LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Truth be told, he does fit the terrorist profile. Just like a black man in the corner shop at 2am fits the drug dealer profile. Bottom line is, that australian cat shouldn't be crucified for speaking the truth. After all, how can words hurt anyone?
  2. ^^ No suprise there,you r anti-social, you r always on the dark about everything and everyone. Who wants to share secrets or trade secrets with a monster like Warsan, All jokes aside, RendezVous if what you are reporting is to be the truth, then you have no business sharing private information with the public, without permission.(Private Info etc. she went to see him) I don't want to know who hooked up, much less who went to see who first, but at the same time, I find that is a bad judgement on your part to air our pple's laundry. If they want pple to know their private business, they would have came out with it by now, instead, you are coming out with their so called "happy" news, ain't that disturbing? Another thing I have a problem with is why you are posting half a story?? Is this your way of finding a suitable maid for yourself in SOL, therefore you are hiding behind these "two pple" who you conveniently made up, let the truth be told, this way no one would question your motive and the chit chat will start without anyone asking why you had taken the time to come up with yet another warn-out subject.
  3. LayZie G.

    Who What Am I?

    Bob, great read. Keep it up
  4. Yo ma, I don't know about blocking "scrolling messages" but according to the locals, the star thats on those flags are honoring those important figures. There was a picture I took of Jose Marti pointing to the direction of the stadium, statue was just 2 streets down from this location, behind the image, the meaning behind his point was to warn that "they are coming" watch out...(americans ofcourse)
  5. I really don't see the point of people who are posting pictures that everyone knows they did not take. The photo competition is an image you took of something that is meaningful to you that you would like to share. Why are some of you wasting your time and my time viewing your nonsense, when in reality you just took it off a site? Kudos to the others who actually took the time to post a picture they took themselves, some of your photos were very good. I recently took a 2 week vacation to Cuba, and I've had the opportunity to visit the capital as well as some of the near provinces, such as Varadero, LA habana Province and Matanza, and this image I picked out from the many images I took as I was walking the streets, I would like to share. It was in Havana City, Its one of the few stadiums that fidel comes to hold public speechless and I captured an image from far with the afternoon havana traffic, beautiful city.(Got many more, but I'm only allowed to enter one image for the draw) This particular Stadium, as you can see has flags posted infront of it. These flags represent those important figures/individuals who died for the country.(Those who fought in the revolutionary). This is a way for the country to keep a memory of those people who died for their country. I also have taken few pictures of Jose Santi, the public figure, the brain as they call who had alerted the people that the americans were coming and taking over. The man's statue is practically everywhere, and I will post it in some other thread, but its amazing how these pple are so poor but so appreciative of those that saved their country, even thought it isn't the greatest, they still love it.
  6. they want marry ofcourse they have to because it is NEED.. not WANT you cant ignore it. i cant understand why you not this? hahaha, the last quote is classic, because I don't know what the hell this dude is on, but it sure is fun reading his jibrish nonsense. Dude, you do realize, you just answered all of your questions, right?
  7. Did anyone get a chance to read the Sex Slavery Big Business in Somalia article?? Devilangle, we, the somali women have crisis in our hands, the ugly creatures are going long distance to capture an innocent beauty in the hopes of destroying her innocene. The ugly creatures are paying their way to trapping these innocent girls, acuudi billaah. I hope there is a way to put a stop to this nonsense, its sickening. This is a good read pple, have the chance to read on this, I felt rage as I read it...
  8. I feel ya on the ugly co-worker thingy, I was in a similar situation at work few months ago. There is this guyanese dude from work that instantly when I started to work at my job over a year and a half ago started coming hard at me. He came with full force. At first, I just didn't acknowledge it, I would just turn the other cheek, but it got to the point were he was literally harrasing me to find out when we would go out. I basically tried to be nice in all ways possible, but enough was enough. This is what I did, I had a sit down with him over at the employee launch on one of my breaks and I told him, I think you are a great guy, but I was never attracted to you, I'm not attracted to you at the present time and I don't see myself feeling anything for you other than friendship. Furthermore, I don't feel comfortable being your friend anymore, because you are always bugging me about when we will go out when I clearly told you that I was seing someone. I'm sorry to say this, but I can't force myself to be attracted to you and I just wish we would stay cool, if you don't think thats what you want, then I think we are prefer off not being as friend. He literally didn't say anything, and from that point on, he did nothing but waive at me, or say hi to me whenever we see each other. What I said to him, had to be said. He left me no choice in the matter. Young las, sometimes, Honesty is the best policy, and I suggest you confront this ugly creature asap. PS: DOn't put it off as I had done, sh*t just gets worse...
  9. This girl sure knows how to take the mic out of somali men. Playmaker, war "head" kulahaa, how about the other way around, if a somali dude don't know how to go about eating sushi, he ain't got no business being with any woman period. PS:PPLE, this girl has a point, there are alot of decent looking somali females who end up with gorilla looking somali dudes, so I guess its about time these females got some good old advise from their loving sista.. Keep it up young las!!!
  10. Ubaahne, to each his own, my nonsense is my own, and u love it. Instead of crying about how irritated u find the likes of me, you ought to be worried about how you would [ July 02, 2006, 01:31: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  11. I never understood why pple have the tendency to share personal information that is not wanted by the general audience, I mean, I sure as hell don't want to read or know about your issues. I wonder what you would have done if forums and the internet weren't available to you. I'm not picking on you at all, rather fed up with "I have a problem" what should I do routine, its getting old. There are bigger problems then going out with a dude, pple are starving, homeless, not sure if we will all live tomorrow and all you concerned about is what you should do? The reality is, whether u get a good advise or not, you will go out regardless, so why wait for a response, go on ahead do whatever it is you originally planned on doing? People will talk no matter what you do, you could decise to stay home and not go through, and they will find something else to talk about. Don't live a life based with the notion of "what would pple think", they ain't living your life, you are, so why worry what others think of you? I have said my piece.
  12. LayZie G.


    Playmaker, now you riding wade's tail huh? YOu and the rest of world picked dallas to sweep, funny becuz all dallas did was take care of their home court, yet pple assumed SWEEP instantly. Z, you of all pple were having doubts about the heat, and there ain't a bigger heat supporter around these parts than u, so if I were u, I would just hush about if only Ejones won talk...Ejones ain't around. YOu actually had more faith in the heat 2 yrs ago then u had on them this season, and don't sit there and deny it...The way the heat were flip flopping, its a miracle they rode wade's tail as much as they did this postseason and gotten away with it, and much deserved final mvp if I might add.
  13. If Miskiin Macruuf is 26, I'm still 15. Your attempt to hide your real age is spotted by a non somali Miskiin, thats just sad.
  14. LayZie G.


    Playmaker aka Flip Flopper, now you riding another team's tail, when will it ever stop son? :rolleyes: Whenever I talked of Dallas and how they have improved greatly this season, pple were looking at me funny like they ain't even gonna make to the conference finals, now almost all of you except CApital is riding their tail, funny how you punch love to just go whichever way the air is blowing.
  15. LayZie G.


    lol@^^^, I didn't know you would be this bitter about carter's loss, that u start to hate on other team's coach. Avery is a good guy,and yes he has an annoying voice. I kept telling you and jay all along this season, mavs are great to watch, but lastnight's game against suns they were pretty much a step behind all game long and playing catch up won't win you games, but I'm sure they will have alot more fire power than what they showed lastnight come game 2. I'm expecting a Mavs Vs Heat finals, and may the best team win at that time. PS:I still can't get over how bitter you are playmaker, hehe.
  16. LayZie G.


    Playmaker, I love it when you try to rationalize bad plays. Who do you think was responsible for atleast 3 of those turnovers? Your man Carter, lets not front on it. Who does he think he is, superman, that he can fly passed bwetween two defenders? That was bad call on his part, and it cost the team. You even heard what Pat said about Carter's 34 shots for 40 something points, that says alot about a team. Do you actually think Carter can beat an entire team, much less a team that has SHAQ and Wade in it? This the second game of the heat and Miami that I actually caught the last few minutes of it, from the highlight of the last 3 quarters prior to the 4th, heat pretty much were in control, until that injury to wade and ofcourse lets not forget how heat ended the game.(don't be too shocked about that loss, playmaker and please, lil less crying next time) Lol@jay's comments, yes I was sitting on playmaker's lap, until he sold me out. Playmaker, Jay is just being jay, I didn't even notice that bit until I read this. I guess writing your name with a follow up "and" these days can get you into trouble.
  17. Tuujiye, waryee, war maba kuyaalo adiga. Meel oo Quc Qac naag kahelay, oo adiga single wali tahay, acceptable mabo aha. War orod oo naag raadso intuu the other baro oo single ah oo kugu guursan.
  18. ^^^, do you actually except me to read what you just wrote? I can honestly say, I skipped it through, because posts such as those are a waste to my eyes. No offence to you or anything. Who said OLD NAVY? Are you sending the girl to a beach party?
  19. LayZie G.


    Funny how all of you were riding the Kobe tail when the playoffs started, now y'all riding the Carter tail on the semifinals, I wonder whose tail you all will ride next once the beloved nets are out of the picture? Playmaker, can you say MURDER, MURDER, MURDER, I saw dead bodies lastnight Playmaker and I only caught up with the last few minutes of the game. Are you sad that your boy and his team had no answers what so ever???
  20. How about Prom dress, is the season of proms, ain't you worried about that too?
  21. LayZie G.


    Jay, the answer is neither. I always supported shaq and his teams, not so much when he was a laker, but more so when he was a magic. I would love to see Shaq in the finals again, but thats highly unlikely, atleast not without a real fight. Speaking of the nets, I can't stand Vince and I hope the heat sweep them off like a dust buster. I think the semifinal match ups in the east will be boring compare to the western semi-finals, I think the Texas Vs Texas would be very competitive. Dallas was amazing to watch all season, I'm sure they would put a fight against the spurs, and this is one time I can honestly say Spurs are in trouble. Playmaker, whatever happened to spurs better watch out? I guess you remain to be silent, the same way I remain to be silent on the pacer side.
  22. LayZie G.


    50pts my a*s. I'm sorry to say but phil Jackson's 27-0 record when leading 3-1 in the series is about to turn to a 27-1 record. Funny how Kobe can elbow pple and still get away with it but when others do it to him, they get a suspension. Barbosa dude got 12 stitches, he does this every playoff series he ever played on. The one against the spurs few yrs back, he kept on elbowing his defender, nasty player he is. Anyways, count on the suns to take them out. I said suns in 6games, but turned to 7games, you figure that one out.(this would have been a 4-2record, that overtime game was a suns game that got away) Capital Z, I don't even know why you show your face around here, the only time you open your mouth and let that nonsense come out is when your team wins, otherwise you are in hiding, so why are you even talking? I asked you that question before. Nocioni averaged 22pts, and almost 7or8rebounds during this series, he was a one man show, one the heat couldn't stop@all. Your team's whole defense was focused on the guards, Gordon and Hinrich, while Nocioni was out polishing his resume with superb numbers over the heat. Thats how I referred to him as one man show, mind you this is a man who wasn't drafted. Now go back to hiding and come back when the nets series are over, since you never have anything to contribute to this discussion except your usual nacnac.
  23. LayZie G.


    Jay, watching King James play sure is a thrill. The dude just gets better each and every game that passes. Don't discredit the Wizards, you saw what they did lastnight, that was just almost as good of a comeback as the laker comeback on game 4 in Los Angles. The Wizards and Arenas aren't a group of folks I would kindly push aside, atleast not unless the buzzer sounds off on game 6 and the Cavs steal that. This series against the Wizards is far from over, but I'm loving it, it be nice if they took it to a game 7, which is highly probable. Did you pple hear how Kobe was talking with the news media yesterday? How immature is this guy? This was just some of the quote's I recall hearing when I watched it lastnight... "I don't know this kid, I don't want to know this Kid" I see him once, I don't even know who he is" Is that really necessary? Talk about ciyaalnimo? Raja should have injured this son of a Gun. PS: Jay, you ought to value Playmaker's opinion, it seems that he is in competition with me nowadays, lol, don't leave him high and dry.
  24. LayZie G.


    Why you fronting on phil Jackson, everyone who knows how to play the game would agree, Phil is one of very few coaches who know how to actually utilize each player to their capabilities. Look back in the older laker squad he had over the yrs, he knew when to put Brian shaw on the game, he knew the times shaw would make the biggest impact, he knew when to put Mr Big shot aka Horry on, he knew when he needed each and every one of his men, bottom line is, he did it back in the bulls days and he continues to amaze me, even thought I hate his guts. He knew just the right time when to put steve kerr and make that must win shot, he knew when to put small head brown, remember him? He knew how to utilize Horace Grant, he knew how to utilize rodman of all pple, bottom line is, this man knows the game better than anyone and he makes sure that everyone knows their roles and plays to the best of their ability, with phil jackson, there is no room for error. I bet he the reason why he let Kobe off the leash is becuz he was running out of time, 82 games, no room for mistakes and hew knew that because this season's roaster is much weaker then any roaster phil ever worked with, he had to act and act fast.(Sometimes you gotta gamble in life and in basketball, so I'm betting had thats why Kobe was assigned to so many shots to get a chance at clinching a playoff spot) Think about it, had he not taken so many shots and scored those pts with games against dallas, raptors etc, they wouldn't have had a chance to clinch 7th spot, much less 8th spot. Those few games he was let loose were the deciding factor and had Phil not taken the gamble, he be out fishing with Kenny. PS:Capital Z, how can you talk about a simple term used on a network when you don't even have cable? What you ought to be focusing on is How in the world would my team stop the one man show of Nocioni?
  25. LayZie G.


    Capital Z, I really don't understand why you are even talking about me flip flopping all the time. If Phil didn't come back with the lakers, do you actually think they would have clinched a playoff this season? Who are you kidding? Look where they ended up @last season. This is a well coached team who isn't as lost as they were last year. Who do you think is enforcing all of the outstanding plays, who is the master mind behind of it all? Kobe just makes the shots that are drawn to him. Phil is overrated but he has tendency to irritate the hell out of me at the same time, I have been hating on his style of coaching since the bulls days when he knocked off Karl and the jazz, back then I was routing for the Jazz and Karl malone but in any regards, this coach, doesnt matter how much I hate on him, he deserves all the respect in the world, he knows what he is doing and has proven time and time again, but Ima continue to hate on the lakers. Kobe has no choice but to play team game, it doesn't mean he is a team player, he just doesn't have a choice anymore. He knows he can't get anywhere with him taking 99.9% of the shots. Again, I repeat, good series, but LAKERS AINT GOING ANYWHERE.