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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. ^I knew there was something about you I'm an ex-Londonite but spent many weekends in Liverpool. It's my Burco in the UK - built the same (sekodaha Grambey) and the people are as funny. Long live :cool:
  2. ^It's disgusting sow maaha? A few days ago, some ***** sent me an email which provided a link to a website donating for Sungub. I don't even know who he was and how he got my email. I didn't know he actually confessed, maxay ka difaacayaan markaa? Honestly, I don't know how these people are going to stand before Allah . SubxanAllah, this is testament to what Yasmin Mohamed was talking about in her article about the conspiracy of (silence) rape. I hope he gets sent down for a long time and a taste of his own medicine. :mad:
  3. Kashanre , The ‘any means necessary’ argument was coined by Malcolm X when he was a protégé of Elijah Muhammed when He entered into Orthodox Islam, he adopted a more sober, Islamic approach in his fight against racism. In Islam we don’t have a concept of ‘any means’, we have the Quraan and the Sunnah. It’s sad that in all this activity no one stopped to ask; What would the Prophet (saw) do? Here we have brothers glorifying terrorism and Bin Laden at the expense of Muhammed (saw), foolxumo miyaaney ahayn? The following is an email forward titled: The Muslim Ummah is Sick Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem InnAl-Hamdu lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen as-Salaatu was-Sallam ar- Rasoulullah ar'kareem. As-salaamu `alaikum Reference: Based on part of a Khutbah delieverd by Mu'tasim al-Hameedee at Masjid al-Ghurabaa, Luton (UK) on Friday 10th September 2004 The Muslim Ummah today is afflicted with a severe sickness. Many of those, who claim to be Du'aat, who claim to be calling to Islaam, they don't have patience. They don't have patience to learn from the Scholars. They don't have patience to go through the steps that Allaah has set for the Believers. A step after a step, one step at a time, in order to bring back victory and honour to Islaam. Rather, they think that with their own emotions they will bring victory to Islaam. But, what they do, they bring destruction to this Ummah. They know that the Muslims are not upon correct `Aqeedah, correct Belief. They know that the Muslims have indulged in sin. They know that the Muslims are so weak in their Eemaan. They know that the Muslims have turned away from Allaah but they want to bring victory and honour to the Muslims Ummah. They think with just one word, or with rioting in the streets, or with killing people here and there whether they are kuffar or not, whether they are innocent people or whether they are soldiers who fight the Muslims, that they will bring victory to the Muslim Ummah. They don't have knowledge to seek proper understanding of the Deen. They don't have patience in order to seek this knowledge. In order to cultivate the Ummah upon the true religion and bring the Muslims back to their Religion. And this is where Allaah will bring victory to the Muslim Ummah. Allaah talked about those kinds of people in the Qur'aan by saying: "Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting)." (4:77) As it is not time... People came to the messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu `alayhi was salaam) and they said to him: "O Messenger of Allaah, lets us go and fight the kuffar! They expelled us out of our country. Let us go and fight them!" The Prophet (sall-Allaahu alayhi was salaam) told them: "It is not time yet. We are not ready yet. There is a lot of Eemaan to be instilled in the heart of the Muslims." There are a lot of physical preparations that has to take place. It is not a matter of emotions, it is not a matter of haste. "Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform as-Salaat (IqaamatasSalaat), and give Zakaat..." (4:77) So at that time when Muslims were being humiliated by the kuffar, and those people wanted to fight the kuffar. Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) said to them: "...hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform as-Salaat (IqaamatasSalaat)..." (4:77) Your strength lies in the Prayer... Many don't understand this. Many don't want to understand this. "...and perform as-Salaat (IqaamatasSalaat), and give Zakaat…" (4:77) The Muslims were humiliated, were attacked. And the kuffar were preparing themselves to annihilate the Muslims and wipe them out! And Allaah was saying to them: "...and perform as-Salaat (IqaamatasSalaat), and give Zakaat..." (4:77) And today the same people come back and we say to them: "Seek knowledge! Call the Muslims back to their religion! The Muslims have to stick to their religion before the victory comes from Allaah." This is how Allaah has set the way for this Ummah. And they say to you: "The Muslims are being killed all around this world and you say to us seek knowledge! And you say to us, teach the people Islam!" They think you are an ***** while you (in reality) are following the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. They don't realise that they have no understanding of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. They only follow their emotions. And what is the outcome of their actions? Destruction upon the Ummah! The Muslims are being attacked all over the world now. All around the world they are mistreated where ever they go. At airports, where ever they travel. Hassle and harassment upon every Muslim! Every Muslim is accused. Every Muslim is a criminal! How many people turned away from Islaam? So Allaah sets the example of those people. "Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform as-Salaat (IqaamatasSalaat), and give Zakaat..." (4:77) So when fighting was written as an obligation upon them what happened to them? "...but when the fighting was ordained for them, behold! a section of them fear men as they fear Allaah or even more." (4:77) So those who are in a rush, those who haste to bring victory to the Muslim Ummah through their own emotions, when the real time for the battle comes and the time for the real fight against the kuffar comes we will see them the first ones to turn their backs and run away. Are these my own words? We find it in the Qur'aan of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) in Soorah an-Nisa. May Allaah make us of those who take heed! Subahanaka Allaahuma wa bihamdika ashadu a laa illa illah anta astagfirouka wa at-tabu ilaik. Was-salaamu `alaikum
  4. Scousers, so big headed Welcome dear, how is Grambey Don't worry am not a stalker, I saw your other topic. Actually that makes me a cyber afraid, be very afraid
  5. Johnny, Clearly, we’re not on the same chapter, so I don't expect you to absorb such matters. However, one cannot place cartoons critiquing politicians on par with offensive caricatures of the Prophets. Coincidently, I was reading this: So let's start off with the Department of Home Truths. This is not an issue of secularism versus Islam. For Muslims, the Prophet is the man who received divine words directly from God. We see our prophets as faintly historical figures, at odds with our high-tech human rights, almost cariacatures of themselves. The fact is that Muslims live their religion. We do not. They have kept their faith through innumerable historical vicissitudes. We have lost our faith ever since Matthew Arnold wrote about the sea's "long, withdrawing roar". That's why we talk about "the West versus Islam" rather than "Christians versus Islam" - because there aren't an awful lot of Christians left in Europe. There is no way we can get round this by setting up all the other world religions and asking why we are not allowed to make fun of Mohamed. Source I suppose what’s scared to one man is a no issue for another. I'll say it again it's not about freedom of speech. It's sheer racism (since no laws cover religion) repackaged and legitimised. I'm done with this. Salaams!
  6. Salaams, Nur walaal, I've been such a freeloader haven't I? I forgot about this thread and my promise (bad, bad, bad). Hope you can forgive me I'm going to drop my thoughts on the subject soon Insha Allah. I can't decide on a topic right now, though number 6 has been on mind lately.
  7. Salaams Zahra.J Welcome, to Somaliaonline. I must say you have a very beautiful name Though this is a Somali site, most of us live outside Somalia. As for your questions, yes I wear the hijaab everyday. It was hard starting but thanks to Allah am pretty attached to it now. I advice you to read about it and also learn the basic tenets of Islam and then it will be easy for you. I try to pray five times a day as prayer is the most important act in Islam. It's what sets you apart from the none-Muslims. Again it is difficult at times especially when living in a none-Muslim country. The system is not designed with religion in mind. As Muslims, it's very important for us to maintain regular 'contact' with Allah. I’m living in a Muslim country now so it’s very easy for me. I'm not working at the moment as I've a small baby but am in Education and I love it. Tell us about yourself, I take it that your a new Muslim, how did that happen (I’ve a crazy fascination with the journey to Islam). May Allah bless you with more! And tell us about your culture (I’ve another crazy fascination with the far east).
  8. Salaams Nomads, How about we spare a thread for the father of free Africa? I'm sure we're all well acquainted with his heroic persona, but what lessons do we learn from his last days as an African ruler? Click me, click me
  9. Blessed

    Mother's Love.

    Sweet! Thank you Kinsi and welcome
  10. ^Those cartoons aren't of prophets, are they? Besides, the issue is not about insults on Muslims and Islamic ideology and vice versa(that’s a daily sport in the media). We are upset with the depiction and attack of the person of Muhammed (saw). As far as Britain is concerned, I’m glad that Jack Straw publicly highlighted the differences between the freedom of speech and the obligation to insult. If only his peers agreed, eh?
  11. ^elucidate ... Underdog The following steps were recommended by the Scholars, expressing outrage is NOT enough. [There are many things that an individual can do to support the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The following are some of them: Officially condemn the attack on all levels, and sound your objection strongly. It is strange how we usually condemn other matters of lesser significance, but this time, people have remained inexplicably silent. It is also strange that the foreign minister of England condemned this outrage before any of the Muslims, who should have done so before anyone else. Register your objection with the official local authorities like ministries of Islaamic affairs and Islaamic organizations. Sound your objection to social Islaamic foundations, organizations and bodies. Thinkers, official leaders and scholars in different fields must proclaim their condemnation of this outrage and openly object to it using all means, especially the pulpits of the two Sacred Mosques. Islaamic centers in the West must sound their objections and respond to this. Muslims must send e-mails objecting to and condemning the publication of these images to all the organizations and people concerned, and to anyone with influence in the Western communities. If millions of e-mails were received from Muslims in this regard, this would certainly have a noticeable impact on the situation. Buy airtime on TV and radio stations and broadcast programs in defense of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and express support. Muslims who are established and eloquent speakers, and who are aware of the way to address the West should be invited to address the issue. Write forceful articles for publication in magazines and newspapers, even if one has to buy the space as if it was an advertisement, and publish these articles on the internet as well. Employ professional production companies to produce video tapes which present the summary of the life of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, highlight his virtues and good manners, and refute some of the most common misconceptions about the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Print books and leaflets about the biography of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and address some of the misinformation in the West regarding him, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Hold meetings, conventions and deliver talks in universities especially in the United States to counter this attack. Provide a clear response by scholars, clarifying the Islamic ruling regarding those who attack and slander any Prophet or Messenger, may Allaah exalt their mention, and especially our Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam; arranging for some scholars and students of knowledge to respond to this vicious attack and fabricated lies on the internet. Hold international exhibitions at airports, market places, malls and public places after arranging with the local authorities, to highlight some aspects of the excellence of the personality of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Make material available in different languages that address the life of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in order to highlight his noble manners and his perfect personality. Simultaneously, this would serve to counter the attack made against the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Exchange useful ideas that will enable a person who loves and glorifies the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to participate in the campaign of defending and supporting him, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and expressing their love to him. One person could translate some material, another could financially support some effort, and a third could write articles and so on, until this becomes a worldwide campaign. Produce CDs that talk about the features of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and freely distribute them. Start a monthly magazine that talks only about the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and bring to light some of events in his life and how he dealt with his enemies. Hold international conventions on the mercy of Islaam – laying stress on how Islaamic duties are easy and simple to follow, and that all the accusations against the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, are false and nothing but mere lies. If every Muslim country held a convention to counter the attack against the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, this by itself would convey a message to the world that attacking the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is something that the Muslims will not tolerate. The duty of those working on the internet and website owners: Establishing databases on the internet about the biography of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in all languages. This has already been done by two organizations: The International Committee for Supporting the Final Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and The Committee for Supporting the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. However, just two groups are not enough; our efforts must be united in order to have a stronger impact. Forming groups of people that highlight the merits of Islaam and the status of all the Prophets and Messengers in Islaam, may Allaah exalt their mention, and other topics. Establishing sites and chat rooms that concentrate on the biography of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and highlight that his message is a universal one. Carrying out calm debates with non-Muslims and inviting them to study the personality and life of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and the religion that he was sent with. Sending e-mails that talk about the personality of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his mission, especially during major occasions. Advertising books or lectures that talk about the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his biography in popular search engines. Finally, we ask Allaah to support His religion and to humiliate the enemies of Islaam. Read more
  12. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: Blessed, those Placards didn't advocate violence by saying things like Freedom of Speech can go to Hell Europe remember 911 Europe:The Real Holocaust is coming Soon Kill those who insult Islam Massacre Those who Slander Islam(which i held with great pride) I suppose you were advocating peace, my bad waan yara indho la'ahay! The prophet (P.B.U.H) mentioned in a Hadith that if anyone insults any prophet, kill Him; If he insults a Sahaba (companion) beat him. And the source of this hadith is? 'Waxa la yidhi' doesn't wash with me huuno, sorry. My point is, if you accept the notion that Muslims are commanded to kill, behead, exterminate anyone who opposes or insults Islam, why protest against a cartoon that's sending out that very message? oh the irony :rolleyes: P.S out of curiosty, who organised this protest?
  13. I'm all for protests, boycots and dialogue (please) but what's with advocating for violence? I was watching the protest earlier and some of the comments on the protest placards maintained the things those Danish artists accused our beloved Prophet (saw) of. What was the point of that protest? Was it to refute the violent character assigned to our Prophet (saw) because that message didn't come across or simply to express dying hate for kaafirs? This is an opportune time for da’wah but some Muslims seem to be doing more harm to Islam. May Allah forgive us.
  14. Salaams Londoners, This is from an email forward. Please do your best to support this family and send this to as many ppl as you can.... Insha Allah. An innocent young Somali man died- Somali Community demand justice. Join the demonstration in support this Saturday 2:00pm FAMILY WANTS TRUTH ABOUT HOW NUUR SAEED DIED Nuur Saeed died on 24 January from injuries he sustained following a police raid on a flat in south east London. He is the most obvious victim of what local residents are calling a "wave of harassment" of the Somali community in recent months. In the wake of the 7 July bombing attacks on London and the murder of policewoman Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford last December, there has been a severe escalation of police harassment of the Somali community. Since then Somalis report an increase in general abuse and verbal and physical assaults. According to Nuur's cousin Faisa, "On 10 January the house was raided by the police, apparently with a search warrant. They say my husband ran off the second floor balcony and fell. It took hours in the hospital to get any information. On 24 January he died from those injuries. "I need a full explanation of what happened. I have never had any contact with the police, but so many people have told me of their bad experiences. So many people find themselves in a similar situation. Hopefully people acting together can find out the truth and make a difference." In another case one woman, who didn't want to be named, described the experience of being raided by the police. She said, "When I heard the noise my first instinct was to run and call the police. Then I realised it was the police. "They said they had a warrant, but they didn't show us one. When they had gone, the flat looked like it had been struck by a storm. There were holes in the wall where they had used a hammer, and wiring ripped out. All our things were thrown on the floor, and the mattresses overturned." There is a vibrant Somali community in south east London, but in recent months people talk of a climate of fear created by the police. Islow, a young Somali man, says, "The way the police behave around here is terrible. They are racist. I've been stopped and searched six times. They are like wild dogs; I was put in a neck hold, and was picked up and thrown to the ground!" His friend agreed, "The police suddenly appear from nowhere. The last time one of them said 'sit down you black ******* ' and pushed me to the ground. A lot of the time they simply tell you to move and push you." While Metropolitan Police commissioner Ian Blair is pointing to the institutional racism of the media, south east London shows the reality of racism by the police. Plumstead police station in the area was at the heart of the scandal around the Stephen Lawrence case. Terrifying On the night of the killing of Steven Lawrence in April 1993, witness Duwayne Brooks was mistreated there and made to feel like a suspect. Several detectives at Plumstead were identified as being part of the "institutional racism" of the Metropolitan police in the Macpherson report. More recently Patricia Coker's son Paul died at Plumstead police station in August 2005. At a meeting last week she said, "To have someone taken away by the state in this way is terrifying. "The people at the top are simply not doing what needs to be done. A disproportionate number of those who die in these circumstances are black. Is this because they treat all people of colour as criminals?" Another case gives an insight into the atmosphere within the police. On Monday of last week policeman Warren Bell appeared at Bow Street Magistrates charged with racially aggravated public order and a public order offence. He was alleged to have made monkey noises at a 20-year old man while he was in the custody suite at Plumstead station. He was suspended last year. It is not simply a few officers overstepping the mark. Last year Tarique Ghaffur, a Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner and the man responsible for community policing, launched an attack on the Somali community. He told the Financial Times news­paper, "The Somali community, have got no established roots, no sense of citizenship, no active youth diversion." The Justice for Nuur campaign is demanding that there is an independent inquiry into the circum! stances surrounding his death and that the police officers involved are immediately suspended from duty. It also wants an immediate and independent investigation into Woolwich police's alleged harassment of young men, especially those of the Somali community. Please Join Justice for Nuur demonstration: Plumstead Police Station, Plumstead High Street, London SE18 this Saturday 4th February at 2pm. Nearest Buses and Trains Buses: 180, 469, 96, 177, 99, 422, 244. Trains: South Eastern Trains from Charing Cross, London Bridge. Nearest Trains Station: Plumstead Station or Woolwich Arsenal. Contact:
  15. ^ You can claim its YOUR money & spend as you see fit when your wife is has her own i.e. works and is financially independent. Miskiinsanaa! Naa he can't . Regardless of how rich a Xaliimo is, it's the mans role to be the provider . What's yours is yours and what's his is also yours. It's a God given right sister, make use of it, or the pretty 18 year old gets it… May Allah bless you Castro, your just like my Aabo
  16. Right! I was mislead by this image of an osctrich Honestly, I sometimes wonder how Somalis came up with those names. Castro Alright, as long as our camels are given grazing rights in your lands. It's a done deal.
  17. ^Salaams. Good to read you I absolutely agree with Baashe everyone who has the ability to seek financial independence, should. Unfortunately, we're living in a world where nothing is promised. That women tend to be poorer in retirement than men has much to do with the state pension system, which assumes an unbroken working pattern from the age of about 16 or 18 to 65. The system punishes women who take career breaks to have children: only half of all women qualify for the full basic state pension, currently £82 a week, against 90 per cent of men. Imagine countries where there is no pension scheme.... Anothermistake made by many women is to assume that, in return for having to look after the children, their partners will support them in retirement. Since about half of all marriages end in divorce, reliance on a partner is not a sound strategy. Read More Another good read. Why women can't save In conclusion gabdho, sort it out!
  18. Blessed


    ^Me too. In fact, I verbally rape their bags
  19. After a few bad experiences, I used to be sacred of girls for a long time. But, as I grew up, I've realized that I need female company. So, I deal with the negativity by having different categories of friends. I've girlfriends that I have a laugh with, sisters in the deen and a few true friends (mostly family and those who’ve been around for along time) that I trust my life’s ills with. It's a beautiful setup, no drama. It’s also wise to vet people you deal with. A good companion is like a musk maker. If you meet some1 and they start telling you other people’s business or generally speaks ill of others, know that when your back is turned – you’re their feast. As the saying goes, kuu sheekeeya, kaa sheekeeya, hala sheekeysan! P.s People will always gossip, just brush it off , it’s all ajer.
  20. ^Mr Masri, you don’t expect me to concede without a fight, do ya? I suggest we compare our claims before throwing any labels in the air. I'm telling you now Adeer, you will meet the fate of the sand diggers . So, if you want to give up now, I promise not rub it in BTW, I've looked up garow and you're only partly correct. *waves at Ayoub Sheikh* :cool:
  21. Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: Blessed, sister I don't think that it was a little bit over the top that's my reaction/suggestion I'm talking about! You yourself would defend your integrity if someone would call you something vile and holy unappriopriate. Image and reputation isn't to be taken as fun. I could imagine you would defend yourself if attacked, then what do you say about defending the honour of the prophet. The prophet has more rights than you and you should love him more than yourself (ego), and both of your parents. Less significant things have been fought over and I personally can't think of anything more important than going to war to defend the last prophets honour and integrity other than going to Jihaad to uphold Allah’s word and to make it the highest. If you go back to what I've quoted of your text walaal, I've only referred to your part about invading Denmark and deporting Danish Expats. The first is impossible considering that we aren’t even in a position to wage defensive jihaad in our own lands. Secondly, it’s unfair mistreat the ‘dhiimis’ and it will of course be a setback for the Muslim minorities in Denmark. Apart from that, you’re preaching to the converted.
  22. Burco. Oh, my Burco! It's been a mighty long time since I've been. But I've heard it's an adventure Anyway, Fatboy. In keeping with the SOL tradition, we demand a full report and pictures. p.s Welcome to SOL.
  23. ^ Originally posted by Castro: Even more, I'm surprised you don't know. Unless your claim to Somaliness is even less legitimate than mine. Don't try it Adeer, you wouldn't come close to my Somaliness. I'm asal wa basaligii la sheegi jirey.
  24. ^That’s typical of Somali restaurants. What's the ingredient(s) of garow? I’ve never had the displeasure of tasting it…