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Posts posted by ServantOfAllah

  1. Salam

    It was just some strange figures. I guess woman keep it on the DL when it comes to romance novels.


    I wont go thru all the hassle of double checking the stats on that I trust Siraj Wahaj on this one. He's always got some astonishing figures to present.



  2. Assalam Alkium


    Inshallah this message reaches every1 at a great state of health and Iman.


    You know this world is going corrupt when you have people telling you that they know what they are doing is haram but yet still proceed on doing what they do.


    One of the people just mentioned on how they date so they can find themselves some one compatible for the future. At the same time they said "i have dated so many times: if your goal is to find yourself a partner then I don't think you would have gone threw so many people to find him/her its just not logical, at least not to me.


    On the Issue of Arrange marriage, are you people really convinced that this will happen in this day and age, in North America??? Personally I doubt it. I think our parents have seen the out comes of arrange marriage either in there own marriage or the marriage of there friends or family. And I don't think they would like it to happen to you.


    Petite and Mujahid: I definitely agree with your rationale.


    I also Agree with what Rahimma said, we should look into how Islam has allowed us to get to know the significant other.


    And for anyone who claims that they need to date so they know how to communicate when they get married, that's a load of rubbish. Is dating the only way one learns how to communicate. Communication is vital part of this society with out it I don't don't see how ppl would be able to live in here.


    "but maybe he can't communicate so what am i gonna do with money and a high status- How can he/she not be able to communicate if they are holding a good job and high education.


    If my life was any different then what it is at right now, I would have dated in no second just because of what everyone had said: the social norms of this society and peer pressure. So I'm thankful for the state I'm in right now and wouldnt want to change if for anything.


    Please excuse my jumping from one thing to another couldnt help it.


    P.S: Mujahid you said ;98% of women in the West read romantic novels; where did you get this statistics from?


    If I;ve offended anyone please forgive me anything good I;ve said is from Allah(swt) and anything bad is from me.


    Your sister in Faith

    MaSalam smile.gif