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^^I agree bro. It deflects everything Somaliland and being a Muslim stands for. To me this case and many others where the UDUB government have abused human rights,freedoms and justice in SL- contradicts the whole principle that SL is based on. However, to say the people of SL are indifferent to this case is clear proof that you have't kept track of it. The four lawyers aren't the first Landers to speak out against this case nor are they the first tohave got on the wrong side of the government. Yet, the nomads who act as the news reporters of SOL - mostly paint a different picture. Originally posted by Nationalist: As one of Sland's leading politicians said, there are many Sland ladies in Pland. Don't let them face the brunt of Samsam's faith. What a Shame! If that's your idea of nationalism my 'brother'...STICK IT! Subxanallah! Tell me. On what grounds do you condemn the ordeal faced by Samsam? That a Muslim,Somali,Female has been subjected to suffering and injustice at the hands of ignorant brutal men? Doesn't look like it to me..!! Evidently, from your warning, you seem a little confused? How can you condemn something and with the same brush make a threat of it against sisters from another region? Do you see thecontradition with me, mise boarders REALLY do mean that MUCH to you? I think Raqia, is on the right track here, without lawyers the sisters case won't be heard. It's interesting that Raaqya's version of the storey is different to the one previously posted. She was visiting girls who claimed to have lived in the ministers home... not staying with her minister uncle as claimed by by the other articles posted here. That is as unbelievable as the charges held against the sister.
^^KIR mataqaan? Waa kukaa :cool: lol@ GT, ma ila aragtey? Anyways, Rock on sisters. Aniga is out...!!
^^^ , carefull bro, you might offend certain nomads. Southall wey ku dhaartaan. Bee, I know, maybethey're cutting on costs. What else would take themto that sad little place. Ngonge, I know what you mean, but I don't often get a chance get involved with events concerned with developing the homeland, so I'll just have to put up..and give my few pennies worth. It would better if there was a more central approach to this- where you can make contributionsthroughout the year, but thats a different topic. Anyway...I hope Slick Rick (reminds me of your darling Rudeboi) will make it to the place... I'm so engrossed by he and crew that I forget about the crowds of annoying youth.
Salaams bro, Sounds like you've had a blast. Now,you got me holday dreaming, seems like every one from hooyo to the dude online is having a holiday.. lol@xquistist what on earth possesed you? Blair,no ten? Canadians, eh? p.s. The currency conversion from Can$ to Sterling pounds is just straight-up disgusting. Wonderfull on our end. I do love your shiling worth money
^^^man, stop being so bitter. If youre good, we might let you in on the football this year. Yeah, we had a dry 2004 but 2005 will be a very busy year, insha Allah. We're going to hit you with events till you say; mercy.. na dhaafa *****watch this space**** NOTICE, Londoners There's is a charity event taking place on the 10th of December @ Southall Community Centre (don't ask!). There will be poetry, songs, plays and it's targetted at students and professionals wanting to contribute towards the development of Somaliland's hospitals. If anyone is intrested let me know.. so I can give ya more details. ^^^organised by Nomad UK.
Salaams, Waterlily I’ve the perfect organisation for you. The SSA: UK (Somali Students Association UK) is planning to do a similar event (end of year Entertainment / Culture Night) at the end of this academic year, most probably in June. The event will be for Students, Graduates and Professionals (the SSA has the contact details of many from this category). That’s all the information I can give you at this moment, but I think youre ideas will be welcomed by the team. Theres room for more ideas and the Somalis can really do with a classy, decent event. If you’re really interested in seeing this through, talk to us @ feedback@somalistudents.com - we can definately work with this. Since am on the subject of the SSA. e need writers to contribute to our writer’s corner; send us your poems, stories, articles on education, student life, Islam (whatever) to the above email. The website address is www.somalistudents.com - it’s currently being updated so keep visiting for more details on events.....
^^Hmmmmm! Thats an interesting way of looking at it. Please explain further...! Og-girl and Sheherzade, sorry to hear that girls. I'll pray for you i'a. Alle Ubaahane, lols. Eesh calaa sheeko. Waa runtaa waan kibir badanahay. Bismillahi Mansha Allah, hawadaan isku waabey. As for your question, don't bet on it abti, Kaan sheegto matihid, mana noqoneysid. G Tuujiye, Kaalay, hadaba sowta kabta lagula dhaco, it coukd only get better for you walaal. We respect wadaad brothers, hadii aad cimaamad xidhatid, sida hada laguula dhaqmo wax uun ba iska badalaya, kol hadii kabtuun lagaa daayo...
Salaams, Some one sent me this email, it's kinda scarry if youre not aware ofit happening. I always thought that it was going to be a major world wide phenomena. Si kasta ba ha ahaate, We should be preparing for a demiss - either way.
Nur brother, That is true. Sometimes people that you expect not have any enmity towards a certain person, speak wrongly of them. For example, I've observed times where many scholars get bashed quiet alot, more so by Muslims. Sad, really.
Jihaad can also be offensive if there exists an Islamic state. For example, If a certain government prosecutes Muslims living in their lands or stops people from entering into Islam, the State can wage jihaad on them. Thats only if you have a functioning Islamic state based on the Prophetic Khilaafa. Anyway, as to your question Islam has spread mainly through preaching but also through the conquest of empires and nations. If you google this question am sure you get access to countless websites covering the issue. I think the best way to get acquainted with the history ofIslam is through studying the biographies of the Prophet (saw) and the four khalifs along with the early Muslim leaders. Hope that helps.
As I read, I can't help but smile. Jizaak Allah. Got any more..on dikr?
^^It makes you part Somali and part what Hooyo is :rolleyes:
Khayr, For the first time in SOL history, I agree with you. My diplomacy serves no justice here. FF is far more vicious, focused and certainly pays more attention. I'll just retire and enjoy the wealth of my kingdom (shopping sprees anyone) or I'll just go and read a book!
^^^ What is 15 to you? Walk on Cimaamadle Walk on
Many people have started to question faith and life in general. many have recieved the Guidance of Allah because they chose to open their hearts to the Message of the Quraan. Good FOR them. May Allah bless them more. Amiin. I'm wondering though, why does it matter what class / Nationality converts are? Surely, when people enter into Islam it's for their benefit. They don't add or take anything away from Islam except for that which Allah guides them to...!! In other words, it doesn't matter who or what Allah's servants are. Islam will prevail by His Mercy. We should be celebrating that more than how many conversion we have.
Salaams I felt that I've missed out for my lateness, but this makes up for it. It was a good conference, full of hope. Made me wonder why I stoped going. As for politocal involvement, it's positove to a certain degree. It only really works if you have the right person in post. Take David Lammy, he does more for Black Vote etc then the people living in his constituency.. Whats the point then? Anyway, Mahadsanid
Salaaams Thanks for the feedback folks. Bee, I wasn't talking about people who don't notice you. It's funny you shoukd say that because, I too sometimes do that even with people I know :rolleyes: . London life I guess, so busy ticking off your dones and to-do's. I was refering to those whome Sherezad, Classique and the other sisters described. Cambaros who notice you alright, stare you out and are just down right hostile. More common in our girls than other Muslim communities.... But never mind,I shant ponder on it too much, I like the Idea of getting salaams from Angels, Bless So anyways...Put on your scarfs.....Saaa laa ma and Rock on (there's nice edge to it dee) Grab Tuujiye, Most hijaabis probably don't want to chat with guys they don't know. I find some (not all) brothers tactless when they see a girl with hijaab, to them it's not just about giving salaams to a sister.... it's more. So for you, I say: Walk on cimaamadle Walk on
Salaams Delightful read, Thank you Reading will take you to places you’ve never seen and faces you’ve never seen. So true, especially when you don't want to be where you are. I'de like to be a fly on the wall for your group if you don't mind. Not much of a teller me.
^^Glad you're back. We have work to do
Politically Inclined; I guess the Christian V Muslim way of looking at it appeals to those who adhere to the war-on-terror myth. :rolleyes: Anyways, Speaking of Africans and Finance, read this: God, I love my people's One Nigerian's view of london I did not come to England to take photos of Big Ben or tour London Bridge. I just wanted to get paid and get even with those colonials. With a name like Ogundele Kayode Omobrukutu, I could not even buy a bus pass let alone open a bank account. This is my story... It took me 6 months to study the system, but I still could not figure out my squares and circus's. I could not travel from Leicester Circus to Oxford Square without getting lost. I was a YMCA (Young Money Chasing African) when I joined the FRAUD Fine Rich Africans United in Deals). It took me 3 months to attain my ACCA (Advanced Certificate for Criminal Africans) and I needed an MBA (Major Bank Account) to do my first HND (Heavy Nigerian Deal). I arranged to meet this guy at Animal and Something, I mean Elephant and Castle. We were supposed to meet at 10.00am. I got there at 11.30am and he turned up at 1.30pm. He pulled up in a Mercedes 500SL with a private number plate - 419 ADE. He was a definite Nigerian, he had it all a leather jacket' in the summer air conditioner on full blast with his roof and windows open whilst smoking an impressive cigar. Being a fellow Nigerian I was more than impressed. He introduced himself as Adepujo Adekunle Babatunde and asked me to call him Ade or Babs. He spoke with a strong Nigerian accent but he messed the whole language up by slanging. He sounded like a Canadian-born Chinese living in Germany and studying French. I had not been in the country for long but I could tell that Omo (my man) was trying hard to be British. After hanging with Ade for about 2 months I became an OBE (Opportunist Bank Employee) and specialised in BBC (Breaking Bank Codes). Money was flowing and I wanted more so I did my PhD (Passport Handling Degree) and became an FBI (Fraudster Bringing Immigrants). My status changed drastically... I had a BMW 328is convertible and a Porsche 911 with a private plate - 911 OMO and living in a council flat and signing on. I went to Moonlighting every Friday and drank champagne and danced to music supplied by DJ Pace and Skills. I became foolish - I remember one night I spent over £1000 on just champagne at the club and had no money for petrol so I walked home. My downfall... Greed and selfishness inevitably led to my downfall. I got involved with a CIA (Cash Investing Agent) and we did a couple of GMTs (Good Money Transfers) but he later turned out to be a CID (Cop in Disguise). I was under surveillance and I did not even know. I left the NHS (Nigerian Housing Scheme) early that morning with about 12 different cheque books to go about my business. They followed me unto the High Road and it was then it hit me that something was wrong. I could not leave all that evidence in my car so I started chewing my cheque books. I ate 8 before they pulled me over. They read me my rights and all that crap and all I could say was - OGA, water please!
@ Bashe What a man, what a man, what a mighty strong man Il Capo, you is a joker.
Brother, Are you still on the subject of having been rejected by a sister or are you now discussing the fashion choices of Somali girl's. I don't see how the two relate. :confused:
^Mansha Allah; Mabruuk sister. May Allah bless you and your baby. Now for names; ceck this website out: http://www.muslim-names.co.uk/ I personally like names madeup of Islamic adjectives like: Ameenah (not Aamina - though that too is a cute name) Imaan Shaheeda Ihsaan Kareemah My two other favorits are Zahra and Tahaanni. I also like these names because their pronunciation is universal unlike mine which gets abused by almost every language. .
^^^ Only Ngonge has permission to refer to me as such. I'm simply Ameenah to the rest of you...Mafahminoo? Anyways, I don't want to ruin your love-nest of a topic. Carry on with your bashaal.... and the Nomad with the best hair-cut is....