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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Stop the talks gabdho, take your wegero and chase those fat odayaal out of the offices. Or would the odayaal be chewing grass at home.
  2. Kool Kat, I'm sorry to hear about your brother walaalo. I hope sweet justice will be served. You and yours will be in my prayers. I'A
  3. *Confused* p.s I see the silly topics season is in full swing... :rolleyes:
  4. I agree in responding to courtesy with similar action but going all out and Christmassy (as the Canadians suggested), instead of just nicely explaining your reasons for not being involved is silly and can cause confusion. In fact it’s hypocritical considering that we scoff at the whole thing. Yes, we all do it! I personally, didn't mind cards, most said 'I know you don't celebrate but Happy New Year' or they'd cross out the Xmas part and replace it with 'happy normal day' LOL. I was lucky in working in an organisation that utilised our differences and took the opportunity to educate the youth that we worked about different cultures, festivities and ‘celebrated our diversity‘, as it were. P.S I hope you realise that I was mostly teasing you in that response. Pps. The Mrs. is on the money.
  5. Blessed

    La Veil

    ^LOL. *axem* You've described my abaayah man to the T. Eid Mubaarek. p.s expensive abaayahs are ugly and xaraam.
  6. ^LMAO. You guys are too much...
  7. King Pardons Rape Victim. The "Qatif girl" case caused an international outcry with widespread criticism of the Saudi justice system. The male and female victims were in a car together when they were abducted and raped by seven attackers, who were given jail sentences up to nine years. Press reports say King Abdullah's move did not mean the sentence was wrong. The BBC's Heba Saleh says the king's decision to pardon the woman victim is already arousing controversy with some contributors to conservative websites, who say he has breached the rules of religion in order to appease critics in the West. Hmmm..!
  8. Blessed

    La Veil

    LOL. Ngonge. I agree, I sometimes wonder why they bother going through all that layering fuss. :confused: I can't see the image about moi.. Aaliyah Check this website out.. Eastern Vogue This is the fit that is being reffered to by us...
  9. More like, schizophrenia! It’s like the Arabs and their banning of of all things Israeli, from Israeli exports, currency or even those who visit Israel and then their Malls are jam backed with Companies that openly support Zionism, in fact they are the most popular with Arabs. LOL. isha ka tuurey.
  10. HSBC Amaanah (and the like) is not Islamic or sharia compliant because HSBC remains a riba based institute. They still make the bulk of their profit from charging interest. For a Bank to be Islamic it has to be halaal and riba free from start to end. There should be no dealing either directly or indirectly with anything that is deemed haraam. It's also supposed to benefit all consumers equally, not just Muslims. This is just the short of it.. The only institute that can be regarded islamic is therefore; The Islamic Bank of Britain. The rest are just schemes to attract (and mislead) Muslim consumers. It's annoying. :rolleyes:
  11. Blessed

    La Veil

    That's good, about time reer UK got some glam. abaayas. Ghanima, 8pound abaayas in the ME? Where? Or are talking about the ones islaamuhu keenan? The first time I went abaaya shopping here, I was under the impression that they were dirt cheap. I went into Hanayen (The DNKY of abaaya shops) and I picked the plainest abaaya they had, I'm a no glitter girl. It was 200 Omani Riyals. So I'm like, 'what's that in stirling, a tenner?' My husband just grinned. A tenner. LOL.
  12. Allah dadkan eega, do you guys even get a happy eid - let alone the day off? It's like being in high school all over again. You don't have to fit in, it's okay to be different.. no, no it's cool to be different. So NG, just smile and say, I don't do parties dahling, thats so pass'e.. :rolleyes: Or Just tell them truth and say 'if I party with you tonight, my wife won't let me eat grass with my friends on Eid' Anyways, you've been at your office for centuries, surely this has been dealt with before and surely, it's an established fact that you're a Muslim who doesn't do xmas... Mise waad ka daashey? p.s Merry Christmass
  13. Khalaf, Much ado about nothing really, the answer to your question is in the line after the one you qouted from my original post. Caamir and Nephthys, You'll find that to be a very western concept, in much of the developing world a child takes the nationality of their father, even if their mother is a local. Legally she is considered an Italian, as she was not naturalised.. Which is why she was kicked out of Somalia. I was born in an Arab country, their culture is a part of my roots but I'm NOT a national of that country.
  14. ^Thanks for the article. He's already a star in my eyes. Original and meaningful lyrics that deal with current issues, good voice and if that image isn't photo shopped, he has the looks too. I love Hooyo. and Difaaca Dhulkiina U diida Tigirey. Nur Salah-ow if you're reading nin rag ah aad tahay. :cool: Thank you and keep up the good work.
  15. It takes 2 minutes. :cool: Thanks for the link, sis.
  16. ^I was going to get you a handsome Syrian, dib isugu noqo.
  17. ^LOL. I was hoping that saying 'meeax, kateer' to everything would get me by. How much is hundred liras in dollars?
  18. ^^^I've missed this nick. Syria in 6days... *dreams* p.s You won't beleive where I'll be staying at in Palmyra..
  19. ^Waar heedhe, nagaa daa shekadan jilicsan. :mad: You had your chance and blew it.. Hada, wey ku diidey! She does not want to be with you. Get a grip. Move on. Nin iska dhig. *thinks of shaking Daandaansi for effect* Better..? Now, listen to this...
  20. ... Menstruate If Men Could Menstruate A Political Fantasy by Gloria Steinem A white minority of the world has spent centuries conning us into thinking that a white skin makes people superior - even though the only thing it really does is make the more subject to ultraviolet rays and to wrinkles. Male human beings have built whole cultures around the idea that penis-envy is "natural" to women - though having such an unprotected organ might be said to make men vulnerable, and the power to give birth makes womb-envy at least as logical. In short, the characteristics of the powerful, whatever they may be, are thought to be better than the characteristics of the powerless - and logic has nothing to do with it. What would happen, for instance, if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not? The answer is clear - menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much. Boys would mark the onset of menses, that longed-for proof of manhood, with religious ritual and stag parties. Congress would fund a National Institute of Dysmenorrhea to help stamp out monthly discomforts. Sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free. (Of course, some men would still pay for the prestige of commercial brands such as John Wayne Tampons, Muhammad Ali's Rope-a-dope Pads, Joe Namath Jock Shields - "For Those Light Bachelor Days," and Robert "Baretta" Blake Maxi-Pads.) Military men, right-wing politicians, and religious fundamentalists would cite menstruation ("men-struation") as proof that only men could serve in the Army ("you have to give blood to take blood"), occupy political office ("can women be aggressive without that steadfast cycle governed by the planet Mars?"), be priest and ministers ("how could a woman give her blood for our sins?") or rabbis("without the monthly loss of impurities, women remain unclean"). Male radicals, left-wing politicians, mystics, however, would insist that women are equal, just different, and that any woman could enter their ranks if she were willing to self-inflict a major wound every month ("you MUST give blood for the revolution"), recognize the preeminence of menstrual issues, or subordinate her selfness to all men in their Cycle of Enlightenment. Street guys would brag ("I'm a three pad man") or answer praise from a buddy ("Man, you lookin' good!") by giving fives and saying, "Yeah, man, I'm on the rag!" TV shows would treat the subject at length. ("Happy Days": Richie and Potsie try to convince Fonzie that he is still "The Fonz," though he has missed two periods in a row.) So would newspapers.(SHARK SCARE THREATENS MENSTRUATING MEN. JUDGE CITES MONTHLY STRESS IN PARDONING RAPIST.) And movies. (Newman and Redford in "Blood Brothers"!) Men would convince women that intercourse was more pleasurable at "that time of the month." Lesbians would be said to fear blood and therefore life itself - though probably only because they needed a good menstruating man. Of course, male intellectuals would offer the most moral and logical arguments. How could a woman master any discipline that demanded a sense of time, space, mathematics, or measurement, for instance, without that in-built gift for measuring the cycles of the moon and planets - and thus for measuring anything at all? In the rarefied fields of philosophy and religion, could women compensate for missing the rhythm of the universe? Or for their lack of symbolic death-and-resurrection every month? Liberal males in every field would try to be kind: the fact that "these people" have no gift for measuring life or connecting to the universe, the liberals would explain, should be punishment enough. And how would women be trained to react? One can imagine traditional women agreeing to all arguments with a staunch and smiling masochism. ("The ERA would force housewives to wound themselves every month": Phyllis Schlafly. "Your husband's blood is as sacred as that of Jesus - and so sexy, too!": Marabel Morgan.) Reformers and Queen Bees would try to imitate men, and pretend to have a monthly cycle. All feminists would explain endlessly that men, too, needed to be liberated from the false idea of Martian aggressiveness, just as women needed to escape the bonds of menses-envy. Radical feminist would add that the oppression of the nonmenstrual was the pattern for all other oppressions ("Vampires were our first freedom fighters!") Cultural feminists would develop a bloodless imagery in art and literature. Socialist feminists would insist that only under capitalism would men be able to monopolize menstrual blood... In fact, if men could menstruate, the power justifications could probably go on forever. Source
  21. ^Mahadsanid! Caamir, I admire your stance but even when limited to ethnic nationalism, the Somali political arena is the playground of a few select clans. The rest are often sidelined socially, politically and even culturally. As for the lady, I read her bio again and she doesn’t seem to be making the claim your making for her. She has a cultural and linguistic association with Somaalia and off course, that’s part and parcel of her identity, it’s not for me to refute that. However, she seems comfortable with her Italian - Ethiopian national identity. She also said that they were asked to leave Somalia because of their none Somaaliness. Whilst, there has never been a question of the Somaliness of clan you’ve mention. It’s not comparable markaa, even in the civil nationalist context. Khalaf, LOL. Anti-historical? Yes, you could describe my views of the historic Italian and Ethiopian connections with Muqdishu as an anti...but I digress, if you must jump in and speak for Caamir, please read, comprehend then respond before you make an ar*se of yourself.
  22. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: Edo Zonbia, I was saying talow maxa edada ku dhacay ee kaga so wardooni wayd. am sure you wont disappoint me. God, I'm slow! This makes more sense now. Welcome to the better part of the globe, eedo. Waan kuu maqnaa, dear...ahay.