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Everything posted by Blessed
McXamar. That's just too bad. All this time, I had you down as a true Faarax. I was even planning a 'wan qal' thread for ya. Thanks, Rose. I meant inaga or inaka. Anaga / anaka is still exclusive.
I was just looking at the Olol films page. Their films look pretty intresting. I've actually seen Rajo which was...errm. pretty good. How about the others. Please share your thoughts. Arraweelo looks very tempting. Very.
^Awwww, walaalo. You're one of inaga dee, no need to feel any maseer. As for the girl, she is GOOD! She even shuuris like a xaliimo.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Its troubling news. Apparently, not so troubling, for some. :rolleyes:
Actually, Shehehhehehe I've an OI based cream for a while and it was pretty good. My skin is super sensitive as it is, so I tend to stay within the natural products market as much as I can. It is a little worrisome that certain companies aren't taking the appropriate measures when they can clearly afford to. LOL@ Cara
Blessed replied to Instinct.Poet's topic in General
^Was I that subtle. I second the Somali recipe collection idea. I'd even by a book on the subject. It'll be another first CT :cool: -
LOL @ Dabshid. Sheekadaada waxaan ku xasuustay inan aan jaar ahayn oo hoyaadii intuu week kasta u yimaado, intuu u soo adeego, guriga uga shaqayo ayuu cuntadana u karin jirey... inan aan inankaa ku ducaysan xaafaada may jirin. Faraxiintuna, waa naag ee nin maaha ayay niyada ku dhisan jireen. Waxyaabo fara badan oo uu Nabigu (saw) ku dhaqmi jiray, ayeey rageenu ka khashaafaan. Jacayl Baradow, Maan ka xanaaqin in la soo qaaday reer galbeedka, ee waxaan ka yaabey sidaad wax kastoo is badal ah aad iyaga ugu nabtaan. Dad qaarkood markay diinta bartaan ayey dhaqanka ka guuraan, qaarna markay waayo arkaan oo ay la kulmaan dadka yimi qaarodaha kale. Anigu, qof ahaan dhaqaanka reer galbeed wax ku dayosho istaahila ila ma'aha. Sidaan hore u idhi, reer galbeedku dhib iyo dood teena leeg ayaa utaala. Wixii wanaagsan oo ay ku dhaqmaan, diintaa mar hore ina fartay. Xumaantiisana, waa waxa baday inay odaayaashuna seexdaan, dumarkuna caydh iyo rafaad ku noolaadaan. You're giving them too much credit, huuno. Inaga qalee.
Blessed replied to Instinct.Poet's topic in General
^ Thanks, love. You is a star. The dish looks fab. quick and easy CT, great stuff. :cool: @ North. -
Che Guavera, Dee, waa runta, dee [ ] but who or what is to blame. Fikradahaas waan ku soo barbaarney. Qof doqonimo la dhacay uun baa ka fiirsan lahayn haday qofkuu rabo inuu mustaqbal la yeesho aragtidiisa isla keeni karaan or not iwm. Jacayl Baradow, Horta kaadhka reer galbeedka maxaad ula soo boodaan, ragow? Iyaguba, doodani way u furantahay oo dhaqankooduba is badal ayuu ku jiraa. Anigu, waxaan odhan lahaa intaad marwalba 'reer galbeed baa' lagu dayan aad dooda uga baxsaneysaan, teena aynu ka hadalno. Waxaad tidhi waa in aynu gurka ku salaynaa diinteenan oo waan ku raacsanahay. Sina waxaad u daafacaysaa guurka dhaqanka ku salaysan. Laakin diinteenu iyo dhaqankeenu kala fogaa? Waxa muhiima in aynu kala saarno waxay diinto ina farayso iyo caadooyinka diin la moodo. Sida kale, huuno waad saxsantahay. Intaad tidhina waxay muujineysaa in aanu sheekadu 'guur' kaliya iska ahayn oo ay hawl culus meesha taalo. Dhoore kastaaba 'aqbaltu' wuu odhan karaa, laakiin nin / gabadh adag uun baa intixaanka guurka ku guulaysan kar/ta. Odayaashii hore waxay nasiib ku lahaayeen dumarkii hore maskaxda ayaa looga buuxshay wixii kastoo raga u roon, diin iyo alternatives kale lama barin.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: guurku dan maaha ee waa guur ,,, waa noloshaada oo aad la qaybsanayso qofkii aad is lahayd wuu ku haboon yahay ,,,,,, Maxaad ka wadaa 'guurku waa guur' Oo maxaad qof kale noloshaada ula qaybsan hadaaney dani ama faaido kuugu jirin? Jacayl iyo diinteena oo inaku sababta in aan guri iyo reer yeelano ka sakow. Hadii aanu guurko wax u tarayn hormarka, aragtida iyo niyad dhiska labada qof iyo caruurtooda waxaad ku noolaan nolol iska madhan. Dhaqankeenu had iyo jeer dhismaha iyo ka danbeysiga raga ayuu ku saleysanyahay. Taas oo keentay inay raguna raxeestaan, dumarkana dhulka lagu xaadho. Taas anigu guur uma arko. Gabadhu, waxay iska tahay jaariyad isbeshal ah Waxa haboon, siduu Yaabkiis uu sheegay inay labada qof wadaagaan waxkasta oo u dan ah siday u wadaagaan nolol wanaagsan oo jacayl, ixtiraam iyo midnimo ku taagan.
Typical hijab look of Emarati, khaleeji women. I think it's fab. :cool: though these photos are abviously a little too sexed up. I guess, without those seductive poses and a bit of flesh the shoot would be too boring and religious for MC. :rolleyes: I'm kinda bored with the black look though, I prefer the new abaya / jilbaab styles coming out of the UK.
Blessed replied to Instinct.Poet's topic in General
Originally posted by CLEVER-TREVOR: bombastic lol...fantastiK.. you have recipe's online right... same web site.. good luck.. Hook the sister up too. The photos you posted on the other thread looked so good... I've got to try it. No sound, no image for me. Youtube it Tenacious -
Take a look at this... :eek: By WENDY DONAHUE - Chicago Tribune ShopSmart, a new publication from the publishers of Consumer Reports, warns of hidden chemicals in cosmetics. ShopSmart, a new publication from the publishers of Consumer Reports, warns of hidden chemicals in cosmetics. The winter issue cites phthalates, which it says may be linked to developmental and reproductive health risks. Phthalates can be found in lotions, hair sprays, perfumes and deodorants, yet often are not listed on product labels. The chemicals are used to help fragrances linger and take the stiffness out of hair spray, for example. ShopSmart conducted independent tests for phthalates on eight fragrances, including Celine Dion Parfums Eau de Toilette Spray, Clinique Happy Perfume Spray, Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds Eau de Parfum, Estee Lauder Beautiful Eau de Parfum Spray, Liz Claiborne Curve Eau de Toilette Spray and Christian Dior Poison Eau de Toilette Spray. Also, Aubrey Organics Jade Spice Eau de Parfum and Aveda Love Pure-Fume Essence were tested, because the companies say they don't contain any phthalates, but ShopSmart found otherwise. In fact, although none of the perfumes listed phthalates on their ingredient lists, they all contained them. An industry trade group -- the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association -- says that government and scientific bodies in the U.S. and Canada have examined phthalates without restricting their use in cosmetics. But some companies have eliminated them due to public concern. Until more is known, ShopSmart offers these tips: - If you use perfume, consider skipping it every other day or drop it if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Seek out deodorants, hair sprays, body lotions and other products that don't list the word "fragrance" or "fragrance/parfum," which might indicate phthalates. - Get the free "Shopper's Guide to Safe Cosmetics" at http://www.ewg.org/pdf/EWG_cosmetics.pdf and research products before purchasing. The Environmental Working Group site has safety ratings for more than 14,000 personal-care products at http://www.ewg.org/reports/skindeep/. - Call or e-mail cosmetics companies to say you don't want ingredients that could pose avoidable health risks. Or go to http://safecosmetics.org.
Glad you like gabdho. Since it's become fashionable to bash, repress and opress [well, they try] hijaabis. It's nice to see a positive poem and from a brother too. I like the way he flipped the rush of emotions that is trigered by the simple hijaab I'm just a Muslimah. Indeed! Idil Armageddon is good too. When he preforms it.
There's a hadith where a bedwin enters the Prophets' mosque leaving his camel outside, the Prophet (saw) who was sitting in the mosque; called and asked him why he didn't tie his camel? To that the man responded that he has placed trust in Allah. The Prophet then told him to tie his camel and to also place his trust in Allah. Whenever, I consider the apathic state of Muslims, I'm reminded by the misplaced thinking of this bedwin. How often do you see people running away from their reponsibilities and self-relection by simply brushing it off with 'qadar Allah' 'insha Allah'...we'll see? No where in the Quraan will you find a command to sit around and wait. The lesson from this hadith and most of the Quranic ayaats teach us that taking the action to protect, change your situation does not contradict Allahs's define will. ...... FATE AND THE DIVINE DECREE Belief: We believe in Fate, whether good or bad, which Allah has measured and ordained for all creatures according to His previous knowledge and as deemed suitable by His wisdom. Levels of Belief: Belief in Fate has four levels: 1) Knowledge: We believe that Allah, may He be exalted, knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen and how it will happen. His knowledge is eternal. He does not acquire a new knowledge nor does he forget what He knows. 2) Recording: We believe that Allah has recorded in the secured tablet (al Lowh al Mahfuz) whatever is going to happen until the Day of Judgment: "Did you not know that Allah knows all that is in heaven and Earth? Surely that is in a book. Surely that for Allah is an easy matter" (22:70). 3) Will: We believe that Allah has willed everything in heaven and Earth. Nothing happens except by His will. Whatever He wills will take place, and whatever He does not will not take place. 4) Creation: We believe that "Allah is the Creator of all things; He is the Guardian over all things, and to Him belong the keys of the heavens and the Earth" (39:62-3). This level includes whatever Allah Himself does and whatever His creatures do. Thus each saying, deed, or omission of the people is known to Allah, Who has recorded, willed, and created them: "To those among you who will to be upright. But you shall not will except as Allah wills, the Lord of the Worlds" (81:2829); "And had Allah willed they would not have fought one against the other; but Allah does whatever He desires" (2:253); "Had Allah willed, they would not have done so, but leave them alone and their false inventions" (6:137); and "And Allah created you and what you do" (37:96). Man's Free Will: We believe, however, that Allah has granted man a power and a free will by which he performs his actions. That man's deeds are done by his power and free will can be proven by the following points: 1) Allah says: "So approach your fields (wives) when and how you will" (2:223); and "Had they desired to go forth, they would have made some preparation for it" (9:46). In these verses, Allah affirmed for man "a going forth" by his will and "a preparation" by his desire. 2) Directing man to do or not to do. If man has no free will and power, these directions mean that Allah is asking man to do that which he cannot do. This proposition is rejected by Allah's wisdom, mercy and truthful statement: "Allah does not charge a soul beyond its capacity" (2:286). 3) Praising the virtuous for his deeds and blaming the evildoer for his actions and rewarding each of them with what he deserves. If the action is not done by the individual's free will, then praising the virtuous is a joke and punishing the evildoer is an injustice, and Allah is, of course, far from joking and being unjust. 4) Allah has sent messengers who are "bearing good tidings, and warning, so that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers" (4:165). If the individual's action is not performed by his free will, his argument is not invalidated by the sending of messengers. 5) Every doer of actions feels that he does or does not do a thing without any coercion. He stands up and sits, comes in and goes out, travels and stays by his own free will without feeling anybody forcing him to be any of these actions. In fact, he clearly distinguishes between doing something of his own free will and someone else forcing him to do that action. The Islamic law also wisely distinguishes between these states of affairs. It does not punish a wrongdoer for an action done under compulsion. No Excuse for Sinners: We believe that the sinner has no excuse in Allah's divine decree, because he commits his sin by his free will, without knowing that Allah has decreed for him, for no one knows Allah's decree before it takes place: "No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow" (31:34). How can it be possible, then, to present an excuse that is not known to the person who is advancing it when he commits his offense? Allah invalidated this type of argument by saying: "The idolaters will say 'Had Allah willed, we would not have been idolaters, neither our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything.' So did the people before them cry lies until they tasted our might. Say: 'Have you any proofs that you can show us? You follow nothing but assumption, and you are Lying"' (6:148). We say to the sinner who is using divine decree as an excuse: 'Why did you not perform deeds of obedience, assuming that Allah has decreed them upon you, since you did not know the difference between good deeds and sins? That is why, when Prophet Muhammad told his Companions that everyone's position in paradise or hell has been assigned, they said: 'Should not we rely on this and stop working?' He said: 'No, work and everyone will be directed to what he is created for"' (Bukhari and Muslim). We say to the sinner who is trying to find an excuse in the divine decree: "Suppose you want to travel to Makkah. There are two roads that may take you there. You are told by a truthful person that one of these roads is dangerous and difficult, the other is easy and safe. You will take the second one. You will not take the first road and say it is decreed upon me. If you did, people would consider you crazy." We may also say to him: "If you are offered two jobs, one of which has a higher salary, you will certainly take the one with the higher salary. Why do you choose what is lower in the hereafter and use the divine decree as an excuse?" We may further say to him: "We see you when you are afflicted with a disease, you knock at every physician's door looking for treatment and bearing whatever pain that may result from surgical operations and the bitterness of medicine. Why do not you do the same when your heart is spiritually sick with sins?" Evil Not Attributed to Allah: We believe that evil should not be attributed to Allah, due to His perfect mercy and wisdom. The Prophet said: "And evil is not attributable to You" (Muslim). Thus Allah's decree by itself has no evil whatsoever, because it is coming from mercy and wisdom. Evil may, however, result from some of His decrees, because the Prophet said in the supplication for gunut which he taught to al-Hasan: "And protect us from the evil of what You decreed" (Tirmidhi and others). Here, the Prophet attributed evil to what He decreed. Despite this, evil in His decree is not pure evil. It is rather evil in one respect and good in another, or it is evil in one case and good in another. Thus corruption in the land resulting from drought, disease, poverty, and fear is evil, but it is good in another respect. Allah, the Exalted said: "Corruption has appeared on the land and sea for what men's hands have earned. Allah has ordained this for men, so that they may taste some of what they have done, in order that they may turn back (from evil)" (30:41). Cutting off the thief's hand or stoning the adulterer is an evil thing for the thief and the adulterer, but it is good for them in one respect, because it is a purification for them so that the punishment of this life and the hereafter are not combined for them. These punishments are good in another respect: their application protects property, honor, and relationships. Source
Be content with what you have, Be satisfied with your dwelling place to accommodate your enterprise, Restrain your tongue, And shed tears of regret regarding past sins you committed knowingly, and those you do not recognize. Abdullaah bin Mas'ud
Well, duh! Istubdh islaan.
^Salaams Nur, welcome back. It would be grand if these sisters truly stay within the Islamic framework but in most cases they don't.
By Brother Dash The cloak enveloped the breeze on a day made sunny by her complexion A radiant kind of energy or perhaps synergy of mood and disposition She possessed me Enveloped me Cradled me like an orphan babe And then she caught my glance I don't know why I was afraid to say that it was her essence that gave her such a presence That sparked such a desire Not of flesh But of spirit That longing for love She reminded me of He That blew life into She That gave birth to the We That soothes our troubled cries and I tried to avoid the eyes But those eyes pierced the walls of my soul She grabbed and immobilized me Gently choked my jugular and peered deeply "Oh my is that the universe I see in the iris of her soul?" You see it was the essence of her presence that reminded me of love It was the flow of her gait It was the way that she walked It was the way that she talked Though her lips never parted She was purifying water I soooooooo wanted to pray Prostrate to her God That created That stated Paradise was at her feet I was captive to her beauty And I don't mean she was pretty Convinced of my own conviction She questioned my existence And my ego ran for cover Was it the Sun that warmed the wind that kissed my cheeks Or was it the breadth of her aura A majestic, feminine kind of Je ne sais quoi My soul quaked Or perhaps it ached Language is an inadequate conveyor She never said a word Her existence spoke volumes And this moment demanded a reply I was bursting to ask the question Struggling, bumbling, fumbling for the appropriate time Hyperventalaic starts and stops to the question Fear and anticipation gripping my emotion and my right index finger And in the midst of this comical spasm This flotsam, jetsam to and fro She must have heard the words yell from my soul And with the softness of a whisper and almost sweet serenade She said to me simply…Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "I'm just a Muslimah" source
^You can pay extra on top of the repayment schedule with the ILR. There’s an alternative route for expatriates. The system is not the problem here, it's the calculated way they set about draining every last shilling out of us... allah yaa ingriiska ugu tagoo qanqaniina :mad:
^U've got nerve to solicit for our responses. :rolleyes: Okay, I’ll be nice to your friend at least. Traditionally the bride wears the sadex qayd- the photo in your first post. I always wanted a traditional wedding and I got that to the last detail. Errr. well almost. I wore ‘sadex qayd’ style dress. If you want to hear more with tips..go and wipe that silly smirk of ur face and remove my name from that list.....
Originally posted by Rahima: ^Mashallah, soon enough we will all be able to enjoy it inshallah. Will you be joining us too Rahima? Health Care City is looking more and more fab. everyday. It will be home to some of the big names in HC. I've sent my hesitant sister photos and job ads and got her drooling on patients I don't know about banking in general but the movers and shakers of Islamic banking and financial institutions are doing amazing innovative things here. Anyone, who wants to move into the IFS will do well in the UAE.
Che.. Maybe they should give fathers a parental leave to even the field! Oo ma intaas uunbaad u dabaal degesay. You should've said Abti, I would've got the banners out
Originally posted by MC Xamar: I tell ya, it's cause we're all freaking awesome!! Absolutely, fabulously! :cool: Looks CG is still nursing that crush for Shehehehhe. Hehehhehhe. Just don’t go Ubaahene on us, aye?