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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. JZK Modesty, Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: we need more drastic actions like cutting the diplomatic ties with the danish and the recalling of all muslim states ambassadors from Copenhagen. Also an absolute trade boycott on existing trade deals (it doesn't matter how lucrative they are)and the deportation of all danish expats and workers from all muslim countries and the threat of military invasion should be also considered. That's a little OTT.
  2. Your first question reminds of an article about these lesbians who wanted a baby. One of them was impregnated through artificial insemination but because she's never been with a man, the writer pointed out that she was like the virgin Mary. It's ironic, I don’t really think of them as virgins.
  3. CG, “The problem lies in the Quran itselfâ€, ^^ is not about interpretations but supposed contradictions in Quraan. The issue is hence about the verses of the Quraan. So, since the believers are content with them...there is nothing to be discussed. This brother is not looking for answers, he has them and wants radical changes. A persons attitude determines the manner of discourse. If we really are concerned about the sharia and how it's put to practice then I think Tariq Ramadan employed a better approach. I don't entirely agree with him, but he doesn't bash the Quraan to get his message across.
  4. ^Akhas! Maxaa kugu kalifey? The word blaadhan reminds me of ina Haybad Laambad's song.. cagohaagan balbalaadha, balbalaadha, laadhan laadhan...wada balaadhan It's supposed to be amaan Sorry RS, that link is a bit slow.. what is the new name? I think they also should change the names of; Dhuuso Mareeb (waxaan ahay reer Dhuuso Mareeb lol) Bali Dhiig (I keep getting this image of a mass grave) and others...
  5. ^Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but It's fab. I love the 'bitty' guy Because, I'm the only gay in the village. Little Briton rocks.
  6. .....*screeeeeeeeeeeechhhhhh* First hurdle: Hamas and Fatah activists battle over election results
  7. Caano Geel Whilst I agree with on the point of debate, I'm not sure if Ali and Islams detractors are to be taken as lights of guidance on the matter. They all have the dislike for ‘orthodox’ Islam and a love for self expression in common. As one of Irshad Manjis (none Muslims) critiques said, they want their own religion. This is not to say that we shouldn’t question Muslims understanding Islam, explore the different interpretation and question what we are given by scholars within the bounds of the sharia. Islam is a religion of understannding and knowledge. The other day, I was on a Muslim forum where some none Muslims were asking some tough questions and the only response they got were ‘I heard’, 'it is said' and comments along those lines. Sadly, we really lack understanding of our deen and need to work on it. On that we agree. However, we as Muslims have a right to dismiss the lament of one who states the following with regards to the word of Allah. “The problem lies in the Quran itselfâ€, he said. “There are contradictions in Quran; we have to stop avoiding them. If you find the Hadith literally, you can kill and maim as many people you can. Pure disrespect! It’s clear this individual is not in the least concerned with the preservation of the intellectual heritage of Islam, rather he wants to pervert it to suite his lifestyle. The much is clear. May Allah guide him
  8. ^Oo miyaanad maqal? Ina Xirsi waaba lagu haystaa. Xiinow, there's no smoke without fire huuno. Waxbaa si'ah Anyway, nin raga ayaad tahay, hadaad garatay inaad lacagta soo celiso.
  9. Blessed


    ^Those brothers are tarts dee I don't like the fox and crow drill so shaydaan influenced admiration doesn't count. The hijaab is elegant, sophisticated and beautiful - way beyond hot. Take note for future use Now, kir.
  10. Blessed


    ^Kir mataqaan? Hijaab and hot are a contradiction in terms, silly. :rolleyes:
  11. Blessed


    ^Is that meant to exterminate my ego? Hehe, it didn't work As a hijaabi with an attitude, I don't usually get the ‘your sexy lines’ (not from strangers anyway ). I consider those lines a perversion not compliments ('your beautiful’ is). “O Allah, You have perfected my khalq (outer appearance), so perfect my kholoq (inner qualities/character).†Du'a of the Prophet (saw)
  12. Blessed


    On my trek up Mount Conceit, I've nourished my ego with compliments. I don’t like people who can’t take compliments, you should gracefuly embrace Allah’s blessings on you, waa ku sidee?
  13. Xiin , I think that's what troubling Haldhaa. Sharmaarke, Hoo oo ku go'iwaa Bal adiga iyo Xiin Xirsi wiilasha laba jawan oo qaadah ugusoo iibiya
  14. I feel your pain sister, you described the scene so well, matag baa ihaya. Waxaasu waa danbi man. *uff* I'd say the word again.. but I'll safe it for when the topic is not concerened with bad smells. p.s Turn that affliction into a blessing darling. Damn it girl, do something constructive with it
  15. ^Oh! The joy of commuting It's good sniffing on you and your smelly sheekos.
  16. ^Xiin My father once told me, gabadh kun nin ayaa cashaq u sheegta, mid qudha ayuu runkatahay. He reworked that maahmaah. In my experience, there were many that claimed jacayl but were only interested in how my skirt fit. But only one, whose words actions and intentions were pure. I'm no way denying of something that is. But often the concept is misused and men should be held to account. I'm not at all surprised that young sisters ask such questions.
  17. ^Absolutely adeer. I called it sexual terror because I honestly can't think of a worst crime committed against humanity. And sadly, no real war is waged against it. It's sickening
  18. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: ^^ Xaal waxaan ahayn la qaadi maayo Blessed! Dee marak hore disprove the theory. Waxay kan yaree gaajada ahi? Xaalbuu markiiba la soo boodey. Hehe.
  19. ^rag,honest? Ka daa bahasha saaxib. Labadu waa horey kala dideen Been weeye ragbaa jacayl u dhintoo Waa bilicda haweenka biise Magool
  20. Lol Katrina, Whatever I was going to say, you said in your second post. I've explored this idea with a friend a few years back but we were forced to file it after failing to incite graduates into the venture. I think this is a mamoth task brace yourselves for hard work. It is a fabulous idea. Net-Mentoring is soo Somali. I hope it kicks up. I'm very interested, if you'll have me.
  21. Originally posted by Khayr: I don't think that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. There is a much...much...bigger and new Religion that is overtaking every other religion and it grows at times-exponentially! Can you guess what Religion that is? hmmmmm, let me guess. The god is money, right? Aanba waan iska hayaa :eek: :mad: it's so attarctive yet so distructive. *aaarrrrrgh* aduunyooy idaa. Still, you shouldn't discredit the dacees success in spreading Islam. It’s the choice for thinking persons… Libaan, Lol, did you notice how they start with the phrase 'the world needs more Christians' and then start building a racial bar on the gates of paradise. Americans, forget earth they're now claming monopoly over heaven. *shakes head*
  22. :eek: Inaa lilaah wa inaa ilahi raajicuun. Walaal am sorry for your loss, may Allah shower Nur with mercy and forgiveness. May, He give you and his family sabr. Subxaan Allah, this is sad, shocking. If you don't mind my asking walaal, what happened exactly.
  23. Ibi LOL. Your cute when angry If your're near East London, try The Round Chapel near Mare Street. They used to do copiera (not sure about spelling) classes last I remember. One of my colleagues used to go on and on and on about so I checked it out...It is fun, definitely keeps you on your toes. Also try out those African dancing classes - I remember seeing adverts at work (usually 5gs) a class. Can Africans move or what!? Damn! You might get numbers on the voice news paper. Or at zero cost, gather up your girls, throw an Arabic CD on the player and do some belly wiggling. It's major enjoyable.
  24. Oi! pssst, pssst. Look what I've found (actually it found me) You've annoyed some Christians
  25. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Martin Luther King, Jr.