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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Muwaah@ Shehehe. I'm so looking forward to it. Don't what my sister does, since 2005kii bey soo socotaa. :rolleyes: LOL@ Ngone.. Thanks. I'd be doing him a huge favour. Ibti. I LOVE YOU. Cara, LOL. Send your requirements and I'll find you a perfect match.
  2. ^Salaams hon. Stop looking as I've got an organisation for you and some other news too.. :cool: Will call you 8ish (GMT) tonight, Insha Allah. Salaams and Eid Mubaarek gabdho..
  3. Wow Faynuus, I was not attacking you or meaning to offend. I like to be sincere and frankly I'm not great at mincing my words. Sorry, I came off too strong. I'll say it again, all the best. Salaams.
  4. ^Haha. They give you a chocolate drink to fix that.. Salaams DD, They do / did the chocolate wrap at the Orchid Spa which is in the Sharjah Ladies Club... web page. It's about 30 - 40 min taxi ride from Deira (depending on time of day)and they should know where SLC is.. Mornings are the best time and make sure you leave plenty of time to lounge in their private ladies only beach (ah bliss). AVOID the rush hour! If you don't want to deal with the Sharjah traffic, I highly recommend Dubai Ladies Club on Jumeirah... A bit more costly than (SLC) but it's easier to get to and they're doing some really nice talks / iftars in the Arts Center for Ramadaan. Hope that helps, I haven't been to any other places in Dubai. I live on the outskirts, so just go to my local. P.s As for Ramadaan opening hours: Nothing closes for nothing in the UAE. They only close for a few hours in the afternoon. Enjoy our mad city.
  5. Here is a complete collection of Tafsir reflections of the Quraan in 30 parts. Really, good Masha Allah.
  6. Blessed


    ^ehem. Why do you watch it? Don't tell me for the story line and the engaging dialogue. And this Arab woman love psych thing is over rated..ONE womans story apparently gives insight into all Arab women. Bah! My, my @ Fazaa3. Explains his vanity.
  7. Blessed

    Ugly Education

    ^ . Nice one.. LOL@ soo ducee. xx
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I don't want to ruin the topic and make it a political nacnac but i must say Somaliland recovered and rebuilding without that Billions of dollars and all that oil business. Quite remarkable indeed ........... صح لسانج But it can do much, much better.
  9. Yep, it's the same thing. Looooool@ ilkahaa xaaraantimeeyay! I love that, so going to use it..
  10. ^This is the second time you question my honesty, bruv. Yaa ila kaa xantay?
  11. ^You know he built a school in a tuulo in Somalia. Naseem waa rageedi! :cool: BG, Yeah, actually. Does he have an official website, tolow?? British press waa sidaa, when you do well, they're your friends. When you don't, they lynch you despite your good track record -and Amir has one to be proud of at such a young age... Insha Allah, I hope he uses this experience to improve on his game.
  12. ^I was laughing at the content on the message not the actual hacking. Somaliland Hackers can help you how to build a secure website site Why you don't give discount somaliland students going to asia countries? This is classic! As for ownership, I think the Arabs will be good for Daalo. I'm hoping they improve the service so that I can finally go back home for a visit. I refuse to get on that rickety qoro qoro with the drunk russian pilot. :eek: Weli ismaan nicin..
  13. ^It's like this huuno... Chris Rock can crack 'n*gger jokes*, Harry Enfield can't. Muslims can take the mick out of fellow Muslims, atheists can't. Sorry, you're feeling left out.
  14. LMAO! Welcome Admin .......... Aad ayaan uga xumahay Jabsashada Website kaaga daallo airlines you launched your site but you have dangerous weakness We are not Black Hats but we tested your site and telling your weakness Somaliland Hackers can help you how to build a secure website site Why you don't give discount somaliland students going to asia countries? Si aad u ogaato weakness kaaga waad nala soo xidhiidhi kartaa. We Are Not blackhats And We Didn't Hack This Site For Sabotage. In Fact, We Hacked This Site , The Security Is Not Your Priority
  15. Hmmm. Could it be that you (Faynuus) is too overbearing and self righteous? I find it hard to believe that you are all perfect and she is so evil. It could be that your sister is a little spoilt, perhaps immature but if you were approaching things probably you wouldn't be having so many problems. Why are you having issues over what you give to relatives? Do you advertise it? How would you feel if your sister focused only on your shortcomings? You didn't write a single positive about her in this thread, is this how you are off line? Why do you feel that you have a right to meddle in her affairs, raising her was your duty as an older sister but it doesn't give you ownership over her. She needs to find her own path, make her own decisions, mistakes.. Or she'll be some little (or big) dhoongo that keeps running back to you with every little problem. I don't mean to be so harsh on you walaalo. I just think that sometimes you need to look within to find solutions to problems. Sisters are one of the sweetest blessings from Allah. I hope you do get over this and enjoy your sisterhood. Insha Allah.
  16. Ouch, that was hard to watch. I was only thinking about Amir the other day, haven't heard about him for ages. Poor thing. I hope he's okay and gets back on track...
  17. ^LOL! Hahaha. I make up names for abaayas too. The latest trend here, I call 'naaso ayaan leeyahay' :rolleyes: It's like a push up abaaya. And for some reason, the butterfly / faraasha reminds me of R.Kelly LOL Lily, These new thick diracs are lovely aren't they?
  18. Assalamu Alaikum walaalo, Jizaak Allah for this post. Just today, I was thinking about the number of excuses we come out with during the holly month. How, something as simple as typing can seem a mammoth task and then I started thinking about the Sahaabahs marching for battle. SubhanAllah, we're a different species all together. May Allah be pleased with them all.
  19. ^Well put! Excuse me, hardcore maxay dhaheen; King Fahad Academy is an extremist institution? LOL. If that's the case then I'm a class A terrorist. JOKERS! Anyway, for those interested...
  20. Living the Single Life By Fatima Asmal During my first trip to Makkah, as a 24-year-old, I met an inspirational mother of one, who eleven years after giving birth to her first child, desperately wanted another baby. Three years after going through a divorce, I too, was desperate – to get married again. When I told this sister about the feelings of disillusionment and loneliness I was experiencing, she told me how she was addressing her need during her time in this blessed city, and advised me to do the same. She told me that in every step she took during her pilgrimage, she would fervently make du’aa to Allah, asking Him to Bless her with another child. She said she did this during tawaaf, between Safaa and Marwa, everywhere she went, she reminded herself to make this du’aa, and she suggested that I implore Allah in a similar manner. I left the sister’s hotel room, with a spring in my step, on a similar mission. Everywhere I went, I begged Allah to Bless me with a husband: ‘Oh Allah Grant me a husband who is a haafidh,’ ‘Oh Allah, Bless me with a husband who loves knowledge and is actively seeking it,’ ‘Oh Allah, Bless me with a husband who is willing to give up his life in Your Path.’ I didn’t want to return home, to live the unfulfilling and empty life I felt I had been living, and poured these feelings out in my prayers, crying my heart out every step of the way. When I returned to South Africa, I received a call from a relative, who told me she wanted to introduce me to a brother who had memorized the Qur’aan and who was actively studying the Deen. Excited that Allah had answered my prayers, I immediately agreed to the introduction. Well, I met the brother, I prayed Salaatul Istikhaarah, and you know what? I didn’t end up marrying him. After three years of not having being introduced to marital prospects, after Hajj I suddenly found myself inundated with calls from friends and family eager for me to meet brothers they felt I would be compatible with. I met them all. And I did not end up married to any of them. You see, our Merciful Rabb was showing me that the time wasn’t quite right for me to marry, that though there were hundreds of brothers in the world who possessed the criteria I was looking for, they were not necessarily the marriage partners He had destined for me, nor was the time right for me to marry. When the time was appropriate for me to marry, in His Divine Estimate, not in my limited understanding thereof, He would bring the right person into my life. Uplifted by this realization, I re-motivated myself, and re-channeled my energy. I continued making du’aa for marriage yes, and I didn’t stop making an effort towards meeting prospective husbands, but it was no longer the obsession it had become, the yardstick by which I had measured fulfillment. I sought fulfillment in other ways, immersing myself in teaching Islam to women and teenage girls, publishing Islamic reading material, working for Islamic radio stations and engaging in other forms of da’wah. You’re probably waiting for the part where I tell you about my happy ending – that, a few years later I met the man who had everything I wanted and more, and we got married and lived happily ever after. But dear sister, influenced by the West, we attach different meanings to concepts which Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala has already defined, in the Qur’aan and through the teachings of Rasoolullaah sallallahu alayhi wassallam. Happiness doesn’t start and end with getting the guy you want and living a life of bliss with him. Happiness is about passing the tests we are faced with in this world, remaining firm on our faith in spite of these tests and presently ourselves to Allah on the Day of Qiyaamah, rich in good deeds. I did get married, yes. But again, it didn’t work out. So I’m living the ’single life’ again. And dear sister, it isn’t half as bad as people sometimes make it out to be. Of course I want to get married again. And if anyone out there is unmarried, of course, you too, should want to marry and make an effort in this respect. For did not the Rasool of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wassallam tell us, ‘Marriage is a sunnah (way) of mine, and whoever does not follow my Sunnah is not of my followers. Get married because I will display your outnumbering the other nations on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever has wealth should get married, and whoever does not should fast, because fasting is a restraint (of desire) for him.’ (Ibn Maajah, authenticated by Al-Albaanee) And this beautiful union has undeniable benefits. Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala has told us in the Qur’aan: ‘And among His signs is that He created for you, from yourselves, spouses that you may dwell (in joy and security) unto them, and He set between you love and mercy; surely in that are signs for those who reflect.’ (Surah Ar-Room 30:21) And: ‘They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:187) But having said that, we have to remember that just like marriage is an integral part of faith, so too is exercising trust and patience in the decree of Allah. People may say that you and I are not married because we are too fussy, or difficult to get along with, etc. etc. and perhaps we can analyze what they are saying and if we conclude that they are correct, then we can work hard towards rectifying that aspect of our character for the Pleasure of Allah. But having done that, we have to realize, that ultimately, we are not married because Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala has Willed for us to be single at this point in time. Now we have a choice. Either we can lose sleep over it, beat ourselves up every day, and feel really sorry for ourselves. Or we can recognize that the time we have on our hands is a gift from Allah, an amaanah, not to be wasted in counter-productive thoughts and futile tears and fears. And we can start spending this time beneficially, by engaging in activities which our married sisters might not always be able to enjoy: seeking knowledge, being active in da’wah, volunteering our time to organizations which serve the poor and aged, spending quality time with our parents, babysitting for our married friends so they can spend some time engaging in these activities, the list goes on and on. And this my dear sister, is how the single life should be lived. If Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala Wills, somewhere in the midst of living and reveling in the joy and fulfillment such a life brings, Mr. Right will come along. And if he doesn’t, so what? Perhaps he will be waiting for you in Jannah, a reward for the patience you exercised in this transient world! Being unmarried undeniably comes with its challenges, just like marriage does. But it isn’t the end of the world. And it shouldn’t be. So get up, take a deep breath, hand this affair over to Allah, and start living the life He has given you! (
  21. Hmmmm. I find it rather telling that Faaraxs always get stuck on the high expectations of sisters. Interesting.. Siphoning.. You're obviously at the anger stage of the grieving process. It's okay, let it all out. I pray Allah, the Kareem delivers you from it. p.s The constant is daba joog of the Faraxs and Xalimos in SOL, remind me of Saados words: Naftu raaxo jecelaa Rafaad iyo dhib necebaa Reer magaale caashaqey Rubidiisu nugulaa .... Haduu waayo kuu rabay Rogaal noqosho badanaa ... Ruux ruux ka maqan yahay Hurddaduu ku reemiyo Riyo waali badanaa. Ragu naago jecelaa Dumarkuna u roonaa Hadana riiq dagaaliyo Colaad raagto badanaa Kolna wey is reebaan Kolna wey is raadshan Dhanuu may isu raacaan