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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote: just bloody sperm It’s business mate. Ah! I see you finally came round to accepting the idea of multiple wives. I doubt it. She'd probably have him sign an exclusive rights contract. Rahiima I like the bravado hon. It’s good sometimes, but you know that I know, what you’re pretending that I don’t know. In other words, tell the sperm joke to the doobile
  2. from the article; A word of caution, though: As with any social scientific study, it's important not to confuse correlation with causation . In other words, just because married folks are healthier than single people, it doesn't mean that marriage is causing the health gains. It could just be that healthier people are more likely to be married.
  3. Dr Aisha Hamdan, Michelle Al Nasr, Huda Khatab and many others (including some men) have written some good books on waht your looking for. Generally, books on work and society are directed at bothe genders because there isn't much difference in the rulings. Also, we're living in a time when a degree / Ma in Islamic studies is a few clicks away. Sisters, need to educate themselves instead of depending on others to teach them their deen all the time.
  4. Hmmmmmmmm! Imagine a society where all women who had families stayed at home.
  5. Originally posted by Umm al_khair: I was told by a sheikh that those who disagree waay kibirsan yihiin and a decent sister who know her deen will agree If 'kibirku' didn't cancel out the deen and decency of Fatima the daughter of the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wassalam), then I am in good company. I respect the practice of polygamy for those men and women who want to practice it. Allah has sanctioned in by His Devine wisedom. However, Islam gives women a choice in her marital circumstances, brothers need to respect that! What is indecent is the emaan black-mail that is being practiced by the good Sheikh when imposing furthering his ideas with regards to polygamy. Not to mention his debasement of the institute of Marriage and disregard for the conditions of polygamy. I am being deliberately vague, take what your told with a pinch of salt.
  6. Salaams, Why wait untill Ramadan, get your spirituality on roll in Shab'an Insha Allah, I plan to treat it like my last ramadan on earth. I hope Allah blesses with emaan through ramadan.
  7. Originally posted by Rahima: It shouldn't exist to begin with. Marriage is for procreation only, not useless nonsense like romance. Teheehehehe! I thinks, you my little lady, should stop hanging out with the smelly boys at the politics section. You're starting to smell *errrm* ..I mean, think like them I see it’s that time of the year again, so many marriage threads in SOL.
  8. Thanks to those who voted for me. To those running the competition, . You guys need to learn a thing a two about running a competition. You asked us for the most meaningful and only judge our photos on photographic quality. Not what I was going for. :cool: @ Baashe
  9. Salaams, XAAAAAAAX calayki, my butt kicking, sweet smelling sister. I'm very proud of you. Rock on
  10. ^well said! Nothing is promised in this world, instead of setting yourself up for vulnerability, dependence -get prepared.
  11. Salaams all, hope you're doing well. I was uploading my umrah pics and saw this topic. I'll share more pics soon i'a but I picked for my entery. Not sure if it was taken by me or the 'camera hog' .. Date- 27th April 2006 Place- Makkah Al-Mukkaramah I chose this because it really show cases what I love about Makkah; secure serenity. . This is a picture of Mount Nur, the cave of Hira is somewhere near the top. I was amazed when our taxi / tour guide told us from a distance what it was. It’s one of the highest of Mekkah many mountains. We made him drive us as close as he could - I was amazed at how any one could climb up that mountain on a regular basis (it takes 2 hours). Our Messenger (saw) used to climb right to the top and look across Mekkah and at the Kabah and wonder at creation and the source of all this magnificence – until Allah sent Jibril (as) to him. It put a great deal of seerah into perspective and increased my admiration for the Prophet (saw). This is turning into an essay, sorry … will continue on the umrah in another thread – Insha Allah.
  12. Insha Allah in 15 months, I plan to have my own business. I'm not very good at working for others and I want something that will allow me to spend as much time as I can with my princess....
  13. Did I hear scarf addiction.. not many nice hijab sites out there but this one's aight... The Hijab Shop Britons - check out the hijab copetition.
  14. In keeping with SOL tradition, let me fisrt declare that Somaliland doesn't exist. LOL! Looking good, loving the camels, masha Allah. I want to go home now P.s first line of this post is a joke.
  15. ^ Relax walaal. I wasn't addressing you. I’m really not interested in what your father is. If you is an Arab, good for you! It's only an issue because yoiu make it an issue. Here it is again, for clarity... I was talking about the Somali tribes that claim Arab lineage (mine included), not those that are Arabs without doubt- I asked the sister if she considered them Somali. I think that those (black Somalis) who claim to have descended from Arabs (including my tribe) weren't necessarily the offspring of those sheiks but rather belonged to the people those sheikhs came to teach. I believe that they respected and revered them so much that the later generations took them (the sheikhs) to be their ancestors. I say that, because I know there were nations in the region as far back as the Pharoenic era, that fact that we have our own distinct language and culture and that we are black - so it doesn't make historical sense. I’ve also said that it’s my theory, it’s not based on research
  16. Hmmmm, good, good! But how many will actually go back?
  17. Salaams, First to decend on earth was shaytaan, I thought it was the angles were here? First out of those expelled from jannah. On a side note; I was reading that Allah first put nations of jinn on the earth and then sent the angels to expel them after causing much bloodshed, which is why when Allah informed them of Adam- they asked why He would put on earth those who will spill blood. As for Adams (as) earthlu abode: There are various narration as I’ve said. Some say India and that he sought out Hawa and they met up in Muzdalifah. This is recorded in Ad-dur Al-Manthur in a narration from Ibn Abbas. Others say that he landed in Saffa and Hawa at Marwa. The strongest which is narrated by Q At-Tabari, Al Yacqubi indicates that That after Allah forgave him, Jibreel (as) carried Adam (as) to mount Arafat, where Jibrel taught him the rites of hajj. If you want to read on the different narrations – look for the stories of Anbiyaa by Ibn Kathir and Atlas of the Quraan by hebel Khaliil. I wanted to highlight that life didn’t begin in Africa, as some racists will have you believe. There is nothing in the Quraan or sunnah to support that claim. Hope that clarifies matter for you. That's what I've read on the subject, you should do your own research insha Allah. Allah knows best.
  18. I remember reading another article about high infant mortality rates in the region due to ill health, poor health services and lack of employment in the region. I'm thinking what does the future hold for Chechens? It's looks very bleak. As for this case; it has ethnic cleansing written all over it. Take another look... "If it was merely stress, this case would be the starting point for a massive spread of the illness, creating a chain reaction. But it's not spreading to those outside the schools," On Feb. 22, just when parents were beginning to feel confident enough to send their children back to School No. 2, three teachers fell ill with symptoms slightly resembling those of the original victims. The school quickly emptied again, and 11 new people showed up at a hospital with breathing difficulties. Three were admitted. "If it was merely stress, this case would be the starting point for a massive spread of the illness, creating a chain reaction. But it's not spreading to those outside the schools," said "I would agree with the psychological diagnosis. But I have just one question: Why didn't children get sick on that day in the first shift? Why did the children get sick only during the second shift?"
  19. You are contradicting yourself son. Looooooooool. It's always the same song we are dancing to, THe claim that Some Somalis descended from Arab is just plain disgusting not to mention pure ignorance. Not all Somalis dear! Some are decedents of settler Arab tribes or do you not consider those groups Somali? As for the rest, I don’t agree with it. I think those sheikhs brought Islam to us ands people put them is such a pedestal that their decedents started to think of them as their fathers. My theory. As far as I know, many Somalis say they have Arab ancestors but don’t believe it much. Word of Wisdom: Africans are pure blooded, and all life sprung from Africa. There is no need to feel inferior to the rest of the lightskinned world. According to what or whom? The Quraan teachs us that life began in paradise. Adam was created from mud taken from the four corners of earth and when he decended on earth - he landed somewhere in India (according to one group) or Taif. . The first to descend upon earth was shaytaan, he was the first of creation to make analogous conclusions (I am such, therefore I am better). Allah cursed him and forbidden him entry to jannah. The point here is no human race is superior to another, there is not point in making equally racist and ignorant claims. This is the point the Author is making, bigotry has no place in Islam and as Muslims we have to speak up against racism and resolve it.
  20. ^do you buy the mass hysteria arguement? I don't!
  21. 1. Who are the " Mullahs"?you are referring to? No one in particular. I used the word 'mullah' sarcastically hence speech marks, sorry if it offends, but I don’t see why it would offend you, being a mullah is a good thing. 2. If that refers to me or Xiin, or any other Islamic volunteer on this site, is it fair that you appease an Athiest to be meade equal in evil (bad intentions against women) to Wadaads ( Mullahs)? Reread my comment walaal, I didn’t speak of intentions, I spoke of an attitude to women. There is a difference. If you need more elaboration read the topic I've posted next door. 3. I wrote this statement in the beginning of this thread : I was of the opinion that due to the current circumstances in which we find ourselves, and because of scarcity of sane men and abundance of wise women , that there must be a venue in the Sharia to Justify the leadership of women to safeguard Islam . Where in the above statement or elsewhere did I ever imply that women are senseless creatures? You didn't Nur, now relax! You should also go back to my first response to this topic... Please present some proofs. Someone , Salafi-Dawah and Suleyman were pushing the argument that women are lesser in faith and intellect. This was shocking, especially from Modesty, To say I am concerned, will be a modest protest. I'm not Modesty, your protesting over nothing. I'm not trying to become friends with or appease JB. I want him to leave Muslim women to their Islam and ya'll to work on your delivery.
  22. Blessed


    Rahima, Her majesty is doing great, keeping me fit and active. Jacayl has good uses, see Nur What's Darqawism about?
  23. SB, I can easily cite the common misapplication of democracy to highlight why it’s not the right solution for Somalia. Nur and others, I think Somalia is a perfect model for the establishment of a khilafa state, the people are 99% Muslim and would welcome a righteous leadership. We shouldn't question if we're ready for it, rather if we're working towards it. Once you take the shahaada and submit to Islam makes you ready for khilafa by design. The establishment of khilafa starts with the individual and families and that results in an Islamic society, which will eventually influence the politics.
  24. Salaams borthas, I've read this and thought of you Enjoy.... 15-tips for brothers talking about "Women in Islam". Whether it's Muslim scholars, brothers at the Muslim Students' Association (MSA), or the average Jameel on the street, Muslim men also have to deal with the stereotypes and misperceptions about women in Islam. Sadly, a number of brothers make the problem worse without realizing it, instead of clarifying the issue. This is rarely, if ever, done intentionally. However, what's clear is that some guidelines are necessary for brothers when talking about the issue of women in Islam. Here are some suggested tips: 1. Let the sisters speak No matter how well-spoken, eloquent or intelligent a brother is, the bottom line is this: he is not a Muslim woman. That means no matter how much you, as a Muslim man tell a non-Muslim woman how wonderful hijab is, it will be harder for her to accept this because you have never worn Hijab and you are not a woman. Whenever possible, have sisters answer questions pertaining to Islam and women. 2. Be careful of mixing up the ideal with the reality One non-Muslim writer once remarked how when talking to Muslims about Islam compared to the West, Muslims take the ideal of Islam and compare it to the reality of the West. The fact of the matter is there are very ugly realities when it comes to the treatment of women in many parts of the world, including the Muslim world. Muslims must recognize the reality of domestic violence in the community, even though Islamic ideals would never condone such ugly behavior. 3. Don't sacrifice speaking out against injustice in the name of protecting Islam's "image" "Tackle the issue and the image will take care of itself," advises Sr. Kathy Bullock, a convert to Islam based in California. Don't fall into the tendency to ignore pressing issues for the sake of protecting Islam's reputation. In other words, if someone brings up the issue of honor killing in Jordan, acknowledge the reality but make it clear that this is a sin and a crime in Islam and as a Muslim you condemn it. This in itself is enough. Trying to justify or make excuses for it or covering it up is not going to score image points for Islam. 4. Don't respond to unspoken accusations A number of times, Muslims automatically start an apologetic tirade defending the status of women in Islam before a person has even said a word. Let the other person initiate questions, and answer calmly and confidently. You may be responding to an accusation that was never even in the person's mind in the first place. 5. Ask WHY Do this before launching an apologetic tirade against any accusation. For instance, a man in Spain once approached a scholar, saying he felt Islam was a man's religion. Before rebutting him, the scholar asked him why he thought this way. The man replied that whenever he looked at mosques, he saw only men. By knowing why, you can develop your answer accordingly, and tackle the issue head-on in an honest and direct way. 6. Agree with people as much as possible Start off agreeing with a person. It will completely turn the tables on the discussion, as many people begin discussions on women in Islam assuming Muslims are completely against the notion of women's rights. 7. If you don't know something SAY SO If a person tells you they're from X country you've never heard of and Muslim women are treated in a horrible fashion what can you say about it? I have never heard of that, and I don't know are simple enough. Don't start apologizing, or denying that it happens. Tell the truth. 8. Don't be condescending In Islam, looking down on a fellow human being is a sin, whether the person is a male or a female. Don't think you know all there is to know about women in Islam, and don't speak in this manner either. Allah does not love arrogance, and only Allah has full knowledge of all things. 9. Don't interrupt This is a problem in a number of cultures, men interrupting women and other men when they speak. Not only is this rude behavior, it takes away from your message. People are less likely to listen to you if you come across as a rude boorish individual. Don't do this to others, especially sisters. 10. Don't assume all Muslim sisters are the same Just because your mom, who was born and brought up in a Muslim country, and has never had a problem with hijab does not mean that other Muslim sisters have the same experience. Muslim sisters are as different as brothers, as are their experiences with issues like hijab. 11. Become more attuned to the "new Muslim woman" Muslim sisters today are not the same as those of yesterday. Many Muslims sisters know more, and they prefer more interactive lectures as opposed to the passive style normally used. If you're giving a talk, be ready to have interjections from Muslim sisters. Welcome these, don't shun them. 12. Choose your words very carefully If you're doing a presentation on women's issues in Islam or responding to a basic question, make sure to choose your words extremely carefully. Know the exact dictionary meaning, as well as the meaning in everyday usage. Words are extremely powerful, and they leave an imprint on the hearts and minds of people. You want that imprint to be positive, so be careful. 13. Actions speak louder than words You can speak beautifully about women in Islam on behalf of the Muslim Students' Association (MSA), but if throughout the year, sisters have been denied access to the prayer room, or the right to participate in decision-making in the MSA, then think of how silly your talk is.Make sure your personal and organizational behavior falls in line with your words. 14. Don't stereotype all Western women "Table dancers" or "cheerleaders" is how one Muslim sister described the way Muslims tend to stereotype all Western women. Let's not forget: we hate it when Muslim women are stereotyped as oppressed, so we should not be doing the same to others. And lest we forget, a growing number of Western women are becoming our Muslim sisters, and very practicing ones at that. 15. Seek women's perspective on issues You know mom, who loves you so much and makes your dinner? She's a woman. Your sister in school? She's a woman. If you're blessed to be surrounded by practicing Muslim sisters in your home, take advantage of this by seeking their views on issues like hijab, domestic violence, community participation, and media stereotypes. There's nothing like hearing the truth presented from those who truly live it. Source