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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Blessed

    Social Life

    ^Ohnoshedidn't! Ghanima are you going to take that? Naomi, she caled you 16 and that's all you're going to say. Fulay! Carryon...
  2. That's a cool blog. Thanks for posting. I tend to mind map when I'm planning things, just like she does there. It stayed with me from my student days but generally my thoughts based more on a series of images than words. I’m not artistic though, well I can’t draw to safe my life even though I took art at school. Alhamdulilah for abstract art.
  3. ^There's a sister that teaches at home, she's quiet good, my freind's been studying with her for a few years now. Are you interested in that sort of thing? I know some websites where they do Quraan memorisation and tajweed, but I prefer the face-to-face, so your mistakes are corrected straight away. Let me know, if you're interested on either or both and I'll get the contact no. or links for you. Wa iyaakum @ the rest. Anyone signed up with the Foundations of Islam course with the IOU? I've registered but will start when I go back home [Dubai] i'a
  4. Thanks@ Keyf. Think, I'd just pop into Za'tar wa Zeit for one of those. LOL Lily, NoIdidn't. LOL. I can't believe I'm the only one in SOL that has seen the video. Very odd considering that we had it whilst living in some small Saudi town.
  5. Blessed

    Social Life

    Errm. NG and Ghanima... what was wrong with my post? *thinks* Actually, Ngonge, there's some VIP@ the UAE embassy.... p.s NG.. Aren't we sweet today?! Naomi, Nothing personal, babes.
  6. Blessed

    Social Life

    There seems to be a lot of self-imposing nomads on this board, I'm reminded by the Arab saying; 'at every wedding, he has his fingers in the pies'. :rolleyes: If the schedual you describe is what you want in your marriage Naomi, have it. It's really not for you to worry about how other xaliimos choose to live theirs.
  7. ^Maybe a samsonite aa u soo socota, you never know. No harm in wishing the brother well, I'm sure he knows where he's heading.. hopefuly he'll get a happy ending ike UmZak.
  8. You guys need to get slapped with cold muufo. *leaves thread*
  9. ^Well she's worth the calling cards and the money of you're truely in love with her, most couples go through a period of seperation, it's kinda healthy, I think. I'A I hope it works out for you.
  10. She. The Village. I've never had Muufo, the closest I got to a muufo was a baarid, cold piece that didn't look very appetizing. But I know the song... who remembers the video? The two hungry looking mechanics and who was the woman..? *Axem* Muufooy, Muufo Maraq aan ku dhuuqaan doonayaa Muufoy, Muufo Anigu Muufaan donyaa Muufo, Muufo, Muufo Macaan Maraq aan ku dhuuqaan doonayaa Muufo, Muufo, Muufo Macaan
  11. It's not always true,@ Ghanima. I've only recently started meeting a large section of my family, even that trip was the first time I've met those cousins and the whole point was so we got to know each other. I think you should only worry, if you have a family history of keeping it in the family *yuck* P.s I'm glad you have another way darls, I wasn't keen on the other myself. Besides, you've enough relatives in and they are just as sweet. You want to go with me next summer? p.s I'm yet to see Palmyra, hopefully in Eid Adha. i'a. Did you take photos? Send them my way, gabar.
  12. ^They're my adeers sons, so I can only think of one way, yaa inaabtiyo
  13. ^ Certainly lady Lily. In fact I was speaking to one of them the other day and he has indicated to me that they need sisters to re-start the girls club.
  14. Originally posted by Naomi_B: Lol send him straight to Wood Green .. WG? Have you heard about the local Somali youth club? Word has it the youth workers there are MashaAllah, TabaarakAllah. [Edit] Honestly though, I'm seeing great sisters and brothers here in London. Yet, most are telling me that they can't find someone decent to settle with. I don't get it, is this a case of not finding the right person for you? :confused: There are many eligable brothers, in that age group, who are educated, decent, have a job etc.etc.etc. in London and everywhere and yes, they are single. It's the same for sisters, yet, I've heard many brothers say exactly what your saying now. Anyway, I'm saying that, it's not cool generalise.
  15. Give her some money, that's what's done traditionally. I remember when I went to Canada, I stayed with my older cousins in Ottawa for a week, both guys. They've really spoilt me, taking me out, cooking for me. On my last day the elder of the two gave me two watches, one gold, one silver. He couldn't decide, lol. The other went into the bodyshop and told the girl that he wanted a gift for a female relative and was clueless so needed help. She sold him the whole store; he came to me with a huge bag full of bodyshop goodies and all apologetic because he didn’t know if I liked it. I was so chuffed, I adore the bodyshop. That was the best gift that I've ever received from anyone, male or female. Most of all I appreciated the time they've spent with me, the younger one actually took a few days of work to show his lil cousin around. My cousins rock, eh? My point, whatever you give, she’ll appreciate that you went out of you way, just for her.
  16. ^No silly. Ask them, if people have traveled to and from the UK on an SL passport? If it’s accepted and under what circumstances? There's no need to pick on individuals and search their purses here, we're talking about a specific passport, from a specific nation, ma garatay?
  17. I know several people that have and still travel on the SL passport, even some of my relatives have come here [London] on the SL passport. It's actually more accepted by European countries than Arabs, I remember going with my cousin to the Egyptian Embassy for a visa and but as she has predicted, they refused to grant her the vias. It’s used mainly by diplomats, their families, but all you need is a letter of recommendation by the SL government and to satisfy some requirements of the immigration department. Once, SL is recognised it's will be used more widely. I'A It doesn't equal recognition obviously; it's more like a sign of respect. However, I think that this does point to a positive development in the Arab world; it’s no secret that they are pro-Somaliweyn, despite giving SL support in the development and trade. It’s certainly a good sign that the UAE is now allowing the SL passport and hearing out her ministers. Those of you that are spitting hot air; you can simply put your minds at rest by contacting the UK immigration or foreign office. We’re not in baadiya walaalyaal, these things can be easily verified. Mise, runtaad ka leexleexanaysaan?
  18. She ^ said it but in the meantime, have you heard of hollaback? This is the Canadian joint, so, tell em to say cheese and hollaback, girl!
  19. This might be of interest.... Practical Steps for Memorising the NOBLE HOLY QUR'AN =========================================== Tip 1. Correcting Pronunciation and Recitation =========================================== The first step in memorising the Qur'an is to correct the pronunciation. This cannot be fulfilled unless one listens to a good and precise reciter or memoriser of the Qur'an. The Qur'an cannot be learned without a teacher. The Messenger (s.a.w) was the most eloquent of all the Arabs. Yet, he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) learned the Qur'an from Jibreel orally. Also the Messenger (s.a.w.) used to recite the Qur'an to Jibreel once in every year - in Ramadan. And in the year that he dies, he recited it to him twice. Likewise, the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) taught the Qur'an to his Companions orally; and he heard it from them, after they had learned it from him, time and again. Therefore, one is required to learn the Qur'an from a good reciter, to correct ones recitation on a first occurrence basis. Also, one should not rely solely on oneself in learning the recitation of the Qur'an, even if one is knowledgeable on the Arabic language and its principles. This is so because in the Qur'an there are many ayaat that occur in a way uncommon in the rules of the Arabic language. End of Tip 1 This Quran tip was brought to you by: Your Online Quran Memorisation Tool
  20. Jizaak Allah @Nur. InshAllah I will delay the political topics so that we focus on the spiritual side of Islam in this month, although it can be argued that Ramadan has historically been the month of Jihad, both the Jihad to force our souls to submit to its maker, or to struggle for all the just causes of our people. SubhaanAllah, you are so right. We're now at a stage where Ramadan has become the perfect excuse to be lazy. Those stories, of jihaad in ramadan would be truely inspiring for the masses.
  21. Salaams, UmZakaria, Sister, sorry, it wasn’t a personal attack. You don't strike me as materialistic, I'd describe you more as maternal[istic]. My point is simply that Allahs’ promised rewards should be elevated and motivational enough, which is the point of the hadith half-quoted by Khashafa. *Anyway* Having said that, I like Kahshafas twist on the competition, masha Allah, it's like killing two birds (Quraan and Sadaqa) with one stone. Which are both the fundamental to the month of Ramadan. :cool: Anyway, I've already pledged to do khetmah (read the whole Quraan) with tafseer - so I'll keep to this as my challenge. Insha Allah. Like Umm Zakaria, Ramadan will also be a hectic time for me, so I don’t want to go and make all kinds of promises. I'll see ya'll after Ramadan. I'a
  22. After reading the comments made by Khalaf and Red in the other topic, I remembered this: From The TimesAugust 29, 2007 Why men who chase after younger women are just obeying natural selection Men with an eye for younger ladies, and women who prefer a more mature man, are not just obeying cultural stereotypes: both have evolved to appreciate an age gap when it comes to sex and marriage, scientists have found. Both men and women have more children when the father is a few years older than the mother, according to research suggesting that natural selection has driven each gender’s age preferences in mutually compatible ways. Men are most reproductively successful with a partner who is six years younger than they are, while women have most children if they choose a father who is four years older, a study in Austria has shown. One of Britain’s most successful and famously fertile marriages falls squarely in the middle of this age range. The Queen, 81, is four years and ten months younger than the Duke of Edinburgh, and they have four children – more than double the British average. Couples in which the man is much older, however, do not have an advantage. Women whose partners are ten years older have on average the same number of children as those with spouses five years younger. The results offer the strongest evidence yet that the combination of an older man and a younger women has evolved to become the norm for heterosexual couples across the vast majority of human cultures that have been studied because it carries a reproductive advantage. In England and Wales, 26 per cent of marriages involve a younger man, against 48 per cent where the man is between a day and five years older, and 26 per cent where he is six or more years older. Other societies show similar trends, and while the size of average age gaps often differ, the older-male norm does not. The global average is for men to prefer a partner who is 2.66 years younger than them, and for women to prefer a partner who is 3.42 years older. Similar patterns have been observed in marriage records all over the world. This cultural uniformity has long led scientists to suspect that evolution is involved, and that age differences have historically promoted the birth and survival of more children. The usual explanation given is that men have an in-built preference for partners who are visibly fertile, which is enhanced by youth, while women seek resources and status, which tend to increase with a man’s age. While such ideas make theoretical sense, however, research had not previously established any reproductive advantage in the real world for men who choose younger wives and girlfriends or for women who take older mates. The new study by Martin Fieder and Susanne Huber, of the University of Vienna, has found such evidence for the first time, by examining a database of more than 10,000 Swedish men and women. All the participants had had children, and had kept the same partner from the birth of the first child to the birth of the last one. Details of the research are published in the journal Biology Letters. For men, the average number of children increased as the age of their partners decreased, peaking at an age gap of 5.92 years, before declining again with larger differences. There was a similar finding for women. The average number of children rose as their partners grew older than them, peaking at a gap of 3.97 years before declining again. The differing figures for men and women are possible because the sample does not include both partners from each relationship. When women were older than their partners, the curve was sharper still: the number of children declined steeply with each extra year of age difference. Much of this is probably attributable to the way in which female fertility declines at a much earlier age. A woman ten years older than her partner is likely to be starting a family when her fertility is waning, which will not always apply to a much older man. The results show a clear gain in evolutionary “fitness”, the birth of extra children, when men are a few years older than women. The scientists said: “These findings may account for the phenomenon that whereas men typically prefer and mate with women younger than themselves, women usually desire and mate with men older than them, We conclude that the age preference for the partner increases individual fitness of both men and women, and may thus be an evolutionarily acquired trait.” The study also found that when people have children first with one partner and then with another, the second partner tends to be younger than the first for both men and women. This may reflect a preference for younger partners to compensate for one’s own declining fertility, the scientists suggested. Mind the gap 4-year age difference — Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne — Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren — Kevin Federline and Britney Spears 5-year age difference — The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh 6-year age difference — Dodi Fayed and Diana, Princess of Wales — Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh — Prince Rainier of Monaco and Grace Kelly
  23. Lol! What's with the self promotion waaryaada! Inantii sowkua ku haadey. Acuudu Billah.
  24. Blessed

    Rant on SOL

    ^ [Edit] Originally posted by Fahiye: Zonobia Tam diu minime visu Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.