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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Zafir is absolutely correct, victory is from Allah. As for your question Xiin, we can speculate and analyse till we're blue in the face but we don't have all the facts so utimately, only Allah knows. I do want to share this hadith with you, it helps me deal with problems. On the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, salAllahu alayhi wa salla, said: "Seek out that which benefits you, seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it. "If any adversity comes to you, do not say: 'If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;' but instead, say: 'Allah has decreed (it) and what He willed, He has done,' for verily, (the word) (if) opens the way for the work of Satan." - Saheeh Muslim
  2. ^LOL. I've been good sweets, alhamdulilah. How are you? I've picked up an abaya adiction lately, it's all I think about baryahan. Memorisation is a bit slow but I'm surely getting there like Aisha. On a more positive note, guess who started saying 'Alaaaaaaaaa' and 'Aaahu-ba' [then laying flat-down and kissing the ground]. Super cute :cool: Aisha, The ladies have gone and the men arived but not staying with us, they just come around for dinner sometimes. I miss the ladies though, they were spoiling me.
  3. ^waa israaf iyo nus. Laakin, after considering all those rich Muslims that don't know what to do with their Money, it's feasible. Mantra, I share your concerns about Masjid debt but it's unfair to ask Muslims from other neighborhoods to veto plans for a local masjid because a masjid in another part of London is in debt. Have you seen the state of Masjids in Forest Gate? It's also not just a masjid, but a school, dawah centre with leisure facilities and would be accessible for all the people who will be attending the Olympic games. Imagine the dawah opportunity. Stunning has a deeper meaning sis, it actually looks kind of weird to me, it’s very modern [ ] but am a huge fan of traditional Islamic architecture. To view the plans on the website, click on the Abbey Mills project- UK. Some of the concerns coming from the opposition are 'shockingly' ignorant which highlights the need for such a project
  4. ^You may not find it news worthy but it was for him and all those news papers that picked it up. I personaly like having to read something positive coming out of the homeland, it maybe common but it's never reported. Horaa loo yidhi, Hadaad cay rabtid, guurso. Amaana dhimo .
  5. Blessed

    Car i daar

    ^Waar bal ninka qabo aan irbad ku mudee. Waaxaan ka baqayaa inuu hadhiikasana la dagaalo. LB Yaad bahal ku sheegeysaa? Walee waad isla kabaraadeysaa. :mad:
  6. ^LOL! Typical. If you don't smile at your wedding goormaad qosli? Masha Allah, Ilahay ha u barakeeyo. p.s This story has made it to every paper in the Gulf - on the front page in Gulf News. :cool:
  7. ^lol! Good to see to you adeer, how come you don't post much these days? Al-Chemy, they're supposed to be able to make gold from nothing, apparently. Dubai has me going gaga over the darn thing....
  8. You jumped off instead of helping him/her off as well? Tsk, tsk. I saw you coming adeer besides I'm kinda alergic to folks who repeat media propaganda about Islam. S/He has potential though, cashuur baa ku maqan [ ]. Mentor her/him intaanu Taliban cunaha ku dhegin Taliban just like the sheikhs of the medieval era? Something is wrong with this.
  9. Blessed

    Car i daar

    Hehehhe! Murqaankii baa kugu xumaadey miyaa, allow u sahal.
  10. I think the problem is psyco-social and it can be remidied, you [and many others] are proof. But wait, what's this; Originally posted by Bokero: Taliban I am sorry but it has to be said; uneducated, reactionary, medieval, anti-science, shieks do not have answers to long-term Somali problem... I am strong believer of the separation of religion and state.. Imposing uniform religious laws is not answer... I am not into going back to 7th century banning TV, football games etc Gulp, Jumps of Bokeros' boat. Aaah, it was good while it lasted but nevermind, welcome to SOL.
  11. ^Hahahahhahaha! Waar bal joog, SOL igama xigtideh. And that was a subtle promotion of SOL, silly. On the topic, I remember a guy in Oman who got in a lot of trouble with his bosses after slagging everyone off on his blog. Somalis [generally] tend to be a little paranoid online in that they don't post their pics and real names but others do...
  12. Nothing beats the Waqooyxamrish dialect that's common in parts of London. :cool:
  13. If I employed anyone here, I'd have to block SOL. These bloody trolls wouldn't make me rich!
  14. Woooohoooo! He's back. *hugs NG*
  15. As-salamu Alaikum, The GLA (London Mayors Office) is currently in the process of deciding the fate of the proposed £100m London Masjid . Evening Standard is running a poll of those in support and those not in support of building the masjid. Please give your vote for a good cause. Please, go to the site below and vote "YES" to the Masjid proposal and also forward this message to all Muslims you know and other supporters. Opposition p.s I've seen the desings for this masjid recently.. It's absolutely stunning. London needs it.
  16. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: ^^^ What is SOL coming to..mention of drugs, nudity, ripping off hubies. I'm concerned...very very concerned! Cheers That should teach you not to venture into girly threads.
  17. Online past can bite By Sara Newman, Editor, Prospects, January 2007. When Paris Hilton’s down and dirty exploits hit the web her career took off, but for the rest of us, the smallest indiscretion posted on the internet can seriously jeopardise our career. For students and graduates of the digital generation, it is almost a right of passage to have a MySpace or blogging presence. But beware of the trail you are leaving in the public realm, your employer may be checking up on you. Jeremy Gram* learnt the hard way. His blog resulted in him becoming the first person in the UK to be fired. ‘My online identity is most definitely something I will tone down when looking for a new job, if not completely remove my name from being attached to any profiles/blogs,’ he says. ‘My last job ended when my employer discovered my blog and took a disliking to the content; he then suspended me and dismissed me for gross misconduct after an enquiry.’ Jeremy has found it has had a severe impact on his job prospects. ‘Firstly, it is always going to be tough to explain your way out of a gross misconduct dismissal, even employment agencies seemed reluctant to represent me,’ he says. ‘Secondly, explaining the circumstances was very difficult, many employers are still quite IT naive, so explaining what a blog is was a problem in itself. By the end of the explanation, I only managed to make myself sound like a true whistleblower at best and bad penny and crackpot at worst. ‘The sad truth is that while I was being honest, no company has wanted to touch me with a barge pole and to-date my current employer has no idea about my blogging activities in my previous life. To quite an extent my career has never recovered from the dismissal.’ Jeremy believes part of the problem lies in the casual way we interact on the web. ‘The web is very informal and often infantile and employers now potentially now have access to a whole wealth of information about a prospective new employee.’ » School boy/girl error Jody Richardson of Discovery Recruitment says there are the risks of graduates presenting themselves online in a way that may be detrimental to their job hunting, and it can begin with something as basic as your email alias. ‘The most common example is their choice of email address,’ says Jody. ‘Graduates often form an email at university and rarely think of changing it for their CV when the rush for a graduate job comes along. ‘Companies do notice small details and we have had occasions where directors have noticed an email address and commented on it. This may effect preconceptions prior to an interview or distract the reader from the information the graduate wants them to read,’ says Jody. You have to be your own public relations expert handling your image to put yourself in the best possible light. ‘Students can benefit from being able to showcase their work online but it does have to be professional and of the appropriate quality’, advises Stephanie Darking, Careers Adviser at Brunel University. » Online applications – think before you link Jody points out how a trail can quickly lead to more than you bargained for. ‘With the volume of applications happening online many links can be accessed quickly by the reader. It is therefore important to consider why you are including a link on your CV and what it says about you. ‘Often it is to promote an online project they may have done, however these links can then lead into the deeper and darker parts of their website or MySpace page, says Jody. ‘Before you know it a reader has gone from seeing one smiley picture of the graduate accepting an award to less professional images of them at a party. ‘There is also a possibility that companies may research a candidate prior to interview. This is highly likely due to the accessibility of the internet and abundance of information available.’ Jane Standley, Director of Careers & Student Employability at Brunel University says some employers have said they do check up on candidates. ‘Maybe it ties in with the other research on how much people routinely lie in applications - hence delving into their background this way may be employers' only chance of finding the 'real' person.’ Some employers may not be interested in what you do in your own time provided you can do the job well in your working hours, but what is acceptable for one employer may not even get you a foot in the door for another, or like Jeremy you may be given your marching orders. Make sure your online presence doesn’t let you down in the real world. *Not his real name
  18. ^Whatever the hell is Cumar Yare singing about horta...? Azmaya, You've just killed the thread. Bisinka.
  19. LOL@ NG. Val, I think you've just got a good excuse to test the quality of those green shoes :-D
  20. Designer gear is over-rated! They don't even look that good, I don't know why people let themselves get seduced into paying all that money for some weirdos name... Val. You make grey look so appealing, nice... I'd only leave the skirt.
  21. wishes..I've so many...! Jizaak Allah.
  22. Salaams, Aisha How is it going? Is this the game that you were refering to in your PM? CB, What happened to my lecture? I loved this explanation... so I'll keep it short today... more to come though. Insha Allah Meaning of al-Baatin and al-Zaahir The meaning of these two names is explained in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “You are al-Zaahir, and there is nothing above You, and You are al-Baatin and there is nothing beneath You.” (Narrated by Muslim). Al-Zaahir is interpreted as referring to highness, for Allaah is High and Exalted above all things. Some scholars interpreted it as meaning being manifest: He is the One Who is manifest to people by means of their reason through the proof of His existence and the evidence for His Oneness. So He is manifest by the evidence which points to Him and His actions which lead to knowledge of Him. So He is manifest and is known by means of reason and evidence, and He is Hidden because He is not seen, unlike all the things that are visible in this world – glorified and exalted be He far above such a thing. Allaah is al-Zaahir by virtue of His Wisdom, power of creation, actions and all the blessings which He bestows. No one is to be seen in that regard except Him. Al-Baatin is the One Whose essential nature and attributes are veiled from men of understanding. It was reported that some scholars interpreted al-Baatin as meaning Close, so they said that al-Baatin is closer than anything by His Knowledge and Power, but He is above His Throne. Al-Baatin was also interpreted as meaning the one who knows the innermost matters (bawaatin al-umoor), just as He knows the outward appearance of all things. Al-Bukhaari said: Yahyaa – i.e., al-Farraa’ – said: “He is al-Zaahir over all things by His knowledge and He is al-Baatin over all things by His knowledge.” Some scholars interpreted it as meaning that He cannot be known through the physical faculties or senses, unlike the created things that can be known in this manner. And it was said that He is veiled from His creatures’ sight and imagination, so they cannot see Him or encompass Him with their minds. Although all of these meanings are correct, it is best to adhere to the Prophet’s interpretation, which is the best because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) knows Allaah better than anyone else in creation. Ibn Jareer said: “Al-Zaahir (is) above everything else, He is the Most High, above all things, and there is nothing higher than Him. And He is close (al-Baatin) to all things, and there is nothing closer to anything than Him.” Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned that whoever denies that Allaah is above all things rejects the implications of His name al-Zaahir. It is not correct to say that al-Zaahir refers only to highness of status, as gold is described as being higher (of a higher status) than silver, because the one which is described as being lower may be placed in a higher location. It is not correct to think of it only in terms of power and dominion, even though Allaah is higher in power and dominion, for He is high in every sense, in His Essence, His status and His dominion. His name al-Baatin does not imply being low, for being low is a shortcoming, and He is far above any such imperfection. He is the Most High and cannot be anything but High. The names al-Zaahir and al-Baatin are connected. Al-Zaahir is connected to the idea of highness, because the higher a thing is, the more manifest it is. The idea of being high implies being manifest, and vice versa. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is nothing above You” – he did not say “There is nothing more manifest than You”, because being manifest implies being high. (These names also indicate) that Allaah encompasses all things by His knowledge and greatness, and that all things are as nothing before His greatness. And He is al-Baatin which indicates that He knows what is secret and hidden, down to the smallest detail. From Sharh Asmaa’ Allaah ta’aala al-Husna by Dr. Hissah al-Sagheer, p. 61 Source
  23. Dee Walaal, sidee baad tahay? ( i am sure it sounds harsher than that) LOL. Gabar, that's not even grammatically correct. The many sweet songs that northern men gave to Somalis kills your they are kankanos arguement. Northerners can be romantic, they're just not as high on the lalabo factor bilan It's because we were smart enough to standardise and expand our gobol dialact...Heehehehehe!
  24. ^ :mad: What cheek, calling ayeeyo spoiled *wires a dhirbaaxo to NG* If it was your relatives she did you a favour by showing the best side of the NG know how you are at weddings...