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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. ^Funny, that always seems to be the case. It's other peoples mothers, fathers, brothers, spouses, clans that are bad or whatever evil Somaalida laga sheego but never our own. No, ours are always the exception to the rule. And may the geel be praised. Burton is an overrated pig.
  2. Amazing stuff, the kid is really gifted. Makes it look like a wallk in the park. S'A.
  3. This place gets stranger everyday. Rabina Yustur.
  4. ^Hehehe. We all need a little Somali madness in our lives, it'll be fun and might come in handy for the future. I'm get me some Somali madness from the souq now. Take care. xx
  5. ^Liar. Sayid, LOOL. Weli waxba maad arag. Anyway, you've got the wrong clan, dear. Ibti iyo labadaa nin isku hawoba maaha. I did say small and quirky.
  6. ^You can send one for me, my best friend just got back from TZ and I'm so dreaming about it. Time to explor the motherland.. Ibti. Are you going back to work..
  7. What's that smell? Ibti.. Nooo..and I can't wait. How are things coming along for ya..?
  8. Ahaa.. This section smells much better.. Can, I have to cushions pls. I want to abandon my body, it seems that no matter how well I treat and pamper it, it insists on making things hard for me. :mad:
  9. ^Ouch, that's harsh. LOL@ is garaaco. Couldn't you think of a better term @ Nuune. I guess, that explains the high divorce rate though.. most people go into it to 'see how it goes' and don't fully commit to the 'till death do us part'.. p.s This sheeko is starting to sound like an Eastenders plot. *yawns*
  10. Ibtisaam, Men, eh? Sayidow, Waad isla kabaraadeysaa.. Maxaad tidhi, dumarka lama gurgurto!! Dee waa hagaag, weligaaba qayli - ragayagu qacantuun bay ka hadlaan... Also, I know waxaad u damdam leedahay, I know how you reer Baris play in inantan laguugu xaal mariyo haba ninyeysanin.
  11. LOL@ Ibtisaam, So that's how todays dhalinyaro do things... Sayid, what's your version of the story. (I'm only asking him to be fair, I blv that your 150% innocent ).
  12. Salaams, Jimce wanaagsan.. Sayid dagaal baa wadaa walee.. Anyway, you're wasting your time with labadaas. Me and Ibti are from a quirky little Northern tribe where the garta and the leading is done by the ladies... Talk to me. Maxay, Ibtilo kugu samaysay?
  13. Is it International Arabic day? Meesha waad qabsateen and funnily enough I've spent the last 10 mins trying to make sense of an email reply to a question I've asked some1. The question was in English, he responded in Arabic. :confused: Anyway, can one of you kind souls volunteer to translate? Please... I'm just confusing myself here.
  14. ^ . Dayuusnimo seems to be in fashion these days. Inaa Lilaah. :rolleyes: Mr.Gello That's good, but why aren't you representing bro? Stop hating, okay..
  15. Originally posted by Ibtisam: M.r. Gelo: If he was your teacher than you are from London, not Hollywood ....unless you moved, and I can't see anyone moving frm london to hollywood Silly girl, if you're in YT, you made it to Hollywood. You don't even have to leave your house. Saa ula soco. Mr. G. So, you're an A.H progeny? [EDIT] I take back my welcome, the way you gossip of Duraan, your old Quraan teacher is really uncalled for. SubhaanAllah, bro. People can have money without being dodgey. Back to topic, there are a few Muslim females taking part, some Arab. However, I find your comments on this topic both perverted and disrespectful and is the reason why a Muslimas don't / shouldn't take part. We're not put on this earth for your pleasure, huuno. :rolleyes: Honestly.. do people read the rubbish they write on SOL?
  16. Originally posted by Ashkiro: @The best way is to get them mini brooms, cleaning tools as toys when they are young Please tell me u are joking and only seeking reaction with such an outrageous statement? I sure do hope so. I certainly don't believe in habaar, lakiin if ever one was needed u would get mine right about now, to think so lowly of innocent children ya Allah. The best tools you can give children, (you mental midget), is apart from teaching them the deen and mannerism, is education, education, education. investing in the future of your kids, not the other way around. Your the parent, not them. I do wonder why somali kids are the way they are sometimes. I don't think the brother meant that's ALL you teach children. Cooking and cleaning are essential life skills. You'll find that the teaching of these skills are actually an integral part of modern educational curriculums aimed at the holistic development of the child. He’s cleaning toy suggestion goes in line with the ‘home corner’, ‘Wendy house’ and Home Economic labs that you’ll find in most western schools. Ngonge, ha isku wareerin, he is a special sort of case.
  17. Fast tomorrow. It takes a few days for your body to get used to fasting. And eat suhoor, it's a blessing. BTW..It's from the sunnah NOT to fast the last two days of Sha'baan.
  18. There are only 2 athletes. The young girl, Samiya and the guy, Abdel Nasir. The flag bearer is the head of the Olympics Committee and the rest are either his colleagues or there for moral support.. Does anyone know when their games are on??? I don't watch much TV but wanna see them and Shaikha Maitha for the UAE...
  19. Man free zone in SOL? I thought, it was too good to be true. Hello gabdho.. see la yahay?
  20. Tea by a 5 year old is not safe, NG. She can help tidy up, may be make toast, pour you a drink but keep her away from the heat… I lived the blessed life of a spoilt princess until a month before my 9th b-day when my evil little brother came into the world.
  21. ^LOL. Ibti, Same name and that smile. I can't see the photos but from the videos he looks like he put on some weight. But he is married now, so maybe that explains it.. LOL. What are the odds..
  22. Aww, so nice to see Somalis there. Btw.. Is Duraan, the torch bearer from London? I think he was my dugsi teacher.
  23. ^Puhlease, inaar. This silly asaasaq thing is not worth my hate.
  24. Allah, raga SOL maxaan la yaabey. Qudhun kasta, ama xalaal ama xaraan haku dhaqmee, if it involves getting it with a young girl wey u sacab tumayaan. *shrugs* Jinka la iska naaraad tihiin. Uf! p.s I bet all my dirhams half the wives wuu iska sheegta.