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Everything posted by Blessed
^I think Hal Karaan, gives more details of the poets life. I bought Halka Haleel for Aabo sometime back but never got around to reading it myself. As for books, try Red-sea online. JB, Allah maxaad ilabaxdeen. LOL. Looks like it was a sucess. Thanks for sharing.
^Well you know that it already takes real effort for me to remember important stuff. Less than two weeks before Ramadaan begins ladies. Ya Allah, I've so much to do before it satrts. :eek: I pray for a blessed month and accepted fast for you and yours. Insha Allah.
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ If ignorance were an Olympic sport, you would win the gold medal and then get disqualified for using performance-enhancing drugs. Ashkiro, You have not provided a link to the source of this article, saaxib. Is it written by a neurotic and bitter woman or a far-sighted and very perceptive man? The first part of your post is a gem, Ayeeyo. But, you can't be serious on the second!?. I've read the source blog (jamerican muslimah) a few times and the sister is neither bitter nor neurotic. She's certainly not advocating for women leading prayers or any of that 'take away Islam' rubbish. She hapepens to access mosques run by people like your neighbours in London. Those who maintain that either women shouldn't be allowed in the Mosque or they're made to pray next to the shoe rack. Shaikhs who are men first, Muslim second. It's a sad reality that exists in many western masjids. My experiences in the ME have been pretty pleasant to date.
I've just checked their website, they do a treatment for 'pear ladies' too. So, going to treat myself. Yey. I can easily go through a small box of Thorntons. Yumm. Come to think of it, mid baan iska qariyey maalin hore. *going to dig it up* Salaams.
LOL. I hate it when that happens. I've been meaning to go back there. Why does Sharjah have to be so far. I wanna be smothered in chocolate.
Why did you quote that Ayah? It doesn't support your racist position. It talks about all Muslim men and women regardless of race. My initial point is that as a community, we ignore the many children that our men father and abandon who end up growing up without Islam and Somali culture. They are Somali only through lineage. And, yet people like you make a song and dance about sisters who are married to and are raising Muslims. Secondly, wasn't it the role of mother to teach and educate the children? Obviously, the kids of a Somali woman will pick up on her culture, language. As for religion and culture, religion is part of culture. All cultures share a system of believes together, custums, etc which makes them unique. Religion is that system of believe. Indeed. So considering that Islam is a way of life, a convert brother shares more with you in terms of believe, customs and ideals. Whereas, the only link you have with a Somali that was raised in a different believe system is his lineage. It's what the pagan Quraish were to the Ansar at the Prophets (saw) time. There's even an ayah in the Quraan about it. Dig it up!
Tell me about it, Lily. LOL@ Ibtisaam. October - May is the best time to sun bath / make sand castles and collect shells here. I'm more than happy to let you two to take me there.
^When you came.. It's really sticky and disgusting now. I want to crawl out of my skin sometimes. When are you visiting us again?
Outside feels like a giant oven. *ouf* What did I miss... Oh. dad baan ka xanaajiyey. I'm sorry, I was only kaftamin.
We've the Ducaysane and Che version in this section too. Khasiisado
It was used as tooth paste subtitute back home. And even lush does charcoal soaps but those guys rip you off..
Ibtisaam, Abuse? Half these products are from the kitchen cupboard, we put them in our bodies so they can't be bad for our skin, can they? I use it once a week or when my skin feels blah. I personally don't use chemicals, perfumed creams as my skin can get irritated. I don't do facials. I went a few times, for the pampering but it has messed up my skin, making it itchy and dry, must be the chemicals again. A derma. told me that I didn't really need it because I have normal skin. If you don't need it, don't do it. You have to watch what you feed your body, sometimes all you need to do is to change yur diet. p.s see I wasnt b-sing you about the magical properties of dhuxul. JB, LOL. Idaa ninyow..
Originally posted by Malika: God! the men are so useless in this thread.. Don't be mad at them dear, waxay ku khal khaleen our golden glow.
^No chance of that, walaalo. If I'm ever silly enough to forget my place, I trust you'll remind me. Just make sure you spice up the reminder with the following key words: Allah, the Messenger and the Sharia but avoid Quranic and hadith quotations at all costs (it will confuse me), aight? Anyway, so your bottom line is lineage now and not culture as stated before? Originally posted by Mr-Peace: Religion is a significant part of culture, you can't separate the two. Expand on this please...
Originally posted by Mr-Warmonger: Che ninyaho, that's irrelevant. If a farax marries ajnabi, the offspring are still somali, but if xalimo marries ajnabi she produces ajnabi kids. There is a difference. There are many half Somali b*stards running around most coastal British cities (seaman babies), 90% being gaalo and you never see Somali men talking about their lack of deen / culture. I actually know a guy, who goes to pubs and makes bets with people saying 'if you guess where I'm from, I'll buy you a pint, if you don't you buy me one'. He always gets a free pint on the Somali card. Ah.. but he's better than that cute thawb and kufi wearing Jamaican / Algerian / Irish kid of a Somali mother, right? Waa Somaali. I guess, we have one rule for the men and a whole encyclopedia for women.
^It was posted in jest, dear. Anyways, it's been decades since this islaan heard any of that rubbish so I'm gonna leave you to it.
I'm missing kii yaraa ee Saqajaanka ahaa, he was such xaraabo. So, I dedicate this to him.. Peace! And uhh, I know they like to beat ya down a lot When you come around the block brothas clown a lot But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up And when he tells you you ain't nuttin don't believe him And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him Cause sista you don't need him And I ain't tryin to gas ya up, I just call em how I see em You know it makes me unhappy (what's that) When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy And since we all came from a woman Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women Why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women Time to heal our women, be real to our women And if we don't we'll have a race of babies That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
^guurku muxuu wajigeeda u tarayaa? LOL. JB and Che, It's work and alot of fun.
I don't like huruud, it doesn't do much for me. Qasil on the other hand is my best friend. I use it as face wash or I make a mask out of it by mixing it with, natural yogurt, or honey or crushed strawberries (when I get sun burnt) or cucumber seeds. It's the answer to most of skin problems. Originally posted by Malika: The qasil&huruud is good too..I have seen ready mixed packages here in UK. The Asli pack, it has black seed too. Pretty nice.
OMG.. CL and Ibti are having a moment. *sneaks out of thread*
*Edit* We posted at the same time MMA. Weydinkaa!
Saqajaan, Ninku waa Saqajaan, sow maaha? A woman her age should know not to accommodate a Faarax or to forfeit her rights. Doqon! As for the Faarax, well badankooduba dantooduun bay ka fikiraan, no surprises there.. Urfi marriages are xaraam, anyway.
Expecting an extra blessing IA Will also be going to our old neighbourhood for Tarawiix purely for the tajweed of the Yemeni Imam there.
^The hijaabis always get respect? How do you reach such a conclusion, walaal. Do you have experience as a female hijaabi and did you read the original article? Okay, another observation: 2. Some Muslim men also think that the ayaat proceeding the command of the female hijaab are either 'kalaam faadi' or not addressing them.
It's not just Arab men here, the Indians are worse and even the Somalis have this annoying way of staring you out. Bisinka! I think it's the heat, something to do with men being more hormonal in hot weather. Even in the UK, they go crazy in the summer months. Some Muslim men see hijaabis as weaklings, unfortunately. That's why I think al girls should be trained in martial arts.