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Everything posted by Blessed
Hahaha.. Guhaad Ciisana wa ayo.. Xaliimo kastaba ninkeeda ugu sita mahaa? And our Faaraxs are pretty hot, huuno. :cool:
^I second. Wax la isku mashquliyaba maaha.
The story isn't bad, not my thing though I like Chic lit, it has to have a fashoin focus like Sophie Kinsella novels. However, what this girl has is the ability to captivate her readers and so has a lot of potential. I was going to link her blog before but thought better of it because I knew how MEAN you SOLers are. Tut, tut...
As I said even with their many differences nabada iyo horumarka guud way isku tageeraan, ma been baan sheegay?
Kumaan fahmin?
OdaySomali, Well said, walaal. Si nin oday ah ayaad u hadashay. Political disagreements waa mid and I personally like the fact that there is a foray of differeing opinions on this forum, but when people ay xad dhafaan oo hooyooyinka cayaan oo cayaan dadnimada ummad dhan oo Islam ah, Somaalinimaday u doodayaan inay iska haystaan baa la qaatay. This lack of respect and failure to see a fellow Somaali as someone on the same level as you is the problem ina haysata. Africanown, Sisterly advise- you do provoke a lot of the insults, tone it down walaalo.
Sayid, No one denies the greater Somaali Union, kaaba division ayaa ka horeysay, however that particular sign and message was aimed at SLers who after a few years of bloodshed agreed to forgive each other and unite to rebuild their peace and stability and that idea is still part of the daily struggles of reer SL -- even with their many differences.
Rampage, Adigu waxaan ahayn one line insults mataqaanid miyaa? Somaali is not a global language like English, you can't compare the two. It's nice to see a foreigner speaking it because dadkii lahaa ayaa ka khashaafa. Waxaad arkaysa dad qurbaha sadex sano jooga and suddenly af Somaali ma aqaan ayay ku faanayaan. Bal ha faanaane, Ingriisiga heer may ka gaadhaan marka hore... LOL. Aaliyah, Ma maqashay timirtii horeba dab loo waa. Kuwan la dhashay baa guur doon ahe maxaa nin aanan aqoon oo waliba gaal ah iga 15 ah. Reer UKna way ilbaxeen baryahan, waad yaabaysaa tii reer Canada xuf baa lagu dhaafay. Allow noo sahal.
Lets be real honest with each other, shall we... Som@li;721210 wrote: That is what happens when you are vision is based on "KHAT induced thoughts" Somalina “Somalis have long been part of the fabric of Welsh society, and, of course, Cardiff is particularly famous for its Somali community. Easy on the whisky! Can I ask why you insist on being united with people you clearly think are worthless and have NO RESPECT for?
LOL. FB. Aaliyah.. wiilka Canadian weeye waa howl adiga kuu taal. LOL.
Ain't this Sherban, the SOL nomad? What's up with the headgear? LOOOOL.
How is it ironic? Wadjir ayay horumarka noloshooda iyo nabada ugu dadaalaan, or SL would fall to war and chaos.
LOL. Ibts, is that your final answer. You're right it's impossible if you're made of jelly. Honestly, how many unmarrieds nolosha ka dhacay ayaa jira? This is just one of many convenient excuses, if you ask me.... p.s How was it yesterday? Did you take pictures? I actually went to a beautiful place.... and got a headache.
^Err. The impossible crowd are all single, dude. Indhaha furo...
Hear, hear@ Val. Mulugbaadh, You've read me wrong. I'm talking about the professional, grad level jobs these students are working towards. Some of you seem to think that having a career is a walk in the park. A university degree is a prep for working life, if you can't handle uni and other commitments, chances are that you can't handle a career and other commitments. My cousin who started med school, got married and had child in the process used to always tell folks that her intent was to become a working doctor and not to use her certificate as wall decor, so delaying marriage / motherhood to her didn't make a difference. That said, I really don't understand why you're directing your rants and assumptions about Somalis @me. :confused: *Ibtisam;720892 wrote: I don't think marriage and formal studying go together- it is a lot of pressure which you can cope only in a distance relationship (i.e. you don't live together) so they don't get on your toes, unmarried/unattached and living with understanding family or living alone. If I was married and studying at uni- particularly the last yr and postgrad I would've killed him or he would've left by the end of the year. It would've been a very short marriage. Works for some people I guess. That's not what you've told me. Ma imikaad been sheegaysaa, mise anaad been ii sheegaysay. LOL.
A career involves double the workload of studies. If you think it's impossible to study and be in a full time relatiobship then you should give yourself completly to your career. The arguments against student marriage here sound silly to me. IMHO off course.
A 4 bed Edwardian @ Greenwhich Village, London. Don't fancy paying off a mortgage till I'm 85 though....
Burco is a must but Berber has my heart. InshaAllah.
Ya GP, this is pointless. You made sweeping remarks and I've asked for explanation. Inyour last post you've ended with 'would you?' and that to me read like a request for my opinion, since you also claimed in aad 'xog iswaydaarsi rabtid'. It's obvious meelna islama gaadhayno, so halkaa inooku jar, walaal. Ameen, Aaliyah. Those are beautiful words, sums up exactky how I feel about my darling Aaabo and Hooyo. Illahay siday waalidkeen inoo anfaceen inagana qaar caruurtooda u anfaca ha inka dhigo. Insha Allah.
I live in a Muslim country. It would be unhealthy for me to place my happiness on how the million plus Muslimahs here dress. If it's my place I'd correct a sister politely but I don't for a moment ever think that I'm better than another Muslimah because she lacks in a certain practise of the deen (hijab in this case) -- perhaps wax ay igu dhaanta ayaa jira and as mentioned by some already, none of us were born with hijab on our heads, though MashaAllah Aaaliyah way ku dhalan gaadhay to start at 7. It sad that we turn around and judge sisters who are where we were shalayto.
There's no 'riot act' maandhay, you've made some interesting remarks and I've asked for clarifications. And just for the record. I'm not the one talking about being 'alienated' and 'ashamed' of other peoples prefrences and actions here. Frankly, I don't understand where that came from and would have liked more explanation from you. But macalesh..
I'm sorry GP but I find your post strange -- and am not only talking about that odd language.... Just a few questions, walaal. genius pauper.;719475 wrote: ^^^ eti style ya dress pia, ime jipata ni fashion.?????? wa yabee intee loo socdaaa? didnt our folk mothers knew all about hijab wearing style? why do our gals alienate us from our deeply held religion?( i dont mean to hurt, baram alil ashamed, ll) its islamic way, or it is not, please choose carefully.i mean the mode of dress. How are 'our girls' alienating you from your 'deeply held deen'? What is shameful about hijab styling? What have our mothers hijab wearing style got to do with our way of styling our hijab? Also.. Yaa yidhi jilbaab is the only valid form of hijab?? One can wear abayaa, dresses, skirts and loose fitting clothes and all that is classified as hijab - meets the conditions of hijab. Aaliyah, I agree. Kinda had similar hijab story and my mum said the same things. LOL.
I'm meant when neck is showing which is common with this style.. . Not sure otherwise..