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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. ^interesting concept. What does wifey think of that? Mise looma sheegin
  2. Originally posted by WaTerLily: Like everything else there is a time for heels and a time for flats, but don't become grannies just yet. LOL waa runtaa. I tried walahi but ama tomboy come lady - so my trainer attachment is still there. I buy hilled shoes but some how the flat ones always end up on my feet I've remember reading something about flat shoes not being good for your feet as they put too much pressure on your ligaments or sum’ing.. (I'll try and dig out the science i'a)
  3. Castro n Ngonge, Old t-shirts, huh? With holes waliba, how indearing :eek: :mad: *wonders in her farax thinks of her as such* Don't get me wrong, I do like the sentiments of the article (except the last line, was that to annoy his wife tolow?) . Strangely enough, my favorite love poem is Carol Ann Duffs "onion for my valentine" and song Samatars ‘Siraad’ which both express a realist view of love. I don’t like the mushy, fresh breakfast at 5a.m stuff… something's missing here though...why did he (you) end up with that particulare woman.. t-shirt?
  4. Blessed

    Daily Routine

    ^You cook fresh breakfast at 5a.m..every day? Mansha Allah, you’re so sweet. The thought never crossed my mind. *feels like a qumayo* Anyways, with or without kids, you should have a social life apart from the husband and family. Being responsible doesn’t translate to being boring. I understand it’s the newness of these circumstances that makes it seem daunting but with time you’ll get the hang of it. Yeah, every newly wed goes through this. However, the arrangements you set in these early days will set the tone of your married life – so try and get yourself into a routine (+ level of responsibilities) that suites both of you. I’d suggest that you plan your week so that you get time with your girls and the husband with his boys. Have a take-away night and get the husband to treat you to a slap-up meal once a week- you do deserve it. Also, you should try and cut down on the gym and use that time for homework or chores, you should really only go (gym) three days a week. Hope that helps…
  5. Faraxs and Xaliimos galabtii walba waa aroos. So, what are you on? Bal, Ilahay baan kugu dhaarshee beenta iyo riwaayada naga daa. Heh. Every farax that fancies a bit of cyber xagxagasho the Jamaican card buu lasoo baxaa.
  6. ^A little too Essexy for me nice shoes though. That Valentino bag is magnifique. I'll dream about it tonight, as I wouldn't dare spend that much money on a bag. CW, That kimono is fab, I bet it's real comfortable too but the dragon logo puts me off. This short one is by Miss Selfridge Thanks Sheh, we don't want no strangers appreciating my Somali behind now, do we. I like my shoes flat…. Like so….
  7. Yes, Blessed braggin' about your sugar sugar Baby Blessed been braggin' about it all over SOL ummmmmmm, um ummmumm umummu uummm Yes, she braggin' about my sugar sugar Evrywhere i go sugar, sugar mamas aah sure can hear your name She been braggin' about it all over SOL Well, now the nomads want to buy it to make juice baby But i know you don't wanna sell them nothing noh no noh no, noo Sambac waaxid! You’re not the one that I brag about. Sheh See what happens when you choose that baboon over me; he treats you like cashew nuts. You’ve been served. Haha!
  8. ^I like this, well done. I went into the Chinese quarter of Muscat Cultural Festival last night. I bought a Chinese style bag to go with my Chinese Abaya and now I want one of these: I bought a black, red, green material for it. I'm not sure whether to go for the short look (pictured -for skirts) or a long one to wear with pants. What do you think? Am all about the 'giesha' inspired look these days, it's so, so debonair :cool:
  9. ^yeah it's one of those that end too soon. P.S I was on my way to the poetry section but waan lumey, can a Moderator direct me there. Thanks
  10. Yincerie and SB I wasn't looking for a discussion or correction, just expressing. B.T.W Does anyone know what's been happening with Sheikh Anwar Awlaki ? Last I've heard (3 months back) he was put under house arrest for supposed terrorist links….
  11. It's tough being a Muslim in the west. These things depress me. Ilaahay ha usahlo Miskiinka iyo reerkiisaba. Amiin.
  12. ^ Nur complimented him on his looks markaasuu kala batay. He thinks that he's some sort of a! Sheh we haven't even started and you're already two-timing me :mad: Soco nayaa. I don't want you, afro caanoole la ciyaar. Castro, Lol@ ceeb. You sound like islaamihi xaafadeyda who used to say 'naa ninka laisuma jiclciyo, jacayl iyo waxaas looma sheegto..waa ceeb waxaasu' Anyways, help me out with this one; Why do Callypsos turn into Castros?
  13. Why o why do Somalis keep going to Yemen? Only last week I've read in the paper that in January 112 have died on the way to Yemen.. and this is what awaits them. Laa Ilaaha IlaLaah. Sad is an understatement.
  14. ^Xaaax, indeed! Don’t fight the feeling darling. You want it, surrender to it... Castro, Ninku smells like caano geel oo baqay, he’s got nothing on me. I’m blessed. Waryaa Afro puffs, You heard the woman. Cagta saar wadada. And sheh , ha inoo ahaato the 14th
  15. ^Bugger off Waaryaa. This xaliimoo is MINE! Castro, LOL Yassinkana ku dar. Sheh. I know that you know that I know that you like that I like smelling you because you like smelling me too..It's in your words. On the topic, is for sheep.
  16. ^True. Britain is a (mother of) capitalist state(s) too but they allow for basic education (that's a basic human right). I've seen racist mismanaged schools that sabotage 'effnik' achievement but in the UK segregated ESL education is so 1980's. :eek: . Misguided by all the 'land of opportunity' ads they flood in ME news papers, I thought America had a modern education system.
  17. A poem by ex- Guantanomo detainee Moazzam Begg, reflecting on the USA. Incarceration upon my own Right here in G’tmo Bay, Brings to mind a distant home Far, far, far away… But temperaments begin to sour Upon this doleful day, Reflecting on the ‘super-power’ Known as the USA. Examining this mystery, And its status as today, Begins the sordid history Of an early USA: PART 1 The ‘Fathers Pilgrim’ sailed the brine Aboard the ‘Flower of May’, And Anchored in the fateful sign Of a covetous USA (1) Achieving an independence, Through hard won battle-play, They focused on the presence Of the native USA (2) The receptive Indian nations Were fought and held at bay In exclusive ‘reservations’ At the hotel USA (3) The irony is ‘Thanksgiving’ As a national holiday! That not a native living Observes in the USA (4) The nation chants, “…home of the braveâ€, But remind them, if one may, It really was home of the slave To the darker USA It caused a brutal civil war, Though some would otherwise say; A vibrant, living racist core Still breeds in the USA An impassioned vocal adversary Of a nation gone astray, Did “By any means necessary…†Chastise the USA (5) Another said, “I have a dream…†(6) But they soon blew him away; And hopes of a racially utopian scene In the ghettos of the USA Freedom was stolen, along with title, From Mohammad Ali (Clay); Rejecting war he made a revival That stunned the USA PART 2 Through a relatively short existence The chronicles betray An impertinent persistence Of a meddlesome USA: The quest for mass destructive-arms Recalls ‘Enola Gay’; (7) Her genocidal atomic charms Were Made in the USA Blameless Japanese Americans (Referred to as ‘Nisei’), Were thrown into internments By a paranoid USA (8) The Korean War evinced no gain, Except a mighty fray, And arousal of a new disdain For an intrusive USA (9) Insurgent Cuban fighters At the ‘Pigs’ entitled Bay, Were routed, since inciters Were a prudent USA (10) ‘Napalm’, ‘My Lai’ (11) – Vietnam Speak messages that convey The massacres by Uncle Sam In the name of the USA An abortive hostage rescue attempt, (12) Becoming of the Green Berét, The Iranians regarded with contempt And derision of the USA Over ten score on an airbus tour Killed by a missile ‘stray’, Were targets sure for the Naval Corps And a hit for the USA! (13) Grenada created many fears, (14) Within their hearts’ inlay: With bows and arrows (and some spears) That scared the USA! In Somalia, with Black Hawk aid, They augmented decay When thousands died as bullets sprayed By a charitable USA (15) Attacks on a Sudanese hospital (16) Earned them a scathing flay, As another destitute capital Fell victim to the USA In a Persian War they chose to ignore Where millions in coffins lay, The dictator with a chemical store Was funded by the USA (17) Kuwait was invaded – like Palestine – But freed without delay; For abundant crude-oil to refine As fuel for the USA Rounds of depleted uranium Did little to allay Ill-effects on the cranium Of the soldier USA The debacle staged in Iraq Is a protracted replay Of a tendency to overact By the players: USA Naked prisoners on parade In pyramid-like array, Served the purpose to degrade A shameless USA (18) As bombs fell on Afghanistan The innocent had to pay The price – in this impoverished land – For the nemesis USA: The man was sought in a mountain resort, Like a needle in a stack of hay; But if he’s caught is there much thought Of a peaceful USA? Re-imposing their idea: “By force, we’ll have our way…†Iran is placed, just like Korea, In the sights of the USA But wavering allies – one by one – Resign without essay, Provoking the opinion To desert the USA Redolent with a Yankee stench, The world is caused dismay; Many more – like the dainty French Despise the USA Part 3 Many a distant mile they’ve flown To injuries ‘repay’, Neglecting to look at their own Deep in the USA: Rioting youths and police brutality In South Central L.A., Are naked truths to a harsh reality On the streets of the USA Juvenile shootings in Columbine (19) Quite suitably portray A zone of combat and frontline In the heart of the USA Firearms and ballistics, As promoted by the NRA (20) Embody the characteristics Of a gun-toting USA Gangsters, snipers and drug-dealers Buy weapons on display; Perverts, rapists and serial killers All thrive in the USA A peerless figure for homicide – On a global-scale survey – Is clearly a source of national pride For the criminal USA (21) Intelligence oxymoron, In the ‘Bureau’ and the CIA Revealed impotence, hence ‘the War on Terror’ by the USA The globe is scoured for terrorists, To halt and catch and slay, But on closer analysis They flourish in the USA: Militias training to produce A Timothy McVeigh, (22) Continue this day to induce An explosive USA Doomsday cults and ‘Una-bombers’ (23) Form much of the outlay, For those entrusted with the honours To preside the USA The inane Texan, George .W. Bush, Has begun to lose his sway, Requiring but a gentle push Off the map of the USA An attitude stern with national concern Is depicted to outweigh The perpetual yearn for investment return By the leader of the USA “Regional stability†and “foreign aid†Are an overstated cliché; But exploitation of the oil trade Are his goals for the USA A dark cloud rising overhead Evicts the blue to grey; Rearing forth its gruesome head: The repulsive USA Throughout the world The masses cry, “Depart†and “Go awayâ€; The banners scream emotions high, “DOWN WITH THE USA!†Epilogue And on a rented Cuban patch The abductees all pray For justice, and a safe detach From the clutches of the USA (They suffered an atrocity And want us all to pay, But I want no proximity To such a USA) Never, till captivity, Could I such words relay; I regard it an epitome Of the current USA Vulgarity is not my style, But still I have to say, This occasion causes me revile So fcuk the USA! ___________ Notes 1. In reference to the Pilgrim Fathers that sailed across from Europe to America on the Mayflower. 2. The politically correct term for the indigenous aboriginal people of America is now ‘Native American’, in contrast to Red ‘Indian’. The latter description was used erroneously by the first Europeans, thinking they had in fact found a Western passage to India. The term remains in wide use to this day. 3. Initially welcomed by the Natives the descendents of the Pilgrim Fathers began a campaign to seize territory. The natives made momentous stands with names like: Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Geronimo; the resistance by the tribes of Sioux, Apache, Cheyenne, Comanche, Blackfoot; the battles of Little Big Horn, Wounded Knee and the Trail of Tears (to the Black Hills of South Dakota) resounding throughout their ill-fated history. Eventually they were relegated to reside in ‘reservations’ - lands exclusively set aside for them. These were mostly barren wastelands or mountainous regions that had been rejected by US government. 4. When Francis Scott Key penned the national anthem from inside a British prison on the East Coast, he must have envisaged a country free from repression – unless you were black! 5. Referring to El Hajj Malik al-Shabazz - popularly known as Malcom X; assassinated in the 1960s 6. From the famous speech of Dr.Maritn Luther King; assassinated in the 1960s 7. The name of the American aeroplane that dropped the atomic bombs on the islands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, educing the Japanese surrender in 1945. 8. In reference to the notorious (and constitutionally declared illegal) internment camps into which hundreds of thousands of Japanese men, women and children were thrown, after the Japanese air raids on Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, 1942. 9. With no clear winner after years of war between the Western backed ROK and the Chinese backed North, during the 195?, a line was drawn at the 38th parallel to demarcate the separation of the two Koreas. 10. In 196? at the last hour, insurgents trained and supported by the USA to mount a counter revolution against Fidel Castro’s forces, were deserted by JFK’s USA. The decision was a prudent one, considering the terror faced soon after with the Cuban Missile Crises. 11. In reference to the notorious massacre of villagers – mostly old men, women and children – perpetrated by US Forces during the height of the Vietnam War. 12. Refers to the botched rescue attempt staged by US Special forces, when attack helicopters fell foul of sand storms during an attempt to rescue American hostages, after they were seized at the US embassy in Tehran by Iranian students, during the revolution of 1979. 13. A civilian Iranian airbus, en route from Dubai to Iran, was shot down in 198? over the Persian Gulf by the US Navy as a “mistakeâ€. The death toll was over 200. 14. When the USA invaded Grenada in 198?, they were ridiculed by much of the world community for sending in a hi-tech, mechanised force against badly armed opponents – many of whom were armed with nothing more advanced than bows and arrows! 15. The USA was putatively part of a United Nations mission to alleviate the suffering of the Somali people. Their mission – Operation Restore Hope – soon mutated into all out war, particularly on the ‘Day of the Rangers’, as the Somalis call it: the engagement dramatised in the film “Black Hawk Down†- in which 19 US soldiers and over 1000 Somalis were killed in one day. 16. The al-Shifa Medical centre and pharmaceutical manufacturers was found to have no tangible link to al-Qaida’s attacks against US embassies in Nairobi and Dar-us-Salaam. That small fact did not prevent the USA from striking it with Tomahawk Cruise missiles. 17. An obvious reference to Saddam Hussain, when he had the full blessing of the USA in his internecine war with Islamic Revolutionary Iran, over the possession of the Shatt al-‘Arab river. At that time Iran was regarded as the international pariah by the USA, and so Saddam’s use of chemical weapons was conveniently overlooked. 18. In reference to the Abu Ghraib atrocities perpetrated by US Forces in Iraq. 19. The schoolboy killings in Columbine College left ?? dead, including the perpetrators. 20. The National Rifle Association (headed by the actor Charlton Heston) is one of the most powerful lobbies in US politics. It campaigns tirelessly for the American citizen’s “right to bear armsâ€. 21. Statistics show that the USA is plagued with some of the highest crime rates in the world – homicide being top of the list, sardonically, and particularly in Washington D.C. 22. The man charged and convicted and executed for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1996. He is known to have been an active and trained member of the Michigan State Militia. 23. Cult leader David Koresh (who claimed to be Christ) and his followers were killed in a shoot out, following a protracted siege at Wako in Texas,1993; and the ‘Unabomber’ who bombed universities and medical research centres
  18. ^Will you be my valentine? Baryahanba waan ku ilaashanayey
  19. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Surely, he is not stup*d just because he can't speak and write his name in english. It's not so much his intelligence I question but his effort. Certainly writing one's own name is but a small goal to reach in 6 or 7 years. We should strive for bigger things, no? He could have a learning difficulty that wasn't picked up. Anyways, why on earth would you keep ESL students away from native speakers of English? This American system is so primitive walahi, or maybe they just want to create some cleaners.
  20. ^loool@ daadkii xaabaale. Long time since I've heard that. Good one. That's good news Nur, am looking forward to it, Insha Allah.
  21. Salaams Khayr. I am confused why you used that bayan/talk that used verse 77…… It elaborated on the my thoughts on the subject and being the lazy person that I am, I just did a copy and paste job. The speaker is not ant-jihaad. He is addressing the ignorance in the Ummah that has lead to most of our ills. The obligation of jihad in occupied Muslim lands is obligatory- that’s a standard agreed upon by all scholars across the board, there’s no detesting that and it’s not what the talk or this thread this about. Since we’re on the issue of jihad (full on), allow me to elaborate on it a little; the scholars’ say that it’s duty of Muslim countries to establish this jihad and not individuals. However, we both know that's not happening. Apart from gaalo plots Kheyr,why is that? Victory is not achieved through spontanous reactions every now and then- that's obvious to all of us. It is a reward from Allah and not from our own doing: “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)†13: 11 I disagree in the 'selectif usage'of SOME this ayat b/c it re-enforces TIMELESS PACIFINESS in muslims aka Turn the other cheek and be more patient FOREVAAA! Even the greatest of sahabis/companions ERRORED but yet they learnt from their error and repented and that is what we are to do, inshallah. Which is why we need to stop, think, study the deen and correct our mistakes. How can we learn if we are insistent upon being right? How can we correct ourselves if we refuse to evaluate our actions and their consequences? I'm not naive enough to expect total perfection in the Muslim world, niether am I too cynical to know that we can do better. The issue is the Honor of the Rasul (sallahu caliyhe wasilm) and not nonsensical,unfounded anger. Remember that hating and loving something for Allah is a praiseworthy thing. Love and hating for the sake of Allah is actually fard. But did I say anything to hint that we shouldn’t be angry? You know full well that am disagreeing with the methodology employed and not the emotion. Honestly Kheyr, you need to stop this thing- it's very disturbing, Subxan Allah! But I want to ask you, Blessed this-We are not in Mecca anymore and the 'MEDINA'(ideal muslim state) that people want is not AGREED UPON by ALL. Some say its arabia, sudan, iran,etc. The ummah led by the ulama differ on this. So what is the UMMAH to wait for?How long should they wait and be PATIENT and seek More KNOWLEDGE? Colonialism has carved up the muslim world, so what is the right muslim state now? That’s my point, there isn’t a strong Muslim state / leadership willing to lead the Muslims. Islam is only our secondary identity, the Muslims are fighting within themselves, our governments are the most cowardly and corrupt in the world. Islam has no place in our lands, we're materialistic, confused and hopeless. So what to do- bomb France? No, we need to get our house in order because Allah commands us to do so in the Quraan. We already have the answers, so all we have to do is look at the Seerah of the Prophet (saw). He (saw) has spent over a decade teaching the companions about the basic fundamentals of faith. Victory my brothers is not our own making, it is a reward from Allah; “Allaah has promised to those amongst you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will of a surety grant them inheritance in the land.†[Noor 24:55] It’s a promise walaal, the fact that we’re in this sorry state is testament that we haven’t met the specified conditions yet. Who determines ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR? There is no Amir Al Mumineen anymore, so who? Is this a trick question? Acceptable behavior is, has been and will always be determined by none other then Allah. We access it through the Quran, Sunnah and the people of knowledge. As for 'what would the Prophet (salallahu caliyhe wasilm ) Do'? There were companions sent out to fight poets, false prophets etc. who Insulted and spoke ill of the Rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm) and his message. 1. They were under guided leadership. 2. It was done within the boundaries of the sharia. Did they start burning down their own properties, killing each other in the process of defending the prophet? (4 people died in Afghanistan today) Did they cross the boundaries of justice ordained in the Quraan? Call for the killing of innocent civilians? Tell me Kheyr… And how about the times when the Prophet (saw) didn’t retaliate…. Different approaches were used at different times to further the cause of Islam. I read this hadith reported Ahmed yesterday and indicated how the shaytan whispers in the muslims ears everytime they are about to take on something like salat,zakat,geexad etc. and the shaytan would remind the muslim that he had a wife and wealth to worry about if he went for geexad or some other thing to cling on, to prevent the muslim from doing salat, or paying zakat etc. There you go and do it again. It’s an affliction, I tell you. But tell me Mr "I love Islam more then everyone" Why aren't you out there waging the jihaad your raving on about? What have you done to defend the Prophet (saw) besides bully Nomads...?
  22. Salaams Nur, I was just thinking about how e-nuri can fully exploit online discussion boards for education and da’wah in contribution to the education topic. I guess, you’re a few yards ahead of me, mansha Allah. Laakin am a little confused, this in the women’s’ section and seems to focus on handshakes with the opposite sex, is this about something else altogether?
  23. Sayyid, You made me lose the grip dee, you said it happened but she wasn't the age she claimed. I asked if it made the ‘molestation’ okay. Valid question. Don't bother responding to me though, I don't want to get too confused Fayruuz, The source is a none-Somali official authority. (Minnesota Police). I don’t think they have any reason to lie. I know someone who was accused of rape before the case didn’t make it to court because there was no evidence. These sorts of things only reach the judical services if there is reasonable cause. This kind of thing wey dhici kartaa and trust me wey dhacdaa.. but we always throw a blanket over it. Anyway, I'm off to bed now, habeen wanaagsan.
  24. ^Haa laakin, haduu qofkii qirtey ma indhoheynu is xidheynaa? If it was a case where Sangub said shaqo kuma lihi from the beginning, my stance would be different. Laakin intuu qirtuu hada yidhi kaftan bey iga ahayd? It's fishy walaal. Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: Actually she wasn't at the age she claimed to be, when the incident happened. You’ve got to love Freud. As my niece would say 'ooooopsiii' So, what are you saying Mr Sayyid, it's okay to rape a girl if she's over 18?
  25. ^True! It's about time we rid ourself of this ****** worthless tradition. I think we need to honour people like Yasmin Mohamed and join her campaing for justice. D-yeer Are you parially sighted? Read the police report walaal, he has admitted to the offence in a recorded telephone conversation and again to the police? Where's the doubt markaa? It's his and her words against his supporters. Rowda Approach the youngsters, the students and the educated Somalis, you don't need odayaasha iyo islaamaha - no one understands them anyway.