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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. ^Thanks. Biixi. I'd take it really well!
  2. ^Waan ka socon laheen, ee idikaa boolshidka nagu soo celcelinaya. You see, you started attacking her attitude, saying that's what leads men to polygamy and then you talk about choices. What a contradiction! I’m not really bothered about whether other women choose to be polygamous, or say or pretend to want to share their husbands, more power to them. It’s not my business. What I can’t stand is how people ( and SOL faraxs) throw labels at you for wanting to be in a monogamous marriage. I was raised in a monogamous household. I’m neither being selfish, [i’d stay single if I were ] or jealous for wanting to be in a monogamous marriage. Monogamy is simply my idea of what a normal, healthy marriage is…. A man and woman who choose to live their lives together, normally do so with the intention of devoting themselves to each other, to grow together and raise their children in a happy enriching environment. There’s nothing in their initial shared vision and dreams that involves another unit in the set up. When that occurs, the marriage stops being the type of marriage that was initially committed to. So, there’s a sense of betrayal on the part of the husband, especially as he is the only one who gains from the new setup. Now, why would I be expected to devout myself to a person that has clearly stepped out of our shared idea of marriage without my consultation and approval. It’s insane. p.s Most Somali men who remarry do so at the expense of their first marriage, the first wife is forced to raise the kids on her own and live a poorer quality of life and rarely sees husband , sometimes he’s absent for years . In humble opinion, that is not a marriage worth staying in.
  3. Funny you post this Sweets, For some strange reason, I had Commons' 'I used to love her' doing the rounds in my head all day.. haven't heard it for ages. He's good. Thanks for sharing.
  4. I think their cute, mouth peircing are kinda nasty, though. Islamaha cay waxaan ahayn ha ka sugin, I once had my nose pierced and all I got was oo ma Bakistaaniyad baad is moodey.. As if being Paki was an insult. :rolleyes: I've always wanted to get my belly button pierced, might do it in a few years.
  5. I've always dreamed of visiting Xamar, my older siblings always made me feel like I've missed out on something great. This topic reminds me of the poem... Xayaabkii cir da'ayeey Daruur shalka xayddaay Xulad geenyo ugubeey Darmaan xoosh u dhalataay Xil-dhibaanka nabaddaay Xajkii Geeska Bariyeey Cadceeddoo xab-bururtaay Marna xabag barsheeddii Nafta xiisa gelisaay Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Xiddigtii bahdeediyo Xubnaheeda kala maqan U ahayd xusuustee Sumaddooda xaynkiyo Shanta gees u xidhataay. Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Laamaha xorriyaddiyo Xayn-daabka calankee Xejinaaya dhalashada Xididkay ka beermaan Xinjir laga waraabshaay. Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Carra-edeg xanteediyo Xaska weli dhex-yaalliyo Xaskulaha in laga guro Danahooda xigashiyo Xagal-daac in laga jiro Tii loo xil-saaraay. Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Isticmaarku xeel iyo Xanaf iyo wax-yeelliyo Xanan iyo dhibaatiyo Xadhko miidhan weeyoo Sida geed xajiinluu Xagxagtaa kor kaagee Xadantada gumeystaha Xaram lagaga maydhaay Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Danta inay xaraashaan Dembi inay xambaartaan Ama sharafka xooraan Isticmaar la xididaan Ama xeer la yeeshaan Nimankii ka xila-furay, Naftu waxay u xilataa Dhegta xeerinteedee, Nolol aan xarrago wadan Nimankii xanuunkiyo Xabsiyada ka door-biday Gobannimo xaq weeyee Inta geesi loo xidhay Ama xawda laga jaray Geerida xalaasha ah Nimankii xantoobsaday Halka lagu xormeeyaay Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Shinnida Xumbaaliyo Sida xaydha-weyntii Nimankay Xawaashiyo Xaab-qaaddu keentee Xagga sare ka soo degey Dhulka xaabadii tiil Nimankii xambaartee Dhirta xaalufka u rogey Dunidaan is-ximinnoo Xasillooni loo yaal Dadku kala xishoodaan Nimankii xaduurkiyo Xadaafiirta geliyee Inta ay xifaaliyo Xumo iyo colaad iyo Xiisadaa ku kiciyeen Xolad daba ku olosheen Xadhkaheeda kala furay Xidid iyo tol wada yaal Nimankii hub xoogliyo Xakamaha ku kala raray Kala xaday walaalaha Marwadii xanjeerrayd Nimankii xabbaadhee Xawawaray dhasheedii Kuwa midabka ximiyee Xaqlahana addoonsada Xistigiyo gumeystaha Birta looga xiiriyo Halka lagu xabaalay Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Xamareey ma nabad baa? Sida xuur wedkeedii Xan ahaa ku maqashaan Amba xiisahaagii Xamarey la dhuubtoo Xalay waxan baraarugey Iyadoo xiddayseey Inta xaysku kuu da'ay Dhulku wada xareed iyo Xamash iyo ugbaad iyo Xilli yahay barwaaqoo Dayaxaagu xaynkiyo Xuubkii dillaacshoo Inta uu xanjaadkiyo Xagal qudha la soo baxay Dusha sare xinnaystoo Dhallinyaro xariiriyo Halbo Xuural-caynii Isasoo xusheenoo Xeebtaada yaabka leh Inta ay xaraaraha Laba laba u xaadheen Xusullada dhigteenoo Xeerkii kal-gacalkiyo Lagu jiro xisaaboo Xantu hoos u socotoon Aniguna Xayaad iyo Xiddigtii jacaylkee Shanta xaraf mid lagu daray Xog-waraysanaayoon Kolba xaada cududdiyo Xaradhkiyo garaaraha Il-badhkeed ku xadayee Xudduntii dhulkaygaay Xaruntii dadkaygaay Maxaad aniga oo xidhan [maqan] Lahashada xanuunka leh Ii xusuusinaysaa? Allow sahal amuuraha! Source
  6. Originally posted by Al-Mu'minah: Salaamu Alaykum, They take one day out of the year to appreciate their companion, and we do that every single day. That's the difference. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news walaalo, but V-day / Maalinta Jacaylka / Youm El-7ub is a HUGE thing in the Muslim world. And it’s not just limited to companions.. I was working at a school last year and I got chocolates, roses, kisses and hugs from my babies ( with encouragement from their parents). Even our boss gave us all gifts on v-day, as thank you for our hard work. It was the same for eid, mothers day, teachers day, before exams, last day of school and whenever an Emarati kid had a b-day. Goodness, Arabs are generous, any reason to give gifts, I suppose!
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I'll be out of town in April Don't forget your sweet little Ayeeyos B-day present.
  8. Blessed


    Motherhood rocks, my baby just fills me with explosive happiness. She’s started to wake me up with a shower of kisses, these days. It’s so cute! I get a lot of rubbish for this but I'm definitely from your KFC (ka farxi caruurta) school of thought. It has won me the best habaryaro award with my nieces. Honestly, they’re only young once. Make the most of it while it lasts. I was spoilt rotten (esp. from my habo) as a kid and it hasn't ruined me but my spoilees have very special place in my heart..
  9. I speak read and write Somali, Enlish a bit of Arabic and about 10 Spanish phrases (from 5 years of learning.. khasaarah). Waakaasa magacyada Carbeed ciyaalkeena loogu yeeraayo, xataa Carabta lama baxaan waxee Soomaalida u bixiyaan maanta. Inta kale kugu raacey, laakin magacdayadan aad cayeeysaa waa qaar Islamic ah! Magacda Somaalida aad ayey u macaan yihiin, laakin qof ahaan kuwa saxaabida ama Islamiga ah ayaan jeclahay... and that's the case for many Somalis. I find reer UK to be the only Somalis in diapora that are proud of their language. I know alot of kids who are born and bred in the UK and speak great Somaali.
  10. It's actually St Valentines Day but the meaning has changed dramatically over the centuries. I personally find it a bit naf, I call it maalinta adhiga iyo bacaacda. Anyway... Happy Red Day, for thos of you who celebrate..
  11. I didn’t watch this show, but I find it interesting that people were offended by their profiles. Is it fair / wise to expect all Muslims to be 'ideal Muslims?'. Muslims do have premarital relationships, they club, drink.. etc. Looking back the profile of the 21/7/05 'would be' bombers a few of them had criminal records and lived a life that was far from ideal Islam, yet they claimed to be waging jihaad on behalf of Islam. It's people who fit this vulnerable profile who lack personal strength, knowledge and understanding of Islam and have a sort of desire to redeem themselves (spiritually) that are susceptible to brainwashing from groups with a dodgey 'Islamic' agenda. Having said that, I think Britons need to develop a sense of humour when it comes to Muslims. Whilst, you Canadians get the marvellous Little Mosque on the Prairie (I'm a huge fan), we get this and the cringe worthy 'Make me a Muslim'. :rolleyes:
  12. DD, huh? I was talking about the ‘Qudbo Siro’ business, there. Unless, your responding to my first post now. In anycase, I didn't say that going to the event was desperate. Faheema, It's sadly pretty common in the Muslim world, you can even get cyber wadaads who are willing to do an online nikaah. A lot of girls end up being dumped and pregnant and unable to prove their marital status. It’s always the women who lose out!
  13. Blessed


    ^No, I just want to kick **** and be fit at the same time.
  14. Blessed


    ^One track ah, kan dhawr bool-baa ka maqan, wallee. Tell me, how do you stay interested in the gym for more than 3 weeks? I finally found a karate (ladies only) centre in Dubai.. and I can't join it for a while yet.. Typical!
  15. ^It's when horney youths go to bogus wadaad, to get the go ahead to shag each other without committing to a real marriage and letting their families / community know.
  16. Masha Allah, Nino. Mabrook, I'm very happy for you, walaal. "May Allaah bless you, send down His Blessings upon you, and unite you both upon goodness." Originally posted by +Faheema: Secondly, I can't believe I had to hear it from SOL p.s. Blessed, hope you didn't know either lol Nop! What... fed-edxing bariis NA? Walllahi waad il baxday!! Aan London imaado. :mad:
  17. ^LOL. Johnny, They're all as compelling as each other for me, with some thing as intimate as faith, you need to be 150% sure that your committing yourself to the truth. Islam suites my both psychological (philosophical) and spiritual desires. The character of Muhammed (saw) is an epitomises human strength, in every aspect.
  18. ^It's in public, so you don't need a muhrim. Just his permssion. I'd find it a bit weird though, whatever happened to the old fashioned way of just telling your girls / boys or habos and eedo that you're ready (or not turn their offers down, the eedos / habos start looking automatically the day you turn 20, hehe) and let them find you a decent fella / girl, if yor having trouble?! It's the safer option.
  19. I have nothing to declare, Ghanima. Good luck though...
  20. Why do you want to know? Tempted by that u-turn, sign? 1: The exquisiteness of the physical world! 2: The reliability respectuvely accuracy of the 'Kuran' and 'Sunnah' ! 3: The life and character of Mohammed (Pbuh) ! 4: Islam's positive influence on culture and individuals ! 5: Your individual experiences ! 6: The sunnah of life in general. 7: Something els......
  21. ^You only say that because ma ogid waxay Berbari la kulushahay. Besides, dadkeedu ma dagaalamaan as it's the city of Lurrve, huuno and where I plan to retire. p.s Ghani, I left an FB message for you last week, go check it. *don't fall of your chair* Good night!
  22. ^Nigis! Sheeko la'aan baa meesha ka jirta baryahan.
  23. ^Berbera kuu gartey, but the three blocks in C[eeri]shorty, waxaba ma sheegayaan. Ka bax!
  24. Waar, Africanow, reer Burco farahaaga qadhmuun ka qaad. (that's response he wants Ghani). LOL @ KK, niyad dajis aa? *sniff, sniff* Inta kale, been maad sheegin.