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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Aaaah! There goes my prediction ..!! Funny apology though and it gives the faarax’s an excuse to look at the page three gal - with having to hid under the table. Well done SCC & Co
  2. Eeh dah! Come on then lads, what would ya'll do and not do
  3. Originally posted by nuune: lolmoti,tha maahmaah, maxan mulac dilay qiyaas maleh, i wonder waaban gartayee gabdhaha haba kasoo horjeestaan Moti, ee bal akhyaartiina ma gabdhaha ayey raaceen bilaa sabab, qulquluu wa raacuu bilaa micna lol, Waryaaa, Nunne when did you become such a 'nin', I mean that in the chauvinistic sense of the word. Gediid, didn't oppose Og Moti - he just said that he couldn't help him. and FYI - I was trying to help him out .. why do you men assume a lady is declaring gender war when we kindly advice you to change your approach. Og Moti, Since you are so insistant on repeating the 'somali women are kankanos' mantra...than brother, I predict that you will spend the rest of your days writing calaacal about the xaliimo in your life. Walaal, as the man said nin haweyn jeclaaday howl iyo dhibato waayi's is not only Somali women that are hard to please but dumar oo dhan. Markaa, I suggest you stope being so defensive oo ama naga ogalaato inaan ku caawino ama cayda iyo qaylada badan naga jooji! Sophist Cumar dhuule kulahaa, There were alot of guys who used his lyrics-- notably Gacmahaaga xaada leh to get wiped by the ladies whom they were seeking effection from lol! Been chatting up 'fish and chips' ladies have we? I think that is a sweet song, but I can see it's a sour spot for some ladies. Again, the secrets to effective shukaansi lie in having knowledge of your desired lady. African looooooooool@girl those names just put a on my face!
  4. Seems like the topic has taken a negative turn. Some of ya’ll have misunderstood Opinionated – she wasn’t attacking Muslims who practice Islam– but Muslims who use terrorism as a tool for change. There is a difference. Perhaps people have assumed she was attacking Muslims because they expected her to – but asking for clarifications can resolve the confusion… lets just give each other the benefit of the doubt, eh? BACK TO THE TOPIC King Police Brutality is one thing. When the law of the state condones their brutality – it’s a whole different matter. The Terrorism Act gives these thugs powers that enable them to treat law abiding British Citizens as they wish – this in a sense makes it illegal for Muslims to practice their religion – giving dawah, paying Zakah – helping the needy ummah. It is ridiculous and what’s even worse is the level of apathy shown by the Muslim community. Bee I too fear their next move, like Northerner says - we should be looking to bounce out of here. But in the mean time - we shouldn't sit back and allow them to treat people who are contributing to their society as trash. Underdog, Thank for clarifying that for me bro.
  5. Salaams, Haniif, here it is;f=3;t=000783 Nur, I totally agree with you walaal. Somehow, we forget what we’re here for and end up dying just to live. Unfortunately, with our community we tend to separate education from Islam and I find that the biggest challenge is convincing ppl that Islamic schools aren’t like the traditional madrassa’s we had back at home. 2004 Nurtel Education Research Department ( NERD)We Attack Prblems, Not People. I must say, that I love this tag line. I don't see the wisedom in attacking people - as that only creates tension which would force people to adopt a defencive stance and not listen to your ideas. P.S I'm very gappy to offer Nurtell my services.. where do I sign up?
  6. ^^welcome bck gal. Thought we lost ya Damn...Somalis r just mad
  7. :eek: It's aight though. Those who laugh last , laugh longest
  8. lol@ yous lot. I think Opinionated was referring to those guys that were responsible for NYC hijack, the Kenya and Indonesia bombing. I have to agree if it weren’t for them we wouldn't be in this predicament today. And why is it that a Bin Laden pop’s up every now-and-then? I find that strangely convenient for Bush’s war-on-terror – maybe I’m just para. Ilahay ha inoo sahalo. Personally, I haven’t seen any Muslim that supports or is involved in any Terrorism. But if some the nomads do know off any than you need to have a word with them, tell the local Imaam or something! and its a shame the rest of the Muslim community isn’t doing anything to stop them. What are we to do? Most of the reputable scholars, Imams and leaders have addressed the issue in detail - they have condemned it and clarified the position of Muslims on the issue. What more can they do? Rahiima, Whilst, I understand your point - I think the situation is a little different in the UK as the citizens are not as ****** as the government. Many non-Muslim Brits oppose the Terrorist Act as it gives the police too much power - the result of which we can now see. So this isn’t strictly a Muslim versus non-Muslim battle. Besides, walaalo. Since we are living in these countries as law-abiding citizens we can’t just sit back and let them mess with us. Underdog, Its hard enough trying to get by without having our own sisters suspecting us. Do you have to turn this into a sisters V brothers issue? I don’t that is a fair comment. Besides, there’s too much faarax v xaliimo stuff going on in this forum already.
  9. Happy B-day d arling! I'm always late wid these things :rolleyes:
  10. ^^ You've totaly missed the point walaal. CM's friend whom she was very close to has converted to Christianity. This is a matter that made her both sad and shocked, so she is sharing it with the nomads. We are merely stating our shock and sharing our thoughts on this particular story. I guess, some of ya'll can't read Somali otherwise you wouldn't be accusing CM of worrying about the faith of Somalis - she said no such thing. In fact she only referred to the state of Muslims as a whole - which she is very entitled to. Unless, of course your trying to tell us that your personal view of religion being a personal issue should be adopted by all nomads. I sense a contradiction in your post walaal. On one hand your comanding us not parrot narrow mindedness - but adopt your 'oh' so open minded' stance. Whats the difference? You also comand that we worry about their hunger and dying and not to give a toss about their eternity :confused: Interesting. Walaal, our Islamic teachings dictate that we should be concerned about the well-being of all humanity both in this world and the next… you don’t have to agree but spare us the lecture will you
  11. Originally posted by Gediid: quote:Originally posted by Ameenah: Hadii kale - let Gediid give you some 101!!! Ameenah You just cant teach an old dog new tricks walaalo. lol. True! I changed my mind about helping him out when he called me 'kankanoos'. Og Moti I'm not your friend no more- you bilaa axsaan so and so Give me back my samatar tape!!
  12. ^^ lol. The devil makes work for idle hands. But the youth, they don't know better because they not told better. We often complain about their ways - laakin do we ever sit them down and have a chat about things with them. Most of them are alot smarter than they seem at first. It's hard for the youth - everything their parents were is attacked by the media and society in general- and how do we react - we insult them for imitating those who they think are doing well and for doing what they are shown to do - shake our heads and walk away. May be we can make helping our youth this years resolution, eh?
  13. Salaams people, I know police racism is nothing new. However, tecently they have started a silent attacke on Muslims in the most derogatory ways. Last Friday, a brother came to the mosque to share with us his ordeal with the police. He was beaten, insulted and arrested. Then released three days later without charge. He was also made to do the sujud and asked; 'where is your God now' and they also removed his Quraan from the desk and placed it on the floor. I saw this brother and his injuries were real. Sad thing is that he isn't the only person treated like this under the terrorist act. Click here for more case studies Muslim charities have their funds frozen and all it takes to be arrested is for some1 to contact the police. Anyone one of us - is considered a potential terrorist as long as we practice Islaam. What is worse, the law supports this police terror. The facts: ? 529 arrested under Terrorism Acts ? 81 have been charged under it ? Of the 500 people arrested in Britain- under the Terrorism Act since 9/11, few if any have been convicted ? Their only crime was that they-were practicising their religion ? 17 foreign nationals have been held under emergency powers granted in 2001 ? Community groups describe this as "racial profiling", i.e. considering somebody suspicious because of their style of dress ? Many being arrested then released without charge is evidence of "fishing expeditions" by the Police. And what is the result? 450+ Muslims harassed, abused, loss of jobs, trauma and to date no apology or compensation ? This hatred and attack is not against individuals, it is against our Civil Liberties. ? Remember their words: ?Where is your God now!?? The time has come to... Join the campaign against police terrror .
  14. ^^^ Here we go again :rolleyes: Walaal, a lot of Somali ppl diinta kuma dhaqmaan. So stop making excuses for these men. One thing I would love to understand is what White Women have done to Somali men... It's nasty how lowly they think of them... so low that it's okay to rape them :rolleyes:
  15. AsSalaamu Aleimkum Nur and Rahiima, I agree with Nur when he says that education is the most important topic that needs discussing and addressing. Education is the very tool used to dictate the prefered norms of society. it is not something that should be left to the 'leaders' or those that have no interest in wholistic well being of those whome they educate. The problem with us is that we promote education, force literacy, numeracy and science on our children- but we ignore the most important aspect of knowledge Islaam. We often assume that Islaamic education is merely the repitition and memorisng of the Quraan - but Islaam is so felxible that it incorporates all sort of knowledge - and hence not only uplifts the individual but society as a whole. There is this provocative letter written by a 10 year old boy on the his view of education. He wrote that he was a vitime of oppression and that he witnessed what no man has witnessed- gas champers created by educated engineers - poisons created by doctors and many other professional who all worked to harm others - at the end of his letter he appeals to educationalist to make sure that they instill human values in their students. If we obseve the world today and the actions of the 'educated' - we may conclude that seculare education is not what our children need. I'm looking forward to seeing how this discussion progresses .... SCHOLARS OF THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT? This is another article on knowledge ...
  16. The trouble with the faarxa's is that they fail to differentiate between rape and sex - Just look at the foolishness some brothers are writing in the women's section :mad: Honestly, there is no excuse for such ignorance and khasiisnimo. Ninku naag ayuu qabaa, he should be with his wife if he is in need of a naag instead of luring poor gilrs and forcing himself on them (raping them). Muraad, Walaal, I hear what you say ... I think the reporters are having a field trip by bringing these stories to the public. But as they say there is no smoke without fire! These stories do exist in our community - and I think the sooner we accept them the quicker we'll be able to resolve the problem. I worked in an all- girls school a while back and walaahi - there were 30 year old Somali men waiting around 4 young girls - and using and abusing them...!! Raga qaarkood in la castrate gareeyo ayeey istaahilaan ..kuwa kalena waa inay dumarka ka qabtaan because magac raga soomaaliyeed ayey ku ciyaareen... saqajaaamiin waaxid! excuse me - I'm just really :mad: about waxyaabahan...
  17. ^^ Allah - don't tell me about stonebridge. I once went to an Awaise Khamiis riwayad where we almost got killed by the security. Apparently there was beef between the Somalis and the yardies in that hood. Alxamdulilah - i got out of that in one piece - but like ppl said theyse ppl don't care about us... I remember another Jubba riwayad the security treated the Somali youth like they were dogs - and the organisers idn't even care....!! me personalty isn't feeling that scene no more - but for those who are - i think ya'll need to demand your respect - don't waste your money in some1 that isn't concerned about your safety ...!!
  18. A blessed new year folks - me is planning to keep whatever i get upto sweet and xalaal No resolutions or lists 4 me.. just wanna live it up i'a I hope Allah blesses you all with all that you wished for and all that brings you happiness both in this world and aakhira! Victory 4 Muslims 2 i'a
  19. Miskiin ya dallas!! Waar Og Moti - waaku sidee sheeko hindi baad noo shidee :eek: Walaal, the problem with your lines is that your speaking af-ingriss to a Somali Queen - walaal 'waxaad tahay dayax soconaya' loool is not amaan! You broke the first rule of shukaansi - knowing your subject - so when she says kir iyo wax saas ah - it's not that she doesnt appreciate the attention but the she isn't feeling your lyrics - get me? I would advice you to get a few tapes of Samatars songs and repeat his lines - man odaygaasu knows how sweet talk a Somali lady...or Omar Dhuule - their lyrics just know exactly how to put a on Queen Arraweelos face. Hadii kale - let Gediid give you some 101!!!
  20. Some Somalis have no conscience or ethics walaal. They support war lords, they support rapists, they support murders..the list goes on and on. No thought is ever given to the victimes, their families or all the people that are put in risk. I can only assume that it is a cultural principle that allows people to act in such inhumane manner... and we need to rid of it fast! every criminal - I don't care if his my own brother should pay -
  21. That is a really nice poem. Full of hope. Tnx 4 posting
  22. Jaalle-qaxooti: Assalamu calaykum, Afkaa caano geel lagu qabay. Some people really need to stop listening to all the qabyaalad and show a little respect for the innocent people that are affected by this ********* :mad: I am really infuriated by the some of the comments I've been reading. It is disheartening to observe seemingly intelligent nomads arguing over the situation in LA - supporting those who are calling for war merely because they share a qabiil name. sadder still is the fact that not many nomads care to spare a thought or too for our poor brothers and sisters in LA who are living in fear of having their homes destroyed and without any knowledge of what the future holds for them. It is okay for us to sit, observe and comment about who/ where LA belongs to but walaalayaal none of us are actually living under the threat of war none of us have to put up with Riyaale and Yusuf incapacity to come to a political resolution... that is what it comes down to. May Allah help and protect all the innocent people caught up in the ********* of these two men (and their supporters)..
  23. *Fresh* Nur Mansha Allah - about time. walaahi, this is a seriouse issue - I have grown cousins taht refuse to make their own shaah - so they get none But i'm working on my baby bro.. before he becomes a burden on some poor sister..
  24. Originally posted by Lakkad: ^^ When i said lets stone em i didnt mean to like jst go and LYNCH the of course not! You have to be proffen guilty by a law of court like you said, but is there a true islamic state? governd by the sharia, except maybe for the KINGDOM? what if some missionary comes and starts apostating some poor ppl?, and say awhole village leaves islam, are jsut gonna stand by and say oh well theres no islamic court? Btw am not asking this Q's am pondering!...but yea good analysis I understand your point walaal. But in Somalia people are just taking the law into their own hands - they're killing people at random and no body even knows the reason behind it. Some say its politics and now christian groups are claiming that it's because of religion. My point is - the person has to be aware of the reason that they are being killed....they need to be aware of the sin they are being punished for..