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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. They need to spend more on education and health care. Their priorities are already messed up as it stands!
  2. I think, age starts to matter less as you get older... I think, in your twenties maturity is a major factor and it is still largely linked to age at this stage. However, after a certain age (28 + ) people tend to even out generally and then it's not so much an issue. Off course people have their preferences and silly cultural hang ups and that's their choice.
  3. I believe that jacayl wasn't the cause of his death but his was still a tragic tale of love. Looking forward to it. I'A
  4. OdaySomali;811323 wrote: Lol @ grounding and talking. And did it all work, was it effective ? You must bear in mind that these were angry reer waqooyi parents doing the talking. :D We were proper scared of them and hearing their voices even when we were miles away.
  5. If it's ADD than your punishing them for something they have no control over. I wasn't hit. I was in fact the princess of the house. :cool: My Aabo talked laakin, a lot. Then hooyo started the grounding business, blimey, sometimes a dhirbaaxo would've sufficed, man.
  6. ^It's actually after the age of ten and specifically for leaving salaah, very gently (not leave a mark) and never in the face.
  7. Iska daa Xiin, waa unionist dhab ah. He sees every thing through his blue tinted glasses.
  8. He said isma sheegayo inay wax iga banaanyihin laakin waan aqbalay. Such a playa! LOL.
  9. Innaa lilaah. I hope she and doqonta duubaysa ee u qoslaysa rots in the depths of hell.
  10. Does the young shiekh have the same concerns for our young men? Are they allowed to be alone with none mahram females? What sorts of universities requires that you're alone with a none mahram -- not seem them yet. How about general intermixing, on the bus, train, drs. shops, etc.. What environments do Muslim parents find themselves in? What do you mean by ' it comes down to how religious you are'? Edit. Aaliyah, had a Barbar from Little Mosque on the Prairies moment there.
  11. Off course every parents loves their child! Even those who beat them to death... Adults forget that children are humans with their own rights and are in an amaanah from Allah. There's a fine line between decipline / correction and cruelty / abuse. The purpose of dicsipline really isn't about punishing a child for commiting a supposed wrong, but it's a process where we teach them about social rules and wrongs are wrong. A 6 year old is still learning the rules and will make numerous mistakes as they demystify the ever changing rules set by adults. Her cruelty astounds me. He 'pulls a card' for fighting, she punishes through inflicting severe physical hurt. Is it a wonder inuu madax adakaado ilmuhu?
  12. It's ceeb for girls to go to university, ceeb! Primary education should suffice. Just the thought of my girls being able to think and fend for themselves .. Astaqfirullah!
  13. Somali parents ayaa iska ba'ay. Learn what exactly? How to be icredibly cruel and unforgiving to a 6 year old child? That hot sauce and super cold showers will guarantee a scream of agony from your child?
  14. Nin-Yaaban;810581 wrote: Hadii eysan dileen, ama wax kaloo ka xun kusuubineen, wax khalad eeysuubisay uma jeedo. I guess you didn't watch the video?
  15. ^Perhaps, it's still an ugly dhaqan. Perhaps, I'm just a tad bit 'wetsernised' but the idea of offering women to make deals or peace when they often have no hand in these disputes disgusts me personally.
  16. ^One Night. NGONGE;810973 wrote: ^^ Ayaayo, mala qabsatay ingreeska or do you still look for a tima jilic everytime you drop your spoon? Ng, LOL. I do find these self-service checkouts a bit challenging, I mean asking me to pack my own bag. The nerve! I'm constantly moaning and comaplining about how expensive, dirty, stressful etc, etc this place is, so I guess waan la qabsaday. It's like I've never left.
  17. Shinbir Majabe;810953 wrote: Wali lama gaarin ayaan filaa xilligi dhaqanka la fara gelin lahaa, siismada Dumarka la siiyay 30% waxay ka dhigan tahay in Haweenka ay boorka iska soo jafaan kuna soo biiraan Siyaasadda Dalka muddada fog. Laakiin kama dhigna in durbadiiba ay dhaqan gasho (helida xuquudooda) waayo waxay u baahan tahay in hoos laga soo bilaabo, Qoysaska, Iskuulada iyo iwm.. Gabdho fara badan oo wax bartay ayaa maanta buuxa. Tan maaha mid ku xidha la'aanta dumar u qalma jagooyinka, ee dhaqan xumada bulshada guud. Kolay, 30% UNtuun baa lagu maaweelinayaa cid meesha ka qaadaysaa ma jirto. NG, I doubt Shariifka can do much about this pathetic daqan. Dhaqan dictates hadii gabadh lagu siiyo, you take her (sic) or you pay xaal. Qabiil gabdho bixiya waa ii kow, it's possibly a calculated move which gives Shariif little room to manuever. Haduu diido, reer Galmudug ayuu reject gareeyay ayaa la odhan.
  18. Was initially annoyed with the constant mention of the 'Somali gangs' but saw the reason for that later on. Decent show! LOL.
  19. Bisbaas afka ka mari baan maqli jiray, she's so mean. Someone should slap her silly. :mad:
  20. LOL. Ng. I'm not sure that being too eager is a dead give away, that seems to be a trait of hablaha yaryar qaarkood baryahan. LooL at these stories, men are weird. SMH.
  21. Che -Guevara;726919 wrote: Thanks Blessed-maybe we should open another for recruitment. Still interested, Che? Going to start again after a long break.
  22. ^How do you manage to sniff em out, NG? Heh@childish. Thank God for that, inaadeer@ Alpha.