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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Beautifull! I remember when I was kid, she used to play this song as she cooked qado. I miss my mummy Thanks Flamboyant, hoyadu waa lama huraan, indeed.
  2. ^^me too! SOL is taxing enough for me. I do enjoy reading other blogs from time to time. Might have a look at your blogs and have a chuckle or two Element, Pace Magazine blogs are really cool. I really like the September issue of the Magazine. I'de disagree with AU and say that it is balanced, I also liked how you've addressed the Hijaab Ban issue. Keep up the good work.
  3. Subxan Allah, gabadhu suggested that we stop arguing about raga iyo dumarka Somaaliyeed xumaantooda and to post topics that we can benefit from. Waxaad ka haf iyo baf leedihiin, maan garan? Either your with the programme or your not. No need to get sensitive about it. Whats suprises me is that some of you are actually contradicting yourselves, you complain about the quality of other people’s posts (by leaving smartass sarcastic comments in their topics) and having your topics hijacked; yet when it's addressed by another - you complain that people meddle too much. Somali - in the words of GT wareer badanaa :rolleyes:
  4. My bad huuno, lets look at your important questions shall we? 1) Why is 'securing' your future more important that having a family? Because, it will have an impact on the state of your family and your style of parenting. Ever wonder why our youth are some messed up - it's because their parents (no pun intended) are more or less just as clueless. One young sister I used to work with refused to attend school because she argued that she had no intention of pursuing a career. A mother is a teacher, a counselor, a doctor, a cashier a manager and a sheikh to her children - there are many transferable skills one gets out of jobs and education (both secular and Islamic) - don't knock it! My question to you is; isn't family life worth as much if not more preparation as a career? 2) Remember Marriage is half your diin. Who pushed the marrying age back to late twenties? No one denies that marriage is half your deen, or did we? And for that very reason one needs to give it much thought and preparation before going into it - not marry the first Farax or get married because all your friends are doing it as stated by Balsam herself. Yes, the Prophet (saw) advised that you get married at a young age. But what if your 20 and most of the brothers your age are only interested in raving and tasting all the girls in the hood - which lets face it is the fate of Somalis in the west. What’s a sister to do? Drawn all her energies in finding the right one or taming one of the fools? (because the like of you got it into her head is marriage or nothing) . As a Youth worker I see many young sisters with a lot of potential getting themselves into sticky situations because they are told life is all about men – and netting one. You have to look at our youth today and see what’s more important for them – getting their wit together or finding a wife or husband? 3) Considering the fact the Allah Kareem gave you the abity to give birth in your teens, What's wrong with getting married at 19 or 21? Nothing, unless your not ready for it. I wasn't mature or responsible enough to get married at that age. So I decided to finish university, get some life experience till I was ready in body mind and soul to be married. Is being physically ready to have children enough to make you a parent…? 4) Do you girls and guys honestly think that there is ANYTHING you can do in your life that is more important than raising a Islamic Family? Live an Islamic life. Getting married is not a ticket to an Islamic lifestyle. One needs to learn their deen, practice it and be at one with their creator from their early teens onwards- this is a goal on its own, it's a must and not doing so can bring the wrath of Allah on you! Marriage however is a choice - a very beneficial one but a choice none-the less. 5) Illahay kabaqa, and check your priorites. We're only here to serve and fear Allah. And I and the sisters have written something indicating disobedience and lack of fear for Allah? Squash that; more importantly what happened to being content with his decree? That, my brother seems to go over-your head. It’s the last article of Iman – faith, which is more important than marriage on the deen scale. Perhaps, Balsam wasn’t asking for advice (she only made this clear in her but her 4th or 5th response) but her approach to ‘warning’ suggested that she needed advice - it was full of regret and don't make my mistake. I think now after seeing my view on the matter you’d understand why age-of marriage doesn’t worry us too much. It's all about being prepared to fulfil the position, probably and Islamicly. But most importantly we understand that Allah didn't mean for us to have been married at 19 or 21. There your important questions addressed!
  5. LOls. Mar arkinoo, she could be married with children now - who knows? Underdog, Spare us the pop-psychology abti! We didn't tell the sister not to get married and haven't said that everything else is primary to marriage and certainly didn't express our own regrets! I guess it's true what the say about mens selective hearing (reading in this case) :rolleyes: What we adviced her to do is be happy with Allah's decree and work on herself development instead of worrying about what passed. What is wrong with that? Isn't that the attitide of a mumin; to say Alxamdulilah, even when things don't go as planned? Or rtaher in this sisters case - they do go as planned but she regrets her former attitude to marriage? And what can we possibly get out of her regrets; we (those of who remain single) won't get married till the will of Allah passes. Its pointless looking behind your back saying coulda, shoulda, woulda, because as the wise Jamaican says: you gon dun do it!
  6. ^^Reer UAE are cool I must say. I'm sold. Do you have links to websites of those companies, bro?
  7. ^^Word to the Wise. Rudy has spoken! There's no need to get personal and rude about it folks. Chill! why not blame AMEENAH who revived these thread(on Dec. 3rd this year) . Because Ameenah didn't revive it. Your mixing your Tweety's up gal, wake up
  8. Good news, my prayers are answered. Those of you who follow British politics particularly with regards with immigrants have probably come across this man's hypocritical stance against refugees, immigrants and Muslims. He sweetly passed several 'friendly' laws on our (Muslim) behalf – which was a bid to save us from becoming potential terrorists ala locking up any Muslim man who looked to pious! I’d rather that his constant abuse of the Muslim community whilst feeding us empty liberal slogans was caught on by the media before his demise but none-the less. I'm glad to see the back of big Busto. Blunkett quits as home secretary Mr Clarke said he was "exhilarated" by the challenge ahead but added: " There will be continuity between David's approach and mine." Bummer! Does Blair deliberately pick bigots for the Home Scretary post?
  9. Good news, my prayers are answered. Those of you who follow British politics particularly with regards with immigrants have probably come across this man's hypocritical stance against refugees, immigrants and Muslims. He sweetly passed several 'friendly' laws on our (Muslim) behalf – which was a bid to save us from becoming potential terrorists ala locking up any Muslim man who looked to pious! I’d rather that his constant abuse of the Muslim community whilst feeding us empty liberal slogans was caught on by the media before his demise but none-the less. I'm glad to see the back of big Busto. Blunkett quits as home secretary Mr Clarke said he was "exhilarated" by the challenge ahead but added: " There will be continuity between David's approach and mine." Bummer! Does Blair deliberately pick bigots for the Home Scretary post?
  10. Good news, my prayers are answered. Those of you who follow British politics particularly with regards with immigrants have probably come across this man's hypocritical stance against refugees, immigrants and Muslims. He sweetly passed several 'friendly' laws on our (Muslim) behalf – which was a bid to save us from becoming potential terrorists ala locking up any Muslim man who looked to pious! I’d rather that his constant abuse of the Muslim community whilst feeding us empty liberal slogans was caught on by the media before his demise but none-the less. I'm glad to see the back of big Busto. Blunkett quits as home secretary Mr Clarke said he was "exhilarated" by the challenge ahead but added: " There will be continuity between David's approach and mine." Bummer! Does Blair deliberately pick bigots for the Home Scretary post?
  11. Wow! Our Arab brothers are going up in the world. Quiet literally :cool: I wonder if those companies have any jobs going...
  12. Tariq Ramadan and terrorism :eek: :eek: :eek: You've got to be joking. He is the last person you can accuse of sympathising with terrorists / terrorism – whatever that means these days. He often writes about Muslim integration (in a positive light) and promotes understanding between Islam and other faiths. I suppose to certain folks being a practicing Muslim from a prominent scholarly family is enough to deem you a terrorist – what ever that means. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Anyways, I think the brother did right thing. They lose out on a very articulate Muslim Professor.
  13. Allahs says about languages: And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge. (Rum: 30) Languages are a blessing of Allah and are not man made - so there is no such thing as gaalo language. A language may be spoken by a majority of gaalo - that doesn't mean it lacks in value. So, I agree with the thoughts put forward by Xu. Well said sister. As for France and Co -am not suprised. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. ^^^It's alright Sugah... I was hoping the 1001 nights would one day fall on my lap. Thanks, even if it was meant for Lander lol@ Rudy, Digaag StankaTaabte, suites you dear Rayaana, Thanks babes, so lionscan be nice .. wow! You can PM the name if you don't want to post it here LST, It's not okay, lazy! It's a nice taster, but you should know that Tweety likes to hear even the most minute details of a storey. I think Awoowos storey deserves more attention, don't you? And rest , thanks for the sheekos! Now, I know why the adults in my family spent every night telling us storeys - It's fun. This brings back so many sweet memories...*sighs*
  15. ^^Well said. All media out-lets have theirown gain and agenda. Funnily enough, I went to and they seem to be getting mixed messages. But unlike others; they are very open about it and question what theyre being told by all sides. :confused: I thought people only got group minded in issues pertaining to Somali politics BUT I thought wrong. It's funny how the Nomads with Arab affiliation defend the arabs to death and those who don't have Arab connections support their African brothers in blaming everything on Arabs. :confused: Whatever the history and whatever the decent of the Northern tribes of Sudan. It remains a Sudani / Muslim issue. Lives are lost, people abused, misplace and homes are destroyed: lets not trivialise it.
  16. It's very logical (I thinks) for a SL native to be in support of Somali unity (despite the trouble at Nairobi) - but to declare war at ones own people and redicule local heros is beyond me. Interesting to say the least.
  17. ^^justice baah! Warlords only understand one language *waves weger in the air* I shall return to my beloved AL (Land of Araweelos), beg forgiveness from my Queen. Anaaba idinka waalnaa, I'm done with your foul caanogeel. *spits* Pray that I don't return to destroy you :mad:
  18. *gasps* NGONGE - Waaryaa, how could you just ignore me like that? :eek: DOWN, DHAC! SmithandWestern - you lier :mad: SUUX! *collects stones*
  19. LMAO! The dabo part is a killer. Allah, thats mad funny. *Astaqfirullah.
  20. Originally posted by Wilo: Okey Okey we hear u man..........Gosh what is he saying,,,,,,okey,,,,,I see woman and child _______________ in hands of nuune............... Scarry, right! Nuune walaalo, gabadhaada galaan duco ah iga gaadhsii. Anyway, why would you not let her go to a doctor? Apparently, it’s recommended by some experts that it’s better for man not to see the actual birth as this can create a psychological disturbance of some sort in the couple’s relationship. Home birth sounds like a good and convenient alternative. The bonus is that you'll be in your natural environment. However, what happens if there are complications (which is quiet common with Somalis sisters due to the fgm factor), you’d have to be moved onto a hospital. Besides, I’d rather keep my home clean if you know what I mean I'm also a bit of a weakling when faced with certain scenes (that tend to linger in my head 4likeever :rolleyes: ). Imagine reliving child-birth on a daily basis. *shrugs*
  21. Welcome back Sofine, it's kind of you to remember the nomads on what seems to be the worst life experience for most. I'm glad those days are over, Alhamdulilah. Anyway, May Allah make your studies easy for you and I hope he grantsyou every success with you studies. One a very different note. A word of sisterly advice; as Muslims we aren't permited to believe in luck as it has nothing to do with the fate prescribed for us by Allah. I know it rolls of the toung alot easier than long winded prayer but if we really want good for some - it's better to do it probably, eh? So in essence wishing someone good luck will be of no benefit for them. It's better to pray to Allah for them - as Allah has control over everything and duca to Allah is the only thing that can change ones fate. Sorry, this isn't meant to be a lecture.
  22. ^^Thank God for that. I have to read, summaries and present 2 other books (and audio lectures) for my sisters group by Sunday. I, worried that I would be left behind -cos I won't be touching this book till am done with my current project. I know some of have already read it, but you have to keep your lips sealed and wait for the rest of us. Insha Allah.
  23. ^^ I agree, Nationalist will do more harm then good. Give him the tourism position he asked for and make him live in some off-shoot tourist town away from the mainstream Somali population. Ameenah as the minister of Finance, our very own Gordon Brown. the only perosn I can think of who wont steal my governments money.. Lovely, thank you sire. *rubs hands together excitedly* I do look and speak better than Mr Gordon - so lets not get that minor detail twisted or I'll start throwing a tanrum and dismiss this cabinet all together. You better take NOTE Ngonge. Og-gal, Pass me your notes on Islamic economy.
  24. FF, Good idea malab, go and ask her, *waves a carton of Hagn Dazes in the air* then post it for us, before I finish the ice cream. Nuune, You've got me :confused: like Tuujiye, af Somali ku hadal dee. lol@ Lander Didn't hear anything about the hilib or I might have forgotten. But the Lion did provide food for the man. Thanks for your input dear, thats one piece of the puzzle. Come on people, surely someone remembers
  25. ^^Me no sujui, I belong to the 'caseeri' sub-tribe But don't worry, I get the hint. We have room for one more of our Qurbawi-Kenyaati cousins, sound fair to you? *Long live the Qurbawis. :cool: