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Everything posted by kiki

  1. I think somalian gayz or even girlz should date whoever they desire or whoever makez them happy in da long run'.. besidez nowdayz more somalian sisterz are messing with or dating outside their race' so is not only da gayz are dating outside their own... and I personality rather see somalian man dating blackz rather den whitez chickz'... DON'T ASK ME WHY'... but itz alwayz better to stick with your own'.... one~
  2. I think somalian gayz or even girlz should date whoever they desire or whoever makez them happy in da long run'.. besidez nowdayz more somalian sisterz are messing with or dating outside their race' so is not only da gayz are dating outside their own... and I personality rather see somalian man dating blackz rather den whitez chickz'... DON'T ASK ME WHY'... but itz alwayz better to stick with your own'.... one~
  3. I think somalian gayz or even girlz should date whoever they desire or whoever makez them happy in da long run'.. besidez nowdayz more somalian sisterz are messing with or dating outside their race' so is not only da gayz are dating outside their own... and I personality rather see somalian man dating blackz rather den whitez chickz'... DON'T ASK ME WHY'... but itz alwayz better to stick with your own'.... one~
  4. I think somalian gayz or even girlz should date whoever they desire or whoever makez them happy in da long run'.. besidez nowdayz more somalian sisterz are messing with or dating outside their race' so is not only da gayz are dating outside their own... and I personality rather see somalian man dating blackz rather den whitez chickz'... DON'T ASK ME WHY'... but itz alwayz better to stick with your own'.... one~
  5. I think we all agree itz wrong to have sex be4 marriage whether itz religious wize or saving yourself for marriage whatever da reason might be'but if you decided to have sex be4 marriage go ahead and more power to Ya. honestly who are we to judge'.... NobodY'... JUST MAKE SURE TO protect yourself... Iam not saying go ahead, but if you decided to do da damn thang BE SAFE...and be smart' one~
  6. I think we all agree itz wrong to have sex be4 marriage whether itz religious wize or saving yourself for marriage whatever da reason might be'but if you decided to have sex be4 marriage go ahead and more power to Ya. honestly who are we to judge'.... NobodY'... JUST MAKE SURE TO protect yourself... Iam not saying go ahead, but if you decided to do da damn thang BE SAFE...and be smart' one~
  7. I think we all agree itz wrong to have sex be4 marriage whether itz religious wize or saving yourself for marriage whatever da reason might be'but if you decided to have sex be4 marriage go ahead and more power to Ya. honestly who are we to judge'.... NobodY'... JUST MAKE SURE TO protect yourself... Iam not saying go ahead, but if you decided to do da damn thang BE SAFE...and be smart' one~
  8. kiki


    STOLEN THOUGHTS You demand. But do you give? Must all go your way? You laugh. Is real? Are you happy? Where can I find the true you? Do I search the unknown through your actions? Can I know the inner you? A touch? A smile? What is one moment of pleasure or happeniess? You demand- I demand- To share the enjoyment Of One MOMENT! ~ My Girl M. Antia G
  9. Yo' sorry to say thiz but danG my remix iz much better den yourz'... seriously'... but good try thou'... lol
  10. Your joke iz aight... but kind cornY...