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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. ^^Excited lot aren't we You know what - I had my camera and two films at the ready. Than, there stood before me the perfect photo opportunity. A whole street, by the river, with the Lodon eye and the river in the background filled with Somalis. Men, women and children. The sort of picture that would make ask weather this was Somalia or not. I took my camera out, got the perfect zoom. Just as I was about to press the capture button - My camera battery died on me. Oh, well! I'm sure other nomads have the pics.. ya'll just need to be patient dee.. damn. It's only been a few hours - some ppl are still sleeping off the long journey to the SE.
  2. Allah :eek: :eek: *looks away* Some1 needs to give the brother some cloths.
  3. I just jacayl this topic Nice songs Africa. I love anything by Ehab Tawfiq. Moshtaaq AND this will be back.
  4. Blessed


    ^^^ I agree, most Muslim countries are just Muslim by name - in the sense that their laws and governance do not always reflect the believe of the state. But does that stop it being a Muslim country? Devils Advocate Don't be sorry and please don't just take my word for it. There are many books on the subject - so you I'de advice you to do your own research and draw your own conclusions. I just want to clarify one point that maybe a little vague. When I use the term 'land' I'm using it in the context of a country. i.e. England is the land of the English. Obviously, everything in the world ultimately belongs to Allah - I’d be a fool debate that. Nonetheless, there also exits a micro level of ownership - that is what I am talking about CM I agree with on the need to discuss feminism. It is a very complex area, needing time and willingness to discover it for what it is. Maybe we aught to start a new thread on it. … watch this space
  5. Originally posted by Lu'Lu: Ameenaaaay Adiga mooyee cidkale may maqneyn....from heblaayo heblaayo dacar to hebel hebel... Walahi it was Amazing to see so many young and patriotic Somalilanders.... Gabdh, I got there late (serves me right for working in baadiyedon)... But I got there. and the atmosphere mansha Allah- was just phenomenal ..even though I was there as the party was ending. Got to see so many old friends made some new friends. When did you leave? H told me that you were there but waan ku waayey. Barwaqo, Your more than welcome to it love. Anyways folks - who is going to tomorrows event? Apparently Riyaale will be addressing the ppl of SL.
  6. Blessed


    Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: what's a "kafir" land? I thought Allah created the world. So all the lands are Allah's creation. So when did it become "kufr/kafir" land? And if it is so kafir, why are muslims living there when they can go to a "muslim" land? And while we're on the topic, what and where is a "muslim" land? : Islamic principle of Hijrah is based on the notion that Muslims should not be in the land of disbleive (kafir = a disbeliever) unless they are opressed in their own countries or are giving dacwah. Why are muslims in kafir countries.. well, thats the million dollar question. To question why there is kafir lands and muslim lands - is like asking why there are muslims and kafirs- after all we are all the creation of Allah..right? Land of kufr = a country where the majority are kafirs - none belivers Land of islam = a country where the majority are muslims
  7. ^^I want xaal for not being told b4 :mad: Update --- I just spoke to who is at the city with the Slers. Man the noise is just amazing. I think am gonna through Westminister once am done here...hoping it ain't too late. Seems like everyone is there or on their!
  8. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Gabadh...I dont kno what ur on about! How can you not miss BK?? LoL...I was at the DL campus, which is the one I miss. BK was too damn old and boring...cept for all my Hindi and Nigerian friends! Fridays used to be so fab! Yeah, I miss my Pakis, they even adopted me into their community. Loved the Islamic society - especially as the brothers used to feed us enough in ramadan. Laakin, BK was an absolute nightmare. One of those eeeri buildings you get in horror movies. Only been to DL once, when it first opened.. just to check out the architecture, man that was something Damn, I'm getting all reminicent.. beta hush b4 nomads might take me for an ayeeyo. - Hey, I thought you liked liers dee Gediid, I just saw ina Qawdhan with a brand new car..
  9. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Gabadh...I dont kno what ur on about! How can you not miss BK?? LoL...I was at the DL campus, which is the one I miss. BK was too damn old and boring...cept for all my Hindi and Nigerian friends! Fridays used to be so fab! Yeah, I miss my Pakis, they even adopted me into their community. Loved the Islamic society - especially as the brothers used to feed us enough in ramadan. Laakin, BK was an absolute nightmare. One of those eeeri buildings you get in horror movies. Only been to DL once, when it first opened.. just to check out the architecture, man that was something Damn, 'm getting all reminicent.. beta hush b4 nomads might take me for an ayeeyo. Gediid, I just saw ina Qawdhan with a brand new car..
  10. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Gabadh...I dont kno what ur on about! How can you not miss BK?? LoL...I was at the DL campus, which is the one I miss. BK was too damn old and boring...cept for all my Hindi and Nigerian friends! Fridays used to be so fab! Yeah, I miss my Pakis, they even adopted me into their community. Loved the Islamic society - especially as the brothers used to feed us enough in ramadan. Laakin, BK was an absolute nightmare. One of those eeeri buildings you get in horror movies. Only been to DL once, when it first opened.. just to check out the architecture, man that was something Damn, I'm getting all reminicent.. beta hush b4 nomads might take me for an ayeeyo. - Hey, I thought you liked liers dee Gediid, I just saw ina Qawdhan with a brand new car..
  11. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Gabadh...I dont kno what ur on about! How can you not miss BK?? LoL...I was at the DL campus, which is the one I miss. BK was too damn old and boring...cept for all my Hindi and Nigerian friends! Fridays used to be so fab! Yeah, I miss my Pakis, they even adopted me into their community. Loved the Islamic society - especially as the brothers used to feed us enough in ramadan. Laakin, BK was an absolute nightmare. One of those eeeri buildings you get in horror movies. Only been to DL once, when it first opened.. just to check out the architecture, man that was something Damn, 'm getting all reminicent.. beta hush b4 nomads might take me for an ayeeyo. Gediid, I just saw ina Qawdhan with a brand new car..
  12. ^^ Come on gal. Life beyond that miserable corridors of BK campus is simply lush. No essay deadlines No boring lectures No problems with their ****** data system No long journeys to no mans land - ooh, well it's different when you get paid to do so. No endless reading lists - unless it's fun. you get a fat pay cheque once a month instead of quarterly. Only thing I miss- are my friends and spending the whole day acting like a school kid I also, miss is the spontanious nature of student life. You can decide not to go in .. but you have to think up excuses for work - but than again even though I work full time - I've always got time on my hands - sweet, eh? Might start rocking the marriage thing - play the superwoman role Let me know how it goes with cheetah... Cheetah Tip - She is ultra fussy love, so tell her lies, lies and more lies Gediid loool Oooh, wait till I tell my eedo cawrala that your minyaro hunting. man, she is gonna spill bariis on you
  13. ^^ Come on gal. Life beyond that miserable corridors of BK campus is simply lush. No essay deadlines No boring lectures No problems with their ****** data system No long journeys to no mans land - ooh, well it's different when you get paid to do so. No endless reading lists - unless it's fun. you get a fat pay cheque once a month instead of quarterly. Only thing I miss- are my friends and spending the whole day acting like a school kid I also, miss is the spontanious nature of student life. You can decide not to go in .. but you have to think up excuses for work - but than again even though I work full time - I've always got time on my hands - sweet, eh? Might start rocking the marriage thing - play the superwoman role Let me know how it goes with cheetah... Cheetah Tip - She is ultra fussy love, so tell her lies, lies and more lies Gediid loool Oooh, wait till I tell my eedo cawrala that your minyaro hunting. man, she is gonna spill bariis on you
  14. 21 makes U feel old? Damn, girl life begins at 21... welcome to adulthood- enjoy I hope Allah blesses you and shows u mercy sis. p.s party and prayer don't mix ya know. sorry if I killed ur vibe.
  15. DnD Abooto Kutubey yaa qaada? I haven't heard it. But I love Ina Haybad Laambad's multilingual songs. Hodan in particulare, will share the lyrics when I got more time i'a. Darman and Rokko Qabyo 1 was just hilarious. Can never get enough of it. Remember, the part where the lawyer says - call 911. And sangub says - Allah, nayl iyo laba wan buu noo hayaa.. naa u sheeg inaan xoolaha dhaqano lol I think that riwayad exaggerated the gender conflict a little. I've got another one - Hablo yahow hadmaan guursan doontaan. uh, uh, uh binti batrooliya- way isku duba dhacdey Faysruus Shiekh Daahir
  16. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: ^^ pull it off by nudging me off the stairs, right? No still going AWOL! How is it coming along for ya? Better than me I hope. Well,you know I would shed a tear as I nudge you off the salaan. But that was only a thought and ...its not going at all sis. I'm the most undecided person on earth. But waiting for the adrelinin to kick in - my minds works well under pressure. Hadii kale - make room for me where ever your going Norf. Cheeky
  17. Blessed


    ^^ I thought that it is a matter of sharing knowledge, inspiring and motivating each other. But alas, you are here to shatter our illusions. Khalaas! Whatever suites yaa macalim Garab walaal, Whilst, Islam clearly prohibits homosexuality. We as Muslims in kafir lands have a duty to give dacwah. What Pearl was saying is that it's better to speak to them about their wrongs so that they change their ways. There are converts to Islam who were formaly lesbians, gays criminals. They changed their ways by learning the deen and perhaps speaking with Muslims. Lets not underestimate the importance of dacwah here - and respect and politeness are characteristics of the Muslim. I comend you for correcting the sister- but my only concern is the way your doing it. Sorry if I've offended ya'll - ama leave yous in peace now
  18. SO! Being misguided - wrong. Makes it okay to attack someone. They are a lesser being than others. Waa war :rolleyes:
  19. Damn again! I knew that it wasn't encouraged, and I don't celeberate b-days because I don't see what there is to be happy about - another damn year is lost of my days on earth. Yet, never thought that it had shirk conotations. Acuudubilaah! Fret not nomads.. tell your friends to buy you two eid presents or just to show appreciation instead You don't displease Allah and so Everyone Happy
  20. Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: Salaam, Why Muj? You busy? I have a valid excuse for not going....I'll be on holiday. Now, now! No Holidays during term. That would be costly to daddy. So I suggest you fall of the stairs or sumthing If you need any help. I'll be help you pull that one off
  21. Salaams all I'm starting this topics for all the riwayad fanatics out there. Ever since I can remeber I've been watching riwayads - my dads way of making sure we learnt Somali - and I've been hooked since then. It's poetic, it's hilarious and most of the time it's odd. Enough of my yabbering. Why not share our favourit, most hated qoute. maybe ya'll can introduce me to a riwayad that I've Okay here it goes: Every dhoog has dhaay to dhaay is my dhaay Nakrumah, Qabyo - favourit wil local ladies. Singub in Qabyo Been baad sheegi, naag uun baad ahayd waan ku taaban Wife tells him you can't touch me - as in hit me because it is against the laws of Canada. My heroin Layla Jeesto - Masiibadu Aduunyada Ayadaa u macalin ah! oo, miyaan dhacayaa, mise waan ledayaa, saliga! xaga hore To husband, when he tells her to keep it real. Thats abou all for now - I gotz to go - what has you got?
  22. Blessed


    Feminism is a system of kufr. I think that is how you understand it – am I wrong? If it is, than you are insinuating that they are followers of kufr – hence kafirs. See if you said, that they are repeating feminist ideas – that woukd be different because you wouldn’t be ascribing feminism to them. However, there are different interpretations of it and many Muslim women who call themselves - understand it as a mere struggle for the cause of women. I personally, wouldn't encourage any Muslim sister to call herself a feminist because of what the title entails and that the underlying principles of the movement contradict Islam. Once, I’ve made my point on the matter - it doesn't really matter if the person takes it or not. It’s not my duty to make them understand (unless initial message was misunderstood) it nor does it give me the right to call them names. That is also, what is in the Quraan teaches - When the Prophet (saw) started grieving for those who refused to follow him - Allah told him in Quraan, that his role was only to convey the message. If that is the case for something as great as Islamic monotheism - what do you think is the case for subsidiary Islamic issues? BUT - just realised that I got sidelined. That wasn't why I asked you to back off! In responding to her comment on homosexuals - Garab, started telling Pearl to shut up and that she didn't know anything..etc. Princess Sexy, asked him the wisdom of his approach and you came in and accused her of being part of a feminist group.. I've noticed that ya'll do that in EVERY topic. Instead of disagreeing with ideas, you start labelling people accusing them of this that and the other (case in point telling me stop being an apologetic Muslim - simply because I've asked you to respect sisters) Don't you think that was a little OTT walaal? Runta sheeg, it was unnecessary and rude. And like I said, if you want to be heard - than your going about it the wrong way. It’s not your message or ideas walaal – but your attitude. P.S I'm not only directing this at you - but all those who seem to be cursing people out for having a different perspective.
  23. Blessed


    ^^^ I wasn't intending to start an arguemnt walaal. I didn't say that wht you said was wrong but gave you naseexa on your approach. Frankly, you won't get anywhere far with that attitude. Calling sisters feminists - is like calling them kaafirs, and I am sure you came across the hadith about calling people kafirs. I am sure there is a better way of presenting your cse without calling people names and telling them to shut up.... I am sure You, can choose to take my naseexa or leave it, either way aniga waxba kama helayo. NChic.. Sis, I didn't mean it like that. It's good to remind ourselves of the deen. The Islamic opinion covers every issue and we get rewarded for sharing it. But, it's a shame the brothers are misrepresenting it.
  24. ^^^^Thank for the update darling So, nomads... who's coming? and who has a valid excuse not to?