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^^^lol! Ilahay ha kuu sahlo babes I think Hadrawi described true love the best in His poem @Jacayl Dhiig Ma Lagu Qorey. Here's is the English translation of the final part... if self sacrifice is not made the breath of life not exchanged if one does not wait for an enduring legacy the building of a house upright children and earthly sustenance then the kisses and intentions are nothing but superficial a poison sipped to satisfaction in that one same moment like hyenas snatching a girl of good repute as they hide themselves in the higlo tree to pounce out quickly each man is expectant for what will fall to him a hyena and his grave hole the honour he has trampled the modesty he has snatched the lying illusion this does society harm did he strive for the highest level of fulfilment of love that closest to honour or is something still missing
^^Here, here! Most of his fans in the UK are aged middle class English women. So, it would be easier for them to relate to Duniya et al! But, a cultured, muslim cambros might get a little surprised with his works... but anyway, it's fiction and he does ask some good (though leading at times)questions with regards to cultural practices and behaviour.
^^ Have to agree, there is now a new breed of rapists who use the 'grooming' method. They would approach a lady, date and chram them and rape them. Apparently rapists get a high on forcing themselves on a woman so it isn't a case of tehm wanting sex. The 'grooming' methods appeals to them because it will be difficult to prove the incident in court. You also need to watch out fro delivery guys and door to door sakes ppl. May Allah protect us.
I hate Somali men! :mad: I think that tey are Allah's worse creators, I can't stand to breath the same air as them wait a minut waaryaada! I'm joking. Don't qoute me cos I'm just messing with ya'll To answer your q. Like MsWord said, My father, brothers all those great men who raised, mentored and encouraged me to be the best that I can be happen to be Somali men! So, to hate on them would in my opinion be a little UNGRATEFULL. If you girl doesn't want to see skinny Somalis n**** what is she doing with you? Honestly, I think girls (and men) who use this tactic of hating on their own are either begging for attention or suffer from a sever case of snobbishness. Goodness and badness in personality is not something that can be nationalised. Being Somali has no real impact on how you behave. So you’ll find that there are some wonderful, sweet intelligent Somali men. At the same time you get some that are not so desirable. And that’s the case for every nationality, race and gender. I think it's really ignorant to generalise- so I won't do it.
I don't think that it is a question of eating with your hands or a fork. But deep-seated xenophobic tendencies on part of the brother. This attitude is really common among many Somalis in the west and it manifests itself in many ways. Most obvious are the Somalis who'll sit in a coffee shop and spend the entire afternoon talking about how ignorant, jaahil badaw some Somalis are for not adopting societies status quo. Some even go as far as insult the dress style of hijaabi sisters. Hibo’s ordeal is just a minor example of a common problem with our people. As for the brother; it is entirely his prerogative if he wants to eat with a fork (I do most of the time) but being educated doesn’t give him any right to dictate to others or to shun established cultural practices –especially when members foreign to that culture are appreciating it and learning about it. Whether he considers hygienic or otherwise. Also, I agree with Sophist, I don’t think being westernised has anything to do with action – as westerners are far more tolerant of, if not intrigued by other cultural practices than we can ever dream of being. Tell your friend that.
^^ feels you girl! I've studied Education and Community Studies (with Psychosocial Studies as a minor) I works as a Youth / Community Worker + Learning Mentor... and loving it! What I really want to go into is Educational Development - but that costs money (8G) and time 2 years .. so am gonna leave it till I live life, have some babies etc...... if they don't wear me out that is lol
Forgive me Khayr, but walaal, I will not apologies because that is a blatant attack at an un-named nomad that UD was having the debate with. I suggest that you re-read your comment and assess it without getting all flustered with me. Okay? Salafi-online Jizaak Allah for the words of advice. It wasn't my intention to judge anyone but to but an end to this on going battel between nomads. Barwaqo Na dhaaaf! Heartless woman
Kahyr, Tell me who the 'these ladies' in your quoted passage are? Who were you telling UD to stop wasting his time with? Originally posted by garab tuujiye: AAAAAAAMIIIIIIINA waz up...I see you have became positive for someone who used to call people cave man and extra..UD ayaa iigaga marqaati ah Allah! Don't even go there walaal. I have never called UD a cave man or such. I think you might be mixing me up with someone else However, if UD disagrees with me on that, I guess in due time he will ku markhaati qaad for you! Aamina walaal wax kaste aan ku dhahaayo igama aha xumaan laakiin wax waa la isku sheegaa..... Marka, hore anigu kumaan odhan cidna wax ha u sheegin, kow dheh. Mar labaad, hadii aad ku noqotid eryadad hore ku qortey is sidaad inanta ula hadashey - waxa ka muuqata gar daro iyo inaad dagaal doontahay. Waxaan ku leeyahay hadii aad rabtid inaad gabdhaha wax u sheegtid - wa inaad is xushmad leh ugu sheegtaa. Forumku wuxuu ku socdaa sharci diidan in dadka laiska caayo.Cay iyo aflagaado loogama baahna meesha. Kaftan iyo kaftan la'aan iyadu cayda kaaga mey horeyn. rayi ayeey soo jeedisay. Markaa adigu 'magaab nimadeeda' iyo 'westernised' inay tahay cidna kumey weydiisan - eeh fikrada aad raiyigeeda ka qabtid sheeg.. adigoon cay iyo amuure kale gelin. Runtii, I have read all the posts between yourselves and X and DA - they did not call you names, they didn't accuse you of injecting evil ideologies on other nomads and they are not telling other nomads not to listen to ya'll. Do you see, I am asking you to stop getting personal and to share your views on the topic at hand rather than what you think of the nomads that you are in disagreement with. Is that so difficult to grasp? You may want to use UD and DA's debate as a model because they are in disagreement- yet they don't resort to sidelined personal attackes on each other. I'll say it again, if you have a point to make about the topic, please do. If you don't, then spare us the personality analyses of certain nomads. Bottom line - personal attackes are against SOL rules. That goes for you too x_quizit!
I don't understand why certain people insist on getting personal with nomads based on their opinions. We are here to share ideas and debate differing views - not to slander the persona of nomads. I really, don't think the DA nd Xquisit deserve such animosity for sharing their views. DA... u said, and i quote" why whould i wanna aim so low, and wanna equal to men"... well end of arguement for me, ur true colors came out here. let's face it u have something against men, and i wonder who is the men u gonna marry... don't u have respect for your brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfather, obviously only your mother didn't give u birth, it had to be 2 pp. Salaamz, Lessons to be learnt my young faraaxs- daalin yaraadha, STOP WASTING YOUR TIME TRYING TO ARGUE WITH THESE LADIES You can't 'straighten a crooked Rib' or else the Rib will BREAK. UD, walaal u know what the reality is that Allah is showing you and trying to 'talk' about it ain't gonna do u any good. Let them BE what they WANT to be, for as the saying cause 'You Shall Reep what you Sew/Plant' Pimps never tell their "EMPLOYEES" the whole story about their 'Line' of work saxib, they tell them otherwise cause if they were to tell them 'every detail' about the 'Job' then they'd get scared and run awayyyyy. that shoulda hav been the question for shaydaan's lawyer or devil's advocate my dear sis wallaahi right now am at point 2 feel sorry for u the reason being ur so wraped up in the western thinking that ur willin to throw ur religion, culture n the history of our ansecters down the drean over something which u heard or read in few years (dawacadii socod keeda ka tagtay kii kalena gaari weydey). underdog i hav much respect 4 u now cuz u detected the troubles that this young lady was havin n all these times u hav been reachin out 2 help her find the light n from now on there going to be the two of us cuz her brain is a teribble thing 2 waist. devil's advocate i hope that u don't take this the wrong way walaalo cuz ur very sweet n smart gal and i don't want u goin the wrong route n above everything ur my somali sister n i lov u .. Daredevil, do u want us, let go her threatening ideas, so she could iject it to more of our sisters. sis in our culture and religion if someone is wrong we correct them, and we don't say let's learn to agree to disagree. u r not being fair to the person who is correct... ee next time waxaas oo kale yaan kaa maqal, oo labo jeer oo hore baan kaa maqlay. Og sis u r just too nice, what can i say. u r definately not like x quist. so pls stop siding with her, i don't want her to turn u like her. check mate, xikmadda waad ku mahadsantahay. Garab tuujiye, man u know i am not older than these girls, and yet i sound more older then them because of my maturity level, men they all go to university with this maturity level, r u kidding me? lethalblaze, lool sis, u know they are threat to your species, u r right i definatley don't get along with proud being feminst X. yes baadiyo girl, x called her self a proud femist, she is out of closet. hala yaabin maan gaab nimadeeda lee saas ugaysay. Notice GacGac, Khayr and Garab, AS you have been told a number of times - stop insulting nomads who disagree with your views. This is getting really tirsome walahi. If you have a point to make on the comments of the sister, make it! However, I kindly ask you to STOP with these personal attacks! Thank you,
Great topic Nur! <----- Transistor ineed of cure Please carry on...
You wot? Blimey, you don't alf tell a lie do yah? Eah, why don't ya tell the bloomin truth- London is maarvelous darling.. thats why you moved down eah from mountains - iniit though! Yorkshire ain't worth 50 pound compared to London - go ooon - admit it
Eastenders - cos its all about London iniit Thats about it, I don't like TV really
when the iraqis were welcoming the "galo" with open arms in the first place. Who said, Iraqis were welcoming America in the fisrt place. We might have seen one or two guys on the BBC or CNN saying 'Sadam bad' 'Thank you Bush'- But was this a true representation of Iraqi ppl - I don't think so. I don't know if it's jihad - I think only a a qualified Scholar can give such a fatwa. But, I know that America has lied it's way into Iraq - and have ignored to the Iraqis pleas to allow the Iraqi ppl sort out their own problems - and are not justified in their occupation of Iraq or in their dictatoraship of how Iraqis should organise their political affairs. Bush is not prepared to allow the Iraqi ppl to form an 'Iranian' type of government - bal maxaa ka galay? Is he Iraqi, no? Is he in a position to make decisions in this matter? Don't you see that this a blatant war with the shari'a - America is trying to stop the a Muslim country from adopting a sharia system - to me that justifies jihaad. So, yes the Iraqis have every right to ask them to leave their country and if America refuses - than the Iraqis have a very legitimate reason to fight them out of their country. I see it as jihad- but am not a Mufti, so I don't ask that ya'll take my word for it...
Sue, I think your signature sums up this situation In the land of the blind, the one eyed man rules! Laakin, Ms Omar doesn't have much on Riyaale. She published her report (which she supposedly wrote in the late 80's) only months before the election.. why? Riyaale, challenged her to find concrete evidence that can be used in a court of law – she still hasn’t. Believe it or not - BUT his history was published and publicised - and he still got elected- oh, well hell - I guess reer SL don't care! He isn't the only SL politician that held a high position in the Siad government but he is singled out. I wonder if it's qabiil related? Oh, it’s because he's the head of state - and so has to be clean cut, right? Laakin, check this it was okay for Riyaale to hold the second highest position in SL for years but not trustworthy enough to have him as President.. interesting! I'm not a great fan of the UDUB administration, not because of whom it’s run by … but because of the sheer idiocy of their policies. They go around telling the world how they have liberated the people of SL but at the same time arrest anyone who opposes their policies – and I suppose the concept of consulting the public is alien to UDUB politicians… but then again in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man rules. Look on the bright side, at least we have a government, aye. And I doubt that Somali politicians get any better - they are all bloody fools if you asked me. Every single politician running around saving Somalia, PL and SL are Siads boys in new suites. We’re stuck with them - so we might as well accept it and make use of their ahem 'political expertise' for lack of an alternative description. I'm relieved by the knowledge that these new suites won't allow them to act as they did in the past..no, too much international attention to stoop that low. with that in mind, I say forget all the arbitrary bull and MAKE them work their socks off to give us what we want – a developed (in every sense of the word), stable SL where everyone is free to express their opinion - thats really what matters - I thinks
I used to HATE school. and then my aabo told me that if I didn't want to go University, he'll send me to baadiye to help my uncle with the camels. I DIDN't want to do that - so I went and found a course that really made me go hmmm... tell me more..besides Uni. turned out to be fun, didn't have any lecturer getting in my face and spent half of my week chatting online and just doing dhoocil stuff with my girls - God that is FUN. Education is good, without it you won't get a decent job and you will always be bossed around by some no-no! Look at it this way... with the right skills that let you earn enough to set up your own bubble gum factory in say Somalia (or where ever takes your fancy). Then, you can sleep all day - blow your lovely pink bubble gum and let the same no-nos that would've been odering you around take care of your bussiness...cool, eh?
^^^ Come on walaalo. I think your being a little harsh on Princess Sexy. She challenged your use of the word 'sanka dhuudhi'. Apparently having a wide nose is considered un-Somali - how is that so? And according to some of yous Somalis don't have jareer hair - again how do you come to such a conclusion? And yes, you are right 'sanka dhuudhi' waa eray ay Somaalidu isticmaasho. Laakin runta hadaynu isu sheegno waa eray lagu yasi ama caayi jirey qabiil ka midah umada Somaaliyeed. It is both a tribal and a racist insult..thats at least what my parents have thought me. - I'm not saying to attack you sis.. laakin waxa fiican inaynu is saxno ingoon is caayin oo kala xanaaqin.
lol@UD and X - ya'll just make a cute couple. Damn.. Nomad, I remember a time when - I did Tamina's magazine thing.. thats all am sharing Khayr, Ammenah, so what u're implying is that men should become 'STALKERS' and wait for you at the Library were u usually sit at, or at the bus stop or the coffee shop, all so that after a few months, after the poor boy worked hard on your for a few months, to get that magic 'Yes' from you. Now why would any poor guy do that in an age and places were there are MORE WOMEN then MEN? I like stalkers dee , makes me feel so special ya know I never give my number to some1 I've just met of the street - cos some guys just ask for your number simply because you just happen to be there! In my hood we have more faarax'z than xaliimos- so I can afford to be a little stush I don't mind a simple conversation - whether it's full of amaan or not .. but am not about to tell my whole life storey to a complete stranger. people are weird thses days .. ya'll need to be careful. I have a brother that got hit on by a somali ---- guy who he was reading a letter for - you boys need to watch your backs too..!! Anyways...Exq and Ms London can you give me your addresses please?...so I can stalk You!!! <---a Very Polite/Gentleman Stalker.... loooooooool! What is polite about being stalked? but, wait! If you drop me roses every where I go and send me endless gifts... then I'm to be found in the Westminister area of London But, if you is poor.. you is excused!
There's a positive end to this story, but the father clearly broke the Islamic rulings of marriage by marrying her off without her consent. I think it was a blessing that his daughter ended up enjoying her new lifestyle.. But what if the family she married weren't so loving / welcoming? But anyways.. I like the moral of the story, I remember going to this talk many years ago where a shiekh said that it's better to be a badawiyah in paradise than a doctor in hell. That’s the only line that I remember of the whole talk - but basically, sometimes it is better for us to keep it simple as you have lesser temptations in your way. Islam stresses a strong family relationship, thus, a marriage is not the marriage of two individuals only, rather, it represents a new family link to a larger family, just like Data Networks. I think, the only reason why arranged marriages lost their popularity is due to family break downs. Most Somali parents don't even know what their children study at college - let alone have enough to find a suitable husband for them.
^^^tsk, tsk! Waar bal ka joog. Gabadha Raula la dhaho is the sabaaxad champion for 3 years running. and I'm militant, I'll blow you up and your bloody city..!!
Alxamdulilah, good news indeed
Waar naga tag. You had me all worried and feeling sorry for you beacuse you made me assume that you were wrongfully put in jail. I even started running plans on how to organise the free Og-Moti campaign. And it turns out that your only complaining about not being able to go to a blooming holiday :mad: Why don't you go to another city in Combodia? Or marry a Combodian and get a passport! or at a cost - I can send you a British passport, I tell you bro. you'd have the world at your feet
Baashe, I think someone preferably Prof Samatar should remind him that this is a Somali problem and should be left for Somalis to sort this one out by themselves. That would be nice. I can even see the headlines: ‘ Somali snubs British interference on Somali politics’ – now that’s empowering but would have to give them their money back? can Somalis or any other third world nation - develop with out the aid and support of the 'Developed world' ? soundz like modern day enslavement Somaliland v Somali unity. I think the whole debate is thrown out of propotion in Somali forums.. Personaly, I support the independence of Somaliland but I don't relay on a well-written thesis by Mr Lewis to make a case for Somaliland. I think, that the Riyale Administration should take up this task; they should be the ones that draw up the policies, settle the conflicts, which arise as result of their bid for independence and the ones that convince Somalis and the world at large that Somaliland should be recognised. Personally, I think that they should be dealing with some domestic issues before going all-out on their recognition operation. The only thing Mr. Lewis can do is run an expert commentary in support of Somaliland or Somali unity. He doesn’t have the authority to grant them recognition and I doubt that he is very influential on a global level. As for discussing Somali Unity… please, discuss it! I have seen many statements as to why Somali should unite and people’s opinions on why they some of us want to seek independence from Somalia – most focus on the negative actions of SL’s politicians, to discredit the secessionist argument. But they fail to provide a strategic plan on how Somalia should be reunited. (in this forum). I assume the reason for that is due to the lack of progress being made in the Kenya talks. So in a sense, it isn’t the right time to be having these debates. logic dictates that in sha Allah when the Somalia’s politicians do come to an agreement (contrary to what some think- I and many Slanders want a peaceful, developed and stable Somalia). It will naturally take them sometime to disarm, stabilise and develop the rest of Somalia. Only at that point can discussions on the position of Somaliland take place… key word here discuss – that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will re-unite. In a nutshell- Somaliland needs to have government to discuss unity with. I don’t see how they can have a dialogue with the population of ‘Somalia’ when they don’t have any representatives. I don’t think it’s fair to blame this on Mr. Lewis or anyone else but the people who are delaying the peace process. They are the ones giving Riyaale a great deal autonomy to seek recognition without consulting Somali people. This isn’t a critique of Mr. Riyaale as I think that he is doing what any sane politician in his position would do… P.S I think Kowneyn is referring to the common selectivity of some Somalis, who crisis one group for going to ‘gaaalo’ for aid. Whilst, over-looking the fact that the very advocates of their great Somaliweyn venture – do exactly the same. Somali politics is just so full of irony.
Xquisit! Now, now my dear child. A law abiding Canadian citizen such as yourself should be well acquainted that I – the Queen of England is far too superior to indulge in the tedious task of running a state. I let my good man Tony and that other fellow *Asks Prince Philip for the name of the Canadian President – he’s none the wiser* ..ahem.. to take care of such matters! As Queen my role is to live lavish and spend the hard earned cash of my citizens. I suggest that you review you citizenship agreement before speaking ill of your Queen (that would be me : D ). Lakkad Negotiate? *laughs*. You are a delightful young chap. Now, stop clowning around and Get on with your ..erm… hoovering * thinks hoovering is an occupation * *goes to do queeny things*
^^ Freedom of speech and religion is one thing that I love about this country.. however judging from current trends I fear that we'll soon lose these priviliges.. Thats why, I feel it's important for us to support the work of organisations such as Islamic Commision for Human Rights and CAIR! Originally posted by Nomad: Lakiiin that quote by Sharon, which was not authenticated,dont u think if its seen as blasphamous then,the whole ceremony might be seen as total bluff?....oh well its a start Would you know that it wasn't authentic if they didn't say so? They made it clear that it's authencity was a little shady - but that his actions reflect this statement.... Whilst this quotation can be found on several reputable sites, we could not independently verify its authenticity. If you know the source please do let us know. It is interesting that those that have questioned its authenticity have not pointed to Sharons genocidal words, which have been verified by his own actions, but rather his use of the term "Palestinian" in 1956 and the lack of further information on General Ouze Merham.
Tamina, darls. I'm good Alxamdulilah- just work and sleep lol Hows thimgs 4 u? been a busy bee - am guessing Nafisa, will try and go and enjoy it for dearest lol we'll give ya'll a full report. bck to topic... I haven't heard of Sami or Native Deen - actually been reading about them on my way to work this morning - one of them is the Chair man of CAIR - my type of person Where can I order their CD's? Ya'll should check out Zain Bahika's nasheeds - there just so beautiful -inspirational..