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Salaams Great topic J11, I was discussing the issue of dictated identities with my girl last night. I find that we (Somalis) are a very manipulative and intrusive society. Our lives are dictated by mainly by the opinion of the community. Will be back to expand on my thoughts after I’ve read all of your responses (not sure if we're on the same chapter- am just assuming that we are)
Inaa Lilaah, sad news! Samir iyo Iman sister, I hope Allah showers your father with ,ercy and grants him jannah...I'A - Ameen.
Salaams, I'm all for sisters taking an active role in society and the masjid. But if it isn't in light of the Quraan and Sunnah- what Islam are they practising? Surely, if women were allowed to lead men in prayer the greatest Muslimaats on earth would have paved the way for us. A good read On the issue of Catholics... why do we insist on rediculing and comparing other faiths at every given opportunity. They have their deen, we ours. Lets get ours into perspective and respect the way of others. Please?
^^I hear that! For the sake of good Islamic understanding, I think that it's better to direct complex questions of fiqh to the scholars. We have easy access to to them in this digital age. The time we spend 'dicussing' these matters can be used to actually ask a learned scholar (2 or 3 even). Wassalaam..
Salaams sis, This seems like a familiare dilema for many sisters. Originally posted by juba: it depends on which is more important to you, a job or God? I hear that! Nothing is worth the pleasure of Allah. And remember it is He who provides. This might be of some inspiration, I only wear the the khimaar but my best friend wheres a niqaab. She is less qualified and less experienced but we were both looking for work- everybody expected me to get a job first- being a niqaabi people tried to put her off the whole work thing. Well, in the end she got a job first. If it's meant for ya, you will get it. So never sell-out for a job or to fit in because it isn't worth it and you don't need to. I mean why would you wanna work for people who wouldn't accept you had you followed your deen and dared to be different? May Allah make it easier for ya
^ Thanks dear, you too have saved me some response time. Sheher, There’s no hurt or offence caused by your words dear. I am however, very interested on your educational philosophy as regards Somali achievement - rather then your own school experiences. I can spend years on this discussion but OHMYGOD Man U just scored a second goal against NC.. *Sees a bunch of Somali youth in the MU kit*. Another time, perhaps....excuse me..
Silly girl! Castrating him would've sufficed :rolleyes:
I find it baffelling that you say Somalis don't view academic success highly. Perhaps its your confusing lack of confidence in ones ability with not wanting to achieve the best. I've worked with kids in schools and they do want to do well, they do want to go to university and get a good job, the house in hargaisa and the latest Beema. Somehow, they get to year ten and they are told that the best they can do is an F in maths and 'never mind' you can re-take your GCSEs at college. That along with youth culture, lack of support and educated folk like you telling them that it isn't the 'Somali' way which causes the confusion and dispondence amongst the youth. I know many Somali graduates and a few that actually went to these 'out of bounds' universities. Some who even attended your local state maintained school. All it takes is support and confidence building from those around them... which brings me to the mentoring scheme mentioned, its amazing at how apathetic and uninterested older Somalis can be when it comes to supporting their youth. Yet we seem so concerned if all we have to do is criticise the youth :rolleyes: I too hope we did more then just talk..! But, to say 'academic achievement isn't the Somali way'...Puhlease! Thats the very reason half of us are in this cold miserable Qurbo world! Also, we need to accept and understand that some kid don't want to go to university- it isn't for everyone.
Youngsters carrying a torch for sport - they hopePOSSIBLE future Olympians met Sports Minister Richard Caborn at a visit to a Sheffield comprehensive. The Sheffield Central MP was at Abbeydale Grange School to meet some of its most talented young sports stars. Both Gerald Phiri, 15, and Abdi Risak Ahmed, 13, have an ambition to compete in the 2012 Olympics which London is bidding to stage. And these are no empty dreams. Gerald has a personal best of 10.89 seconds in the 100 metres, the joint fastest time in Europe for his age. Abdi is a middle distance runner who logged the fastest time for his age group in Britain in the 800m. Mr Caborn also met Thandi McNair, 15, a talented football player with the Sheffield United academy. He also heard of an initiative which helps older students improve their confidence by organising sporting events for younger pupils. "A group of Year 10 students has arranged an inter-form cricket tournament for the Y7s," said headteacher Chris Mallaband. "It's been so popular it's now been introduced to four of our feeder primaries, Abbeydale, Carter Knowle, Sharrow and Lowfield. "It isn't just the sport itself, the students have to take care of all the paperwork and administration too. It really is helping the older students," Mr Mallaband added. 10 February 2004 Source
^^^Boo hoo! Thats a very miserable view of things Cambaro. On the contrair, I think Somalis hold education highly, its just difficult for most kids to make it due to the many factors i don't want to go into. A story like this will inspire and encourage to at least try their best. As for Abdi- I'm so, soo proud *sniff, sniff*. Bless!
^^Check out their website: and MSN group: I was a member till recently. If your interested the SSA crew are looking for new members.
I don't know jacko from wako - so his capabilities are to me as mysterious as Venus. All I know, is that a great many men are perverted pigs that shouldn't be left alone with kids or any subjects deemed weaker than they...So what gives?! I certainly wouldn't let my kids or any of those under my charge in the home of a strange man (perhaps even some familiar ones). Last month it was discovered by a parent of one of our young members (at work) that her (mothers) partner was touching up a doing some nastiness to her older daughter.. and his cousin who was staying with them. This is a 14 year girl with a disability....I mean he is meant to be her daddy, carer, protector. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Humanity is so disappointing at times...!! And to add insult the moron used to make a point of telling me he was Muslim and give me Salaams... :mad: :mad: The only lesson this trial teachs us is that men (very few exempt) are such adhi Do Not TRust Your Kids With Them
Thanks for posting Nino_B. It's not too late to spread the word guys and gals - so tell all ya mates...It should be really good- insha Allah.
Sheekadu aad bey iiga qoslisey.. ciyaalnimada laisku raacey baan la dhacay lol Runtii, anigu waxaan ka yaabey guurka dhan ee beenta lagu dhisey. Waxaan fahmi la'ahay siduu qof usigu halayn karo qof aan runtiisa ogayn? Rag badan oo maahmahdan ki socda ayaan aragtay.. taasuna maruun uun bey ku soo bixi..sowq may runta iska sheegaan?
Dear Lord, I thought only Londoners suffered doom at their weddings. Every wedding I've been to in the past two years or so apart from the 2 wadaad ones were as disastrous as the one described. *I’ve to agree with the writer, you can’t expect Allah to bless something clearly forbidden. Anyways, Gediid and gang... How do you plan to wed?
Salaams Waa iyaakum and your welcome Warrior, Thanks for the link hon, the part on the misunderstandings is particulaly useful... and you for the duca Mr Rendezvous. Wiil Duco, I've had the same problem.. till I just couldn't takeit no more! I usually pick a calendar from my masjid.. but I've also got this really cool calendar software on my computer. Not only does it tell you the date, it also highlights significant dates and lets you go back in time to find out what the hijri date was on your b-day or any other date. And, mansha Allah it’s free. There's someother cool sw freebies - so check em out! You can down load it from Click on the Hijri calendar.
Assalamu Alaikum, just a reminder that.. the day of 'Ashoura has come upon us once again. Giving us ample opportunity to fast and work for rewards and insha Allah increase our reltionship with Allah. `Aashuraa' is the tenth day of the month of Muharram, fasting is recommended on this day. The tenth of Muharram will be Saturday the 19th of February 2005. It is recommended fasting on the 9th and 10th Muharram or the 10th and 11th Muharram; Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday. Ibn Abbas reported: "The Prophet came to Madinah and found the Jews fasting the day of Ashura. He asked them: "Why are you fasting this day?" They said: "This is a great day. Allah saved Moosa (Moses) and the tribes of Israel from their enemies on this day and therefore Moosa fasted on it. "The Prophet said: "We have more of a right to Moosa than you ." So he fasted on that day also and ordered the people to fast on that day." [al-Bukhari and Muslim]. When the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa salam, fasted the day of Ashura, the people told him that this day is a day that Jews and Christians honor. The Prophet said: "When the following year comes, Allah willing, we shall fast both the ninth and the tenth day of Muharram (that is to be different from the Jews and the Christians.)" The Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, died before the following year."[Muslim] Abu Hurairah reported: "I asked the Prophet: "Which prayer is best after the obligatory prayers?" He said: "Prayer during the middle of the night." I asked: "Which fast is best after the fast of Ramadhan?" He said: "Fasting during the month of Muharram." [Muslim]. 10th of Muharram is also said to be the day Noah's Ark came to rest. The day the Prophet Abraham (as) was born and the ka'ba built. NB; Those of you that do fast, remember me in your prayers
Asalaamu calaykum, bala ila eega sheekadan! Wax walbo oo layaab leh arkay; tanna waa ii dhinneed. Waxaan bishii hore la kulmay, nin iyo naagtiisa oo muddo dheer isqilaafsanaa oo dhibaatooyin fara badanna isa soo gaarsiiyay, haddana raba in ay tusaale u noqdaan qoosaska Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalka dibbadiisa. Waxaan jeclahay in aan oofiyo balantii aan ka qaaday qoyskan oo ah in aanan qorin magacooda runta ah. Waxaan uugu yeereynaa Cabdi iyo Caasho. Cabdi iyo Caasho sida ay ii sheegeen waxey is guursadeen ayagoon si fiican isu aqoon, oo waxaa isu keenay calaf iyo caasho oo mooday in Cabdi uu taajir ahaa oo uu dhaqaalihiisa wanaagsanaa. Cabdina wuxuu islahaa gabadhan qurxan yeey ku gafin, oo wuxuu ka rumeeyay maahmaahdii aheyd, "Naag been baa lagu soo xero geliyaa, Runna waa lagu dhaqaa". Cabdi deen badan buu ka qaatay, dad fara badan, si uu ugu sameyo Caasho Aroos aanay weligeed arkin. Wuxuuna u sameeyay xaflad weyn, oo dad badan ayaa ka soo qeybgalay Markii ay todobada ka baxeen ayey Caasho wediisay Cabdi in adderkeed oo dalka ku jiran lacag u diro. Cabdina wax lacag uu isku hubay ma ay jirin, markaas buu damcay in ka meermeereesto, oo xitaa uu ku yiri Caasho, "Adeerkaa majiranee wuu is yeel yeelayaa". Caasho wey carootay markii ay aragtay in Cabdi uusan laheen dareen, haddana uu aflagaadeenayo adeerkeed oo jian. Cabdi iyo Caasho waxaa kala dhex galay ehelkoodi, kadibna wey heshiiyeen oo Caasho reerkeedi bey ku laabatay. Cabdina wuxuu u keenay gaari cusub oo uu yiri, "waa xaalmarintaada, raalina ka ahoow gafkii aan ugeestay adeerkaa." Caasho gaari cusbaa ayey sidaas ku qaadatay ayadoo aad u faraxsan. ku riyaaqsan arooskeedii quruxda badnaa ee uu Cabdi u sameeyay iyo Gaarigan qurxan ee uu hadda siiyay. Laba bil ka dib ayaa Caasho oo uur yar leh oo u deg degsan ballan ay laleheed takhtarkeeda, ayey ka weyday gaarigeeda halkuu yiilay. Caasho isla markiiba Booliiska ayey wacday oo ay u sheegtay in gaarigeedi la xaday. Markii Booliiska baaray, ayuu ugaaday in cabdi uu bixin waayay lacagtii Gaariga oo shirkaduu ka iibiyay ayaa dib u jiidatay. Caasho markii ay maqashay warbixintii Booliiska, ayey dib u carootay oo ay ka tagtay Cabdi ayadoo indhaheeda ay ilmada ka da'ayaan ayey reerkoodi ku noqotay. Caasho madaama ay uur lahaeed ayaa reerkeedi dib u celiyeen oo ay fareen in aanay uuga xumaan gaarigii hore oo ay hadda la wadagto gaarigiisa. Cabdi jaceylkii uu u qabay Caasho oo markaas uur uleheed, ayuu u keenay set dahab ah oo uu yiri,"Caashoy dahabkan waa xaal marintaada." Caashana waxey tiri, "Cabdiyoow dahabkan ma sidii gaarigii oo kale baa?" Cabdi wuu iska aamusay. Bil ka dib ayaa Cabdi iyo Caasho oo gurigooda joogo ayaa albaabka soo garaacday qof dumar ah oo raadineysa Cabdi. Caasho oo xiran setkii dahabka oo quruxda badnaa oo uu Cabdi u keenay ayaa markey albaabka furtay, la yaabtay naagtan raadineysa Cabdi. Caasho oo careysan ayaa naagtii ku tiri, "naa ninkeyga maxaad ka raadsaneysaa?" Naagtii ayaa ku jawaabtay,"deenbaan ku leeyahay oo dahabkan aad ku xaragooneyso buu iga soo deensaday, lacagna weli ima uusan siinin, oo muddadii uu ii qabtay waa la dhaafay." Caashana sidii ayaa looga qaatay dahbkeedi. Waxey Caasho iyo Cabdi is jiijiidaanba, sidaas ayey saddex carruur ku dhaleen. Caasho oo ciil badan qabtay, ayaa biloowday shaqo, aydoo uuga tageyso caruurta Cabdi. Maalmaha ayan Caasho shaqeynina waxey biloowday in ay aado aroosyo ama asxaaabteeda. Oo ay Cabdina ku ciqaabtay in uu guriga iyo caruurta ka shqeeyo. Markuu Cabdi howsha guriga ka soo bixi waayana, Caasho Booliiska ayey ugu yeeri jirtay. Cabdi markii uu Boliiska xiray afar jeer ayuu go'aan ku garay in uu iska dhiciyo Caasho oo dagaal ayuu isu diyaariyay, waayo wuxuu beenta iyo dhibtaan u maray oo dhan waxey ahayd jaceel uu u qabo Caasho. Maalintii danbe, ayaa Cabdi oo shaqada lagasooiryay, oo isku buuqsan, ayey Caasho oo meel usocoto ku tiri,"Caruurta iyo guriga sii hey." Cabdi wuxuu yiri, "maheen karo." Markaa seey Caasho ku jawaabtay, "hade guriga ayaad kabaxeeysaa ama bolliiska ayaan kuugu wici." Cabdi markii uu maqlay Booliiska ayuu miirka beelay oo uu sidii dhurwaaga Caasho dhegta ilkaha uuga goostay. Ka dib Booliiska ayaa yimid oo Cabdi sadex bilood ayaa la xiray. Caashana intuu Cabdi xirnaa ayey xaqiiqdii ogaatay in Cabdi uu si dhab ah u jeclaa, oo caruurtiisana ay aabahood u baahan yihiin. Casho halkaas ayaa Alle ku tusay runtii oo waa ay tooba keentay oo Cabdi markii uu xabiska ka soo baxay ayey goa'aan ku gaareen in ay reerkooda dhaqdaan iyagoo is jecel. Maanta Caasho iyo cabdi waxey u yihiin tusaale qoysas badab oo dhibaatadaas oo kale heysato. Waxaa Qoray Casiiso Ibraahim. Source:
Salaams. This is an announcement for the Malcolm X fans amongst us. Also.. feel free to fill this thread with your thoughts on this Great Hero. In the Name of the Lord of the Worlds, The Most Merciful and the Most Kind. The jammat presents A Tribute to our Brother Malcolm X El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz thru' Hip-Hop, Rap and Spoken-word Poetry featuring: Ikwon, Blind Alphabets, Mecca2Medina, UK Apache, The Planets, Sonrise, Hanifa, The Pearls of Islam Sisters Spoken Word Crew, Minority, Mus aka Mustapha, Shahanara the Poet Jonzi D, Hassen Rasoool, Grizzley and special surprise guests (shh... sorry we can't say!) Presented by Mr Entertainer himself, Brother Shah Saud of y2k FM Short Talks by Abdul Karim Hattin M. Sulaiyman, Islamic Action Rakin of m2m, Mecca2Medina Imruh Bakari on behalf of Q-News Imran, Muslim Youth Helpline 25 February 2005 £5.99 (only at the door) Doors open at 5.50pm, Show starts at 6.00pm Oxford House Derbyshire Street London E2 for Stalls and more ingo, call Ismael on 07985 583 556 Find out more about our artists and sponsors at: Media sponsor: Q-News
^^Mansha Allah! I like. cool selection of images too LOL
This thread wouldn't be complete without this... Not a red rose or a satin heart. I give you an onion. It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light like the careful undressing of love. Here. It will blind you with tears like a lover. It will make your reflection a wobbling photo of grief. I am trying to be truthful. Not a cute card or kissogram. I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful as we are, for as long as we are. Take it. Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring, if you like. Lethal. Its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife. Carol Ann Duffy
Qudhac lol.. Well I guess every tradition has an expiry date.. and since Burco it's the cultural capital.. change in the social context is bound to occure there....soon Hargaisawis too will be sitting in makhaayads, sipping shaah and bouncing poetic rythem of the walls. It's the in thing, I hear. LOL Originally posted by nuune: gute nachrichten in der Tat posted by soomaal quote: "If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people." ~~ Chinese proverb The chineese are way ahead of us. Not really, their education system is based on a capitalist ideology where the rich get access to an excellent level of schooling. and the poor get short changed by the state :rolleyes: Hence; providing a system that makes the rich richer and keeping the poor as they are. This creates and legitimizes a class divide – very bad for Somalis. Children of Somalia deserve better…insha Allah!
I loves SOL, I does! Finally, I get to leisurely sit in on a socio-cultural lecture based exclusively on Somalia and Somalis. I can't fully express my gratitude at the amount of time and effort you guys have saved me. You little darlings, you Be blessed! I'll insha Allah share what little information I have in my possession as soon as am done selfishly devouring this sea of information. Originally posted by QUANTUM LEAP: Thanks Loyan sounds like a good read however, someone should write another entitled "Nation in Search of if lost sheep" That would be an enjoyable read.
QL said it so.. Somalis lack many things; focus and good learders are top on my list.
-'s way over due. These sluggish UNICEF lot have promised support as early as 1993. But Alxamdulilah, I'm glad that they finally started taking some action. <-- very proud of our educators and developers. True patriots of SL, no doubt. Originally posted by Qudhac: you wont see a single bud or toori :eek: :eek: and they all eat fish and salad :eek: No Budh or Toori and Salad; Hayaaay! :eek: Are you sure you went to Burco Boosh weyn? On the real though, why do some people assume Burcawis are such xaryamy reer miyis? Some dude wouldn't have it that I was reer Burco.. he had the audacity to tell me.. laakin waad dabeecad fiicantahay.. ma noqon kartid.. :mad: :mad: .at that I've threatened to beat the crap outa him.. he believed me after that Speaking of love for Burco...anyone heard that Kaskey's new song? Can't remember all the lyrics but man it's heart throbbing... sida loo amaanayo. You'd think Burco was a woman…