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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. :D Abtigiis iyo JB. Ilayn sheekada dan kale ayaa laga lahaa. Haha. Caano-Geel, thanks for posting the lyrics, I I never paid much attention to them before, waa hees culus. :cool: Wiil Cusub there are a few Burco songs but tbh nothing compares to this classic.
  2. Salaan sare. Maya ee dee hablaha Togdheer way dulqaad yaryihiin ee iska dhaaf uun baan ku lahaa. :D
  3. Togdheer ha la qabsane bal ka daa.
  4. Iga leexo yarow. I was just saying..
  5. I didn't know Burco had a zoo? Xayawaan noocee ah ayaa jooga tolow?
  6. Che -Guevara;745264 wrote: Naa ciyaal keentid ma gaalo noqotey iyagaa kiniini iyo wax daran cuneey :-) :D That's so true, hadalkoodu ma dhamaado.
  7. This thread would be a hit had it some dialogue going ----
  8. ^LOL. what happens when you're married and have issues (medical or otherwise).. maxaa la odhan doonaa markaa? C & H Hmm, definitely get a medical check, Inshallah it'll pass. I'm feeling a bit blah at the moment, can't bring myself to do anything productive. It's just a case of lack of structure on my part though, in a few weeks and life will be mad and I'll be high on adrelanin again.
  9. Reer Gabiley are so blessed. All the best to Khadra. More ladies in office, please...
  10. ^That was her first car. LOL. Sorry, F. <3
  11. Interesting, one have to accept that they're ugly to begin with, right? Hada sida niyada laisku dhisaayay in this PC world ayaa hunk iyo qalanjo la isu wada haystaa. It would be difficult to proof that discrimination is based on looks...
  12. LOL. Don't believe everything you read, dude.
  13. Juxa, Haa waa run, shaqada guriga waxba maaha, laakin I think it's symbolic of how the guy sees his role as husband / father which may lead to a conflict of expectations between spouses, am I making sense? See NG, see. Bal eega riwaayada uu noo dhigayo iyo kala hadalka. Ma waxaan lagu wareerin baa. LOL.
  14. Ahaha. Ayoub. There you go, JB, wax kale la kaalay meesha. No, don't list your apps, but tell me how does one download youtube vids?
  15. Maya dee.. Zak iyo Ayoub sow kuwa 'there's an app for that' ka bixi waayay. Anyone wax la dowload gareen karo meesha la yimaado will have it rejected. LOL. I kid, ppl.
  16. Hmm. I dunnno. Somali is guursanaya iyo qaar is furaya anigu ma arko. Juxa, I think because culturally it's not expected of men to get their hands dirty. Aabo provides, hooyo does everything else bey ahayd. To this day, it's ceeb for a man to go in the Kitchen back home, there's even a derogatory term for it. Anyway, madbakhba intaan la isla gaadhin rag badan in ay reerka u shaqeeyaan baa laga kari la'yahay.
  17. LOL. I guess you can't download a nigis. :D Val, This time last year, I had the same view of smart phones, until I got one for my b-day and it's amazing - these apps save you a lot of money and space.
  18. I'm just glad that the current Brit golden is a Somali- big forehead and all. I'm sure we have many a talented young lads - hope he inspires more to take athletics seriously.
  19. Garnaqsi;744516 wrote: Ma reer baad u yartahay? Sidaad ula heshay baan ka yaabay. Are all guridanbayso treated as such? I though I was a special case. :D
  20. ^LoooL. Ma naxe waaxid. Hmm. would say my phone which was really a gift really but most of my things are bought for me but anyway... why my phone? It's literally my gacan yare. I use it for everything, email, internet, maps and directions. I've downloaded my running podcasts, islamic talks, adhaan alarm, Quran, and even a few games for my little one to keep her distracted.
  21. Blessed


    I'm up for anything, Faheema. Tell me when and where. I'A