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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. The UK has the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion rate in Western Europe. Somalis teens are also increasing becoming more promiscuous. Apart from good Education, Britain doesn't have much else to offer.
  2. ^that should be a long term effort laakin we have people suffering as I type this. We need to get money across there asap. Muslim Aid is collecting for Somalia but unfortunately their website seems to be down at the moment. I'd donate to Muslim Aid. I trust them more than those NGO's as they have a good track record as far as helping Somalis. MUSLIM AID RUSHES RELIEF TO FAMINE-STRICKEN SOMALIA, KENYA Islamic Relief is only collecting for Kenya - I don't think that they have any offices in Somalia.
  3. ^Yep, those silly naago will be driving around prostituting themselves at every traffic light. :rolleyes: I’ve read somewhere else that a woman will still need permission from Father / husband once the ban is lifted…
  4. Jimca Lee 'Four legs good, two legs bad ------> better ' Castro They're the product of years, if not decades, of hard work, education and persistence. Hopefully, when we're done burning flags we can get around to convincing these Europeans that there are limits to their sacred freedom of expression. P.S Though a three year prison sentence is a little OTT, I don't think that it's a ****** law.
  5. Orange Soup 3-1 Winning Eleven Your players are going to bottle it saxib! :cool: [Edit] from Northerner
  6. It's great, takes me back to the early days but ADMIN- something MAJOR is missing. The camel man, the camel. We can't be nomads without camels, waa habaar
  7. George Orwell would be proud :rolleyes:
  8. Blessed


    Ah, the joy of parenthood. My baby is such a little darling, no trouble at all, she sleeps a good part of the day (20 out of 24). The person that caused most damage to my goods is my 16 year old brother. My computer was broken so many times that I've lost count. He’s also attacked and mercilessly killed my CD player, Hi Fi and a countless other things. I'm glad that I don't live with him no more. My niece (3 yrs) loves makeup and has messed up a few compact powders and lipsticks, ruining walls and bed sheets in the process. I never get mad with her, she’s too adorable (especially when she tries to cover up and act all innocent). Then there's our (another niece) very own Beckham who through endless footballing accidents has learnt that the living room isn't the right place to bend it Can’t wait till my baby turns into a little scalawag, I love that about kids but not teens, obviously. :rolleyes:
  9. Welcome to the better part of the world Modesty For travel tips, visit and make sure you drop by Ibn Batuta Mall, it's amazing. :cool:
  10. and let's face it, most women are ****** ; boo! hiss! Yeah, yeah, I can hear the hate mail coming, but if so many of them weren't brought up with this super-model mentality, then maybe they'd give a rats *** about something outside of their microcosmic universe and stop buying into all the latest clothing trends Like why would I want to do that when am like so pretty and sooo fashional and soo trendy and, and isn't that like good for the universe since I'm buying from all those poor tailors in Malaysia or where ever and they could use the money to send their girls to school so they can read vogue and be pretty and fashionable. Just like me Anyways, what does Pseudo mean.. is that like a new designer? Kewl :cool: I'm so going to google her. How do you spell it again.....
  11. ^Have you read any one of Sophie Kinsella's 'Shopaholic' books? I'd recommend it. Her books are both very entertaining and curing (once you see how pathetic you are on paper – did it for me) . I think I’ll go back to it once am done with my current book. Anyways, this was sent to email: Hijab Chic. Clueless aren't they? I'm thinking of starting my own line. Does Xaliimo Chic sound good? Enough of reading. I'm shopping for baby cloths now. (she's out growning her cloths, already, again?)I know a few good UK-based websites (no use for me) - if anyone is interested holla. P.s you'll have to fight me for the red one..DREAM!
  12. Castro, Sorry love, didn't mean to be so harsh with ya I'm very sentimental about my camels and sensitive about my post count. I've been trying to get on the top 5 since 2003. and now a 10 month old baby is beating me to it. :mad: Back to topic. Corruption as highlighted on the articles you posted is what’s holding Africa back. It’s also giving the G8 an excuse not to clear the debt. I’a I’ll post more on next time. I’m a little knacked right now…
  13. ^In those days we were young, naive idealists. Then a b*ch named reality came along and turned us into learned cynics. When will 'Sheikh' Alle Ubaahne go back?
  14. ^Here's a professional take of the 'khareef' in the southern region Dhofaar. Oman is one of those places that constantly makes you say 'Subxan Allah'. It's almost wonder they call it..Oh, Man See more...
  15. ^Now, why do you want to do something as silly as that? *looks for her Burcawi budh* I'll give you a day to think about it Atheer. *goes on an army recruitement mission*
  16. Sorry Liban, some people are just fickle and do not understand how you could have put so much detail into your initial post and yet still not believe you. Guys, rememeber it's Islamicaly recommended to give each other the benefit of the doubt. ps give us a smile Lee!
  17. ^ Your a troll dee, mine are quality posts On the US, I agree. Maybe it's how they exploit the media. I was watching some (democrate) documentry which said that 56% (there about) of Fox News viewers actually think that Bin Landen was captured.
  18. ^They use it as a device to 'fight' corruption so shouldn't accuracy be high on the agenda? Apart from that, what do you (and other nomads) think about Somalia corruption, is the index accurate or way of mark?
  19. Blessed

    Daily Routine

    ^Tut, tut. Fartun, Try and get with the Muslim community in your city, am sure you'll find sisters / borthers (for the hubby) circles at the local masjid. There's nothing like good Muslim sisterhood
  20. Salaams, The following url links to Transparency Internationals; Corruption Perceptions Index Highest ranked country= Iceland Highest ranked Muslim Country = Oman @ 29th, closely followed by The UAE. Somalia is near the bottom at 148th place but we're a little better than the Sudanis, Nigerians and Bengalis. How? I don't really know. If you click on the following link you'll get the fine details of the project. I'm a bit skeptical about the whole thing as am not sure about the accuracy of data used. Take Somalia for instance where there are three different administrations. I doubt that they use the same protocols for governance, so why categorised as one government? On the hand, I can't help but wonder whether Somalia would be less / more corrupt had we had a proper government. What do you think?
  21. I officially pronounced my shahada at the Calgary Islamic Centre on May 18, 2002. I married my wife the same day. Alxamdulillahi rabbil alamiin. Mansha Allah! Allah has blessed you twice that day. May He (swt) bless you with more I' A. Thanks for sharing.
  22. ^so for you, she's like digaag drum stick? Tastey, ah! Sheh, simple creatures arn't they? Mr Fridge / Freezer (ngonge) I suppose I haven't 'arrived' yet... Castro, One word: Busted!
  23. Blessed


    Currently reading 'The Road To Mecca' by Muhammed Asad. It's a Jewish converts biography on his journey to Islam, his adventures through the desert, Iran, the Muslim world and the Sauds in the 1930's... Great read.. Aparently, he was the first to translate The Quraan into English.
  24. Salaams, I went to a talk sometime ago and the Sheikh (forgot name) said that for Somalis our qabiils are our new idols. We almost worship them. Considering that our people spend in the way of and fight for preserving qabiil honour, I must agree. How can we overcome this? Nomads....
  25. Salaams, Spread the word. Peace! CAIR DECLARES 2006 'YEAR OF THE PROPHET' and the site... CAIR/ Muhammed