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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. You can introduce her to this: Have to say though, the hijab isn't about looking beautiful (and truthfully it does cover up a ladys' xaaxness) but some girls are beautiful even if they wore a jawaan and others are just errm. you know... But that is beside the point, if your cousin is going to start wearing it, than it's best to do it for the right reasons. For the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah, not to turn heads.
  2. ^LOL@ I was above me. Che, waa kaftan yaqaan.
  3. Che is slightly frugal with modesty here. LOL
  4. ^Hello. Raamsade, I doubt that any university degree equips one with 'true knowledge' and secondly Islam doesn't reject evolution of creation outright, we simply trace the process all back to Allah. Having said that, this has little to do with the topic at hand and the motivation of some who place such limitations on people are down to cultural as well as myopic views of the world, in my opinion.
  5. Carafaat;813725 wrote: Ow I should add them . Just received a PM from speaking for One of the Habro's. They want Las Iidle, Karin and Xagal to be added. They are callong it Eastern Badacas State. It stretches 400 km coast. I'm shocked at that person for entertaining such nonsense. :D Jokes aside, is it me or is qabyaalad on the rise baryahan?
  6. ^Haa Haa. I am and have always been with team Ferguson, bro. 3 points and glory, glory...
  7. Rudy, Such a waste-man you are. I compliment you and I get called an Aussie. Allah, ceeb badanaa. LMAO.
  8. ^Thanks malab and to to Coofle. The bit where he sang about the sunnah coincided with islaamo niikinaya, made me cringe that. Still beautiful nasheed.
  9. Hmm. Thought this one was interesting... The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon. Internet firms will be required to give intelligence agency GCHQ access to communications on demand, in real time. The Home Office says the move is key to tackling crime and terrorism, but civil liberties groups have criticised it. Tory MP David Davis called it "an unnecessary extension of the ability of the state to snoop on ordinary people". Attempts by the last Labour government to take similar steps failed after huge opposition, including from the Tories.
  10. I actually like that song. Who is it by? May Allah bless their marriage.
  11. ^Well said. I'm personally annoyed that every Ali and Khaaled thinks he can dictate to every Somali woman. Coofle;812466 wrote: No offense meant Huuuno, only real talk....But it is all about age, unlike men, women have Biological clock of the ovaries ticking, The more years they lose on finding mr.right, the less eggs remaining they have....Let me ask you, What is the importance of a chicken that cannot give eggs ,, ,Digaagad xafash bixi waysay waa la qalaa noo... Ofcourse after 35 and no man in a woman's life is a disaster, that is when they go through through the stages of grieve , Denial-Anger-bargaining-acceptance.....The faster they reach acceptance the faster they find a man.... Unlike digaagad xafishtay, a women can and do contribute more than eggs (err babies) to the world. Real talk!
  12. Being silly is so public these days. Hahahahahha. I remember doing same things with gfs when that song came out..
  13. LOL. Malika, don't worry, darling. The logic response doesn't mean that he escapes the 'watch list'. Budhka is never too far away.
  14. Rudy is also forgetful. Not only do we know the village you hail from. We even know who delivered ya. Still, you're a fool faarax in my book.
  15. How did I miss this. Love it! BTW. Your version of events reminds me of this true story which has also happened in Berbera.
  16. An abysmal amount of money allocated to education and health care. If they increase or triple the budget for security, nothing will be left for other sectors. We're a developing nation and the need to invest in our people is just as important as maintaining the peace, in fact the two go hand in hand.
  17. Malika, I've had shaah Somaali with laxoox and sixin for breakfast today, d'ya think that has quietened down the 'westernised feminist' in me? LOL
  18. NGONGE;812151 wrote: Remember the story I wrote about it a few years back? I searched for it but I can't find it. Maybe I should repost it (but on a thread of it's on, it's too long). Maaddeey, watch this space. I forgot the details, so please repost. You should start writing again.
  19. I think Raamsade is mixing Islam up with christianity. Islam and the Quran encourage the seeking of knowledge and so do most wadaads.The next world is no big secret. However, there are some who confuse their geeljire Social codes with the teachings of our beautiful and that does cause much confusion and unnecessary limitation on individuals.
  20. ^Interesting theory. LOL. I think it's just down to maturity and most ladies I know don't settle after 28. They as fussy as they were in there early 20s and sometimes let silly things like age, job get in the way of getting to know a really nice man, it's a constant debate I have with some of my GFs. As for the father complex, I think that too is due to dhaqan conditioning, there's the assumption that an older man can take care of a family.