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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Originally posted by India: But what on earth is Kamsaro? is the same as kabsaro??? Same thing, different pronunciations. Waa af carabi Like, Gediid I use kamsaro, laakin I've seen may who use kabsaro (it's closer to the Arabic original). Come to think of it, the Somalis have committed grave crimes against the Arabic language...They should be summoned to The International Court of Linguistic Integrity and Plagiarism. No, really.....
  2. ^^^Very true dearest. Originally posted by Gediid: The spoil part, hell yeah we pray for it day n nite nite n day......Good food,great loving and maybe just maybe an income that's not mine MINUS the talk...... don't know any man who will refuse that That to me sounds like a one way relationship. The type of loving you get from hooyo. Unconditional and unlimited jacayl.. You'de have to work very hard to get it from your marwo... whatdotheytakeusforjariyadocreatedjustfortheierpleasure. :rolleyes: *ahem* now back to the MUKUR issue.. why o why?
  3. Originally posted by Gediid: Had the baby known after that delighful snack a few hastly spoken words like "would you marry me" would result in years of madax xanuun I think he would seriously think twice and most probably settle for a cookie instead of marriage Brother puhlease., intaa gabadh idin spoil gareysa waad ku ducaysataane. Why don't you'll be honest instead of acting hard and hence sending mixed signals to hablaha... waa rag iyo mukurkoodi lol@ FF Baryahan the male species ayaad isku waalateen ma istidhi. But kids are so cute mansha Allah. Kuwa waaweynn could taks some lessons from them.......
  4. ....and the beat goes on Britains Silent War On Muslims ^^^^^^Video from Also...!! Detention of terror suspects criticised Owen Bowcott Friday November 12, 2004 The Guardian Detention without trial of foreign terrorist suspects is not necessary and alternative legal methods should be employed, the Council of Europe's commissioner for human rights told the government yesterday. In the middle of a week-long official inspection of the UK's civil liberties record, Alvaro Gil-Robles criticised aspects of law enforcement, including stop and search powers and anti-social behaviour orders. His comments - announced before he had finished his interviews and visits - were made at a press conference with Lord Falconer, the constitutional affairs secretary, yesterday. Spain's former public ombudsman is due to tour Belmarsh prison in south-east London later today. The auditing process by which the commissioner investigates human rights standards within member countries of the Council of Europe is relatively new. It began four years ago and has produced reports on 28 states. Mr Gil-Robles' survey on conditions in the UK is not expected until January. It may make recommendations but has no powers, other than those of public persuasion, to enforce them. Speaking yesterday, Mr Gil- Robles deplored the general erosion of human rights safeguards since the September 11 attacks in 2001. The American use of Guantánamo Bay to detain suspects was, he said, "the clearest example of what must not be done in the fight against terrorism". "Across Europe and throughout the world, governments are ... [overstepping] the limits ... on the pretext of the fight against terror," he said. Democracy and the democratic system is itself a strong system. "Its strength is conditional on society being able to place its faith in its fundamental values. It is clear that terrorism cannot be combated effectively in the long term by weakening the guarantees of the rule of law." On detention of foreign terrorist suspects without charge or trial, he insisted the government was not justified in opting out of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights to introduce the internment powers. The House of Lords is considering an appeal by nine foreign detainees over the legality of their internment. Most are at Belmarsh prison. "After the judgment is made public I hope to be able to be in a dialogue with the government on those questions," Mr Gil-Robles
  5. ^^^ Muwaah Shayma, Jizaak Allah Make use of it people. Add to your deed register....
  6. ^^ The link isn't working bro. Yaa garanaya Midhaha heesta ay qaado Luul Jeylaani ee la yidhaahdo Wiilku Baxsanaa? I'm mad for this song baryahan... anyone..someone?
  7. Rahima: This is wrong brother, just wrong *shakes head*. I told you, you need to get to Melbourne. If you lived here you would know such things-diversity is very beneficial . LOL, girl. Sort this brother out. Waaban ka naxay. Nationalist, Raula and FF I bet ya'll haven't even tried it. :rolleyes: Add some caano dhanaan/ garoor and sugar. It's delish.
  8. Ameenah, would you support it if a nationwide, large scale programme supported and financed by the International community to teach the Somali populace the Usmaniya script? Nop. I can list more immediate concernes for our people. Healthcare, poverty.... Also, the latin script is much easier to learn and acess. Wouldn't be a bother if you'd have to buy a specialist software just to type Somali. In the ideal world it would be really nice to run a specialist on the the script...
  9. I've voted no! Too costly and creates too much unnnecessary work. We have a written script.. lets work with it.
  10. I agree! This section needed a knowledgeable moderator. Nur, I hope that you continue to share your knowledge with us. I for one has benefited a great deal from your posts. Jizaak Allah
  11. ^^OH MY GOD! Your one of those annoying people that stand by the magazine rack, reading instead of buying. WASTING the time of valued consumers in the process. :mad: I've, often considered harming them.
  12. Abdinuur GO BACK TO THE CAVE aad ku jirtey. Evil, evil man :mad: :mad: I was starting to sing along...
  13. Lol. Skirts are just so rare dee. Last skirt I bought I had to literally yank it out of the grasp of this Nigerian woman. I don’t know what she was thinking; getting in between a ‘ninja’ and a long fabulous skirt. And books… either you LOVE them too much or loath them. Library’s are for cheapskate *axem*
  14. Bags Shoes Books and Magazines Skirts - I'de kill for these! What is the purpose of getting out of your nice warm bed and into the big, bad world of work .. If your not going to SPEND, SPEND SPEND on magnificent pretty little things. Thinking of what I’ll spend my money on it’s what makes work bearable. *starts to day dream*
  15. Zaylici, Yasmine and Nassir. Thank you! I've actually learnt a great deal from your posts. Personally, I think bringing back the script is going to pose a HUGE financial and practical burden to our already struggling governments.
  16. Thanks for the malab xarago.. Originally posted by Nationalist: Lol Ameenah, there aren't many qaldaans in Perth, Australia. But please tell me you do eat sabayad, don't you? Otherwise you're really missing some mighty adventurous food. What are you on?! We make the BEST kimis/ sabaayad up north (okay, now am showing off). I love it with caano dhanaan or with sanuunad or shaah iyo subag....
  17. ^^lol. Fuley Jamaal iyo Aamina maxaa LazyGirl afka loo goostey? LOl! Lazygirl yadaaba xiireysee.. yaa afka ka goostey. Lazygirl, Waxaan ku odhan lahaa hadalkaygii dib ugu noqo. Laakin macna maleh. Waa runtaa. Fariid, ninka iska celi.
  18. Nationalist; Laxoox is the (edit) reer waqooyi (edit) word for canjeelo. Same thing! You need to get out more abti.. make some (edit)reer waqooyi (edit) friends As for this topic. It's the most over-rated topic in SOL. Somaliland exists, it's people want independence. There's is no need to down play their achievement. Cabdullahi Yusuf himeself stated that SL is a model for the new Somali state. As for unity... There will come a time when the Somali governments will talk things over...pray for your desired outcome. Cos beleive me, reer SL will not be rediculed into unity!! So, walaalayaal. Let's chill, don't lose sleep over it. It's just as the wise man stated; siyaasadunu waa bolitikal Note: Offencive Q word edited.
  19. ^^^ Muraan doon iyo nus.. Horta marka hore.. qaybtaan baryahanba waan sugayey.. Jamaal11 wuxuu qoreyna anigu 'dhalinta afka hooyo jecel' ayaan shekaada ka raacey. Waxan u malaynayaa in uu ahaa an oversight on Jamaals part. Laakinse, hadaad adigu rabtid inaad hadal ka keentid, waa xaal labadiina idinka dhaxeeya ..... p.s <-- loves your somaali. lol@ Ngonge... 'deg cas waaxid' This is the place to expand ypur vocabulary...
  20. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha! Admin iyo Jamaal Mahadsanidin
  21. The first set pictures make Burco look like baadiye...damn! I'm glad it's raining though, mansha Allah. *aaah* Tanag you Ayuub
  22. ^^lol! Somalida Ilahay ha u sahlo, is all I got to say. Xarago Wadh hedhe aqoon yahan kulaha...wadh waxan idin idhi kuligood sulka ayey wax ku saxixaan. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Maan thats bad. Made me laugh though. Hey what ever happned to Asha Abdullah... she was sum'thing
  23. ^^The moons been sighted in KSA. It was on the news. Thanks Nuune (your now forgiven) and Nafta (radical feminist, me? Yikes) Shayma.. You'll live. need to get rid of the ramadan calories anyways Eid Mubaarek
  24. Mutakalim & Farah Despiser What's with all the negativity young ones..? Calm down and be happy. It's EID tomorrow
  25. ^^ Waar Mr Silence. Waxay buuqa iyo qayladu? We appreaciate your naseexa... laakin dee inaar qoriga iska dhig oo feedhka iyo laadka naga kala yaree. Nomads giving each other tips on how to commit zina. I mean if you have any Islamic knowledge you would know that for more information about dating constitutes zina It is :eek: :eek: (why! that's to take it to the market) Please elaborate....