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Libaaax Sanka Taabte and Rudy You *******, I will get my dacas and ****** You ***** ***** ****** Don't mess with me waaryaadha! ****** Edited by Libaax-Sankataabte**************
Originally posted by Continental Batchelor: ^^^^Ameenah....Meme kiswahili yangu ni inzurisana. Na jua luqa tatu. English, Somali and kiswahili!. Sasa kuna walendo wengi sana hapa wanajifanya wanajua kiswahili!.LOOOOOOOL. P.S Nakupenda sana Caramel Kisses!. Cont Okay, I understood that you have a lil on caramel Kisses. BUT the rest just went over my HEAD. TRanslation please..anyone
Salaams Athena...I was sort of thinking about this topic. I think it's really sad... the cosmetics industry are capitalising on the very same psychological distress that they help cause ala beauty magazines and their shrewd selection of those women that represent us in the media. As far as the Islamic prohibition goes - Narrated Asma: (the daughter of Abu' Bakr) A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I married my daughter to someone, but she became sick and all her hair fell out, and (because of that) her husband does not like her. May I let her use false hair?" On that the Prophet cursed such a lady as artificially lengthening (her or someone else's) hair or got her hair lengthened artificially. and Narrated 'Alqama: 'Abdullah cursed those women who practiced tattooing and those who removed hair from their faces and those who created spaces between their teeth artificially to look beautiful, such ladies as changed what Allah has created. Um Ya'qub said, "What is that?" 'Abdullah said, "Why should I not curse those who were cursed by Allah's Apostle and are referred to in Allah's Book?" She said to him "By Allah, I have read the whole Qur'an but I have not found such a thing. 'Abdullah said, "By Allah, if you had read it (carefully) you would have found it. (Allah says:) 'And what the Apostle gives you take it and what he forbids you abstain (from it).' (59.7) BOTH from Saheeh Bukhari Quraan Allâh cursed him. And he [shaitân (Satan)] said: "I will take an appointed portion of your slaves; Verily, I will mislead them, and surely, I will arouse in them false desires; and certainly, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allâh." And whoever takes Shaitân (Satan) as a Walî (protector or helper) instead of Allâh, has surely suffered a manifest loss. (An-Nisa 4:118-119)
Somali Students Association UK - Up Coming EVENTS
Blessed replied to Blessed's topic in Developement | Projects
^^No venue has been confirmed as yet...but I know that the boys are on the job.. I'll let ya'll know as soon as I get more info. Idil Try This Link -
Salaams. This is an event for all Somali students, graduates and professionals - in London and the UK. Also.. watch out for the football tournament on the 29th March 2004 for more information visit: SSAUK
Originally posted by Nur: Amiinah Mazeed in Arabic means MORE, this woman is a XUR ul Cayn, but she could well be one of my earthily audience that I wished for transformed to be the Queen of the Xur and Allah made me meet her in Jannah instead, so you never know who you gonna meet in Jannah, stretch your imagination, its awsome what you can envision. JiZaaK Allah for the explanation bro. I'm already imagining walking through the most amazing shopping malls with my beautifull sisters lol and just sitting around talking about the earthly days with my favourit people. I heard something about the people of paradise and how they will gather with their earthly friends to remeber their time here. That is just so endearing. May Allah grant us the means to get there...!
The Prophet sulAllâhu 'alayhi wassalam said: “There are only four kinds of people in this world: (The first is) a slave whom Allâh has blessed with wealth and knowledge, and he fears Allâh with regard to them, and uses them to uphold family ties, and acknowledges the rights that Allâh has over them. He has the highest status. (The second is) a slave to whom Allâh has given knowledge, but not wealth. His intention is sincere, and he says, ‘If only I had wealth, I would do (good deeds) like so-and-so (the first slave).’ He will be rewarded according to his intention, so their reward will be equal. (The third is) a slave to whom Allâh has given wealth, but not knowledge. He spends his money aimlessly, neither fearing Allâh with regard to it nor using it to uphold family ties nor acknowledging the rights that Allâh has over it. He has the lowest status. (The fourth is) a slave to whom Allâh has given neither knowledge nor money. He says, ‘If only I had wealth, I would do (bad deeds) like so-and-so (the third slave). He will be punished according to his intention, so their burden of sin will be equal.” (Reported by Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi, and classed as sahîh in Al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/9). ---- I'm probably a third .. May Allah make the deen easy 4 us..
Somali and English - Boring :rolleyes: I can curse in Sawahili - but would love to learn some decent phrases to use with my abtiyos. Any 'sujus' kind enough to teach me some?
It wouldn't be wicked if they came on MTV - that would be the ultimate diss to the Muslim community... In my opinion they need to go back to which ever estate they hail from and LEARN the deen before they try to represent..whats with the 'hateration'?
^^^lol. so are any of your good looking brothers single then? Personaly, I think a person should marry who ever they feel is the right one for them. However, those arbitary reasons are not strong foundations for marriage and anyone who is on that thought length really needs to grow up before bringing innocent children into this world. What will they tell granchildren 'I married your awoowo just so that I can have half cadaan looking children?' - it's silly. Why do they feel that they have to justify their actions at the expense of Somalis? What have we got to do with the individuals choice of partner? To me, it's an indication that those sisters arn't very confident about their choice - or is it just a case dissing Somalis for the sake of it? Also, like Gediid said some mixed raced people might find it difficult to fit-in - it is certainly true for some half English / Somalis that I know. They don't fit in with the Somalis and are rejected by their english families. The result not having a deep rooted connection to ones family and identity. Would I want to put my children through that? No, not if I have a choice. There is also the issue of religion, for those who marry into another faith the problems can be astounding. I know Somali men whose children are catholic, buddhist, athiests... This can cause much conflict between parents and hence leading to divorce. I personaly prefer to stay with my Somali. However I do respect the choice of those who marry non-Somali for the right reasons. If both parties are of the same faith (muslims in our case)- there are minor obsticals but I don't see any major problems in that...
Originally posted by Gediid: Ameenah Never heard nor seen Somalis naked waist up from the past nor the present.....Have you? I don't know about the past walaal. Laakin I've seen another pic which some Italian guy took of a Somali girl that he fell in love with back in the early 19'oos- and she wasn't all that covered up niether....she didn't look Somali to me. But this girl has Somali features, as MD said waa Somaaliyad soo taagen - even if her dress sense is shocking :eek: As far as I know - canfartu are muslims also - so this pic is still a little odd... maybe marada ayaa laga cararey Allah knows.
First of all – let me welcome you to SOL. This topic has been covered in depth a number of times – so excuse us if we come across a bit harsh. ‘Somali men’ are not romantic is not a true statement as I doubt that you have personal experiences of all Somali men - so how can you bunddle them all together? I think, the best starting point is for sisters (and brothers)to stop making sweeping statement of Somali men. The turth is, that some men, Somali or not are romantic – others aren’t. If you want your man to be romantic – tell him, show him, make him - but please spare us these consistently reprimanding lectures. We don’t have a counselling service here – so there is nothing that we the nomads of SOL can do about the situation. Also....‘Romance’ is a very subjective matter – what is romantic to one individual may not appeal to another. Some girls feel that by cooking and running around after their man as an expression of romance – others may argue diffrent- it’s a matter of preference. My advice to is to decide what is romantic to you and find yourself a brother thats prepared to be romantic with you... no need to worry about the other 9 odd million Somali men and their xaliimos As for the saying ‘nayaa bring my qado’ – forget romance, girl that is down right rude. Any man, woman who thinks that they can get away with talking to people in that manner – should be sent back to nursery school until they learn their adaab! p.s Marriage is a two way street – you’ve got to be prepared to give some to get some..!
Lovelios Is 'Mazeed' a xuuri OR whatever it is that you desire? That confused me a lil.
MD That was :eek: BUT how do you know they weren't Somalis Gediid? It's aight though MD - at least we know what 'beauty' is to you
Shaabella girl.. thnx for the 411. But would anybody actually put eggs on thier face :eek: I can't take the smell... I think the best facial on earth is Qasil - if you mix a lil natural youghurt than it really cleans up your skin... Might try the strawberry facial - if I manage not to eat them all
^^ Easy sis.. he doesn't know anything... just acting like he does, so that you can pay him for info. Thats how he makes a living Hibo, I really miss those sisters too... esp. Wildcat and Lulla - they just rocked! Last time I spoke to Honesita, she was killing herslf with work / studies... and where's Kool_Kat, and RC and Nova and Cambo?
Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Tweety, u kno I'm only an ethical criminal [meaning my crimes are for the benefit of humanity ], markaa dee don't bundle me up with rest of the unwashed masses! Waa ku sidee... criminal = criminal.... Anyways, I didn't say anything about you being a baddie..just explaining to Rudy that your not as carbonated as he imagined. northerner fancies the asian chick dee
^^^ Great Topic. I could sit here for years and I still won't be able to count what hooyo has done for me... too much to mention and give back... May Allah show her mercy and bless her always! And my dad too... Why aren't we giving props to our aabos? P.S Being ciyaal moma ain't a diss... you can be 50 and still be hooyos little girl
Well, hands in the air .. I have no idea what your on about Me is boring like Mr.11 and The Boy from Up north-the only weekly show I keep up with is Question Time .. and whatever hapned 2 eastenders; lesbians, incest, gangs - whaat :eek: :rolleyes: Rudy DD is a criminal herslf- the girl is wanted for all sorts of things.. from demolishing fast food restaurants to throwing paint at politicians...I guess she gets her inspiration from those shows ..lol Kidding Bee- don't look at me like that dee!!
Originally posted by - diamond princess -: Don't you think that we put him down so much that he decided to keep to himself? I was thinking that too. some1 even started a whole post aimed at dissing Nin-Yaaban and no one ssaid anything to support him at that time... now we'r missing him...strange....!!
It's so obvious that a certain person hasn't been keeping an eye on the league table lately. Shaqsi, ya’ll wasted your money. Look what the United Legends got for a mere £12.8 million… Another legend in the making Saha Glory belongs to the REDEVILs always
We belong to Allah and to him we return. death is xaq, but when some1 you know dies like this, it's really hard to swollow. May Allah forgive all her sins and and grant her jannah. Originally posted by Rahima: The fact that she died in a fire is a good sign for Rasuallah said that those who died in such a way (i.e in a fire, along with others such as drowning) are regarded as martyrs. Walaalo, that is a good sign. I hope Allah grants her martyrdom. Ameen. Please, make ducaa for her and her grieving family....
^^lol. girl. Bal aan ku maqalnee .. hees yaroo macaan noogu dhufo Nuune, I agree about Odayaasha and Islaamah needing to step down.. we got tehir tapes - so they should just go and cibaadeystaan inta u hadhay. But I think there are quite a few fresh talent back home - espcially in Jabouti - there are some really good new fanaans with fresh material emerging these days... you just got to get yourself some hook-ups from back home mansha allah- we got some hectic abwaans on the rise too- it's just a matter of time and our willingness to recognise them.... p.s crooks is a big word saxib-- not nice to speak of our elders - who've served for many decades like that- ceeb dee, ka qalee dadka!