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Originally posted by Rahima: Aside from the qabiil names been mentioned, most are missing another crucial point. Let us be frank with one another, some nomads here are substituting qabiil names with Puntland and Somaliland- and we all know that when some use these names they mean nothing other than certain tribes. I personally feel that there needs to be greater control of this; personally, it infuriates me for I know it’s nothing more than tribalism in a disguised form. I agree, totaly. I find it rather interesting that Horn- feels that qabiil names should be edited when He makes comments such as; 'that state is a one qabiil entity' .. from that statement one assumes that whenever you refer to that region and it's people (which you do pretty much all the time) - your in actual fact refering to one of the qabiils Don't get me wrong- I have no problem with the views you hold about politics - laakiin daacadnimo is a virtue. Somali politics is qabiil based - so this is an ever lasting problem. I'd suggest that ya'll seek refuge from shaytaan before you post...
^^ missed the point, I see! But some ppl don't get jokes and get all nasty about nothing jokes is a key word here..but nevermind!
^^He dug himself more than a whole. Looks like this brother is not aware of the araweelo rules .. we spare no faarax whether he buys chocolates or dahab. Lucky... read him his Rights! Che..!! You're a very smart man. If, the male community want peace, than I suggest you get them together and write up some workable agreements. Originally posted by Gediid: Look no further walaalo ,SOL bey ka socotaa taas. Great misuse of this medium, iniit. But it's worse off line - ppl can be so mean to each other for the simple reason that one is nin - and the other naag! True true...but I can't help taking the mickey sometimes. lol. I hear you sis. But some ppl don't get jokes and get all nasty about nothing.
Originally posted by Northerner: ^^^loooool, that uncalled for, dea walaal haan kala xishoono, ma anaa binis iyo chipis-ah? qormaad adigu caseerki katagtay? lol! I'm not caseeri...never was Haaruun, Why? Ya'll are never gonna treat him like we Londoners do...I heard about reer T.dots lil conference halls Bee The theme of the event was; ‘Han yaraani waa hidahaaga diid’ It highlighted the problems faced by the Somali community in the Diaspora and the country. But the main aim was to present the fresh recruits of the Somali literati to the community. It kicked of with a hilarious poem by Hassan Sheikh Mumin (who is apparently one of the oldest living poets). Basically, he described the lifestyle of cats and showed how Somalis are very similar to this animal – i.e., sleeping during the day and spending all night on other activities, not working for their survival etc. It pissed a few dudes off, but made sense all the same. Than a lady singer – who was apparently the Nimco Jaamac of her time read this poem written by Hassan Galaydh – it was so powerful that it caused many tears in the audience. It (graphically) described the battle for freedom from the colonist and the predicament of our heroes (sayidka, sheikh basher, sheikh Ismael etc.) at the hands of the colonialist. Hadrawi than gave the community words of advice with regards to the problems faced by our community. He said that despite our political differences our problem was the same. The decline of the Somali community – qaran was based on the breakdown of the family structure. He was highly critical of fathers that left their children and families for politics, fathers who let qaad get in the way of educating and bringing up their children and those who ignore their role of breadwinner, head of house and dawdle their responsibilities. He also advised families to bring their children up as Muslims and Somalis and while Education (higher) was important – it doesn’t do enough to ensure the holistic development of the child- He argued that the western education system instils values the contradict our own and that families should be more proactive (perhaps in undoing the harm of un-Islamic education). He also stressed the dire need to go back to our deen and dhaqan- and that we should now be striving to go back home, as this country is not good for our children. He said that politics needs to be left to the politicians – and that we shouldn’t let them divide the people- we are in the same boat and therefore need to help each other out – instead of trying to solve it as an individual – and to shun qabyaalad. He then introduced us to a group of young Somali poets – said that they were his (and co’s) heirs to the position of Abwans and that it was time for him to retire and let others do the work. This he explained was the natural order of things – ppl started saying that he should tell that to the politicians (but who in their right mind would want to be a politician?)! About 15 brothers read some beautiful poetry about Somalis and their troubles …. You know the type you just relate to..there was this brother that read a poem about politicians and dabadhilifnimo – reminded me of some folks –I read about! It was a great night…. I think KAAH are planning to run regular poetry nights in London – will let you know if/when I get more information. I think , thats about enough for you ....
Salaams, This is a rare oppportunity to study our deen for free.... Study Islaam online
Ilahay ha u naxariisto!
Originally posted by Huda: quote:Originally posted by Ameenah: *lol* Hudaay, Imisa goor baan kuu sheegnay. gabadhyahay, dadka sirta waa loo qariyaa...bal ujeedadii gabaddhu ay haysatey sowdiga intaad microphones qaadatey - aduun oo dhan u sheegtay. xishood dee... yaanan ana ku sheeg sheegine She is only wax yaroo dhuuban LooL ana waxaan islahaa your back up has arrived, Ameenaay waa maxay bandhiga intaa leegi dee huuno, xageed ii exposed gareesay, way inoo tahay. :mad: Saxiibey... anigu bilaash iskuma wareeriyo - Goor aad reerkii oo dhan xagxagtey baan ku soo gaadhey... damn... I see that trip to Hargaisa afkii baad ku soo baratey Besides - KFC baa lagu geyn eh - maxaa ku haaya?
Originally posted by BARWAAQO: Haniif ... Waa runtaa...the male species is under attack from "vicious, Venomous, godless feminists", and whats more, as soon as we have harvested and safely frozen all the sperm needed for future reproduction...we will hunt you all down and electrocute you one by one. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha..... looooooooooooooooooooooooooool!! Gabar! I just recieved a Message from the Queen. You have been authorised to start the mission Ana maqas weyn baan soo qaadi Brothers, Waa laidin soo galee - is xoreeya lol On the real though- these gender wars are from shaydaan- lets not lose ourselves in them - but work together as the Quraan comands us to. The sad thing is that we (Somalis) have adopted these wars and the only thing that our men and women discuss these days are based on hate and disrespect.
^^Allah-- oo waabad is qarxisee :eek: Tis was better than footy and shiisha But than again, your chipis and binis selaf wudn't andarstaan
*lol* Hudaay, Imisa goor baan kuu sheegnay. gabadhyahay, dadka sirta waa loo qariyaa...bal ujeedadii gabaddhu ay haysatey sowdiga intaad microphones qaadatey - aduun oo dhan u sheegtay. xishood dee... yaanan ana ku sheeg sheegine CK - walaal theres no need to be so harsh on the sis. I think CB, Huda wuu iska celin karaa- she is only wax yaroo dhuuban QacQaac- ana koob shaah ah iigu soo dar Bck. to topic! CB - are you talking about married ppl?
^^lol! I don't kiss raga qalaad (none muxrim)sxb I didn't make it to the Sunday event...But I went to the repeat of this saturday! I have to say, out of all the Somali gatherings that I've been to (too many to mention) this was by far the most promising, uniting and beautiful event - ever! It wasn't based on siyaasad but on preserving our hiddo and returning to our dhaqan- Hardraawis mission is in his own words 'dad siyaasad lagu jeediyey inaan ka soo jeedino, oo ay somaalidu ku daalan waxtarka dadkooda iyo wadankooda' To go back to our deen and dhaqan and not to let politics divide Somalis. They were also introducing Somalia new, fresh and very talented abwaans - Allah it - they were amazing! Ya'll can listen some of it on the BBC- Somali
What is wrong with being Traditional- Somali? There is cool English proverb? If you went to China would you stop speaking English? Every English person would instincively say no! So you know what they did... they made the rest of the world adapt to their ways - I think thats cute. But I ask all those ka faaniya being traditional-what's with the self-hate? Why are we so fast in giving up our identity - for that of another? I think the problem with many younger generation Somalis is that they assume Somali tradition is responsible for ills that exist in our society- It is not! Our culture is heavily influced by Islam and Islam does not restrict women in any way - the west may view it like that but it does not- Sister our tradtion allows women like Edna Aaden and Casha Abdulleh serve very high position in politics - not forget that many women who contribute greatly to the development of our country behind the scenes! I really don't understand where ppl got the idea that a Somali can't be educated / work from... it's news to me! Somalis have always valued education whether it's for men and women....however, some of the brothers in this forum seem to suffering from streaks of bigotary that makes them impose their own desires (having a personal khadaamad) by coating it under the guise of dhaqan iyo deen... if you really want to know about Somali dhaqan than i suggest we go back to our fathers, adeeros and our history...Somali women have always been the backbone of society and will remain as such for as long us we hold on to our dhaqan -and not adopt the ways of arabs, indians or the British! There is a difference between - Culture / Dhaqan or Hido / Tradition and Behaviours / Caadooyin. Whilst our Culture and Tradition are beautiful - we do have some nasty caadooyin that we should get rid off.
lol@ Walaal! Run maaha. Jaamac AfDheere is the cyper advocate for Somali laga roones- kuwa America / Qurbaha ku ilbaxay. If there was a whole village of Somali gays - I think the gun-men would have a field day- don't you Wishfull thinking Mr Afdheere :rolleyes:
^^ Jizaak Allah, honey! Very much appreaciated
Thanks for the post North.. People I've started this topic because I am genuinely interested in the what the police is doing to Muslims. Please stop this childish you said, she said' crap and either get with the topic or meel kale isku qabsada - Honestly! :rolleyes:
Salaams Nur, My friend was telling me about fasting on the ten days... I remeber hearing something about fasting on the 8, 9, 10 but I might be mixing it up with another month....!! Can some1 clarify this - with evidence if you don't mind! AXK Allah
Nur great topic walaal...haven't got round to reading it all. I personally returned to reading the Quraan this Ramadan - I have read many books but nothing compares to this Quraan - theres a hadeeth that says one when learns about the deen Allah sends angels to bless him/her! Try it nomads, it the best feeling on earth - and it's so describtive that you feel and see everything that is being mentioned in the Quran.. Subxan Allah! Nur, I watch this programme called Prabbles (sp) In the Quraan that comes on Iqra - where Young Muslims talk about lessons taught in Surah's each week - It would be nice if we did that sort of thing in SOL - beneficial and we'll get alot of reward for it .... what do you think folks? Got get back 2 work- sorry but my post is a lil rushed!!
This is madness! My friend went Tunisia for the Hils. and was the telling me that brothers arn't allowed to grow beards and Sisters not allowed to wear hijaab. same situation in Algeria and many other Muslim countries...and now this!! Hypocrites ayaa ina haysta.. bal halkay ilaahay ka galayaan?
Welcome Geel Jire! Well getting the Nomad status is dependent on how many glasses of caano geel you can drink and how quick- for every post you get a glass! Good luck.. and welcome *passes glass of camel milk to geel jire*
Salaams all, Jamilah Ameenah mentioned earlier that if it was not for the extremists we would not be in this situation we are in, with the police brutalities and etc. I disagree with this perception greatly; the hatred the Kufars’ possess towards us is unimaginable and these cases of brutality were inevitable. I suppose. But it is legitimised by the Terrorism Act - which was drawn up as a result of the 'terrorism' committed by some 'Muslims'. ‘Kufars’ had no reason to unleash this war on terror on innocent Muslims had they not had an excuse to do so .. and what better excuse than Sept 11. Why is it some Muslim people actually consider other Muslims “terrorists”? I don't consider other Muslims as terrorists walaal! Otherwise I would not have started this topic. Laakin, how would you define the New York affair? Holly War - subxan Allah - that goes against the very nature of our beautiful deen. AlQaeda might have well been fighting jihaad in Afghanistan… why they had to bomb New York is mystery to me! As far as suicide bombing and other acts of terror go, some Muslim groups (such as AlQaeda) do use them as a tool of change. Is this Islamic? The Quraan clearly instructs us to fight those who fight you, right? And how about all the innocent Muslims that got killed? What sort image is this sending off about Islam and the Muslims? And is it on the Way of the Messenger (saw) ? You know, the Prophet (saw) is there to be followed- and the Police Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq and I’m sure this list will grow in the following year or so – is a direct result of the Sept.11 affair. Bin Laden gave Bush a go ahead by that attack and we want to defend it…!! You may argue there were innocents killed but there was also innocent Muslims killed around the world. Muslims have been terrorized in Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Iraq. Undoubtably the attacks on NYC, Indonesia and Kenya were an act of retaliation towards the countries America, Australia and Israel. So we go and kill their innocent civilians! Where is the justice in that? Where is the xikmah and again is this the way of our Messenger (saw)? It seems that we are letting the kafirs re-interpret our Islam for us. If something is not from the Quraan and the Sunnah there is no defending it. And when I criticise AlQaeda and such groups it's not to be assumed that I'm taking sides with Bush and Blair - they too are terrorists! The whole point of my arguemnt is that innocent Muslims are being targgeted for simply practicing their deen. However we can't deny that there are Muslims who use terrorism as a tool for change.. Bin Laden did admit to being responsible for the Sep. 11 attackes did he not? That Plasetinian group did say they were behind the Kenya holdiday resort bomb did they not? So where is the assuming? Our loyalty should always be with our brothers in faith – but when they are committing injustices against humanity on the grounds of they national jihad – we shouldn’t be patting their backs – but correcting their ways! Also, how can we challenge, complain about Police brutality, Bush’s unjust war – if we are not prepared to acknowledge and condemn the wrongs of our own …. That’s more in line with Bush’s my way or U will be bombed strategy!!
looooooooooooooooooool! Tears rolling down face looooooool Rudy walaahi you made my day. I'll be reall with you next time
lol@Ayoub! I think a lot of ppl misunderstand his current campaign. He is not a Politican so this isn’t about politics but peace. It is also something worthy of much admiration and appreciation. I'll try to be there too I'A .. 1pm is a bit early iniit :confused: