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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Miskiin Carafaat, have you seen her ayaa kaa racday like Donell J? Jacayl xaal wuu leeyahay, mid qaali ah waliba ee ha iska sheegan. Waryaa, Alpha. Runta sheeg, do you allow folks to shukaansi your female scripts?
  2. LoooooL. Dookhu waa cajiib, jacaylna xaal ha iska qaato. Bisinka....
  3. MashaAllah, aw guuryo walaalo. Illaahay khayr iyo caafimaad ayaan idiinka rajaynayaa.
  4. Hahaha. Must confess that I've actually missed reading this mans' BS. I've never come across women aiming for transparent bodies as far as skin lightening it's has the the hallmarks of Hollywood and colonialism and the fact that some idiotic people (most Arab, Africans and Indians) idolise white people on so many levels.
  5. May Allah forgive his sins and have mercy on his soul. Samir iyo imaan to his family and friends.
  6. Thanks, Shar ma'arke. It's most likely gobbledegook for these guys with their simple view of life. Boondheere and Burahadheer, To you your believe and to us ours, there's nothing more to say.
  7. Again, the issue of conceptual understanding is at play here, see you have certain notions of what existence means which in my view as a believer of a higher purpose are somewhat limiting. Yes, your soul existed before you were born, but your brain and social understanding did not-- go back to my last post! As I said, the soul is the driver of meaning and feeling and these are determined by the purpose for which we were created (in Islam to worship which was basis of the covenant). You don't remember it, because this is life is ultimately the test, however, recognition of ones' purpose and of a greater being has been evident historically through human civilisations which have shown an inclination to worship something. Socialisation also determines the meanings that we attach to these feelings.
  8. To be honest, I doubt that you will remember any of your experiences before the age of three due to a lack of conceptual understanding before that age, the notion of your parents meeting would not have been known to you at birth or the years that followed. Anyhoot.. In Islam, we believe that the soul goes through different stages, namely the covenant, not connected to your being in this world. Then, the womb, dunya, barzakh and aakhira, the last three stages are interrelated.
  9. ^Hehe. Iigu ducee, inaan bahasha kala dhig dhigo sida Yuusuf Shaacir ayaan rabaa, InshaAllah.
  10. The soul is not something which is tangible, it existed before the body and will exist long after it is perished. In the Quran, Allah speaks to and of the soul, His greatest creation. The brain, body are tools of the soul which serve it in it's journey in this world and are outlasted by it. It is the soul that attaches meaning and feeling to our experiences of this earth, you see in creating us, Allah has placed state of fitrah (knowing) within us all. Secondly, intelligence doesn't does necessarily translate to recognition of the truth or acting upon it, hence the notion of kufr in Islam despite the our innate state of fitrah. Thirdly, nothing compares to the creation of Allah, as we are limited in our scope of understanding the universe, so will be the 'intelligence' of what is created by us -- such intelligence will be limited to the social understandings of our time.. In any case. thanks for the post, these are interesting ideas to ponder and only brings one to reflect upon the Majesty of Allah (SWT).
  11. Allah creates souls. Soul is placed in a body on earth for a certain time. Soul acts on desires. Soul is tested. Body dies. Soul moves on to the next realm.
  12. Motherhood motivates you, you want to be the absolute best for your kids so that they don't have excuses to act like useless brats hadhowto.
  13. ^Sax. Haye, waa goorma aroosku? Ma Burco aad ku aqal gali? If so, send my invitation.
  14. ^Aaliyah, do you have links to more, want make a collection of our sugaan. I've more to come inshaAllah, including Maansadii quraxdabadneyd ee Hure iyo Cambaro Nuux.
  15. Who is this? What's so special about him? Why do you endorse him XX?
  16. Waxaan ka yaabaa, ragan qurbaha ku raaxaysta oo hadana dilka iyo hooga dhulka hooyo ka socda ku riyaaqa. Waa ayaan daro. Illahay ha u naxariisto intii dhimatay.
  17. Nuune, dacuurkee? Ma kii? Mid dhaama miyaad weyday? Xiin, dhib saas ah majirto, isagaa in la garab joogo lala taliyo u baahan. Abtigiis, It's not just this thread or story but several threads where you chose to narrate your political views by going 'through women' as Chimera demonstrated in his story. Putting the offensive element aside, it's petty and ugly and in my opinion you can to be better than that.
  18. Beenaale kuu maan quudheen, Abti. A story teller, perhaps? LOL. Salaams.
  19. Oo kalay, hadii ciyaal suuqnimada farta lagu fiiqo waa vicim playing miyaa? Sheekada willka Khaatumo inay bug tahay oo aany jirin ayaan hubaa.
  20. Actually, I don't know who Kim is or is not dating and if I did, I wouldn't be using her relationship to challenge American policies. Wax aan is lahayn ayaad isku dhex qastaa, mr mysoginist, taa waa lagugu xantaa, laakin anigu kaama qarinayo.
  21. Sadly, many of our women place their value on a number but our deen guides us to spend within our means, give even an iron ring... LOL@Stoic. Sounds familiar.