sheeko xariir billaash looma odhan. After having to stop and going back to the beginning, I just gave up.
  23. ^Dad qaab xuna waanu nahay, dheh.. wyre;680996 wrote: ma xadiithka rasuulkaan raaceynaa mise qof walbo fikradiisa? Haddii ey tahay in qof walbo fikirkiisa la raaco waa sideey blessed khaleeh calallah balse haddii xadiithka rasuulkeenna suuban (S.A.W) waa in meeshi lagu arkaa la dilaa ninkaas waa haddii caddaan sax ah lagu haayo inuu yahay (GAY) haddaan caddeyn lagu hayn, oo kutiri kuteen ey sheekadu tahay dee rooseeto la marsado iyo indha kuul laguma noqdo gay ee faraha ka qaada Anigu markaan idhi Illaahiisa U Dhaaf, waxaan la hadlayay JB oo rabay inoo camalkiisa daba dhigto. Diintu namay odhan qofka juqjuqee illaa aad xumaan ka heshid-- hadaan anba JB daba dhigto kolay sir culus way ka soo dhici lahayd. LOL. Saad tidhi, qaab daro, indho kuul - gay laguma noqdo. Hadaan ku noqo riwaayadaha Somaaliyeed oon ku soo kornay waxaa had iyo jeer ku jiri jiray rag sida dumarka u labista maweelo daraadeed - kuwaa cid wax ka sheegtaa may jirin. Malaha kan yari style ugaar ah buu iska dayayaa, malaha MJ buu ku dayanayaa waakan heesihiisii watee... Allahu Yaclam. Teeda kale, Illahay inu ceebta qofka asturo wax lagu ducaysto maanay ahayn? Khaliih calaAllah, Inaadeer.
  24. Waan jecelahay sheekoyinka af-Somaaliga ku qoran, laakiin sheekoyinkan si waalan baa loo qoray. Ma qof qudhaa wada qoray? Si bay isu dhex yaacsanyihiin. Xagay jumladu ka bilaabmaysaa, xageey ku dhamaan oo goormaan neefsadaa. Yah, naaxwahu waa qaali. Madaxaa waxan nagu xanuuni doona ee bal toosi intaad kartid. p.s I've a copy of 'Damac Rag iyo Qurux Dumar'.. reckon this will be my holiday reading now. Thanks for the inspiration.
  25. This is a good development, Illahay sahlo. Hope this is the beginning of mature diplomacy between Somalis. We don't want anymore of the trashy 'anaa kaa dheer' nonsense we had to contend with so far..