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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. I don't understand. Why is he so insistant on foreign troops. The man hasn't even set foot in Somalia yet he dismiises everyone's promise to cooperrate with him. He might as well admit incapacity and let the next farax take over. *ejoys this thought for a momant* Back to reality.. 'terrorists seem to be the concern of every somali politican'. Who exactly are they?
  2. I reaally wanted to see it. But kept getting distracted by other things Thanks for the article though. There is a really good book by Noam Chomsky (U just got to love him) which is called Power and Politics. It addresses the issues covered by the programme. On a side thought; don't you find it interesting that Bin Laden releases a video every time Bush needs to convince the world about the justice of the war on terror?
  3. ^^Walaal, don't waste your time on her. She is too shy to tell you that she is on a waiting list for Raami. Hence, she's not available. Weddings too much headache. But also FUN!
  4. ^^That Ayaan has consumed way too much Dutch dope to make sense. Allah spoke of her kind, their matter will be dealt with insha Allah, so don't pay too much attention to her… Laakin, it's got to be said. Whilst Islam gives us our rights; it's teaching are not always practiced by Muslims. Whats worse many 'Muslim' men use a perverted twisted version of Islam (far from that preached by our Noble Messenger and Quraan) to opress women. It's not enough to talk of our text book rights. We must revive the pure sunnah, so that Islam is practiced in the proper way.
  5. ^^LOl! I always thought you were weird, but roosters, sexy? *looks concerned* We need to talk. Mr Alle-ubaahne, Aah, perception my dear, perception.
  6. Blessed


    Hehehehhe! Naa, it's too late to change your mind! I told adeero and 'aqbalnaa, nakaxnaa'. Treat your man with some respect. What wrong with you? *stuffs munchies into her mouth* Raami werts my money *munch, much*
  7. Blessed


    ^^The only thing I’m prepared to share right now are my chocolate munchies. But if you are ultra sweet to me; I’ll put in a good word for ya with Raami. He, I hear is in search of a new addition
  8. ^^Mischievous Minx. Bal anagaa Irish la hadalney :mad: Very well. Have your joke, my day will come.
  9. *thinks of hitting Raami* Oh forget it; these are blessed days (and can't bring myself to harm mooge's pic). On a positive note; now that you've made your intentions clear. Those girls; will definately get married in the near future *throws kab at Nuune instead* Your too young to ask such questions
  10. Blessed


    Originally posted by Jalaqsan: amenah my sister tut tut tut.....sis you mark my words hon....It's either my way or the highway! the idea of him being with some1 else it's killing me let alone.....arghhh I don't even want to think about it Hehehehe! Ilaahay waxaad rabtid haku siiyo; you seem to be like the type that would kill for their men. There are some sisters that don't mind sharing their men though; I actually know one who looked for a second wive for her husband .. I don't see me doing it .. but I respect her for the sefl-lessness. Well her reason was that she couldn't give him children; and so let him marry again. lol@ Shabella and Dark Angel. All the best... just keep outa my way .. heh?
  11. Well; Hasna I've found kaan isu quudhi lahaa. :cool: Yes, (I know you is wondering) it did intially worry me that I won't be able to do all those things that I needed to do but he is far too delish to put on hold .. so decided to give it a go. oooh! And I have some1 to complete my 'to-do' list for me.. Life is good nooh! I get married (as in aqal-gal) in the summer insha Allah... As for babies; the thought kinda scares me at the moment.. so maybe a few more years preferably but bottom line Allahu yaclam. Fancy that for an update
  12. ^^ We have several 'Sisters of Knoledge Da'ees' in London and I happen to know quiet a few who went to Yemen to study under one of the scholars.. she'll soon insha Allah. Thank you Nassir! Somali woemn have always been the backbone of society; whether home or abroad in rural or urban settings, in the good times and the bad. The Somali woman has always been strong, caring and forward looking. This is what makes me proud to be Somali and we should keep this great tradition started by our great ayeeyos (may Allah have mercy on them all).
  13. ^aaar dee ninyahoow; why you got to be so difficult all the time! It is waajib for a parent to educate a child, even with regards to the sticky, 'ceeb' issues like sex, homosexuality....these are common issues which young people get very curious about. Yes; they learn it from school and friends, but they are given the wrong messages by them. Hence the need for the parent to tell them the Islamic perspective. The halaals, the haraams, the temptations, consequences and the rewards. Every parent will be held accountable for the cultivation of their child (or lack of). Insha Allah, this will enable the child to have all the information they need to make their own decisions. That is the role of parent to guide and educate. Aisha (ra) told us very personal and intimate details of her marriage to the Prophet (saw) simply for the sake of educating us. What is so ceeb and wrong about it – anigu maan garan.
  14. Ahlen ahlen bil ciid... Eid, is here Eid is here! *so excited* Insha Allah; My plans are as follows: Eid eve.. #call all my relatives and do my mubaareks Eid Day #Go to masjid #Meet and greet all my locals (My favorit part of eid is seeing everyone who is any1..even those u share smiles with in the streets- ppl that u thought were none-muslim). #Visit my Abtiyo #Go home; help hooyo out #Visit my nieces and Sis #Help hooyo out in the afternoon.. #Go out with girls in the eve... #continue celebrating 4 the whole week.. #End my celebration with an eid nasheed / comedy event on the 21st (promised to take my nieces). I hope you all have a wonderful Eid.
  15. Blessed


    ^^Of coures; you on the other hand is both smart and enlightened because you know better than the AlMighty! *clap, clap* :rolleyes: :rolleyes: lol@ Jalaqsan You say that now..
  16. Good / calculated choice methinks. That should just about make everyone happy. *wonders if happy is too strong a word* Anyway, may Allah guide them and protect the people from them too. Originally posted by Nationalist: Finally we have a prime minister. Now let's get down to business and roll up our sleeves! We got work to do mates! Loool Errrm; saas maaha inaar! They have work to do! They roll up sleeves. They get down to business. You sit and observe and report to SOL
  17. Earlier today it has been reported that Arafaat is in a very critical state of health. Yous lot should check-out the BBC and Al-Jazeera news pages for up-to-date info. We pray that Allah shows him mercy and grants sabr to his family. Moving on; naturally many, especially the Palestinians have started to look to a future without Arafat. It has been reported that Hamas have reported for duty. Who will succeed Arafaat What will this mean for Palestine; considering the Israelis are exhausting the ‘war’ on Terror pretext? Are they (hamas) Palestine’s only hope? Have you any thoughts on the matter? Al-Aqsa Know it Love it Protect it
  18. Sofine; U Sweet child! Your welcome and congrats! Novina...Ramadaan is good dearest. I hope your doing well (in that cold horrid place) and that your being good too; eh? You know you can't be acting all crazy all the time ge' me Yeah.. we difinately need to catch up you and the other two madams need to send me a 100k email with your latest news and views.
  19. lol@ Qacqac They actually pity you! I was reading some silly book by a feminist Arab woman. In the middle of one of their moaning sessions; one of them proclaimed; "Look; there are many who are worse of than us; we are living like Queens compared to our sisters in Afghanistan and Somalia" ... Clearly; she hasn't met an aroweelonised Somali Man Classique and Og.Gal Thank you sisters. I just love hearing positive news from the Middle East. Over here; we're only told the dark side... Coming back to Classiques point about making da'wah everyday. I absolutely agree. It's really simple too. P.S I likes getting to know about the modern sheekhaat. Maybe we can make a list of them here....
  20. Mansha Allah! ^^^Your spirited... All the best with job offer! But who's more likely to be hungry? Not Jack. So don't fly past the homeless guy, give him your half-eaten crisp packet, the untouched left-over sandwich or that drink you haven't finished. If you have food waiting for you at home, why take more back with you? Give it to someone who'll appreciate it more. Better still; Why not take him to the local take away and buy him a meal. In almost every chapter; Allah describes the believers as those who feed the needy! There is also a hadith about the one who feeds a fasting person; they get a reward equal to fasting and will be close to the Prophet (saw) on the last day! Just think about it... Good suggestions Tamina and Baashe
  21. Salaams! This link lets you test your knowldege and gives you the correct answers. A nice little 'time killer' if you may. Islamic Quiz Enjoy...
  22. ^^lol! You've got jokes walahi! I think it's more to do with the constant put-downs on the part of men. Anyways. Very good article. Positive and inspirational. Just what this section needs. JZK Allah for posting!
  23. May Allah forgive Him and Grant him Jannah..Ameen! Nomads; Time and time again an innocent (dead) person is used as a propaganda tool in these pages. We use the deaths of our brothers to win arguments and make political statements. Not once do we spare a thought for the dead and their families. Please; for the sake of common decency and in RESPECT of the deceased and their families; stop this UGLY tradition. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if the death of your brother/ sister or close relation was used in this INSENSITIVE manner. If you must ‘expose’ the evil of the Riyaale / Yusuf Government (though, I don’t see what you gain of doing so in SOL) at least wait till you have the full story and the dead is buried! Nayaa Shayma, how is my lovely Tweety doing? I hope Tweety started using the shaydaan naar trick I told her... those cats just can't help themselves gal... :rolleyes:
  24. ......and they call it Polshitics! What's new; eh?