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Everything posted by Blessed
Fisrt of all - I've never counted you with the jumpy bunch. You always keep your cool - that’s an enviable quality… might copy cat it of ya.. But: Key words from your post. antigonize empowering he can assert Somalia's dismemberment is the way to go I just don't think that he has the power to do so. Do you? Unless there are greater authorities working with him. Laakin, Prof. Lewis is pretty harmless, I saw odayga a while ago and the poor man can't even speak probably - waa duq dhamaadey. Somalis should just nod their heads and carry on with their 'talks'. I really don't appreaciate how the writer is down playing the role of Somalis in destroying Somalia and how he tries to wash Siads wrongs off on the professor. But Prof Lewis had it coming as he continues to poke his nose into our affairs. lol. He keeps entering our ocean, eh? So we should throw back up –Somali style! I dig that, only problem is that’s his profession. It's how he makes money, markaa dan baa ugu jirta and he ain’t going to give up easily – Somalis won’t let him give up. They keep inviting him to Somali conferences like he has something important to say. Than they get mad when he supports the ‘secessionist’ camp. What else do they expect him to do? My problem is not with him but rather Somalidan ka dhigaya inuu yahay the be it all of Somali politics. He might be an expert on Somali affairs, but do we need to refer to him like our affairs depended on what he has said? Wouldn't it be better if they just ignored him and carried on with their 'talks' - mise wixi laga hadli lahaa baa la waayey? and we’re just using him as an excuse to well - avert the attention of those who want hear about how Somalis will unite Somalis? What u make of his effort to get space in Somali websites so ? Having read some of his books and article, I don't think he is a threat to Somali unity. If anything, his presence might create a form of dialogue between Somalis. He already posts in some sites and I've observed some very good counter-arguments against his ideas. So I, don't see any harm in what he has to say - in fact more exposure to his works might be good for those who are so afraid of colonial influence on Somali matters. I think it’s redundant, the geezer is over rated - but that’s me.
I rate trust like my life depended on it. It takes me a long time to trust people and open up to them and if they ever broke that - it never returns to me so - I just lose them. I guess, being forgiving is good trait (which I don't have) - but if you told them once and told them twice, third time you be the fool. I been in several situation, once had a girl friend that wasn't being true to our friendship. That was deep though so, I stoped talking to her - and keeps our relationship at salaams and tata. had another friend that used act ****** in certain situations- she was cool otherwise- so I still keep her around - but just don't expose her to certain things that she dpesn't need to worry about. If it's a guy -- it's a lifetime in my divert list. Worst insult in the world is being played like fool by a faarax ...whats worse is you going back for more. After, seeing how some brothers talk about girls they play who are clearly too inlove and ****** to let go - me vowed to never do an Ashaanti - I don't care, how sweet loving cute or balaayo. No brotehr is worth losing your dignity over..
In a sense, but the writer is giving Professor Lewis far too much kdos for his role in the 'destruction of Somalia's unity'. He even, went as far as blaming the poor man of misguiding Siad Barre- you'd think he was Iblis :rolleyes: The point is Mr Lewis is not responsible for the disfragmentation of Somalis. That was the work of Somalis. Nor is he responsible for those Somalis who seek independence from Somalia, that too is the work of Somalis. If anyone is going to be accused of obsessing over anything, it’s the Somali nation- obsessed with blaming others for their own problems. Colonialism ended way before we started having these problems -à find another excuse. He is merely commentating on the situation from his orientalist perspective. So, in that light he isn't free from being biased- I don’t deny that. But to hint that he is responsible for Siad’s mischief and is now an obstacle to Somali unity is laughable and makes mockery of Somali as whole. I mean, are the 100 odd ‘politicians’ so helpless that they allow an aging English oday to get in their way of forming a great nation? That is ridiculous - I thinks
I dhoon keer! It's not my country to be telling /worrying about how some ppl run their lifes and what man-made law says about it. I don't bother gay man, gay man don't bother me. I let Allah deal with them cos me got my own sins to reckon with.
^^ well, ahem *blushs* I was thinking more in the lines of 'Royal Highness' Princess .... But, you say Majesty is more suited to moi :eek: As in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth- well, I never! I likis - tanag u oh 'Charming one' *note self- do more of thses personality tests as it works wonders for the ego* Yeah, step aside Little people Her Majesty Queen of London is here
Walaahi, no lie. I got six. First time, am a slow reader - I knew it had a postive edge to it. I am a G-E-N-I-U-S. Bismillahi, mansha Allah.
41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming,amusing, practical and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out. Since, I've got a 48. X, Spadez, Dare Devil and Lakkad, Horn of Afrique and Sade - ya'll just step aside, her highness has arrived
At 3PM? Fariid Try again
I believes you. Maxaad la aamustey, markaa
I know it's a brother only type of thing but I just can't resist this topic.. fisrt and foremost ... why did it make you smile? If any of my male friends said this to me. I'd laugh myself silly - i just doen't see how the two can be connected. What if his woman is not from his country.. will he be fulfilling the responsibilty to his or her country? It's a good line though, can change it slightly to suite my needs. If, I meet the social needs of my friends, I have fulfilled a responsibility towards my country... or If, I meet the financial needs of sharisharis (somali mind you), I have fulfilled a responsibility towards my country... can think of a few more .....I'm feel like a great patriot already
loooooooooooooool@CK - gave Nuune just what he wanted - wiilku sowka aamusey, is he still trying catch the kiss, I wonder? I was just wondering.. prawns arn't the nicest things to be kissing up on... but it's still funny though one of those avetars make you take note! Do you still want the Somali flag? Qacqac, I guess, some1 must have felt them to sing about it. I used to laugh at jacayl songs - untill... well never mind Sue Very educational drearest as am sure gazgac agrees. Tnx Silent sister.. That was depressing. Welcome back girl
Assalaamu Aleikum folks, This is so funny, I just had to share it with ya'll. I guess Muslims do have a sense of humour BNP member wrapped in England 'football' flag collects the award, he has a note from Mr Griffen: "I'm shocked that a man of my integrity should in any way be linked to a fascist Islamophobe like David Blunkett..." Joint winners of Most Islamophobic British Politician of the Year. Annual Islamophobia Awards ceremony held at the This years awards will be held in June - yous lot can findout more by visiting the IHRC website @ http://www.ihrc.org/
Originally posted by garab tuujiye: Somaaliyeey waxaan idin ogaysinayaa in aan SANKA DHUUDHI aduunka ugu necbahay, waxaana ka sii necbahay SANKA DHUUDHI LOVERS .... uf uf uf baaf qandho ah qurquriya :eek: :eek: Forgive me, but isn't the term 'sanka dhuudhi' used as an insult against members of a particulare Somali tribe? DnD I was thinking exactly the same thing. They all kinda looked similar, except for Alek Wek. She used to scare me when she joined the industry, but she's been growing on me since. I think she's very striking. Good thing she's representing 'alternative' beauty eh? I say go girl! I disagree, I don't think shes an alternative at all - just a few shades darker than you average, still tall, skinny and UN-healthy...she reminds of Kate Moss - she looks pretty alternative in a drug addict type of way...Don't see wah de deal with Alek is. The fashion industry will surprise me when they have a super model that less than 5'9 and with more meat than bones .. now that would be alternative
Libaax-Sankataabte Nothing more? When there paranoia reachs a level where innovent Muslim women are being imprisoned for wearing the veil, you get a situations where Muslims are being opressed by wotless Muslim ku sheegs - I really don't want to call him/others a munafiq but his acting like one. This anti-Islamic sentiments is becoming a daily ritual with Somali politicians. On one hand they are handing over Muslims thought to be connected to terrorist groups, then they satrt attcking Islam in their journals by hiding behind the preserve our dhaqan bull and now - sisters can't wear niqab... and get arressted for it .. in Somalia of all places. Somealien They think America is their friend! But yaa u sheega uncle Bush has other plans Don't worry though, Allah will deal with them in the end ....
Jizak Allah, xabiibti. Soundz like a great deal xalaal fun, man sha Allah. Better the gals about it... salaams
^^lols! He means where are you now?! Aniga, not bothered about the Politics of Somalis as I can't do nothin g about it. I can only support / oppose and comment on the actions of those that are in a position to do something about the politics.
Professor Lewis taught Siyad Barre the arts of political deception, divide and rule scams, absolute dictatorship and national assets mismanagement. loooooooooooool! the term scape goat seems to be floating around this thread. Somaalidu markay toodi kasoo bixi waayeen ayeey odayaashi Ingriiska seefaha ula soo baxeen. Cajib, I suppose, I should commend the writer for keeping the poor Itihad out of this one. Yeah, blame the British guy for Siyaads evil, the war lords inability to come to an agreement and the general havoc in the places formerly known as Somalia, we don't care - as long us you keep Muslim Militants out of the picture. As far as Dr Lewis is concerned, me thinks that the old man is over rated. He is not a Somali and his works are a mere personal analyses of the Somali situation. The future of Somalia is not dependent on the stance that he takes but rather how Somalis deal with their problems ... and yeah, before ya'll jump on me and start telling me that he was a colonialist - I know.. but people need to respect the fact that different people will naturally perceive things differently… you don’t expect him to preach to Somalis and tell us to settle our differences because we are Muslims and Allah is most forgiving etc. The very fact that the most knowledgeable of people with regards to Somalia’s political and social history is an old cadaan guy - speaks volumes of Somalis commitment to Somalia
Hehehhehehehehehe! I've actually enjoyed this little site. I pray that Allah protects us from such plain ********* . But I have to hand it to the hosts, they obviously put in a great deal of time and effort to promote Islam...I mean, they've presented Malysian Muslim women as politicaly concies inviduals - is that a bad thing? All in all it's ver entertaining for lack of better term - espcially this part. Waa ka daacad ... What Can Be Done About This Shit Hole Called Malaysia ? (A) Well we could get lucky and the North Koreans Nuke their capital city Kuala Lumpur, but I doubt if that's going to happen. (B) We can wait and hope the U.S. Government gets rid of the problem but that is not likely in the near future for two reasons: [1] Too much foreign big business has factories, investments, banks, and oil & gas interest there for that to happen anytime soon. See list of BIG Business Interest on main page of this website. [2] and, The United States has a lot on its plate already and we need to deal with several issues before we could even consider getting around to these Asian third world shit hole Muslim dominated countries Like Malaysia and Indonesia. © The best and optimum thing that could happen is the local Chinese in Malaysia which comprises about 38% of the population but controls about 80% of the wealth could constructively ally with it's neighbor to the south, Singapore along with help from Australia and the USA and over throw the Muslim Malay dominated government and ship all the Malays back to their origin which is Sumatra Indonesia. This is a viable aspect and could be done quite easily. In the meantime Americans should contact their U.S. Congressman and Senators and insist we ban all banking, investments, credit and loans, and imports from Malaysia. Further, you should write letters to heads of the U.S. Big Businesses in Malaysia that take jobs from U.S. workers and bring in cheap imports. U.S. Corporations like Intel, GE, Exxon, United Airlines, Boeing, CitiBank, etc....etc. Please see main 'Index Page' of this website for a comprehensive list of U.S. and other key foreign big business operating throughout Malaysia and employing Malays while U.S. Citizens continue to lose their jobs and benefits here at home !!! America, Please Remember to Support Our U.S. Troops They are ready to lay their lives on the line so you can sleep safe tonight. DEATH To ALL Terrorist Wherever You May Be ....
Nafisa, willkan xoogiisaa batey.. see how he is trying to get all agro on me Qacqac - isqoryahow - that was between me and Raula - stop the dirdiraaleyn before aan kuu soo jeesan :mad: Raula, But I have given up on the Faaraxs' -like I said in a different post.."the de vinci cord is hard to break"...them blocs are complicated..I'll go back to sijuu..(lakini hawa na madoido..pai) Mungu saidia.. You now, I is a xaliimo and I still don't get the faarax's codes - ragaas confused ayeey yihiin - xagooda ha iska joogaan lol ..lakiin hakuna matata babes, there are planty fine suju, caseeri, hamburger (US born Somalis) and fish n chips dudes- at least they won't be telling you about your Somali
^^ lol sis! Wa seasonkii jacaylka miyaa? I'll strt bugging my Mr. Y then. Harta kaaley, your avatar is a little peculiar maxaad prawnka ka shuuminee? don't you find urta kaluunka disturbing?
I don’t normally respond to these topics – as I find this whole idea of tribalising, nationalising, racialising beauty to be ultimately ignorant and sheds streaks of shallowness by some people. I’m sorry if that come across as being harsh, I think it's time we got over-ourselves! It’s really sad how people get so upset/happy on the grounds of what others perceive of them in terms of looks. Does it really matter if some1 thinks you pretty or ugly? Isn’t being content with what Allah given you enough? Is a beauty a make or break factor - or just one aspect human life? Also, some people need to stop disrespecting others on the grounds of their features.. subxan Allah! Some of the things posted in these forums are so shocking at time. I don’t know how anyone can disrespect abburta Ilahay like that! It's even more sad to see members of a Muslim community like ours be so quick to repeat the orientalist perception of beauty and not give a second thought to the people (Somali) that we claim to represent. For your information folks – not all Somalis look the same – we have Arab looking Somalis, skinny tall people, short fat people and many who look ‘African’ with ultra dark skin and wide noses. Somalis are that diverse and that is one of the things the things that I love about our people. Laakin, sadly it's this very perception that creates tribal conflicts withing our community - where some wouldn't be seen dead with a member of another tribe because they look too madaw / adoon and some other ignorant bull. It, true that the world view holds whiteness at the peak of beauty – the more whiter a persons skin colour the more European their features - indicates that they are prettier than the unfortunate ones. This is reflected by the sentiments of many Somalis - brothers always wnated to be introduce to inan dheer oo cas ama gabadh gaaban oo gaduudan lol they even sing about - and you get others who go around claiming to be Arabs, sistrs killing themselves with bleach iyo balaayo and dissing on ‘african people’ – cos they'r ugly (not white) SAD! Don’t get me wrong folks your entitled to your preferences – but please stop the disrespect and stop imposing your own perception of beauty on others… also be a bit more sensitive – I’m sure ya’ll wouldn’t be that assertive with your ignorance had you been face to face with people who look like those you insult…! Speaking of Iman, Did you guys see that BBC documentary last Sunday? I found it quite disturbing how they spoke so highly of their beauty as black women and repeated the ‘black is beautiful’ mantra – but every single one of them (including Iman) had a weave on? Yeah, right, and my name is Michael…!! If these ladies are so proud of their black beauty why don’t they stay natural? soryy 4 hadalka badan any offence taken from my post to have gone off topic nomads >>>> I leaves you all in peace
I can understand that he is under some sort of pressure. But isn't the way to handle the situation. What are the locals doing about the situation? I'd expect some form of an up rise from the practicing Muslims at least.. Does anyone know? The decree is the first of its kind since Somalia was founded in 1960. I thought, Siyad banned the Hijab from schools in the 1980's...how is this decree any different? In his decree last week, Habeb pointed out that he was a devoted Muslim but was compelled to act to avoid bloodshed by religious extremists, such as those who allegedly killed a Kenyan aid worker in the self-declared republic of Somaliland this month. Is it I, or have the 'militant' Muslim groups become everyone’s scapegoat these days. From America to China - every little thing that goes wrong seems to be the work of a militant Islamic group...soon they'll be blamed for causing bad weather: rolleyes: I'm rather disgusted at how most Somali politicians (including those of SL) are repeating the west’s anti-Islamic sentiments – I don’t see how this is favouring their regions - they are only drawing more attention to themselves and attesting to the claims of terrorist activities in the horn. Wouldn’t that give America a reason to attack Somalia and meddle in our affairs? I really hope these people start thinking about the consequences of their statements and actions --- Somalis are having enough trouble as it is without the added problems of being liked to Al-Qaeda and Americas BS!
Raula and CK - seem to be at the opposite ends of the spectrum - whilst one wants to dress him (bless) the other is hating the feeling - reminds me of that song - wa macaan amba wa qadhaadh kolba waa siduu kuu soo maree...love is complicated, I guess! QacQac, I really like your definition. for me loving some1 isn't about possesing him 24/7 nor is it losing all sense of sanity but wanting the best for them always..my idea is best described by that song by magool where she says - sida aad dhalaan tahay oo aan ku dhalay- dadka kaa dhaweystoo - translated as iloves you - like u is my first born lol (personalised off course) ani love waxaan u aqaan, qof jaceelkiisa iyo naxariistiisa marwalba kula dabo jooga. to think about the person 24/7. is really dump, coz u supposed to be thinking about your God, most of the time, but is some one that u love so much, that if they get hurt, u get hurt too. inside. lots of jacayl topics baryahaan - must be the summer
^^^ Marka in la wad wado lee maahinoo oo lasoo ogaado, oo Beerta Daraawiishta la geeyo, ee soo leersato, soo nuursato, yac... looooooooooool! nuursato, hehehehehehe! dhirbaaxada iska fiiri waraa, wiilkana jarkaad ka rideysid ka dhaaf - bal haduu imaka gabdha u tagoo uu yidhaado kaaley aan ku nuursadee madaa u magan galaya? Qacqac.. dadkani yaanay ku waalin walaal. Hadaad adigu rabtid inaad taad caashaqdid reerkeeda ka doonatid - it's your prerogative. I don't think that theres anything wrong with that and have seen people marry like that even now. looooool@ Khayr! Oh, come on you know how ya'll use the faamiliga ma la joogta line to find out if the sister is married or not! Then they come out and ask you where, you work, what you when your not working, if you like shaah or coffee..nambarku waa maxay.. intee lagaa helaa! All this within ten mins ...waar kir ... bal wakhti dhaafis baad tahee waxay ilko tirisku? Nomad, Inaabtiyo ha niyad jabin, we don't mind being chatted up ee waxaa laga hadlayaa kuwa adigoo wareersan shukaansi kula gala...choose your time and place wisely dee... I thought U was a Don - why is u complaining? Mise baryahan abaar aa ka jirta agagaarkiina?
Originally posted by raula: Ameenah-what is considered standard to you gal?? kada ba igayabiiyoba mar mar...bisinko Kay BBCda kaga hadlaan sis .. not that I'm able to speak like that..I have a really odd Somali accent. laakin, even with the standard version you still get a local hint attached to it - but waala is fahmayaa nonetheless. It takes me about two / three reads to understand what some nomads say - thats why you hardly ever see me responding to Somali posts - wakhti aan toban jeer wax ku akhristo ma haysto. I haves to say raula, I find your sujunised xamari really cute lol - waad iga qoslisaa mar mar - lol ha xanaaqin dee - am complimenting you huuno.