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Everything posted by Blessed
LOL@ 'nip and tuck, while your at it' caadi matihid, Miss Serenity. I like the 3/6 formula. The pill gets a lot of bad press, I think it's worth an indepth research, if it's your choice contraceptive method.
Wassalaam sister, :cool: Welcome to SOL. Looking forward to reading your thoughts, so post away.
^LOL> What would be the point of the PM? Buuxo, lols. I'll donate too. How much will you be hiring them out for? Interpol, Thanks. LOL. I remember Xenobia, phobia. I'm a huge fan of the ancient Syrian warrior queen, Zenobia. My first impression of you was of someone that’s into art.
Crap! I saw both directions too. I’m more interested in the choice of rotating object. :rolleyes:
Interpol, welcome to SOL. So, are you an artist?
^A little off? That's the desired effect.
^Salaams girl. Ma runbaa in lagu aroosey? Masha Allah, good news. Islamic finance institutions are growing at 15% per year, it's profitable and there's a growing demand for it. Which is why many western Banks are starting to offer the not so kosher 'Sharia Compliant’ services. The whole institute has to be riba free to be Islamic.
Great topic, cool links. Thanks, Nomadique. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ Before seeing the Spike Lee film about Malcolm X and later that same year reading the auto-biography, I must admit I had little understanding of anything other than high school Calculus. Men like him are so rare, so powerful and so influential, the only way to stop them is to kill them. But even when he's been martyred, his legacy affects our lives every day. May Allah grant him Jannah. Well, said and Ameen. I too (and I dare say many others) was introduced to Malcolm X by that same film. British history curriculm only devotes about a weeks worth of classes to the Americas.
Nomads, brother Cadaan, is a white revert Canadian, I don't know why people think that someone would lie about their identity on a cyber forum (hmmm!) and despite his attempt (a good one btw) at writing Somali, he doesn't speak / read / write Somali. I think it would only be polite that you post in English when responding to his topic. Cadaan, have fun!
Puujah and Chubba. Organic Hair Mayonnaise, works better than the natural concoction. Works even better, if you steam your hair / go sauna. It’s easy to wash off and it smells good. Cucumber (seeds) with qasil, is a great facial. Nice thread.
^KK, shouldn't. Unless,shegotmeapresent.
^Nayee, looks like you had too much fun, barad-ka ku siibo. :mad: Yeah, I'm jealous of all that shopping!
^I didn’t know that women were more prone to jinn possession. I’ve heard of many hablo, whose were possessed by jins of their admirers. I guess not protecting yourself from jinn through recitation of Quran is direct cause. Pragaon does have a point, Sufis are obsessed with jins and then you get the rooxaan / saar business in the Somali community. I’ve actually seen several ladies that I knew go into a fit after singing the ‘Sity‘, which I thought was a normal (cool) song until that day. Strangely, Somalis tend to welcome / comfort their ’rooxaan’. Acudulbillah. Must be the Sufi influences in our culture. I'm reading a book with a story line that’s based on jinns, or rather Moroccan obsession with jinns., I'm already paranoid, that video is going to make my sleep worse. Urgh!
This is an unusually flimsy piece from Mr Fisk. Can’t say much for the ‘Wahabi’ debate on this thread either. Some of you par the brother before me, should extend your reading list on the subject. *click, clock* On a lighter note, anyone watch, The Kingdom? It was stup*d too. *yawn* Don't mind me, I'm Saudi talked out. P.S I'm on lucky number 3000 , where's my camel?
Yes, that's true Ghani, but when a random stranger says it, especially when you are the only girl in the crowd that gets the 'Ina Abti' treatment, waa wax culus. It's stems from the odd tradition, where you can marry the son of your Abti but it's considered ceeb to marry your adeers son.
^There's a hidden conotation with the word Ina Abti in the north. Faaraxs, say 'Ina Abti' to girls they fancy. Just, so you know.
^Some of those parents are mislead to beleive that their children will be given a better life. It's really sad. These people are so disgusting, I remember reading reports of how some Europeans went to Asia after the Tusunami, purely to kidnap orphans. I hope they lock them and let die a slow painful death. :mad:
^LOL! Ngonge, I grew out of the whispering. I'm your typical Burcawiyad, now. With thanks to Dubais tagsiiles LOL Ghanima, Off course, your Somali is better than mine, markaad riyooneysid!
Af Soomaaliga waan ku gabyaa! My father, bless him made every effort to ensure that we speak, read and write Somali and he also introduced us to the literature. I’d say that my written is much better than my spoken Somali. I actually think my spoken Somali is pretty good, but then people refer to me as fishandchips so urrm.. It can do with some work. It’s slightly accented and there are subjects (technical) that I can’t talk about in Somali, but then I’ve seen grown odayaal struggle wih the same subjects. Originally posted by Nehanda: There should be an option at primary schools for children with English as their 2nd language to learn their mother tongue. They were in the process of starting bilingual classes in Schools for almost a decade now, in fact London Met offers a PGCE specialising in English/ Somali. Some schools already offer Urdu, Mandarin, Bengali, Turkish..but you know Somalis, never committed enough. The onus is on the Somali community to ask for it, as schools tend not to offer a service that they don't feel is needed, they're already underfunded. And, yes there are some ld school head teachers who believe that the whole universe should speak English. I remember being in year 8 and getting someone from our local community come to our school and talk to us about the importance of language.. and how they were working on getting Schools to offer a full GCSEs in Somali. They are still working on it. *shakes head* I just don’t think Somali parents are too concerned about their kids knowing the language. All the dacaayed thrown at the fish chips is just for show. :rolleyes:
ThePoint. I don’t really like going in circles but for the last time, I’m arguing that there’s no uniform opinion in SSC with regards to both SL and PL. There’s no uniform opinion anywhere in Somalia. Full stop. To me, LA dadkee-dii ayaa isku haysta, their only difference being ideological. I recall you conceding in a similar discussion with Ayoub (I think) that the double-dealing of some folk is what has lead to this conflict, remember? Wouldn’t you say it was significant? It doesn’t matter how small the support for one entity is, this conflict is the result of ideological difference. It will only be resolved once reer LA come together and agree on where they want to go, politically. I’m not supporting the ‘invasion’, it makes no difference to me which entity reer LA join, boarders are not my concern because I’m not a politician. I just don’t like the duplicity displayed by some nomads. Ngonge, Shater, Shater! Anyway, you shouldn't let Oodweyne get to you.
I agree with Aaliyah, my nieces go to Islamic school and their attitude is Masha'Allah so different to other kids. It makes a great deal of difference but at the end of the day, children learn what they live and if the adults around them are weak, not practising or don't pay enough attention to their youth, there will be problems. QUOTE]Originally posted by Jimcaale: They can't distribute any religious text in school but condoms and pills are acceptable? Only in the land of the free. Free? of Waht, tolow? Allah Musta’an
LOL@ Lily. Indeed, how many? …...until they run off stage There are many similar songs on reer Jabouti riwayads. Ghanima , Justa bit of harmless fun, it's all jacayl. Sheeka waxa udugga loo marsanayaa waa rag Waxa laysku laynayaa waa rag waxa masayrka keenayaa waa rag waxa la daba yaacayaa waa rag Hmmm. Is that your final answer? That's quiet incriminating, ragu waa wax baas, iga dhe.
. ^ Nice one! Waxa donida roogta ku ridi, waa rag! Waxa rogey ee reeraha burburi, waa rag! Waxa raafaadka nala doonayaa, waa rag! Dadka waxa rafaadka ugu wacan, waa rag! Waxa nolosha bilicdii ka raray, waa rag! Xaqiiqda iyo runtii waxa ka fogi, waa rag!! Kuwa quruxda nagu raacayaa, waa rag! Markaan raawisnina, naga ordaa, waa rag! Waa rag rasmi iyo kuwaan ayaa rabiin (?), waa rag! Waa run! Gabdow.. Waxa laga tashanayaa, waa rag! Laga ilbaxoo, la reebayaa, waa rag! Waxa, raaxo loo diidayaa, waa rag! Waxa dunida laga guranayaa, waa Rag! Waa Rag!
^Yeah, but, no, but... I think she's hot. Dabshid, I was told that was a Shooli show.