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Everything posted by Blessed
Lol@ Kool Kat I had a similar experience with a Dubai taxi driver recently, he was super friendly and chatty, telling me about his wife, family (and life history). Anyways, he showed me a photo of his wife and I was like wow, ma gabadhaadiiba, waa quruxlay! Then, he's like, maya, waa xaaskii oo aad baan uga weynahay. I was confused and then, he proceeded to show me a photo of gabartiisa, a cute 2 year old, lol. I usually get an uneasy feeling telling Somalis that I'm married (wa la i qabaa - yuck, xasleey baan ahay, double yuck!). Or where I live - Ninkeygaan / odaygayga, hajigayga ayaan ladaganahay - Ufff! I don't what's more problematic, the language or how they phrase their questions (to information that they don't need to know)..
^Iman is in Finsbury Park (not my lovely WG@ Lily) and a great waste of space, bad food and has turned into a bit of a Faarax joint. :rolleyes: Two words, don't bother! I think Lily gave you great advice. Make sure you go to the theatre, that's the best thing Britain has given to the world and good ol fish and chips Check out the www.thisislondon.co.uk website and http://www.ukislamicevents.net/london.html for Muslim events. Sheffield is only good for the stunning mountain top views, it being to the beautiful Lake District and I suppose Meadow Hall (Shopping Centre) is alright. An interesting place to visit is Camden Market (but try and avoid it on a Saturday when it gets turned into punksvill)
Lol@ Xanthus. Wa la cunay aaah? saqajaamad, maxaad u qarsatay? LOl@ Islaan yar, what do you expect, I'm ayeeyo to Ngonge. Really though, I feel like screaming 'HOLD UP xagaad ku socotaan'. All the kids (uff that should be youths) in my family are getting married, it's very exhausting for a youngish ayeeyo. Buuxo. July 31st I'm serving baarid bariis. Be my guest
Originally posted by Cara: ^The artist is Libyan. Does that make a difference?
^what you think hooyo only loves me for my dish washing skills. You do know how to make a girl feel special...! So, errrm. When are you getting wed, maxaad sugaysaa, dhakso...
Interesting. I like the islamophobic undertones.
The kids all support thierm mother coz the dad mistreats and even beat his wife, are the caasi by standing up for their mum? I don't think that they are casi, unless they are throwing insluts at him. If one party is doing wrong, then they have to stnad up for whats just. It's funny though, the sister is willing to put up with his abuse not an older co-wife. As for a woman who seeks to divorce her husband, there's an authentic hadith in Bukhari where a woman asked the Prophet (saw) to grant her a divorce from her husband, she had no complaints of his character or manners but had a genuine dislike for him. The Prophet (saw) asked her if she would return her dowry (a graden) she agreed and this lead to the dissolution of the marriage. Whilst divorce is discouraged for both men and women and should only be sought after all avenues of reconciliation have been exhausted, there is nothing in Islam that prohibits the woman to seek divorce, that stupidness is from culture and misunderstanding of hadith text. I hope that helps.
I don't think arranged is bad at all. I wouldn't have minded if my family went out and found a Faarax that met my long list of requirements. In fact, when ever the question of marriage was directed at me, I would tell them that if they found a guy that fit into my ‘A-Z’ standard, I would marry him in a drop. Strangely it made them less eager to get rid of me. :confused: Forced is when you’re not really given the choice as Lily said. On parental involvement, it depends on how close you are to your parents in terms of personality and your relationship.
Must-have skills for 21st century Girl.
Blessed replied to Ibn Sina a.k.a Avicenna's topic in General
Allah! my head, such high expectations. :rolleyes: Lol@ Buuxo -
^Actually, it is appropriate Islamically. Read Ngonge's explanation. You can call a child Hakeem, meaning wise or the wise one but not Al-Hakeem - The Most Wise as only Allah is Al- Hakeem. Names of Allah that are descriptions of qualities that He has also bestowed on his creation such Raheem, Hakeem, Hamid, Latif are okay to be used as names as long as you don't add the Al- which makes it specific to Allah. Keynaan I don't know why your guys are making such a fuss about being laughed at. If Somalis didn't take Arabic names and then insist on abusing them - you wouldn't be in that predicament. Those who correct you are doing you a favour. It's not correct to say, my name is 'My slave' / Abdi , or my name is 'my slave of AlRahman'. Qof kuu digay kumuu dilin. In saying that, I often find myself shortening my lil brothers name to just Abdi- cos that's what everyone else calls him.
LOL! With Somalis it's the woman that has to fatten man up. If he doesn't put on some weight, you're not feeding or taking care of him well enough. Indho adayg baad meesha lasoo taagantahay.. lol Our elders also have this thing where a married woman has to look bigger than what she was pre-marriage and then they diss girls 'isku duba dhacda'. Heartless creatures, we are. In any case, I prefer the African way; I just couldn't hack watching the scale or my food intake.
Lol@ Femme. Ngonge, Is you trying to start something. I don't fight with women. p.s I've been meaning to get catty on ya, you ungrateful so and so. Sabtida is ilaali!
Xiinow, Waaxay diplodiishkan aad nagu wadid? Hadaad aniga gar isiisay maxaad 'Me'na kala doonaty? Dad is khilaafay sax mawada noqon karaan but since aynu heshiis nahay Mr. Xiinow, waa lagu samaaxay. Way cadahay inuu yarka 'Me' (and you) aad bilaa rasaas tihiin. You can't base an argument only on what JB posted elsewhere or throw accusations based on mere assumption- that would be reading too much into text. Markaa wax kale oo aad 'Me' ku maslaxdo doono. Also, Somaalinimo wey idinka daashey, give her a break, eh?
Xanthus has been entertaining her beloved lately. Ka samra for a while. I was at my local DB shop and was suprised taht they were playing a K'naan track. Cool, eh?
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Me , gar buu joogaa! Wuxuu leeyahay, asagoo weliba ku dheeraysannaya, yaan suugaanta la qabyaaladeyn. Sayidku wuxuu ahaa gabyaa soomaaliyeed ee maahayn abwaan ******** ah! Cabdi Gahayr wuxuu ahaa aftahan soomaaliyeed, ee maahayn mid ***** ah! JB weeye ninka gafsan, ee marada arradka ah ku duubay Boodheri---Booodheri waa gudubsanyahay Ber-bera iyo raaska uu ku abtirsado, ninka meesha ciriiriga marxuum gelinayyaana waa saaxiibkeen JB. Waa gabyaa soomaaliyeed ee maaha mid slander ah! Caku marka dadku caqliga weylaha raacsadaan! Waxaan siyaasad gelin baa la doonayyaa in la siyaasadeeyo markaasaa weliba ninka saxsaxsan la takoorayyaa! Bal malee haddii Hadraawi maanta layga sheegto, ama Yam-yam iyo Bacadle qolo si gaara dadka uga xigsato! Waa maxay xikmadda abwaan caan baxay leehayay een ahayn inuu ka xoroobo qo-qobka iyo degmadiisa? Dabcan JB farta xagayaga buu usoo fiiqi doona, sidiisiina somaliland baad ku waalateen lasoo shirtaki doonnaa! But the commoners would easily see his is no more than dood quus ah, oo weliba caato ah! Allow yaa dadka wax u sheega! Walee kii Binti Cumar marba meel uga heesay waad ka darteen. Bal yaaba isla gaadhey qabyaalad iyo propaganda! Bilaashbaad kiiska isaga waasheen ee, bal orodoo meesha uu JB kasoo qaaday qoraalkan tag, akhriso oo markuu qiiqa iyo danbaska aad isku kicinaysaan uu dago .. qun yar oo dhalatay noo sheeg cida qabyaaladeysay gabayaaga? I didn't see a mention of his qabiil, I did read that the lady described him as a Somali poet throughout. The only thing your objecting to here is her using SL instead of Somalia. Whatever your views, the hard truth is; Berbera ayey sheekadu ka dhacdey, Berbera ayeey meelaha ay ka hadashay ku yaalin, kow dheh! Dee qofkii raba inuu siyaarto waa inuu tago Berbera, reer Barbarina maanta SL ayey sheegtaan oo u cinwaan ah. Simple! Miyaa la is khasbayaa mise been beynu isku maslaxnaa? :confused: Adeer bal talo keen? Teeda kale Somaalinimadan aad ku riyaaqeysaan miyaaney ku taagneyn qabyaaladan aad ka cabadeeysaan? Bal orodoo soo yara akhriso gabayadii 'Aabaha Somaalia', hadaanay qabyaalad ku soo dhirbaaxin waa akhir saman. :eek: Qabyaalad iyo Somaaliya makala hadho, it's part of our heritage markaa ilmoabtiyaal, hilaacyada bari miduun ku hagaaga. Alla maxaa laisku wareeray!
Interesting, marriage to three needy men (brothers) sounds like a prison sentence. Very interesting though, I’d like to hear the thoughts of the girls that advocate for polyandry to balance the legitimacy of polygamy in Islam. I find that this set up is easier on the men.
Nice, Lily! The middle one would nicely with the dirac that I'll be wearing. Get ready gabadh, we need to go shopping together next week i'a... I need to find a really elegeant bolero jacket. They've only had super glittery numbers in Dubai. Any ideas of Landhaan has to offer?
Saudi clerics want to restrict women praying at Mecca
Blessed replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
They've changed their minds people, ka hadha! Xanthus honey, It's actually part of the hajj umrah rituals to pray near the ka'bah behind Maqaam El- Ibrahim. Dhudhuc, It took us three months to sort out our visas and we were only in Oman. Saudis .. shoot khaleejis are annoyingly slow with processing things / anything! Anyways, I hope you really enjoy your hajj. The best view of the ka'bah is the ladies section upstairs (1st floor) which overlooks the ka'bah. It's the most tranquil part of the whole masjid. It's a good place to stay between maqrib and isha to read quraan, make duaa or just dream about heaven…You get this inner heavenly peace that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world…. Well, maybe Madinah but that's a whole different feeling. . -
Every individual is entitled for their own personal choices. No one has the right to dictate some one else’s life. But, we are permitted to express our opinions What if your opinion indirectly gives employers the thumbs up for mistreating mothers for simply being mothers at work? The article that has instigated this debate, talks of a mother who was told to choose between a sick child and unemployment. This highlights a real problem in society. Women face so many obstacles for simply choosing to become mothers. We live in a world that has some very narrow views of what a woman should be. Whilst you clearly disagree on the notion that we should all think and do alike, you still have this tendency to repeat some of the fallacies and assumptions that are used to send out a very negative image of women who work. This image is what continues to feed a system of inequality which mainly affects women. You see Rahimas contention is whilst we all have the right to an opinion and to express it. We also need to look at the bigger picture, we may differ in our styles but bottom line we will at one point be mothers at work. It doesn’t matter if your child is 1 or ten. Those negatives images of working mothers that you support now will come to haunt you when you ask for a day off to see your childs high school graduation or sports day... etc, etc. As women, parents or aspiring parents we need to not merely respect but also defend a mother’s choice to work. As a consequence, we unitarily send out the message, that it's okay for a mother to be in the work place and thus companies and governments have to start being family friendly. The debates on the right age before your work or the best childcare are just small fish in an ocean. Only a small minority of women will be privildged enough to ponder over them at leisure. It’s time we collectively dealt with the sharks ( I don't mean Baashi).
Salute xabiibty. Great news, Ilahay haiddiin barakeeyo your son. Amiin@ Thiery.
LOL Kool Kat, I used to get that all the time when I was in Muscat. This lady used to joke... waa inaad bariiskaaga u shaqeysatid, sanad walba mid soo tuur. Loool. My baby wasn't even one. As for the topic, I can see the benefits of having one after the other, laakin for me , I'm with JB, WOL and Munira. A three year gap is good for both kids. Unless, you want a football squad and then you'll have to narrow it down a bit, otherwise you'll always be on walac, umul mode...
There was a glorious time in recent human history when people read sensationalist pieces analytically. :rolleyes:
Mabruuk sister. May Allah bless your union.
^Get into qaraami. Originally posted by -Lily-: Zenobia, I don't blame you, that place is full of glamorous housewife’s who have mastered the art of leisure, still, I would have thought you would resist Lols! I was kidding about the manicures; you never get too busy for the vain stuff here. Your not allowed to. I planned to do the LoL stuff with an Irish colleague and she already cracked. She gave me till after Ramadan. :rolleyes: I just need a loooong holiday and to get a few things out of the way before handing myself in for modern slavery again. Unless, I turn into those ladies that would never leave the house without her her entourage of bag carriers, nannies a personal shopper, a driver and even someone to carry their drinks….. lol! I find them intriguing, waa inaan ka war keeno…